How this mmr thing works? (or dont)

How this mmr thing works? (or dont)

in PvP

Posted by: Rantaine.4759


I started this season in amber, didnt play much season 4. Besides the season 5 launch day, when I played around 15 matches, I kept just doing 1 match per day, for my dailies and those nice new ranked rewards. (already got my legendary wings). Till I got to half emerald, it was quite as always been for me: around 2 wins – 1 loss, and a few win streaks here and there. Then things started going down. Badly.

I had my first loss streak with 6 games straight. Just bad luck, I thought. Than 1 win. And another loss streak. One more win. And another loss streak.

Then I decided to play more than one daily match to see what was going on. And the thing is, even when I win, my teammates are evidently inferior to the adversary. Usually there’s 1 other decent guy, and the rest is getting crushed running around in panic. I’m no pro, I’m just the average player with 4 years experience to see what’s going on.

So, my question is: why? Been like 50 matches like this, I know it can’t be just bad luck and I’m indeed getting team’d up with players less skilled than the other team. I’m not really upset since I already got my wings and I pvp mostly for dailies, but I’d like to know if that’s how it’s supposed to work.


(edited by Rantaine.4759)

How this mmr thing works? (or dont)

in PvP

Posted by: Spoichiche.1290


How this mmr thing works? (or dont)

in PvP

Posted by: Rantaine.4759


I guess there’s no short explanation for this. But I’ll take my time to read asa I can. Thanks!

How this mmr thing works? (or dont)

in PvP

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


I can give you the TL;DR answer to your question: if your team has bad players in it, there is a greater chance those same bad players are going to be placed in the other team next round than placed with you again.

So: MMR is an approximation of your skill, and because there is an even or better-than-even chance the bad players hold back the other team more than they hold back your team, there is no reason you will get stuck with a low MMR long term other than that being an accurate representation of your own personal skill.