How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


There is a way to make spvp and gvg work together, and matter to players. Most pvpers are actually in wvw, this should be known to all. While gvg meta has its own issues, it has been evolving naturally and the scene has exploded. People love it. Players want gvg to be supported by devs, this much is clear.

There should be an instanced area between borderlands for gvg. Spvp mists should be scrapped or just reserved for training, and reintroduced in this instance as 5v5 with small objectives that add to the server’s PPT. No gear or level requirement, like in spvp.

Other gvg instances (in the same geographical area, maybe even a sky arena map) will be 15v15 and 20v20 and will work with pve gear and levels.

Players will be physically present to spectate like we do in gvgs currently. Matches would occur throughout the day at least a few times in order to not pull people out of wvw for too long. An announcement would come up calling for server representatives (guilds) to defend the objectives in the gvg instances.

Spvp combined with conquest is meaningless. Gw2 is way better balanced around DM. Most profs, and many specs are viable in DM (currently gvg). There could be SIDE objectives that require mobility, bunkering, bursting, supporting etc, but these would not be the focus.

This would basically consolidate pvpers and encourage them to contribute to server ppt game and get rewards based on that (gold, gems, laurels, ascended gear etc). Game balance would literally experience a rebirth and pvp scene would explode.

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


You can’t have your 20vs20 ‘gvg’ as a gamemode like conquest, because it would be impossible to split balance then.

Either have you ‘gvg’ in pve/wvw or make a proper gw1 gvg, which is smaller scale and can share balance with conquest.

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


It’s not a game mode. It would basically be a small map to fight over or something along those lines. But to allow more guilds to take part, there could be several instances occurring simultaneously.

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Oh boy… please no.

I’ve been dreading the day, the WvW GvG community would come into our pvp forums.

They should just give you guys a giant circle that only the two teams get into. Nothing more.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


The 5v5 as u know it and understand it would just be carried over into a small map that has a different objective. Could be dm, could be defending a lord, or escorting an importany dolyak.

So few people actually like and enjoy conquest. And the spvp pop is small, shrinking (after pax failure) and contributes nothing to the company.

Clearly gvg is the future. But spvp assets and ideas could be carried over

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Oh boy… please no.

I’ve been dreading the day, the WvW GvG community would come into our pvp forums.

They should just give you guys a giant circle that only the two teams get into. Nothing more.

I guess you didn’t see the thread 1 month ago. There were suggestions about this before but everyone decided to move to the suggestions forum where the thread was buried.
And it’s not like the current WvW GvG needs anything more than a giant circle for a map tbh. It’s huge deathmatch, does it need a pretty map?
Sadly, simply making a map doesn’t solve the problems. Where will it be? What game balance will it use? Will there be set gear like sPvP or will people use PvE gear?

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


It’s not pve discussion because 5v5 gvg would not have a gear/level requirement.

15v15 and 20v20 should continue to function with pve gear because it enables many different builds to be effective.

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


I don’t have problems with it if it stays in WvW and WvW related. It should be a casual pvp thing catered to the mass-guilds in WvW.

But they shouldn’t try and make it competitive or what not. I mean, they can’t be that stupid, right? Is there any competitive game out there, that uses a 15 v 15 format? Let alone a pure deathmatch format?

Like I said, it should be a small side feature for those who want it tied in with WvW. Nothing more, nothing less.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


Just drop the “competitive” part. It’s bs. It needs to arise naturally, from a fun mode everyone enjoys.

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

If you watched the recent shoutcast of the match of Scnd and VII, you may understand that for a viewer, whether WvW or PvP, it is not really easy to notice what is going on. With higher numbers of characters, the amount of effects and particles rises.
It is fun and understandable if you play it, but watching matches like the PAX finals and that GvG feels horrible to me.
Regarding GvG, there will be different builds than we have in sPvP. Mainly for minimizing/maximizing stats and no points to keep care of. I assume there will be complaints too.

What we need is a split balance, there is really no way around. We have different numbers of Stats in PvP. Conquest is being played differently than Death-match too.

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


GvG is also 5v5 I would say its the most common form of GvGs. Has it own meta, cheese auto play build like spirit rangers dont have a place in it. Super tanks dont really have a place need a balance of defense damage condi to do well.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: Wryog.5073


For some reason I’d prefer (the “WvW”) GvG to NOT be developed as a competitive game mode. Maybe it’s because of what happened to sPvP. Maybe it’s because what happened to LoL.
Just leave it to develop piece by piece and see where it goes. No esports rush on this, please.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Wryog.5073)

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


The PVE lobby in this game is too strong; We as the pvp community should learn from them and start invading their forums and asking for PVE rewards in sPVP or other such things.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


For some reason I’d prefer (the “WvW”) GvG to NOT be developed as a competitive game mode. Maybe it’s because of what happened to sPvP. Maybe it’s because what happened to LoL.
Just leave it to develop piece by piece and see where it goes. No esports rush on this, please.

Agree, GvG is growing without and probably because Anet is not involved in it.

You will see alot of GvG fan posting because we worry Anet is trying to kill such a popular game mode build by the community…..with Orbs.

Give us a space to fight with no Orbs and with our PvE gear. Reason for PvE gear is its gives a wide range of build choices for classes leading many viable builds for classes.
PvP build and gear options are wayyyyyyy to narrow.

Just a simple option to turn off the Orb buffs would be great… assuming they are visable to foes. We dont even need a special space we already picked one.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: Wryog.5073


You actually should. Maybe not on the PvE forums, but sPvP needs better rewards. Even if they’re PvE rewards.
Edit: sorry, forgot to quote. I was replying to Darnis.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

How to Make sPVP & GvG Matter

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


How to make sPvP matter:
Favour of the Gods.
PvErs can’t do anything high level without favour of the gods.
Favour of the gods is earned in pvp.

Oh … wait … that’s Guild Wars 1 my bad, that good idea was scratched for Guild Wars 2. Dunno why.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows