I come from a Dark Age

I come from a Dark Age

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


It was last year about March when I stepped foot into PvP – not innitialy mesmerized and due to inexperience of the classes, I decided not to continue…

Then around the end of June, I stepped back in – right after Skypirates of Tyria , not because I heard things, but just because my buddy and I were trying new stuff as we became bored of other things in the game such as WvWvW and PvE…

It was about till last year around this time where I became sucked into PvP – I understanded the mode, and the class, Necromancer, and I became a lot better in a short period of time, or so I thought… My Guild formed a team and we played together solidly about every day

Now onto the real and interesting part; when playing in a TeamQ you would most of the time found the following:

  • Lyssa Hambow
  • Quickness Pistolwhip Thief
  • Another Lyssa Hambow
  • AH Guardian
  • Dhuumfire Necromancer
  • Spirit Ranger
  • Decap Engineer (Though became more popular later on)

When looking back at last year, and despite that I “endured” I realize how crappy the meta was, especially in comparison to now… It was a painful bunker meta which excluded the Elementalists and Mesmers completely from play because their only viable build at the time was Fresh Air – of whic the former was mostly a freekill for the above described thief, same deal with Mesmer, which was just food for Thieves…
Lyssa Runes and Dhuumfire Necromancers (or Lyssa Hambow) did not gave Engineer much room, or any room, to run anything but Decap Engineer, which was basically a sign of how bad things were… Build variety was so absurdly limited that you had to go get a certain spec or drown…

Despite many complaints about this meta, Celestial Bunkers and whatnot, I still think this is vastly better than what there was before… Since I was still discovering things, I was not too bothered by everything, but looking and thinking back, it might’ve pushed me to quit playing if I did have more experience…

My point of this thread is to share my past experience… I am curious as to what yours was, especially around this time, and whether you think the meta did indeed improve or not….

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I come from a Dark Age

in PvP

Posted by: DanSH.6143


I knew that at some point you were a pveboy.

“My guild formed a team” – And you didn’t invite me?

I don’t completely agree with you though, the game had devolved into insta/passive/procs/bruisers meta that pretty much nullifies actual counterplay and requires about 2 brain cells in totall.

It is less notable though at the highest tier of pvp, but Anet’s philosophy is to balance pvp for new players ehm warrior and necro ehm

Oh well, now I saw your “point of the thread”…

Past experience:

I started to play pvp early in the game, I started as a condi warr, and lb ranger, since I ussually go for the archer classes.
About 4 monthes after release I already played and learned every class, I mainly multiclassed as condi warr, trapper ranger / power ranger, shatter mesmer, thief (ussually condi), medi or bunker guard, and HGH engi.

At the time you’re you got sucked into pvp I wad maining my condi warr.
I just got back to the game after a break and found out warriors got buffed. I came across a mace/sword lb warr who intoduced me to the spec.
I made my own version of the spec and started playing 1v1 a lot more sireously.
At that time I was the only mace condi warr to play in duel servers, and also one of the few that played it in tpvp.
It’s true that it was a strong build, and you could easily call it OP, but just remmember how OP other builds were; Terrormancer, s/d Thief, Spirit Ranger, phantasm condi mesmers, medi guard, s/f Fresh Air Ele, and a few more.
I used a godmode spec against other godmode specs, it was balanced in the OP meta.

I decided at that time that my main focus in the game is 1v1. Although I did play a lot of tpvp with friends who needed a sub/5th.

I toyed around with power ranger and started bringing it to duel servers. At that time it was such a crappy spec, I still managed to win about half of my fights, although I couldn’t win against equally skilled players, or against any thief.

I stopped playing for about a month when I joined the army, when I came back I mostly played lb ranger and rifle war.
Inb4 you say ’lol noob", I only played hotjoin and 1v1 at that time since I berly had any time to play at all.

Then the lb buff patch came along and made power ranger that much better. Got more QQ than on my warr, that’s kinda funny. Although people shout for shatter mes nerfs so I guess that’s just the community.

I got tired of the QQ and wanted to play something I don’t have a lot of experience with, so I started focusing on zerk necro, and that brings us to the present

Sorry for the long post, I was pretty bored at work.

#2longdidntread: lb ranger op plz nerf rf too strong wtf


(edited by DanSH.6143)

I come from a Dark Age

in PvP

Posted by: cuge.5398


I’d say that at the moment the game is in its best balance state (note: this does not mean that its all good, but just that more or less all classes are viable in a different comp with some builds). So this means that every class can benefit from tha same brainless spam of skills yay!

I guess this is the best we can hope for, cause this is how they built the game and changing this would require too much work, so it will never happen, just forget it.
If you want a game where every skill-press matters and can make a difference in the battle go play LoL.

This means its now time for …… eSportz!

Which is something they badly want to happen…. see the recent weekly $$$ donation to TCG from anet (aka new tournaments with cash prize on weekly basis).
I’m not saying this is wrong, but what i would ask is why trying so hard to boost competition when the game is missing some basic feature for a pvp game ?
Here i’m talking about the Q drop for afkers, some working report system for afker/troll during match, a system to equalize the match in case of 4v5, decent ladder maybe with leagues and divisions.

I come from a Dark Age

in PvP

Posted by: kolompi.1287


To be fair, if you spam your skills brainlessly then you are doing it wrong.

I come from a Dark Age

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Lol, the hambow now will reckt the old lyssa hambow so hard, it’s not even at the same level.

Did you mean the older darker age of every team has 2 dd ele and no team have a warrior, if you find a warrior in 10 teamqs you are lucky and enjoy your free kills.

I come from a Dark Age

in PvP

Posted by: DanSH.6143


To be fair, if you spam your skills brainlessly then you are doing it wrong.

As a dd cele ele you need about 2-3 brain cells. As a turret engi you need ~1 brain cell, or a macro that drops your turret and presses 1-1-1-1-1-1.

On a sirious note though, the current meta involves too much passive effects and AI (in soloq). The less you acitvely play the more braindead/brainless you are.
Spamming skills isn’t evrn the issue in my opinion, it’s how some builds reward generously for little effort.
