I Guess Solo Queue is True to it's Name
Sounds like people have given up on SoloQ until the matchmaking is changed. Very few must be playing.
They got one team full, but there were not enough people to fill the second.
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)
Those indoor plants, are you a gardener?
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz
www.twitch.tv/Follidus – Team Absolute Legends
interessting chat
interesting people draw interesting chat >>
Somehow dishonor is working?
Lots of people still have to play/test solo q. I believe this will get better. I haven’t had any leaver in my last 10 matches, but I have an above average rating so things are better in that area.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
This was supposed to be the patch that gave some hope to pvp in GW2. Instead it may well be another nail in the coffin lid.
In what world does it make sense to have a solo queue system that doesn’t randomize players onto teams?
In what world does it make sense to have a solo queue match with only 6 players but not to auto-balance the match so that 3 players are on each team?
Only in the GW2 world it seems.
Clearly, the solo queue system was designed for something other than randomly assigning players to matches AND teams (AND having an even fight numbers-wise). It’s like they replicated the exact system from team queue for solo queue. This is a colossal fail. I was so excited for solo queue but until it’s fixed I’m shifting my time to other things. I guess that should read “if it’s ever fixed” because for all we know it’s working as intended.
Solo queue should not start untill there are 5 players on both teams. Simple as that. If a player leaves, the game gets delayed and the player who left gains dishonor.
4v5 is also a pretty guaranteed win. I’ve played at least 5 matches on 4v5/5v4 and the team with 5 always won. There isnt much fun at playing a game when you already know which team is going to win before it even starts…
You guys need to play more for the matchmaking to even out. Solo Arena was launched with everyone having the same rating, it’s only natural that it feel unbalanced right now because people need to work their way into their places on the ladder.
Also, we’re monitoring leavers and will adjust dishonored if necessary.
I think this problems stems from the idea you can queue up for Solo Q from anywhere in the game.
Take for example someone is roaming around PvE and queues up. Five minutes go by and they are still in queue and end up doing something worth while in PvE, say Fractals or something. Finally they get the notice that they got a Solo Q team but now they’re stuck with a choice: quit on their PvE team or ignore Solo Q. It’s easier to just queue up again after the Fractals run.
I’m not sure if Dishonored counts for this. Honestly I think something like districts GW1 in the Mists would work better; group all PvP players from all worlds together. That would make for a more active Mists.
EDIT: This is to say if you loaded into a 1vs5 and not 4 leavers.
I cannot believe this is happening. This isn’t the first time this has happened, and i doubt it will be the last. Load into a 1v5, amazing.
I’m more interested in this chat conversation.
Do these guys realize you posted screenshot of them talking about weed?
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
You guys need to play more for the matchmaking to even out. Solo Arena was launched with everyone having the same rating, it’s only natural that it feel unbalanced right now because people need to work their way into their places on the ladder.
Also, we’re monitoring leavers and will adjust dishonored if necessary.
I’m not complaining about the actual match-ups, I understand that’s going to take a while to even out, but loading in completely alone is a different issue altogether.
You guys need to play more for the matchmaking to even out. Solo Arena was launched with everyone having the same rating, it’s only natural that it feel unbalanced right now because people need to work their way into their places on the ladder.
Also, we’re monitoring leavers and will adjust dishonored if necessary.
GW2 is a team based game. Lets say we have a fight between 5xr40 and 4xr40+AFK/Leaver/r5 scrub, the chance to win this is close to 0. So this 1 guy obviously killed the rating of the other 4, despite they probably did there best. If this happen alot , people get caught between the scrubs, while lucky ones stay on top. This leads me to the rating system… I dont trust it…its invisible and that implies it cannot be that good, otherwise you would be proud and want to show it to the crowd. Best example Azshene stays on top with: 11-0 Thats a good streak but comparing it for example to Shad, Zyn or even Wiwra his streak is kind of meh, because these guys (and girls) have proven that they win continuously. It simply cannot be that they stuck behind a guy which reached the top with minimum of possible games.
There are obvious flaws – And the phrase “When we do it, we do it right” of arenanet obviously excludes pvp. Another example – Foefire loading screen is still bugged and what are you doing? Fixing some lame pve stuff (ah and therefore we cannot enter tourneys for 20-30 minutes.)
