I actually prefer the meta after the patch

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


On further reflection and play the meta sucks. Warriors are utterly dead. I tried to play it today. it is my favourite class and it sucks.

I would also like to see a significant reduction in the damage taken whilst in frenzy and now they nerfed quickness maybe they can finally make mending 30% more of a heal and maybe reduce the cd on endure pain to make it at least comparable with other professions skills like this.

P.s. why does a necro have a 90s cooldown to just get 6 seconds of protection (spectral armour) and yet an ele gets a 75s cooldown on becoming invulnerable for 3s. Its so unfair.

I would like to see mist form get a 90s cooldown tbh. I mean endure pain is WAY worse as its not invulnerbility and thats on a 90s cooldown. It is a joke. Its 100% worse than mist form and yet is on a longer cd lol.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


I would love to see Warriors Rampage (and eng elixir X) , with no cast time and used under CC-ed .
Combined with Superior Rune of Lyssa (+165 Precision + removes all condtion + get all buffs for 5 sec) , becoming a a free jail card , without the need to equip a stun breaker or condition removal :P

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I would love to see Warriors Rampage (and eng elixir X) , with no cast time and used under CC-ed .
Combined with Superior Rune of Lyssa (+165 Precision + removes all condtion + get all buffs for 5 sec) , becoming a a free jail card , without the need to equip a stun breaker or condition removal :P

Lyssa really is terrible imo because:
1, Then the warrior cant use signet of rage for mobility as much
2, It can easily get corrupt booned and then your dead

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


I see the problem with mobility
But ur boons last for 5 sec , so i am guessing u will have 5 sec condtions , but extra hp in the form
Bah stupid idea , sorry :P

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Necromancer’s Spectral Armor: 6s protection + life force + breaks stun; 90s cooldown.
Elementalist’s Armor of Earth: 6s protection + 6s stability + breaks stun; 90s cooldown.

I’m not sure how relevant life force is, but both skills seem to be in a similar position in theory. So let’s not compare apples to oranges (6s protection skills under 90s cooldown, with invulnerability).

Regarding Endure Pain, it allows you to to burst or do other weapon skills, unlike Mist Form. But although I don’t play a warrior, and I’m not aware of how good that skill is, Mist Form is perfectly fine at its current cooldown, IMO. Eles just happen to use it so often, because they desesperately need that kind of self-protection, due to their low natural defense, and there’s no worthwhile alternative. Plus, their cantrip traits are some of their best.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


The no warrior meta?

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Well think about it greatsword should have gotten the changes not necessarily haste… like making hundred blades get a small redo on how it functions, the speed of it altered a bit to be faster, the damage toned down to compensate. This gives it that balancing act, you tone down damage for the faster swings normally (then haste is a boost and the damage isn’t so high). Actually for this haste didn’t need a nerf it was retoning of the greatsword which was the problem itself.

I’d have to of been playing more often these days to give the full 100%‘s on what should have happened. This kind of toning would make you not need hast to pull it off, also make it not take your full hp when you do use it fully, and it would have made haste boost it up in speed when you did haste but it still wasn’t power wars type of thing.

Now I don’t even know what the current haste is like anymore. But with these kinds of adjustments done to that sword, the haste would have just been a boost to that sword, and not making it required for viability.

This would’ve been the healthy kind of balancing for all the classes like pistol whip and stuff too. It is kinda called balancing out for a reason if you put too much on one side of the scale without adding to the other you get imbalanced again (in a bad way if you are nerfing).

Now I kittening hated hundred blades and think something had to be done and that this was a bandaid for it, and that is perfectly fine.

What I am saying is not so much of a compensation as it is redoing the function of both the sword and haste to make them have a better flow and not be a one hitter quitter catching someone off guard. You shouldn’t kinda need one without the other is what I am saying and you shouldn’t be taking someones full hp upon landing the full thing should be achieved.

In order to achieve good fights quite a few things need some balancing acts done to them where you weigh out the nerf with a small compensation that redos the general way of the function.

If I were playing I could give you the exact percentages on both damage and increased attack speed nerf/buffs.

I’m thinking more with a gvg/arenas mind I really don’t know if one hitting will make for better conquest play or not. However if you are getting team fights then sure the arenas approach is great. That didn’t seem to be what I was getting though mostly roaming and ah I don’t want to be reminded of this right now.

