First off, I’m a big fan of GW since GW1 and I enjoy spvp very much in version 2.0. Insults don’t faze me. Threats make me laugh. I just enjoy the game for the challenge it presents. Now, that doesn’t mean I think everything is just dandy. There are some irritants, notably the “git gud” kiddies who think that any criticism they don’t like is an indication of poor skillz and easy fodder for their pent-up rage.
I really like the newly introduced option to join the team you played with in the next match. However, most times I find that some of my partners spent much of the gameplay time dissing their teammates or sulking at spawn. The option should be to join the team you liked, whether it was yours or the opposing team. This would be an invaluable information for the devs to know which team played best, regardless of the outcome.
Think about that.