I feel embarrassed

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: incisorr.9502


Why is the world ESL even being tossed around in this game? The GW2 arena is a joke and thats because the game has so many stupid and imbalanced things and because of how often you lose to builds and because there isnt even a proper pvp mode its just stupid lame kitten conquest that nobody cares about.

I feel embarrassed when i read “ESL” in news announcements and what not and the other day i was watching Guild Wars 2 official stream of 2 teams fighting each other in some “tournament” and just few hours later i get one of the teams against me in SOLOQUEUE RANKED ARENA , where they were all 5 and we were a bunch of randoms. The game doesnt even have TEAM-QUEUE anymore and its just soloq where you can sign with friends but not only that but theres also a ladder which counts your stats (even tho you can sign solo or with premade and thats so kitten’t up by itself , wtf?) and the ladder is also just pure grind its not anything else

how can words such as esl and competitive play and what not be tossed around so easily?

If you want to make your game competitive you need to rework the stupid kitten conditions and condition builds because the entire concept of conditions doing so much damage is broken and incredibly flawed and its also imbalanced and will always be imbalanced unless you nerf them down to the ground and make the game mostly based on normal hits. After you fix that you’ll also need to reduce the diversity of builds so you can actually balance the game and have different classes interact more or less the same a gainst other classes and not have a lets say staff zerker ele die in 1second by dps guardian and then D/D ele beating the same guardian because at the end of the day both are elementalists and should more or less have the same capabilities.

I know that GW2 is all for “no role” thing but you cant have a balanced game without it and even if you do have a counter to every single build in the game it still wont be balanced, it;’ll just be about who runs what build and thats stupid and unfun.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Mouseheart.8672


Watching the sick burns applied in this forum is more entertaining than playing IP-engineer!


*edit: Oh no, someone removed the totally sick burn and now this comment is without context! Guess I have to go back to playing engineer again. Sad times.

Cool engineers don’t look at explosions.

(edited by Mouseheart.8672)

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I think the main reason is because too many stupid players?
The smart ones get bored and move on not because it’s bad, but because there’s nothing new. Every games work like that.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


Not sure how somebody can feel embarrassed by that. Is this really the word you where looking for?

how can words such as esl and competitive play and what not be tossed around so easily?

Seriously, have you played any other game at all?
Yes, gw2 has some serious problems, but are other games better at managing those?
Personally, I really don’t get why people are playing and watching games like lol, dota or even hearthstone, when gw2 is so much better… yeah, I know, people are just so different

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Concerning ESL, I think completely opposite. Starting up the game, a video should pop up in your face that talks about top teams, their composition, next ESL tournament, etc. There is no advertisement at all ;_;

As for TPVP It should be impossible for solo or duo players to face the top teams of NA/EU. It should have been separated into
SPvP[ Single/Double/Trio] TPVP [Teams Only]
Otherwise Devs like Justin will never hear the end of it.

As for your QQ about conditions, that’s a L2P issue. Condition’s biggest counter are cleanses. Find a build that does that or work on your current build’s engagement.

This game is still one of the most balanced MMO’s I’ve played.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: someone.7485


After you fix that you’ll also need to reduce the diversity of builds so you can actually balance the game and have different classes interact more or less the same a gainst other classes and not have a lets say staff zerker ele die in 1second by dps guardian and then D/D ele beating the same guardian because at the end of the day both are elementalists and should more or less have the same capabilities..

I am not sure about the rest of PvPers but I personally love build diversity. Yes it is super difficult to balance, but it makes game play more fun. It is fun to be able to master a profession and be able to completely switch up play style between games within that profession. Be better if we had templates.

They did reduce the diversity of builds compared to GW1. Here is a link to the GW1 wiki and just the list of elementalist skills; you could dual profession in that game. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_elementalist_skills

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


This game is WAY more balanced than any other MMO or MOBA game you see in ESL……WAY MORE. Yes, it has it flaws but not nearly as bad as others. Guess you haven’t played anything else. GW2 with its flaws is still the best PvP MMO on the market. Build diversity is important. You want us all to have the same skills, no condis and be auto attack robots? Yea, that will make it more ESL for sure….. Players are playing for money in top level environments. Yes, that is what ESL is. Electronic Sports League is just what it sound like. A league of players playing video games for sports in competitions. No matter how big or how small.

