I don't understand pro PVP'ers
I enjoy playing core classes, but I’m not good enough to play them in high rank on my main. I don’t want to ruin anyone’s fun (some people really care about their pips), so I often log an alt when I want to use sub-optimal builds in low ranks.
Last season it was smurfing.
Now is farming bad players.
Here is the best answer (i am completely ironic) to your question:
My main is in legendary eu
I created this account just so i can kill noobs in amber emerald and sapphire, yes it’s true and idc its fun. When you slaughter them 1vs2 all game on their close node you just have this big fat smile on your face, just how it is mates.
The problem is that now this account is almost in diamond and opponents are getting better so i have to create a new f2p account soon to slaughter the noobs in the future. Ah well its fast to get to rank 20 nways.”
But please… consider doing the same.
If you have enough game to get good rotation, map awereness and 1v1 skills… do a second F2P account.
You will be surprised by how easier it is to do than your main account. Even without HoTs.
New account got better MMR than average, so your team will carry you until you hit legendary. (more chance for that than not, because wins streak will add up to your win/lose ratio that will always give you better team mate than other team)
If you are unlucky (lose streak), reroll a new account.
So how can we called this cheeze tactics?
Smurfing —> Giganting new account.
Abusing new account policy…
Hmm… i am bad at naming how to abuse system.
I am still Diamond, I still queue with my team. But I don’t soloq anymore. Well… perhaps I should try a new F2P account, to raise ANET stats of new player!! (free to boost stat up with some door to abuse system gift from Anet, cheaper than spending 200k on marketing).
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
If you have enough game to get good rotation, map awereness and 1v1 skills… do a second F2P account.
You will be surprised by how easier it is to do than your main account. Even without HoTs.
Well, that isn’t true. You’re gimping yourself on an F2P account by not using elite specs. There’s no reason an F2P account will be easier to play with unless your main account has below-average MMR. But if that’s the case, you’re probably just not very good, so an MMR reset isn’t going to help you; you’ll just end up with an F2P account with below average MMR also. Sounds like a waste of time.
New account got better MMR than average, so your team will carry you until you hit legendary.
That’s also not true. New account has exactly average MMR.
I really like playing super squishy burst builds like my core power necro with berserker amulet.
If id play this build off the bat on this account (at legendary div) i would literally get 1 shot by good thieves and revs all game. The build isnt suited for play at legend + level. So ill seriously handicap my team if i play it.
So what do you suggest?
A] Play in unranked…not that enjoyable for me since ppl care less about winning.
B] Play a meta build….less enjoyable since i prefer high risk high reward builds.
C] Play the build I enjoy on my main account. Totally not viable at that level. So screwing my teammates hard.
D] Play the build on an alt account untill I reach the div where I belong.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Last season it was smurfing.
Now is farming bad players.
Here is the best answer (i am completely ironic) to your question:
My main is in legendary eu
I created this account just so i can kill noobs in amber emerald and sapphire, yes it’s true and idc its fun. When you slaughter them 1vs2 all game on their close node you just have this big fat smile on your face, just how it is mates.
The problem is that now this account is almost in diamond and opponents are getting better so i have to create a new f2p account soon to slaughter the noobs in the future. Ah well its fast to get to rank 20 nways.”But please… consider doing the same.
If you have enough game to get good rotation, map awereness and 1v1 skills… do a second F2P account.
You will be surprised by how easier it is to do than your main account. Even without HoTs.
New account got better MMR than average, so your team will carry you until you hit legendary. (more chance for that than not, because wins streak will add up to your win/lose ratio that will always give you better team mate than other team)
If you are unlucky (lose streak), reroll a new account.
So how can we called this cheeze tactics?
Smurfing —> Giganting new account.
Abusing new account policy…
Hmm… i am bad at naming how to abuse system.
I am still Diamond, I still queue with my team. But I don’t soloq anymore. Well… perhaps I should try a new F2P account, to raise ANET stats of new player!! (free to boost stat up with some door to abuse system gift from Anet, cheaper than spending 200k on marketing).