Did you win Narcin?
Did you win Narcin?
He did. A testament that one player CAN carry a team.
/wishful thinking
Dishonored does count for that scenario, ThatShortGuy.4672. If a player never joins when the queue pops, they will receive dishonored.
lol I wish when stuff like this happened (1v5) that one player should harnass the power of 5 players into one would be fun to see.
Jade quarry, MoG
Well 5v1 you don’t even need to fight, just to cap points behind the only opponent ^^
Contact : sangoriagw2@gmail.com
You guys need to play more for the matchmaking to even out. Solo Arena was launched with everyone having the same rating, it’s only natural that it feel unbalanced right now because people need to work their way into their places on the ladder.
Also, we’re monitoring leavers and will adjust dishonored if necessary.
GW2 is a team based game. Lets say we have a fight between 5xr40 and 4xr40+AFK/Leaver/r5 scrub, the chance to win this is close to 0. So this 1 guy obviously killed the rating of the other 4, despite they probably did there best. If this happen alot , people get caught between the scrubs, while lucky ones stay on top. This leads me to the rating system… I dont trust it…its invisible and that implies it cannot be that good, otherwise you would be proud and want to show it to the crowd. Best example Azshene stays on top with: 11-0 Thats a good streak but comparing it for example to Shad, Zyn or even Wiwra his streak is kind of meh, because these guys (and girls) have proven that they win continuously. It simply cannot be that they stuck behind a guy which reached the top with minimum of possible games.
There are obvious flaws – And the phrase “When we do it, we do it right” of arenanet obviously excludes pvp. Another example – Foefire loading screen is still bugged and what are you doing? Fixing some lame pve stuff (ah and therefore we cannot enter tourneys for 20-30 minutes.)
It’s invisible for a variety of reasons, none of which being that it’s “not good” as you put it.
As for Foefire, a hotfix for that is coming. Aside from that, PvP and PvE teams are separate. Just because things are being fixed in PvE, doesn’t mean they aren’t being fixed in PvP. We don’t all do the same job on the same thing all at once.
We can’t control people not showing up for matches. All we can do is make the incentive to join matches higher than the incentive to not to join or leave.
I cannot believe this is happening. This isn’t the first time this has happened, and i doubt it will be the last. Load into a 1v5, amazing.
I’m more interested in this chat conversation.
Do these guys realize you posted screenshot of them talking about weed?
ROFL! Always close your chat box before taking screenshots.
And what about no change to the rating of players in a team with less than 5 members ? Seems legit imo
Contact : sangoriagw2@gmail.com
But you can actually make a match NOT start if the number of players is uneven. So if its a no show, just wait untill someone else joins.
That makes 2 suggestion, + the already functionning dishonored buff it could definitely improve soloQ
Contact : sangoriagw2@gmail.com
Its actually very simple to do this. Here is how i, as a developer (not for anet) would do it (in no language in particular):
function checkGameStart(timer, teamA, teamB){
if(teamA.players == teamB.players)
timer.clock += 15
return false
And i would call this every time that clocks gets to 0. Voila
(edited by teonimesic.1403)
Just to improve my previous post, i would rather have to wait a few seconds more to have an even number of players, than start a RANKED match with uneven number of players. I cant say how frustated i get when the match starts and im on a team with less players
Dishonored does count for that scenario, ThatShortGuy.4672. If a player never joins when the queue pops, they will receive dishonored.
I wish i could believe that 4 people got dishonored but I find it EXTREMELY difficult that 4 people decided not to join all on the same team. I happen to believe that the queue system is broken and somehow I DIDN’T get paired with anyone.
Its actually very simple to do this. Here is how i, as a developer (not for anet) would do it (in no language in particular):
function checkGameStart(timer, teamA, teamB){
if(teamA.players == teamB.players)
timer.clock += 15
return false
}And i would call this every time that clocks gets to 0. Voila
Need to set your function to return a boolean otherwise your return false is going to error out.
Also, just to nitpick, it would be teamA.players.count == teamB.players.count.
And if you wanted to be even nicer about it. Loop and confirm each side has readied up. If not, provide 1 extra minute before a forced start.