ESL is also technically a company. Have you looked at the list of games that are hosted by ESL? Track mania? Racing game tournaments for cash. It is Electronic and a game and therefore is hosted on ESL. Pretty sure GW2 is 100 times more E-sports than a kittening racing game.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: incisorr.9502


GW2 most balanced mmorpg


and no build diversity doesn’t make a game more balanced. If you win because of your build having the edge in the current situation, how does that make you a better player?

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


GW2 most balanced mmorpg


and no build diversity doesn’t make a game more balanced. If you win because of your build having the edge in the current situation, how does that make you a better player?

Because being favored to win a 1v1 doesn’t score 500 points for your team. Or even guarantee the loser won’t be able to escape.

In every MMO, every single matchup is unequal, unless obviously, it’s a complete mirror. There will be an edge given to one side. This is inevitable, and because it exists, doesn’t make your point valid that it’s facepalm worthy to say GW2 is balanced, as far as MMOs come. Its cross profession balance in Conquest is better balanced than many, many MMOs that have came before. Not to say that it’s perfectly balanced. It’s a comparison. (Cough Ranger, Guardian in Conquest ATM)

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Build diversity and the fact that you can build your profession (nearly) the way you want is what makes it interesting and fun!

Did you wait long in queue before you got matched with those guys? After 6 minutes in the queue you’ll get matched with the first available team. This will sort out as the player base grows. I for one is happy with the way shorter queue times compared to before the change!

Leaderboards is a joke indeed, but they know this and are working on a change as far as I know.

Here’s my opinion: conquest are far more fun than regular 2v2 or 3v3 arenas! I’m excited about stronghold though. I still find conquest far superior to regular arenas as far as tactics and mind games go.

Melder – Thief

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


Esl is a company funding and providing infrastructure for the tournaments.

You should feel embarrassed.

Also condition rant is just lol.

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


ESL isn’t arenanet,

Arenanet is just showing support for the people that do run the ESL.

It’s nice to see arenanet support other organizations that help promote GW2.

However, your right, GW2 system itself sucks kitten . You’re right about mostly solo que players in the que system. They need to create incentives to party the kitten up.

They need to create real in game tournaments.
GW1 had real in game tournaments.

It’s just these developers, they like to think that there new idea is BETTER than the original idea… All it does is make them 1 small step forward and one GIANT leap back.

The community does more work than these GW2 developers lol.

Simple stuff like unlimited amount of spectators in a game.
Simple stuff like being able to hotkey a complete build change (go from medi guard to ah guardian and back with a push of a button).
Simple stuff like structuring the tournaments so they are more tournament like (not some stupid play against another team and then que again).

All that simple stuff, I bet if you gave it to the community…. BAM done, #GETSUM lazy kitten developer.

For all you old timer video game players, you remember Quake. Well guess what, the multiplayer portion of that game was made 5 stars like because player made invention (mod/don’t have to download anything kind of mod), that came out pretty quick too.
It is called the Grappling Hook. Every multiplayer game since, (99%) all have grappling hooks, even though that was never part of the original game and those developers didn’t even think of it.

You know why Quake isn’t around anymore? Because those developers didn’t follow the original idea, they went with new idea Quake 2, and Quake 3 and 4 based off Quake 2. If they’d stay with Quake, that game would crush all those other FPS games.
Point is, some random person made something for the game and it pretty much made that game a hell of a lot better. Quake is the god father of gamers that bot too, godfather of FPS Multiplayer. 5 star underrated game.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: tom.7468


The game is designed so that engineer is superior in pvp in every way.
Pretty sure if a engineer is not best in the esport thing they announce they will nerf everything else. The class i hate the most its not hard to play it just dosen’t fit the genre.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Before GW2 even thinks about going serious with the whole sSports story it needs to resolve some serious issues. Two that come on top of my mind is a terrible target selection system, which was just copied from the original game, and the overall complexity which is simply not fun to watch.