This entire thing sounds quite sarcastic. Not sure he’s joking. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, and this really is the mindset of your typical PVP’er.
Last season it was smurfing.
Now it’s farming bad players.
Here is the best answer (i am completely ironic) to your question:
My main is in legendary eu
I created this account just so i can kill noobs in amber emerald and sapphire, yes it’s true and idc its fun. When you slaughter them 1vs2 all game on their close node you just have this big fat smile on your face, just how it is mates.
The problem is that now this account is almost in diamond and opponents are getting better so i have to create a new f2p account soon to slaughter the noobs in the future. Ah well its fast to get to rank 20 nways.”But please… consider doing the same. (not for the same reason)
If you have enough game to get good rotation, map awereness and 1v1 skills… do a second F2P account.
You will be surprised by how easier it is to do than your main account. Even without HoTs.
New account got better MMR than average, so your team will carry you until you hit legendary. (more chance for that than not, because wins streak will add up to your win/lose ratio that will always give you better team mate than other team)
If you are unlucky (lose streak), reroll a new account.
So how can we called this cheeze tactics?
Smurfing —> Giganting new account.
Abusing new account policy…
Hmm… i am bad at naming how to abuse system.
I am still Diamond, I still queue with my team. But I don’t soloq anymore. Well… perhaps I should try a new F2P account, to raise ANET stats of new player!! (free to boost stat up with some door to abuse system gift from Anet, cheaper than spending 200k on marketing).
This entire thing sounds quite sarcastic. Not sure he’s joking. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, and this really is the mindset of your typical PVP’er.
I don’t know who you are.
Are you below average MMR? Do it, it will be easier for you.
Are you top MMR? Do it, because you don’t want to screw your own MMR.
Are you a twitch streamer and need more money because you are too lazy to work? Do spot advertising saying you do amber to legendary stream with a F2P account. (make sure you play some games off twitch to raise your MMR on it with your best friends)
Everyone got some reason why they take a F2P account.
But actually, I am most of the time, completely genuine in what I write (unless I do or ).
To make sure I am not a double face… I did add this: (not for the same reason) into the quote. So you can find new way of abusing new ACCOUNT INFLATED MMR for your own need.
tldr; Not all PRO players do it for the same reason.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
He’s referring to babayum’s post being sarcastic, not yours. And I agree that poster was likely being sarcastic.
Sorry to say it. But Im literally disgusted by the replies from most people in this thread.
He’s referring to babayum’s post being sarcastic, not yours. And I agree that poster was likely being sarcastic.
Thank you.
I don’t have time to run multiple account, anyway.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
I don’t know who you are.
Are you below average MMR? Do it, it will be easier for you.
Are you top MMR? Do it, because you don’t want to screw your own MMR.
Are you a twitch streamer and need more money because you are too lazy to work? Do spot advertising saying you do amber to legendary stream with a F2P account. (make sure you play some games off twitch to raise your MMR on it with your best friends)
Is there anybody in PvP who isn’t a scumbag/lazy according to you, the only things you type is to shame players for their attitude, you should check yo’self first.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
I don’t know who you are.
Are you below average MMR? Do it, it will be easier for you.
Are you top MMR? Do it, because you don’t want to screw your own MMR.
Are you a twitch streamer and need more money because you are too lazy to work? Do spot advertising saying you do amber to legendary stream with a F2P account. (make sure you play some games off twitch to raise your MMR on it with your best friends)
Is there anybody in PvP who isn’t a scumbag/lazy according to you, the only things you type is to shame players for their attitude, you should check yo’self first.
I won’t comment on the lazy bit, but it seems to me that there’s a clear definition of ‘not scumbag’: people that actually play their main account at an appropriate level instead of repeatedly smurfing and ruining the experience of other players.
