I have been playing warrior since the game launched in PvP I love the class. It makes me sad panda that even trying really hard, they just don’t seem quite worth it to bring in a serious tourney. Too much of a liability and requires too much babysitting by the team to do much. There have been a couple of threads with suggested changes but given how much I’ve played warrior I thought I’d take the time to think up my own ideas keeping with the flavor of the class Anet has.
Warriors rely on their large health pool to survive. Health as defense is very inefficient because it devalues healing as a percentage of health, and basically kills your sustain. Warrior healing needs a boost to compensate for that. Mending base healing should be increased by about 1k, it’s CD shortened by 1 sec per condition removed would be a cool, balanced bonus. Healing Surge can stay as is but the CD should be reduced to 25 seconds. Healing Signet active heal should be boosted by about 25% and the passive by 50%.
Brawn: The useless trait line. I like the idea of it gaining the functionality of the Adrenal Health trait to help bridge that health gap a bit, for every point invested you get 14 health regen every 3 seconds (420 every 3 sec total at 30 points), does not scale with healing power, rename trait line “Tenacity”.
Short Temper: Change it so the bonus also applies to attacks that get evaded or hit invulnerable targets, making it much more interesting.
Distracting Strikes: I think this trait should be scrapped, it’s terrible and does not fit, and swapped around with “Destruction of the Empowered” which is underpowered for a grandmaster trait and would fit better in this line.
Restorative Strength: Should also remove vulnerability.
Stick and Move: Damage bonus should be 5% rather than 3%.
Furious Reaction: Should trigger when the warrior is hit by a critical strike, not on taking over 10% health dmg, due to warrior larger health pool it currently barely procs in pvp and never does against condi classes with no big hits.
Rending Strikes: Chance should be upped to 50%.
Furious Speed: Chance should be upped to 33% with duration lowered to 2 sec.
Last Chance: This slot would take a new trait called “Infected Wounds” attacks against bleeding targets have a 33% chance to poison for 5 seconds (15 sec internal CD) Worthy of a grandmaster trait investment wise along which along with LB changes further down would make condi actually viable. “Last Chance” would move down to Grandmaster discipline line to take the place left by Destruction of the Empowered, duration can stay 4 seconds but ICD should be 60.
Adrenal Health: Gains a different functionality, every time the warrior uses a burst skill it gains 180+0.125 healing power of health for each adrenaline bar spent (so up to 3x that amount). This would create a dynamic balance between healing from “Tenacity” for holding on to adrenaline and spending it. Plus this line needs something that scales with healing power considering it’s a healing power trait line.
Empower Allies: Should also affect the warrior, in fact, that should be the case with all ally stat increasing traits, I don’t understand why it isn’t, it’s not as if the amount is that high.
Stronger Bows Strings and Burning Arrows: Should be combined into a single master level trait, then “Shrug It Off” should be moved in it’s place as an adept trait. This would open up a slot for a new master trait called “Mighty General” which would grant the warrior 1 stack of might for 8 seconds each time he used a shout to all allies in range.
Reviver’s Might: Get scrapped because it’s awful, “Fast Healer” should take its place, reflecting a better positioning for a more defensive warrior investing 30 in the line. The master minor trait needs to be more all around useful and work well with the buff themed tree, my idea is a trait called “Tactician’s Eye” that grants one strike of adrenaline every time the warrior grants someone a boon.
Vigorous Focus: Change vigor duration gained to 10 sec across all stances, most of them have a pretty long CD so this needs to be a decent duration to be worth picking up.
Berserker Stance: Needs to do more, Signet of Fury is actually a better adrenaline generator and has a great passive. I think this is a great candidate for another condi removal as has been suggested. It should remove 1 condition at cast then another every 5 second for the duration for a total of 2, or 3 with the Sure Footed trait.
Endure Pain: Cooldown needs to be brought down to 70 seconds, it’s strong however not making you immune to condis or CC’s makes the 90 sec CD excessive.
Dolyak Signet: Make it instant cast and a stun breaker, however, increase CD to 70 seconds and make the stability only last 4 seconds. This would make it a viable alternative for balanced stance while still having disadvantages over it.
(edited by Julius.1094)