TL;DR : The entire point of this is explaining that the greatsword being redone like the first paragraph would have made things like 100blades not as strong as far as damage it does, but it would have been a lot more viable each time you used it and haste would not have been required every time from it being so slow so you buff speed and decrease damage in a balancing act. The haste nerf wasn’t required for this to be balanced out nicely but did do a bandaid fix on it. People would not complain about haste if there wasn’t so much instant burst going along with it. Think gw1, hastelike skills were not a problem really.

Now if your guildwars 1 hammer was super slow and two hitting people and then you used frenzy with it, that would be a problem. & that problem stems from the hammers hp being a one hit wonder (only need one person for that spike!) and would break the game how we knew it, not frenzies problem or making it swing slower so you can still do the two hit kills, no that’s not the best way of doing things.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: hharry.1967


Yeh the balance sucked in the patch but to be honest I do prefer the meta after the patch. So maybe there was method to their madness.

Although I hope they wont put Ele Watch as a map till they fix it so that the team that wins isnt just the team with the most eles. Now quickness is nerfed the ranger is a lot worse orb carrier.

I would also like to see a significant reduction in the damage taken whilst in frenzy and now they nerfed quickness maybe they can finally make mending 30% more of a heal and maybe reduce the cd on endure pain to make it at least comparable with other professions skills like this.

P.s. why does a necro have a 90s cooldown to just get 6 seconds of protection (spectral armour) and yet an ele gets a 75s cooldown on becoming invulnerable for 3s. Its so unfair.

I would like to see mist form get a 90s cooldown tbh. I mean endure pain is WAY worse as its not invulnerbility and thats on a 90s cooldown. It is a joke. Its 100% worse than mist form and yet is on a longer cd lol.

Ok, give eles mist form 90s cd, but also give them heavy armor and 12k more base hp, deal? Somehow i thought this wasnt just another ele QQ thread… A good ranger can beat the crap out of an ele, actually anyone can! And hey, if the ele ran away, you actually won, since he left the point.

EDIT: Oh look at who made the post! /facepalm

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Yeh the balance sucked in the patch but to be honest I do prefer the meta after the patch. So maybe there was method to their madness.

Although I hope they wont put Ele Watch as a map till they fix it so that the team that wins isnt just the team with the most eles. Now quickness is nerfed the ranger is a lot worse orb carrier.

I would also like to see a significant reduction in the damage taken whilst in frenzy and now they nerfed quickness maybe they can finally make mending 30% more of a heal and maybe reduce the cd on endure pain to make it at least comparable with other professions skills like this.

P.s. why does a necro have a 90s cooldown to just get 6 seconds of protection (spectral armour) and yet an ele gets a 75s cooldown on becoming invulnerable for 3s. Its so unfair.

I would like to see mist form get a 90s cooldown tbh. I mean endure pain is WAY worse as its not invulnerbility and thats on a 90s cooldown. It is a joke. Its 100% worse than mist form and yet is on a longer cd lol.

Ok, give eles mist form 90s cd, but also give them heavy armor and 12k more base hp, deal? Somehow i thought this wasnt just another ele QQ thread… A good ranger can beat the crap out of an ele, actually anyone can! And hey, if the ele ran away, you actually won, since he left the point.

EDIT: Oh look at who made the post! /facepalm

Ok deal, then switch all skills and traits with warrior then?
We’re talking about a similar trait that is way superior than EVERYTHING ELSE.
Yeah, good players can beat ele right, but what if that ele is a good player too?

Stop attributing your own lack of skill to use it as an excuse to deny the fact that some classes have way more advantages over others in pvp.

Running away = you win?
Hell no, you can’t just leave a point like that when he just ran off abit, he’ll take it back very quickly. And if he gets lucky and make more than 2 people focus on him by running back and forth, basically you’re wasting manpower on the ele.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


the meta changed?


I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Nothing changed. Just the rare warriors dissapeared completely by now.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Can we talk about “meta” when there are only 2-4 competitive teams?

Up Rerroll

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Yeh the balance sucked in the patch but to be honest I do prefer the meta after the patch. So maybe there was method to their madness.

Although I hope they wont put Ele Watch as a map till they fix it so that the team that wins isnt just the team with the most eles. Now quickness is nerfed the ranger is a lot worse orb carrier.

