How to deal with bad/noob people in soloQ?

How to deal with bad/noob people in soloQ?

in PvP

Posted by: Riccardo.7254


i know..
the correct answer is “find a good team and play TeamQ”
but if your dudes are not online what should you do?
it takes 5+ min to enter a soloQ match and things usually end up like this:

me: “any strategy?”
(time later)
me:“i’ll go X and hold”
(more time later)
me:“your strategy?”
and the match begins..

i do my stuff just to see 4 people just roaming around tryin to kill others and being mauled badly.
these matches usually end 500-150

so how to deal with uncoordinated groups?
im a little bit tired of loosing

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How to deal with bad/noob people in soloQ?

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


It’s very hard if your teammates are overall really that bad AND refuse to listen/communicate. But here are somethings I try on my own that tends to help:

- Always fight with the team and let the 5th guy take care of home whereever else. If you are confident you are better player, helping and winning the teamfight will be a lot more impactful than doing the solo points
- React to lost fights quicker than everyone in the fight. If you can always peel off in time and sneakily move to a far point or back home to regroup, it’ll mitigate your losses at least
- Communicate often. Sometimes people won’t type anything but they’ll still read what you type.

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How to deal with bad/noob people in soloQ?

in PvP

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


It’s a tough situation to be sure. If all four of your teammates aren’t playing well, I’d say it’s mostly just bad luck and there isn’t too much you can do. However, if it’s only one or two, I’d say try and keep an eye on them. Oftentimes they don’t necessarily have bad strategy, they just don’t have the greatest of strategies. As much as it pains you to do it, you may have to submit to their lesser strategy and just hope things work out.

In general, solo que has just caused me too many face palms to count. So instead of always playing to win, I’d say just try to think about it from a different perspective. Play to better yourself, and just to have fun. Many times I’ve been slaughtered because my team wasn’t very efficient, but I, myself, was kicking butt. It was a fun match in the end even though I lost and I felt good because I knew I’d played my best.

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How to deal with bad/noob people in soloQ?

in PvP

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


thats why its called yolo queue. if you keep playing it , you will start to be paired with players that are on your level. you will start to win only 50% of your matches such is the nature of competitive play and matchmaking.

How to deal with bad/noob people in soloQ?

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Jump on a build that can 3v1 and carry. Then pray they are smart enough to go cap other points 2v4
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(edited by kirito.4138)