Its actually very simple to do this. Here is how i, as a developer (not for anet) would do it (in no language in particular):
function checkGameStart(timer, teamA, teamB){
if(teamA.players == teamB.players)
timer.clock += 15
return false
}And i would call this every time that clocks gets to 0. Voila
Need to set your function to return a boolean otherwise your return false is going to error out.
Also, just to nitpick, it would be teamA.players.count == teamB.players.count.
And if you wanted to be even nicer about it. Loop and confirm each side has readied up. If not, provide 1 extra minute before a forced start.
Not really, as i said, this was in no language in particular… Dynamic languages such as Ruby or javascript do not need a type declaration on them. You can return whatever. I agree with your second remark thought, players was a bad name for a integer variable, it should either be playersCount or players.count
i m rather sad that i can not rly enjoy playing with my gf anymore since when we play team queue we are often in a disadvantage when we play 2 vs premade and have some other randoms.
Its actually very simple to do this. Here is how i, as a developer (not for anet) would do it (in no language in particular):
function checkGameStart(timer, teamA, teamB){
if(teamA.players == teamB.players)
timer.clock += 15
return false
}And i would call this every time that clocks gets to 0. Voila
Need to set your function to return a boolean otherwise your return false is going to error out.
Also, just to nitpick, it would be teamA.players.count == teamB.players.count.
And if you wanted to be even nicer about it. Loop and confirm each side has readied up. If not, provide 1 extra minute before a forced start.
Not really, as i said, this was in no language in particular… Dynamic languages such as Ruby or javascript do not need a type declaration on them. You can return whatever
. I agree with your second remark thought, players was a bad name for a integer variable, it should either be playersCount or players.count
I stand corrected Been programming in .Net all day today so I immediately jumped to that based on what you had wrote.
You guys need to play more for the matchmaking to even out. Solo Arena was launched with everyone having the same rating, it’s only natural that it feel unbalanced right now because people need to work their way into their places on the ladder.
Also, we’re monitoring leavers and will adjust dishonored if necessary.
Will do, Iv’e been playing solo arena every day. Thanks for keeping up the good work and fixing things as necessary. You guys rock!
It’s invisible for a variety of reasons, none of which being that it’s “not good” as you put it.
As for Foefire, a hotfix for that is coming. Aside from that, PvP and PvE teams are separate. Just because things are being fixed in PvE, doesn’t mean they aren’t being fixed in PvP. We don’t all do the same job on the same thing all at once.
We can’t control people not showing up for matches. All we can do is make the incentive to join matches higher than the incentive to not to join or leave.
Then you should start working on making the one thats actually visible be some sort of a representation of skill, and not time spent grinding hotjoins and what not. Yes Im talking about the awesome PvP Rank.
In a game that strives to be grind-free, linking PvP to a massive time dump instead of gameplay is just an absurd. And this is only for cosmetic rewards. An equal cosmetic reward in PvE would take max 2 days (CoF armor in PvE compared to PvP)
Not to mention the ammount of weapon skins unique to PvE: fractal weapons, event weapon skins that we must pve to use in pvp, and the new batch of champion loot weapons also unique to pve.
This is all a wondeful way to incentivize people to keep playing, for sure
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
You guys need to play more for the matchmaking to even out. Solo Arena was launched with everyone having the same rating, it’s only natural that it feel unbalanced right now because people need to work their way into their places on the ladder.
Also, we’re monitoring leavers and will adjust dishonored if necessary.
You mean rating, don’t talk kitten about matchmaking because your matchmaking is a joke.
If anything your matchmaking puts the top 100 leaderboard players together and puts them against the 101-500 leaderboard players. Don’t tell me jack squat about you match make on hidden rating because in image 1 all those guys are clearly in the top 100 solo que leaderboards. They are also much higher rank than us as well.
Stacked rating team, stacked rank team, you matchmaking is a joke don’t even talk good about it and tell us to wait for it to even out before we see good matches.
I been on 10+ game losing streaks to terrible matchups like that.
I already knew your matchmaking was a joke before the solo que, before the last solo que system was implemented, I knew it was a joke 4 months from now, and if you ask a lot of others about your matchmaking they’d tell you its a joke as well, just goto hearts of mist and listen you’ll hear people rage over this joke kitten matchmaking.
You need to do something and fix it, I’ve waited 4 months for things “to settle” so I get good matches. I waited months for things “to settle” so I can see my own rating. Theres no need to wait any longer, I’m not going to wait 4 years “for things to settle” I’ll be playing a different game 4 years from now at that rate.
I cannot believe this is happening. This isn’t the first time this has happened, and i doubt it will be the last. Load into a 1v5, amazing.
Oh hi there Narcin, you might want to cover up the chat before posting a screenshot, i now know that Joe goes to school in Boston and they have some “good kitten” there, which i can only guess is referring to indoor plants.
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay
Those indoor plants, are you a gardener?
This made me giggle so bad
@uberkingkong Yeah problem is matchmaking tries to match you with teammates of equal rating and then enemies with equal rating, but because the playerbase is so low, it only has the small amount of players to work with and so it puts the ones with your rating on your team and because there are no more players Q’ing with similar ranking, it places on the enemy higher or lower rated players.
Matchmaking concept is fine, but doesnt work with a small playerbase.
@uberkingkong it hurts your point if you blank out and entire team in your screenshot, because it makes it impossible to compare ranks between players to confirm your point. I havent tried making a sum of both team’s ranks to see how good or bad matchmaking is right now, but i have a really bad feeling about it.
On my first day playing solo q, i lost 8 out of 10 matches. On my second day, i won 8 out of 10 matches. Same class, same build, same overall strategy. I did not tremendously improve over night
On my first day playing solo q, i lost 8 out of 10 matches. On my second day, i won 8 out of 10 matches. Same class, same build, same overall strategy. I did not tremendously improve over night
Doesn’t that actually mean that the matchmaking is working? On the first day, because the leaderboards are still bonkers when the top players have the same rating as you, they will stomp all kinds of games. Then the top players got better rating and moved up. Now you, who lost a lot of matches have a lower rating and you played with other lower rated people and won. At some point your rating should stabilize to your own level where your wins and defeats are about 50/50.
It’s invisible for a variety of reasons, none of which being that it’s “not good” as you put it.
As for Foefire, a hotfix for that is coming. Aside from that, PvP and PvE teams are separate. Just because things are being fixed in PvE, doesn’t mean they aren’t being fixed in PvP. We don’t all do the same job on the same thing all at once.
We can’t control people not showing up for matches. All we can do is make the incentive to join matches higher than the incentive to not to join or leave.
I would simply increase penalty + adding features to ensure that at least at the beginning every registered player is in the game. This must be an automated system to ensure that it cannot be abused (like a ready vote for instance).
Also, since alot of PVE start to q maybe add a pve penalty – When a player is not showing up he cannot kill NPCs for the next 60 minutes. Thus provide that recognise that submission to the roster is definite.
Regards to the PVP-PVE discussion: I agree that you have both pve and pvp teams but its not a secret that the size of both departments is not equal – Comparing PVP in GW1 and 2 there is a clearly shift in importance of pvp noticeable. Sadly
Thats of course not a fault of You or John, Evan, Karl or Jonathan – You do best to gets this game were it should be pvp wise ;-). But sometimes I feel sad, that if a new build is available, I instantly know that there is just PVE hotfixing (and for pvp balance changes I have to wait an entire month).
(edited by HPLT.7132)
@uberkingkong Yeah problem is matchmaking tries to match you with teammates of equal rating and then enemies with equal rating, but because the playerbase is so low, it only has the small amount of players to work with and so it puts the ones with your rating on your team and because there are no more players Q’ing with similar ranking, it places on the enemy higher or lower rated players.
Matchmaking concept is fine, but doesnt work with a small playerbase.
wtf that’s how it works? that’s a kittening joke right? How kitten am I suppose to get to higher rating if it stacks the team by having all those higher ratings together vs me and my equal lower than higher rating guys?
That’s like putting LeBron, kobe, howard, garnett and wade on same team vs a bunch of nobodies and saying to the nobodies when you can beat these guys enough times youll take there spot. it aint never going to happen, all they going to do is lose and lose some more. matchmaking needs to mix it up some guys from higher rating play with lower ratings and vice versa not stacked team bullkitten.
