How to make sPvP popular/competitve- ELO

How to make sPvP popular/competitve- ELO

in PvP

Posted by: Cam Ron.4170

Cam Ron.4170

The premier “competitive” game titles have some sort of ranking system that lets an inidividual know how they compare with others in the game. It is asinine that Areanet has not implemented EARNED BY TIME PLAYED. This means, a player that has 10 wins and 1000 losses, will surely be a higher rank than someone with 200 wins 10 losses. How are we to compare ourselves to others?

Most people that play PvP are competitive by nature, and the current system doesn’t alow for long-term competition (climbing elo-ladder). Instead, the competiton ends when that individual match does. I understand Anet wants to keep game casual, but would a rankign system really deter and upset casual gamers? I doubt it.

I recommend an ELO system similar to the one in WvW, but for individual players in sPvP tournaments. Even if they only apply it for paid tournaments, I feel it would be a great addition

How to make sPvP popular/competitve- ELO

in PvP

Posted by: Magnus Pym.2356

Magnus Pym.2356

GW2 already has a way to see how many matches were played, and how many of these matches were won. Look in your PvP tab. Obviously, randoms are insignificant in terms of statistics, but tournament stats might be good to see who likes to loose, and who likes to win.

A guy with 200 tourny matches played, and 20 won, is a guy that LIKES loosing, and that will not bother with the intricacies and strategies needed to actually win against an organized team or the elites out there. He just wants to get out there and get owned.

This following video applies to them.

How to make sPvP popular/competitve- ELO

in PvP

Posted by: Gallifreyan.1467


Yeah there needs to be more structure to the pvp system for the pvp to be taken seriously. (the game was advertised as a big ole pvp game and future E-sport wasn’t it?)

People like to see their rank world wide/region wide.

hot joins/servers could be considered non-ranked normals

Frees could become ranked solo/duo queue so teams can’t stomp pubs and get rank that way, it also makes for a more fair environment which people would enjoy more.

Paids could have cost removed and become ranked 5v5 Team Tourney

Also punishments for AFK/leaving ranked games would help deter that problem that is already quite bad.