How to progress from emerald to ruby. Guide.
This is why they should make it so you can lose pips, tiers and divisions immediately after Amber.
Or just take out the 2 pips for braking a losing streak.
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If I can choose to win the fourth match, why wouldn’t also choose to win the first three? OP pls ur funny but not really.
lol…yes try that…on 4th match your mmr will be so low that in your team you have 4 bots.
If I can choose to win the fourth match, why wouldn’t also choose to win the first three? OP pls ur funny but not really.
Cause of effort you have to put into winning 3.
lol…yes try that…on 4th match your mmr will be so low that in your team you have 4 bots.
mmr? what is that?
You can have 3 easy to win matches and then a match against a much better team. You have no control over how much effort it will take to win those matches. It would be stupid to intentionally lose.
MMR = match making rating
You can have 3 easy to win matches and then a match against a much better team. You have no control over how much effort it will take to win those matches. It would be stupid to intentionally lose.
MMR = match making rating
and /s means sarcasm
You are paired with teammates in your MMR range (if same division/tier).
I you loose your MMR lowers and so the skill of yout teammates will also lower.
since you are fighting more or less random other teams, it will get harder and harder to win.