You don’t like watching people die from condi’s?

Do you want to watch people get 100b instead?

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Before GW2 even thinks about going serious with the whole sSports story it needs to resolve some serious issues. Two that come on top of my mind is a terrible target selection system, which was just copied from the original game, and the overall complexity which is simply not fun to watch.

Yes. Let’s pause all the activities that keep a niche community alive until there’s better targeting and it’s more fun to watch.

Haha. Holodoc.5748 for PvP community manager!

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: SuzukiMethod.4732


I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


The game is designed so that engineer is superior in pvp in every way.
Pretty sure if a engineer is not best in the esport thing they announce they will nerf everything else. The class i hate the most its not hard to play it just dosen’t fit the genre.

Lol. I agree engineer may be the strongest profession right now, but your conspiracy theory is laughable. Engineer is extremely popular right now not really because of a buff (some might say slick shoes, but a lot of engineers still play elixir S), but because the meta shifted. The rabid build is the same it has always been, but you don’t see many necros and mesmers running around, and the current meta greatly favors the good 1v1 builds. I remember back then, when everyone was saying “every dev plays warrior”, or “every dev plays thief”. No we have the “Every dev plays engineer” bs. I guess that’s part of the game too.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


The game is designed so that engineer is superior in pvp in every way.
Pretty sure if a engineer is not best in the esport thing they announce they will nerf everything else. The class i hate the most its not hard to play it just dosen’t fit the genre.

Lol. I agree engineer may be the strongest profession right now, but your conspiracy theory is laughable. Engineer is extremely popular right now not really because of a buff (some might say slick shoes, but a lot of engineers still play elixir S), but because the meta shifted. The rabid build is the same it has always been, but you don’t see many necros and mesmers running around, and the current meta greatly favors the good 1v1 builds. I remember back then, when everyone was saying “every dev plays warrior”, or “every dev plays thief”. No we have the “Every dev plays engineer” bs. I guess that’s part of the game too.

A lot do play Engi, They switched over to the more OP class just like a lot of other players did. In actuality though, in PvP and from the info from my friends in WvW, most devs are seen on Rangers. That is just from what I have seen and my friends in game. Do they main it? Who knows. That is just what we have seen in past few months with our own eyes.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


The game is designed so that engineer is superior in pvp in every way.
Pretty sure if a engineer is not best in the esport thing they announce they will nerf everything else. The class i hate the most its not hard to play it just dosen’t fit the genre.

Lol. I agree engineer may be the strongest profession right now, but your conspiracy theory is laughable. Engineer is extremely popular right now not really because of a buff (some might say slick shoes, but a lot of engineers still play elixir S), but because the meta shifted. The rabid build is the same it has always been, but you don’t see many necros and mesmers running around, and the current meta greatly favors the good 1v1 builds. I remember back then, when everyone was saying “every dev plays warrior”, or “every dev plays thief”. No we have the “Every dev plays engineer” bs. I guess that’s part of the game too.

A lot do play Engi, They switched over to the more OP class just like a lot of other players did. In actuality though, in PvP and from the info from my friends in WvW, most devs are seen on Rangers. That is just from what I have seen and my friends in game. Do they main it? Who knows. That is just what we have seen in past few months with our own eyes.

I know Colin Johansson’s main is an engineer, at least I think. It’s not really relevant though: I’m sure they are mature enough at Anet not to mix work and play^^. But yeah, I know a lot of players that switch profession with the meta, so maybe some at Anet do too. The real question is: is it possible to work at Anet and not play GW2 during your free time?

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


If the devs really play ranger, then they can not be accused of partiality whatsoever.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


They switched over to engi just like a lot of players did. I am sure some already played the class before, but some definitely switched. I highly doubt they all said, “Hey we should all start playing Engi. Ok, let’s make it the strongest class before we do”. It just happens to have become really strong and so they switched. As for the ranger deal, besides Grouch that is pretty much all I see. Saw 1 on warrior 2 days ago but he looked like he was just messin round on killshot & probably doesn’t main it.

