I don't usually post screenies but..

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Are you god kitten kidding me?

A sad day in tpvp.

Ranked TPVP and we lost 5v4.

Look at blue, and look at my sweet old bloodied, gutted, red team.

Thanks for the great matchmaking tho.

All is vain


R40 Mesmer

I don't usually post screenies but..

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Posted by: Locuz.2651


Its the weekend -> lots of new / really young players usually. Leavers, afkers, a lot of really low and really high rated guys in the same games. Ive been part of games where we had guys in the top 5 and a rank 7 in the same game for example.

Its a gamble pretty much.

Its not a super competetive system but it has its upsides.

(edited by Locuz.2651)

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: Ferik.3127


oh my, it’s so


Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

I don't usually post screenies but..

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Posted by: Locuz.2651


Lol @ your i hate noobs comment in mapchat.

Iv seen worse tbh. Have seen teams filled with rank 40-60+ players lose 5v4 and have seen 4v5’s that where blowout wins (500-50) aswell.

(edited by Locuz.2651)

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Posted by: Romek.4201


team pvp has no matchmaking – when this 3 lowies joined as a grp than you and the other guy are “filler” – nothing more

thats teamQ

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Posted by: Divinity.8041


Remember guys, this is why we paid $60 dollars

R40 Mesmer

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Posted by: Rednik.3809


New players trying tpvp – bad.
New players playing hotjoin – bad.
New players trying fotm specs – bad.
New players trying non-fotm specs – bad.

<insert something> – bad.

sPvP forums in a nutshell.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

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Posted by: Sari.9836


The whole situation seen in the screenshot is just a mess.
While a league system may (hopefully) fix all the issues regarding player-distrubution, I hope they at least make it that if one leaves, they get the buff and a new spot is open for that SoloQ match which allows an other player joining. That player can have his rating be untouched while getting a reward for their participation as volunteers.
And better have a ready-up button which sends you back into queue if one denies and waits too much. Similar as in Dota 2.

(edited by Sari.9836)

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: Dojo.1867


Did you duo queue? Don’t join teamqueue with anything but 5.

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Did you duo queue? Don’t join teamqueue with anything but 5.

Well, I assume when you queue in less than 4 you are prepared to lose.

Most of the time when I solo queue in teamQ I end up in relaxed teams and we play to experiment and/or to learn.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: Dojo.1867


Did you duo queue? Don’t join teamqueue with anything but 5.

Well, I assume when you queue in less than 4 you are prepared to lose.

Most of the time when I solo queue in teamQ I end up in relaxed teams and we play to experiment and/or to learn.

Yep, same for me. I would not expect anything from team queue if I don’t actually join as a team but with random people that propably care even less about rating here than in soloqueue (because it depends more on how lucky you are in getting allied premades/not getting premade enemies).

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Did you duo queue? Don’t join teamqueue with anything but 5.

Well, I assume when you queue in less than 4 you are prepared to lose.

Most of the time when I solo queue in teamQ I end up in relaxed teams and we play to experiment and/or to learn.

Yep, same for me. I would not expect anything from team queue if I don’t actually join as a team but with random people that propably care even less about rating here than in soloqueue (because it depends more on how lucky you are in getting allied premades/not getting premade enemies).

I’d say it’s a plus:

from my experience it’s more relaxed, more rewarding in terms of glory, and it’s easier to find decent players.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


better form a team next time before joining team q? I understand when people complain about solo q, but this?

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
Esl profile: http://play.eslgaming.com/player/7930634/

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Posted by: Doppey Woogy.6590

Doppey Woogy.6590

that yolo q limbo no joke

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


It is crazy that we got pitted against them…they beat us 4v5.

We got 3? THREE? lvl < 10s on our team, including a lvl 1.

They are all between 40-46.

If we even had another lvl 30+ we would have won, hell 20+

These players should not be allowed to enter team queue! WTF THIS ISN"T HOTJOIN

The whole form a team thing shouldn’t matter, because a team of all 40+ shouldn’t be facing a team with 3 level 1-10 on it… that is just wrong.