I would also like to see a significant reduction in the damage taken whilst in frenzy and now they nerfed quickness maybe they can finally make mending 30% more of a heal and maybe reduce the cd on endure pain to make it at least comparable with other professions skills like this.

P.s. why does a necro have a 90s cooldown to just get 6 seconds of protection (spectral armour) and yet an ele gets a 75s cooldown on becoming invulnerable for 3s. Its so unfair.

I would like to see mist form get a 90s cooldown tbh. I mean endure pain is WAY worse as its not invulnerbility and thats on a 90s cooldown. It is a joke. Its 100% worse than mist form and yet is on a longer cd lol.

Ok, give eles mist form 90s cd, but also give them heavy armor and 12k more base hp, deal? Somehow i thought this wasnt just another ele QQ thread… A good ranger can beat the crap out of an ele, actually anyone can! And hey, if the ele ran away, you actually won, since he left the point.

EDIT: Oh look at who made the post! /facepalm

Running away = you win?

In a way yes, if you are fighting over say the keep (is that even the right kittening word for it idk but you couldn’t keep the keep sounds right)…

Here’s the thing if you kill them fully they respawn no big kittening deal really.

If you scare them off the point and they know they cannot solo you so they decide to run to some other point, while you are capping it.. Then yea you just wasted their time and it is not much different than them running from the zone they respawn from as in you killing them.

Either way you look at it this kittenty kitten game mode is not worth giving two kittens about or spending any of your time in.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Nothing changed. Just the rare warriors dissapeared completely by now.

the what? oooh you mean the Bannerman class? yeah that class got removed from the game, it was way too OP, the eles did’nt like it.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Nothing changed. Just the rare warriors dissapeared completely by now.

the what? oooh you mean the Bannerman class? yeah that class got removed from the game, it was way too OP, the eles did’nt like it.

Why complain about one of the things in the game that was one of the more obvious things that needed to be redone?

Hundred blades was broken

Pistol whip was broken on release

Backstab was broken on release, so was mug and some other things.

They should’ve released this game then said kitten it lets keep it like this so everyone that likes this crappy play style can play it.

Now lets start guildwars 3 with a foundation similar to gw1 where all the elitists will end up going and would only take 1/15th of the time to create in comparison to our pve game (gw2).

I got a question for you guys, does anyone actually enjoy fighting a mesmer or does it feel more like a job?

Going through pve as a mesmer was fun, however seeing how they worked in pvp just wasn’t cool.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Cirax.9231


I would like to see mist form get a 90s cooldown tbh. I mean endure pain is WAY worse as its not invulnerbility and thats on a 90s cooldown. It is a joke. Its 100% worse than mist form and yet is on a longer cd lol.

You can actually use your weapon skills during endure pain lasting 5 seconds, which is lots of time to set up something, whereas mist form lasts 3 seconds and locks out the weapon skill bar. The CDs are fine.

Nothing much has changed post patch. Until they tone down bunkering along with recent quickness nerf, what’s left of the meta won’t change.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Nothing changed. Just the rare warriors dissapeared completely by now.

Perhaps it is just that the map is no longer spirit watch lol.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I would like to see mist form get a 90s cooldown tbh. I mean endure pain is WAY worse as its not invulnerbility and thats on a 90s cooldown. It is a joke. Its 100% worse than mist form and yet is on a longer cd lol.

You can actually use your weapon skills during endure pain lasting 5 seconds, which is lots of time to set up something, whereas mist form lasts 3 seconds and locks out the weapon skill bar. The CDs are fine.

Nothing much has changed post patch. Until they tone down bunkering along with recent quickness nerf, what’s left of the meta won’t change.

Ok fine. You think endure pain that lasts for 5 seconds is fine. So lets buff it to 5 seconds from 3 seconds. That would be fine too. Glad you agree

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Necromancer’s Spectral Armor: 6s protection + life force + breaks stun; 90s cooldown.
Elementalist’s Armor of Earth: 6s protection + 6s stability + breaks stun; 90s cooldown.

I’m not sure how relevant life force is, but both skills seem to be in a similar position in theory. So let’s not compare apples to oranges (6s protection skills under 90s cooldown, with invulnerability).

