I dont get PVP

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


welcome to gw2 pvp, it sounds like u basically get it all.

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Firebird.8324


Sounds like you’re arguing about solo queuing where matchmaking puts people together based on their relative skill level.

If You want a balanced team make a team and then it will be balanced for you every time! Then take your team and start participating in the AG tournaments and then the esls and be Awesome

Instead of blaming a system that can’t possibly account for everyone given the amount of people that play pvp, try making a team or group that is as balanced as you can and have fun.

Over Powered Necro [dk] (Bird of Fire)
One spam to rule them all!
Mains Power Necro for team Radioactive[dk]

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Slapinator.4196


As someone who played tons of pvp now the only reason i enter heart of the mists is because there is a bank and a trading post close with each other. Pvp ain’t that good right now i suggest to enjoy pve and wvw and when things get a little more balanced if they ever will start looking again into pvp.

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


You can have fun soloq, I do it. But I will admit if my schedule wasn’t batkitten crazy I would be playing with a team, it is way more fun (Especially as a necro)

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

They could add some variables in the match maker to prevent forming teams with more that 2 of a certain class. The way you have a better chance of getting a balanced team comp. But they don’t.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


They could add some variables in the match maker to prevent forming teams with more that 2 of a certain class. The way you have a better chance of getting a balanced team comp. But they don’t.

That doesn’t really work in gw2…. you can have the same proffesion fulfill multiple roles depending on spec…

I get you don’t want a team with 5 theives, but that has to be pretty uncommon.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: abclemons.7093


You can have fun soloq, I do it. But I will admit if my schedule wasn’t batkitten crazy I would be playing with a team, it is way more fun (Especially as a necro)

Team play in TS/Mumble/Vent is the best. Even when you don’t win, you at least understand what everyone was doing and why they did it. I honestly almost never pug up anymore. Less so after this last change.

Koffix (ele) | Koffix Sprockets (engi ) | Koffix Shadows (teef) | Koffix Clones (mes) |
Koffix [xxx] (all the rest)
[Phnx] Phoenix Rises from the Ashes | Crystal Desert

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

They could add some variables in the match maker to prevent forming teams with more that 2 of a certain class. The way you have a better chance of getting a balanced team comp. But they don’t.

That doesn’t really work in gw2…. you can have the same proffesion fulfill multiple roles depending on spec…

I get you don’t want a team with 5 theives, but that has to be pretty uncommon.

How many different specs have you seen in unranked since patch? Almost all the guards I’ve seen run some burst medi or burn build. All the engis are spamming nade barrage and all the mesmer are playing the crazy burst. All the FOTM players are all playing the exact same builds or slight variation of. There are no different roles.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Your using a bad example to prove your point. At the moment there is more build diversity than ever before in pvp…

Just because players haven’t quite hammered out the details on what new specs they can play, they continue to spec for roles that they previously had.

But I’ve seen bunk guards, zerk guards and hybrid guards.
I’ve seen power block mesmers, shatter condi mesmers, even a weird new shatter heal along with a mantra tank mesmer.
I’ve seen MM bunker necros, soldiers bunk necros, celestial roamer necros, zerker necros, condi Necros
I’ve seen shoutbow warrior, rez bot hammer warriors, rampage warriors
I’ve seen fresh air eles, cele bunker eles, cleric bunker eles, settlers eles, cele burn eles.
theives it seems there are still two specs dp and SD but they have more flexibility with traits so there are more variants of the two
engis I’ve seen cele engis, zerk engis, condi engis
rangers…. well honestly as a necro I feel bad for rangers now you guys got the shaft all I can see being used decently now is power ranger condi rangers seem pretty crappy.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: azym.4173


PvP is tough this patch, there are 3 classes that are enjoying it and the rest of us are struggling to survive. If they do not fix it soon people will begin to drop off, I am not purchasing the expansion until they balance PvP.

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Engis ar e probably enjoying their grenades, theives loving the new damage, guards loving their burns, eles loving being amazing at just about everything, warriors owning with rampage, necros with actual defense, mesmers melting people and stun/daze/immobilize/interupt spamming…. really I think the only one who got the Shafts are the rangers…. I literally just laugh everytime I see a ranger now.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: JoelTang.3680


Engis ar e probably enjoying their grenades, theives loving the new damage, guards loving their burns, eles loving being amazing at just about everything, warriors owning with rampage, necros with actual defense, mesmers melting people and stun/daze/immobilize/interupt spamming…. really I think the only one who got the Shafts are the rangers…. I literally just laugh everytime I see a ranger now.

I took down a Ranger with my Guardian scepter #1 skill ranged last night. I have to admit, that was a good feeling. . .

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


It’s just engis running away from you and healing time after time, mesmers teleporting and going stealth infinitely, and guardians being invulnerable for 5 seconds ._. I just probably dont know what im doing, but i don’t see the fun in it. Teams being imbalanced every match, and all these annoying classes.

Sorry you are not enjoying yourself, have you tried countering some of their strategies?

Example, if an Engie is constantly running away and healing, have you tried to interrupt and save your bursts for that moment?

In regards to mesmer, I’ve found the best strategy is to place Reveal on them (Ranger Sic ‘Em) so you’re able to keep focus. I’ve also had success on my Necro by condi aoe every little spot (s)he could be.

Give it a another week or two for the dust to settle down and pvp should be a little more enjoyable. whenever there is a massive shake up with peoples old youtube builds there is always confusion on how to do thing.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Elitist.8701


Balance broke after the update, my expectation is that Anet will take about 6 months after the expansion to do anything.

Just quit the game like I did.

-Former best multi class NA

Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


Post patch is.

he, Who gets the burst and CDs off first and forces the other to use their invulnerability CDs, wins.

Then the player that blew the invul first looses, rince repeat with the ocational being caught with out CDs.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


Balance broke after the update, my expectation is that Anet will take about 6 months after the expansion to do anything.

Just quit the game like I did.

-Former best multi class NA

You forgot to include, “Self Proclaimed” in front of the word, “Former”

I dont get PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Balance broke after the update, my expectation is that Anet will take about 6 months after the expansion to do anything.

Just quit the game like I did.

-Former best multi class NA

You lost every ounce of credibility and respect with your post when you put

“Just quit the game like I did.”

If you “quit” the game, you really shouldn’t be on the forums encouraging others to leave as well.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood