I Miss GW1's PvP

I Miss GW1's PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

I am a veteran of GW1 PvP and I have to say that I miss quirky builds such as touch ranger, trap ranger, 30/30 monk, riposte warrior. I miss dual professions which was an awesome gateway into some of the weirdest and most fun builds. Thanks to dual profession an elementalist can play pure tank, pure utility, or pure damage. You could even be an assassin!

I also miss dedicated healers! Call it old fashioned if you like but when your ally is a monk, then you know that you have someone in your team who actually cares about the condition of your character during the fight. In GW2 zerg fest, at least at the casual level, no one really cares or has the ability to do much about it when you get focused by the enemy team. There is usually a point during battles, when your skills are on cooldown where you realize you are going to get downed…times like those really make me miss having a monk, where even when thinks looked bleak, there was still hope.

There are a ton of other things I miss, 4v4, res signets, lack of zerg play. I also miss the old skill system. Binding skills to weapons make balancing easier however I actually enjoyed the constant patching of GW1, with each new balance update I got more toys to play with.

Anyway GW2 is a huge improvement over GW1 in almost every way except for PvP and the skills system and lack of dual profesions.

anyway, thanks

I Miss GW1's PvP

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Yeah i agree however i dont think dual professions is something this game really needs. It would totally change the game and i’d hate for them to start over now. Please just balance the classes first.
Im also very glad we dont have Monks running around anymore, unfortunately i dont see much of a difference with the Bunker builds we got now with insane self healing and downed ressing. Actually, all of those spammed knockbacks are more annoying than just a monk healing people.