How to get back into PvP
Hey there.
The matchmaking was recently changed and the leaderboards ratings were reset. A lot of people seem to agree that new-ratings are a bit high, hence you’ll probably be fine when your rating adjusts.
The build you linked is a good one, so keep practicing and trying to improve! Sometimes you will have terrible luck! Which can’t be helped…In this case I advise taking a break :p (from personal experience it really helps).
eles are useless now
[Mada] Apocryfia
Speaking from my experiences as a bunker guard back when game first launched to playing it after coming back for the 12/10 patch.
While the Guardian itself has not changed much, there are certainly a lot more offensive threats than before (lulz power creep). Especially with a lot of condi specs being much more lethal than thy used to be. You really have to be on top of choosing what an when to cleanse conditions. If you’re playing against a good team and blow shelter with poison up, very likely you will get obliterated. You want to avoid that as much as possible, unless you’re overwhelmed, try to save at least one cleanse to get clean heals off. Remember instants like shouts can be used mid block on Shelter to negate any existing condis like poison while blocking new ones from getting to ya.
Welcome back and GL
Going 0/5/30/30/5 might increase your survivability in teamfights, staff and mace (and maybe focus) can heal a lot in teamfights. Since warriors became more popular the extra stab isnt that important anymore imo.