I rather play random teamq then yoloq (more points mang)

But yeah, don’t tell me to find a team, this match should have never even happened in the FIRST place.

R40 Mesmer

(edited by Divinity.8041)

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Posted by: Cynz.9437


i think like rank 10+ or something requirement is needed
it is not fun for people to get rank 1 teammates and it is also not fun for rank 1 players to get facerolled by way more experienced players…

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


its teamQ – teams farm randoms and there is no real matchmaking

when top team waits 5+ min and matchmaker can´t find team for them than they get just random people from all skill/lvl ranges

i “farmed” glory in teamQ and saw this so often. Some teams even farm in off time randoms even when they know there is noone playing on there lvl – had a match with all random 70%-80% in leaderboard at 11.oo vs team Boon with Sensotix, Ventari and so on.

Is rly fun

just dont waste your time with this gamemode – teamQ is total broken – you have to go premade to farm randoms or be random and get farmed from premades

before arenanet not make teamQ for 5 ppl premades only you will not have fair matches

just look in the leaderboard and lol on the 80% win/lose heros with 1000+ games farming randoms calling this E-Sport^^

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


you had 2 thieves and 2 mesmers.

kinda hard to hold a point with all dat invis.


I don't usually post screenies but..

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Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


I’d say matching low lvls with high lvl guys is probably of sign that PvP lacks players… :S

I don't usually post screenies but..

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Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


The team with the most warriors wins again.

I don't usually post screenies but..

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Posted by: entropy.9613


LOL @ the rank 1 pugging team queue.

However, just going by the screenshot, it looks like some good old-fashioned point farming. You were killing animals and zerging while blue was capping points. At endgame, no-one is bunkering home, no-one is attacking the (obviously undefended) far point.

Bro, you had 0 caps, 0 neuts and 0 defends for the whole game. Was the rank 4 ranger supposed to carry? When your whole team consists of fluffy kiters who like their instant escape buttons and prefer to run and hide instead of dying in the circle like a man, this is what happens. You could carry better if you rolled something more suited to conquest.

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


There are only a few things I could do during that game, I am a roamer, I don’t care too much about points! I scored 40% of the overall points out of 5 people. I could have done exactly what you said, but my team wasn’t there to support me…there is only so much you can do solo. I am pure glass and would have been kitten d in most of the situations above, because the other team knew exactly what to do. They were winning 2v3’s at mid, and their home defender kitten d the guy going to assault far. That leaves me deciding to defend home as a glass roamer? Think before you speak “bro.”

I was going to AFK after the first 45 seconds because of how I saw them play the map, it was sad mang.

But yes, we lost 5v4 due to 3 level 1-10s on our team that didn’t even understand BASIC concepts of pvp.

It is easy to say what you just said entropy, but I was basically just killing people and getting sneaky monster kills that game instead of afking.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game. I mean that literally, it is a shame there is nothing else to play right now

R40 Mesmer

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: entropy.9613


Think before you speak “bro.”


0 caps.
0 neuts.
0 defends.
While you were 5v4.

A moa could do better.

If you play to lose, don’t complain when it happens.

I don't usually post screenies but..

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


What you did aside, this is a common problem with pvp. Low rank players will wander into games and just utterly ruin them with the lack of skill they have.

Not to mention, this is one of those “down the road” type problems as well.

Try to imagine you are the low ranked new player, and you go into something in which the more hardcore play. You will get battered so badly, more than likely not bothering with PVP again as it appears to messy. Long term, less people coming to pvp.

Needs some sort of requirement for people to enter, at least rank 10 or something, so people will have had some gameplay experience.

And please, no “rank does not equal skill” because that is a crass display of a lack of understanding. A rank 1 will almost never beat a rank 50, even if that 50 is a bad player, he will still know more than enough to beat a player who doesnt understand the game fully.