(edited by UBcktieDL.5318)
How to balance pvp according to forums:
would see again
engi part gud
I would honestly be happy if they just put some thought behind the builds.
Like why is mace/shield do more damage then axe and more condi damage then sword.(warrior)
Its like Anet said heck with it, 1 meta build per class and we are good.
You forgot to nerf ranger pets and make a dps else with sustain.
- Removed reflect mechanics. Ranger longbow projectiles are unblockable and bounce between 5 targets.
- Decreased movement speed of Thief by 50%
- If someone stands on close for over 10 seconds without fighting an enemy, the player will be automatically reported and banned for the rest of the season
- Decreased Mesmer portal range to 2000
- Added an algorithm that determines the best player of the match. This player won’t loose rating if the match is lost.
- The best player will be the one, who uses the majority of swear words. The capslock usage will also be tracked.
- Added daily balance patches according to “XXX is OP” – forum threads
- Warrior can no longer heal. Removed Endure Pain.
- Removed ESL tournaments. Because of the additional resources, a new Living World episode will be released every week.
- If you duoQ, MMR gain will be halved and loss will be doubled because it’s so unfair
- Removed condition damage
I would honestly be happy if they just put some thought behind the builds.
Like why is mace/shield do more damage then axe and more condi damage then sword.(warrior)
Its like Anet said heck with it, 1 meta build per class and we are good.
This is why Anet disregards most forum posts for balance. Not pointing fingers at your personally but assumptions like this are really common.
Axe f1 has nearly double the base damage of mace and has a higher per point power increase (1.5 for mace amd 2.5 for axe). You take the mace for the stun not the damage itself. The damage hurts yeah, but axe does an insane amount more damage. On top of that the axe does larger cleave based on the shock wave.
Low base power but the condi damage is much higher then mace assuming it hits. Its also a projectile and is well burn based…. burns hurt…. A lot.
Meta is also made by players not Anet, there are plenty of viable builds that arent meta. The general role of meta is to assign a job for your class that works well in a coordinated team, if you have a clear understanding of your class, the current meta and PVP in general you can easily make PVP builds that work as well and in some cases better then meta for solo queue.
(edited by Nickzor.2453)
1. Pulmonary Impact now has 15s CD
2. Necromancer gets 20% reduced damage for every person who attacked him in the last 5 seconds (minimi i always get focused first)
3. Mesmer moa no longer transforms enemy into a moa. Instead, it gives them rampage for 6 seconds.
4. DH traps can no longer be placed on capture points.
5. Every “passive” trait in the game is removed and get replaced by percentate damage or defense modifiers. Example: Chill of death now increases damage against chilled targets by 5%. No longer procs spinal shivers. Consequences to pve and wvw are ignored. Skillful gameplay is finally achieved.
6. Fixed a bug allowing players to create an engineer..
.619. Fixed a server crash
Make the dmg reduction on nec 25% and its balanced :^)
This thread is pure gold.
Fixed a bug where revenant could use Unrelenting Assault.
Revenant now takes 500 damage when evading an attack immediately after blocking one.
Riposting Shadows now cost 50 energy.
Surge of the Mists no longer evades attacks and cannot knockback more than a single enemy at a time.
Alright that’s my share for this.
Top 25 solo condi rev S7
Stop it. The balance monkeys will see this and might actually do it. You know they don’t get sarcasm. They’ll be like..
Best one :
- Added 500 toughness on every class to make combat less threatening
Yes this is real. There is a thread with 31+ posts about it. I know the majority is against it, but the fact that there is a discussion on such a topic creeps me out. Have you ever had a midfight against druid-engi-ele-comp while thinking: “This could be a lot more fun with more toughness”.
There is no hope.
6. Fixed a bug allowing players to create an engineer.
Love it
You forgot: All attacks always hit regardless of blocking, invulnerability, and evade.
Best one :
- Added 500 toughness on every class to make combat less threatening
Yes this is real. There is a thread with 31+ posts about it. I know the majority is against it, but the fact that there is a discussion on such a topic creeps me out. Have you ever had a midfight against druid-engi-ele-comp while thinking: “This could be a lot more fun with more toughness”.
There is no hope.
It’s not really a discussion, it’s more 15 people telling the OP that the proposition will solve nothing….
Best one :
- Added 500 toughness on every class to make combat less threatening
Yes this is real. There is a thread with 31+ posts about it. I know the majority is against it, but the fact that there is a discussion on such a topic creeps me out. Have you ever had a midfight against druid-engi-ele-comp while thinking: “This could be a lot more fun with more toughness”.
There is no hope.
It’s not really a discussion, it’s more 15 people telling the OP that the proposition will solve nothing….
These forums have pretty low standards, I think that counts.