I already know they better than me, your matchmaking doesn’t need to make me lose 10 times plus IN A ROW just to prove a point that the high rating people can take out my lower rating team.
(edited by uberkingkong.8041)
Allie — Why even let a match begin before each side has 5 players zoned in?
Dishonor is great and all, but it doesn’t account for valid situations where a player may not join their match — such as disconnections or AFK. Dishonor does not make the experience of those in the match any better.
Don’t open the gates until each team has 5 players zoned in and ready. It’s worth waiting extra time for a fair game.
On my first day playing solo q, i lost 8 out of 10 matches. On my second day, i won 8 out of 10 matches. Same class, same build, same overall strategy. I did not tremendously improve over night
Doesn’t that actually mean that the matchmaking is working? On the first day, because the leaderboards are still bonkers when the top players have the same rating as you, they will stomp all kinds of games. Then the top players got better rating and moved up. Now you, who lost a lot of matches have a lower rating and you played with other lower rated people and won. At some point your rating should stabilize to your own level where your wins and defeats are about 50/50.
No it shouldnt. If in the beggining everything was random, than on 50% of the time i would have landed with those high ranked players and should have a near 50/50 ratio, because playing good or bad wouldnt affect the outcome as much. Comparatively speaking, if there were more better players than myself i would lose more than win, and if i was better then the average i would win more than what i would lose.
But for it to have a 8/10 means that i was way worse than everyone on first day, and way better than everyone on day 2. There is also a win/lose streak that some people have noticed, which happens when you queue just after entering a match. This will make you to stay on roughly the same team, and so if you had won before you are likely to win again, and if you lost before you are likely to lose again.
Since on both days i requeued without delay, i had streaks both on winning and losing. This isnt how it should happen.
This was supposed to be the patch that gave some hope to pvp in GW2. Instead it may well be another nail in the coffin lid.
In what world does it make sense to have a solo queue system that doesn’t randomize players onto teams?
In what world does it make sense to have a solo queue match with only 6 players but not to auto-balance the match so that 3 players are on each team?
Only in the GW2 world it seems.
Clearly, the solo queue system was designed for something other than randomly assigning players to matches AND teams (AND having an even fight numbers-wise). It’s like they replicated the exact system from team queue for solo queue. This is a colossal fail. I was so excited for solo queue but until it’s fixed I’m shifting my time to other things. I guess that should read “if it’s ever fixed” because for all we know it’s working as intended.
You would think with as much as they love adding RNG to everything else, it’d be cake to have it auto adjust imbalanced teams. Instead it’s implied its our fault for not playing enough.
If it starts 4 v 5 or less give the team with less people an ‘outnumbered’ buff. Like +10% extra damage, +10% crit chance/damage, +10% hp and +50 attribute bonus per missing teammate. If its like 1 v 5, that lone person should resemble a champion NPC, he should have +1000% hp, 100% crit chance, 100% crit dmg, defiant buff and the ability to summon NPC’s.
Or they could just force players to abandon the game after 1 minute if people not showing and put everyone back in the Q.
Psychogene, I am so freaking glad you are not a Game Developer.
Its quite simple. If a team starts down a player, or if a player leaves before a team has reached the halfway point mark, then the players on said team do not take a loss.
it seems like now you get grouped with 5 and then the mmr searches for another team.
in soloQ it shouldn’t work that way. it should search 10 player with equal rating and after all of them accepted the matchup they are put randomly in 2 teams.
even if 1 player doesn’t accept the matchup the system restarts searching again for 10 equal players.
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”
it was actually a 5v5 you were just so high you couldn’t see them
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>
Dishonored does count for that scenario, ThatShortGuy.4672. If a player never joins when the queue pops, they will receive dishonored.
That’s good to know! It does seem that the current Dishonoured system is not a big enough deterrent for the causal PvPer. You can blame the no-shows on the newness of Solo Q but, even with time, you’ll still see it happen — albeit on a smaller scale — as long as you can access the tournaments from anywhere in Tyria. Players will choose their current task, especially in PvE, over going to a totally different aspect of the game if queue times take more than a minute.
It’s invisible for a variety of reasons, none of which being that it’s “not good” as you put it.
Can you go over some of these reasons? I think it’s only fair to your players to explain why ArenaNet is hiding such an important number.