I am a noob

I am a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

Hey people, fellow haters and lover’s of thieve’s!

first of all i would like to intro my self. I play a thief, have done for a year now and I have just hit 1k hours on it, but I feel and I know I should know and play better then I currently do. I mostly play WvW, raiding with guild as a worker warrior or playing thief roaming sometimes with fellow guildys or random times in EB.

I fail a lot on 1v1, not because i am a thief, but because i lack the knowlage of other class’s and more inportently the confidence as well. i remember years ago in other games I use to love going out of my way just to find some 1 to fight, win or lose, i never cared (i won mostly though) but as i got older and wiser i have lost my ferociousness when it comes to pvp. i would rather WP then even try to 1v1. but it is getting to the point where i am even getting fed up with even going in to wvw now because of that. i know nobody is invincible and I am meant to lose fights (who dosnt?) i am competitive but i have lost my fighting spirit and i am hoping s or tpvp will bring it back with the instant fighting rarther then OP stats vs wvw roamers.

So to my point, i want to get into pvp, so i can learn to fight people better, even if i give my enermy a good fight and lose, its better then just sticking my tail under my bum and run. i am not sure what my role in pvp is, i prefer to play s/d 2/0/0/6/6. and also, what kind of game i should play? ht join or soloQ ? the guild i am in sometimes does tpvp but i don’t want to ruin their game for the sake of just tagging along.

anyway sorry for the text wall.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

I am a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Play a few hotjoin to get used to pvp, but start as fast then as possible with soloQ, gw2 pvp is all about practice and getting used to it. After you did your first soloQ’s (you will get players around your skilllevel, if there are enough online ^^) – you can ask your guild if they want to take you with em. Most people play this on a not competitive level, so you should do fine with 1k hours pve /wvw playtime – but I would recommend you to try other classes out, to learn what their weakness is. Watch good pvp streamer (top teams, TOL, and stuff). This will help you a lot in your 1v1’s, you also can try the 1v1 servers that some people host.
Wish you all fun.

all is vain – #BelieveInKarl – #EvanForPresident

I am a noob

in PvP

Posted by: KingMango.9785


Hi, you’re welcome!

Take a look at the videos of this guy. Especially the shortcuts will save your live and make you quick. No need to be the 1 v 1 hero. You should search for 2 v1 in your favor.

I am a noob

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


You gotta have the right mentality in PvP. Your mentality should differ from Team Q and Solo Q because they are completely different types of pvp play.

First of all in Solo Q, it is very important to understand that you will lose and the blame will be on you, no matter what. It doesn’t matter if the match was 4v5 or your teammates didn’t rotate right or anything. It is a flawed game mode filled with trolls/afkers/players, and you chose to play it despite reading on the forum such as skyhammer/afkers/etc. It is better for you mental health to convince yourself that your 4 other teammates are NPCs and that this match is about proving yourself. Don’t get mad that people aren’t doing what they are suppose to be doing, because this is all about everyone playing the way they want.

Now to more serious match, Team Q is much more civil and organized. The people who actually play Team Q are at least adept at their profession, know when/how to rotate, and competitive. It gets difficult when you Que by yourself and gets steamrolled by organized guild/groups, but in this mode, its actually a great opportunity to learn what to do and analyze how the match could have gone better. The best way to actually learn pvp is by joining a guild and playing with them, so good luck to you on that.

Leaderboards are broken as it is, so do not mind much about your win loss ratio. Think of something rewarding or look for new finishers when you play because you will not have a great time if you are pvping by yourself. While on upcoming patch Team Q and Solo Q will be mixed, you should still keep the mentality that pvp is all about you proving yourself worth instead of winning the match to lessen the frustration and pressure.


I am a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

thanks guys, did some hot joins last nigvht and got to rank 12, it was very enjoyable I must say, although its silly sometime matching up with condi bunkers – 4 of them in 1 team :p but ah well.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

I am a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


thanks guys, did some hot joins last nigvht and got to rank 12, it was very enjoyable I must say, although its silly sometime matching up with condi bunkers – 4 of them in 1 team :p but ah well.

Get a few people you know,someone that can master all classes preferably..and jump in an empty pvp room with him,or some others.And just duel ,.switch around gear,switch your build,and ask him for advice aswell.The 1on1’s will give you a great feel of what class is able to do what,it will give you insight into their animations,how much dmg theyre able to do in a burst and you will start to see when you need to dodge or when you shouldn’t,etc.