Regarding Endure Pain, it allows you to to burst or do other weapon skills, unlike Mist Form. But although I don’t play a warrior, and I’m not aware of how good that skill is, Mist Form is perfectly fine at its current cooldown, IMO. Eles just happen to use it so often, because they desesperately need that kind of self-protection, due to their low natural defense, and there’s no worthwhile alternative. Plus, their cantrip traits are some of their best.

Gaining life force is kind of not even close to stability. If spectral armour gave stability it would be fine. But it doesnt. Stability is 100000% better than granting small amounts of life force.

Btw, I played against an ele yesterday who had something like 33 seconds of protection at one point. How is that balanced? Them fixing those runes sucks now as eles can have even more prot up time.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


We get it, you don’t like eles. Not many people do.


I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

We get it, you don’t like eles. Not many people do.

He studied OP-Classes at the university of the Mists. We need more of his informations.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


We get it, you don’t like eles. Not many people do.

He studied OP-Classes at the university of the Mists. We need more of his informations.

You do indeed. I am on a mission to spread the word :P

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Cirax.9231


I would like to see mist form get a 90s cooldown tbh. I mean endure pain is WAY worse as its not invulnerbility and thats on a 90s cooldown. It is a joke. Its 100% worse than mist form and yet is on a longer cd lol.

You can actually use your weapon skills during endure pain lasting 5 seconds, which is lots of time to set up something, whereas mist form lasts 3 seconds and locks out the weapon skill bar. The CDs are fine.

Nothing much has changed post patch. Until they tone down bunkering along with recent quickness nerf, what’s left of the meta won’t change.

Ok fine. You think endure pain that lasts for 5 seconds is fine. So lets buff it to 5 seconds from 3 seconds. That would be fine too. Glad you agree


The tooltip was incorrect showing 5sec lasting 3sec, but it has been reported to last 4sec. See what a little research does? Oh wait, this is another thread veiled against eles as usual. We get your point. No need to be passive-aggressive about it.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


a 3 class meta il better than a 8 c lass meta.

i understand what u meant

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: hharry.1967


I still dont know why people thinks skills should be equally good when comparing a light armor user with 11k base hp (ya 13k is if you full water) against a class with heavy armor and 24k base hp. Its more than obvious the first one skills should be superior to the second one in terms of survivability, mobility, duration and cooldown.

I think lordrosucky or w/e ur name is (too lazy to scroll up) is time to reroll, there are way too many posts of you against the ele class.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


3 class meta >:’D


I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


I still dont know why people thinks skills should be equally good when comparing a light armor user with 11k base hp (ya 13k is if you full water) against a class with heavy armor and 24k base hp. Its more than obvious the first one skills should be superior to the second one in terms of survivability, mobility, duration and cooldown.

I think lordrosucky or w/e ur name is (too lazy to scroll up) is time to reroll, there are way too many posts of you against the ele class.

so a class with light armor should do 20k dmage (random number) and a class with heavy armor should do 10k damage (random number)?

you must be good at balancing. hire him!

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: hharry.1967


I still dont know why people thinks skills should be equally good when comparing a light armor user with 11k base hp (ya 13k is if you full water) against a class with heavy armor and 24k base hp. Its more than obvious the first one skills should be superior to the second one in terms of survivability, mobility, duration and cooldown.

I think lordrosucky or w/e ur name is (too lazy to scroll up) is time to reroll, there are way too many posts of you against the ele class.

so a class with light armor should do 20k dmage (random number) and a class with heavy armor should do 10k damage (random number)?

you must be good at balancing. hire him!

Funny thing here is the other way around.

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: pot.6805


What meta? It is just a bunch of bunkers running around, engi bunkers, ranger bunkers, ele bunkers, guardian bunkers, necro bunkers and the poor warrior trying to kill them.

Beast mode

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Rump Buffalo.2594

Rump Buffalo.2594

I think pvp might finally be dead

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: dasmurmeltier.8521


3 class meta >:’D

Seems legit man. Its the new and old meta.

And this thread just seems like the other threads with tons of complaining n stuff. Its not like anything will get better if you open up more of them.
And pvp isnt dead yet. I recently kinda had the impression it was getting slightly better again.

(edited by dasmurmeltier.8521)

I actually prefer the meta after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Patch had no real meta impact. Only thing I see less of is warriors.