Once again we run into the problem of competitive vs casual. If you’re truly a competitive player, you want to get matched up with other players of your caliber. If this means longer queues once you hit legendary, so be it. However, it’s become clear that the so-called ‘pros’ are just as casual as the noobs down in emerald. They don’t care about good matches, they just care about winning easily and getting fast queue pops.
Pick one: competitive or casual. You don’t get both.
Well I’m no pro player, but playing on an alt account was just too essential for queuing with friends who are less skilled. I tried queuing with them on my legendary account and we would just lose every single game and it would just get too frustrating throwing away all the hard earned soloq pips.
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
(edited by Random Weird Guy.3528)
Pick one: competitive or casual. You don’t get both.
There isn’t a competitive element to leagues at all, watching Nos stream prestige 4 Queues or so, he’s rolling people 500-100 most wins, with a 75% win rate.
This is because the league system is a casual handout, there’s no incentive to be competitive, in the definition you hold it. Everyone is casually just doing whatever.
Playing crappy alt classes you haven’t read the buttons to – for The Ascension, even in legend, climbing to legend on your friend’s account, and the occasional player(s) who are very strong, just dominating anyone queuing in legend. Everyone is just casually doing as they please.
I think that some serious incentives need to go into making players want to try and reach the highest prestige possible. Mid to late season is just a joke, and you can’t stop people from doing whatever, even if we agree it’s scummy, some players will get a kick out of facerolling to Diamond, and repeating.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
(edited by Chaith.8256)
Just know that I’ll use your post as a reference in the future; because I remeber going over the casual/competition argument with you, I am glad your stance had changed.
Just know that I’ll use your post as a reference in the future; because I remeber going over the casual/competition argument with you, I am glad your stance had changed.
As long as the context isn’t lost, sure thing. A disclaimer, my last post was mostly referring to people who are Legend that are left with nothing but to be casual. I’m sure there are instances preserved in late diamond where people are seriously competing and doing everything they can.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Just know that I’ll use your post as a reference in the future; because I remeber going over the casual/competition argument with you, I am glad your stance had changed.
As long as the context isn’t lost, sure thing. A disclaimer, my last post was mostly referring to people who are Legend that are left with nothing but to be casual. I’m sure there are instances preserved in late diamond where people are seriously competing and doing everything they can.
Very true and I agree
For fun.
To alleviate boredom.
They’re free.
At the end of the day, why is it your business? I haven’t even made one after I reached legendary but I can totally see the logic. It is just fun stomping scrubs sometimes.
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
cus they dun wanna spoil their account records since they playing a class or build they r not clear with
u can say they could play unrank but they can tell you cus unrank players r not serious
Henge of Denravi Server
Current meta builds (revenant, reaper, scrapper, druid, tempest, chrono) are very dull and boring to play and sometimes even frustrating to play against but at the same time much more powerful than the remaining builds. As a result, if you want to play an offensive ele build, a power nec, a warrior or something similar, you have 3 options:
a) play unranked
b) smurf
c) get destroyed by superior builds in legend/diamond
c gets frustrating very quickly, so if you don’t like unranked your only option is to smurf.
Obviously, there have always been meta builds but before HoT the amount of subpar but still playable builds was much higher as the difference between builds wasn’t as massive as it is now. I have recently played fresh air ele on my f2p and it doesn’t even deal enough damage to kill scrapper or druids. In 1v1 situations, they don’t even need to dodge, as long as they walk around to not get hit by dragon’s tooth 24/7 and use defensive skills randomly they cannot die. Revenant can technically die but unfortunately all of its relevant damage skills 2 shot you, while it has 4x your dodges and twice your mobility. Same goes for power nec/reaper vs revenant/scrapper/druid. Reaper might be beatable in 1v1 but has much more positive impact in team fights and skirmishes. Diamond/Legend are simply unfun if you don’t play the single best build that’s available for your class (necro/reaper being an exception as it has several similar playable condition builds, same for rev which has power+condi)
I am not saying that better balance would prevent smurfs, but it removes one of the incentives to smurf. Queue times, queuing with inexperienced friends etc. would obviously remain.