Speculation artists and conspirators could also say that is why the most gameplay out of the HoTM trailers was given shots/ footage of the Ranger/ Druid Most devs probably didn’t main Rangers before either. I started seeing a LOT of devs on rangers a lot after their burst buffs.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015

Josh Davis.6015


The thought of us balancing something so our own characters are stronger is simply ludicrous. A lot of devs that are directly involved with balance, myself included, tend to hop between professions quite often. Research, if you will. Theory and knowledge of mechanics can only go so far – the real key is getting your hands dirty.

Now, if things get serious in ranked queue (as they should), I’ll probably hop onto whatever I’m the most comfortable with just so I don’t bog my team down, but for the most part I like to keep things fresh by playing different professions.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Where do you see all these devs? I’m on a EU french server and I’ve never seen one with the Anet tag.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: SuzukiMethod.4732


The thought of us balancing something so our own characters are stronger is simply ludicrous. A lot of devs that are directly involved with balance, myself included, tend to hop between professions quite often. Research, if you will. Theory and knowledge of mechanics can only go so far – the real key is getting your hands dirty.

Now, if things get serious in ranked queue (as they should), I’ll probably hop onto whatever I’m the most comfortable with just so I don’t bog my team down, but for the most part I like to keep things fresh by playing different professions.


I just finished making my tin foil hat!!!

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


Where do you see all these devs? I’m on a EU french server and I’ve never seen one with the Anet tag.

I see a at least 2 different devs in PvP a week. My friends see even more in WvW (mainly EoTM). Devs seem to like EoTM and most devs, like most players that don’t have tomes go there to lvl fastest to 80. Rangers have been spotted the most but I can’t say for sure that is what most of them main, because no one knows these numbers. Just 2 days ago my firend went into EoTM and said there were 5 devs running with the zerg, 1 war, 1 guard, 3 rangers. 1 ranger & guard not 80 yet.

As Grouch stated, he wants to help the team out and will play whatever he needs to. I have seen him on Engi mostly but I am sure that is mainly because, what team doesn’t need an engi? I have also seen him play other classes. If engi was to ever become basically useless in PvP (shouldn’t due to balance) I am sure Grouch would play another class more often.

Players should want to help the team. Not willing to switch when there is 3 thieves and it’s not the daily, to me blows my mind. Never the less, it happens.

I am sure there are some devs in EU, whether they live there or just play there; but Anet is in the USA, NA see’s them a lot more.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

(edited by GhOst.4019)

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


The thought of us balancing something so our own characters are stronger is simply ludicrous. A lot of devs that are directly involved with balance, myself included, tend to hop between professions quite often. Research, if you will. Theory and knowledge of mechanics can only go so far – the real key is getting your hands dirty.

Now, if things get serious in ranked queue (as they should), I’ll probably hop onto whatever I’m the most comfortable with just so I don’t bog my team down, but for the most part I like to keep things fresh by playing different professions.

I’ll give you a break and stop teasing you about Engies when you take “unblockable” away from Poison grenades. :P It makes just as much sense and is 10x more problematic than Bone Minions that you guys wrecked. RIP poor fellers.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


The thought of us balancing something so our own characters are stronger is simply ludicrous. A lot of devs that are directly involved with balance, myself included, tend to hop between professions quite often. Research, if you will. Theory and knowledge of mechanics can only go so far – the real key is getting your hands dirty.

Now, if things get serious in ranked queue (as they should), I’ll probably hop onto whatever I’m the most comfortable with just so I don’t bog my team down, but for the most part I like to keep things fresh by playing different professions.

I’ll give you a break and stop teasing you about Engies when you take “unblockable” away from Poison grenades. :P It makes just as much sense and is 10x more problematic than Bone Minions that you guys wrecked. RIP poor fellers.

Yeah… Poison nade is the only one you have to play really intelligently, saving it for the guardian shelter. By the way, most classes have unblockable attacks. A SD thief was always at a disadvantage against an engineer, but with the september nerf, you’re forced to use the poison field when he blocks. A block is not an invulnerability, and shouldn’t be: gear shield is already really strong as it is.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: PSILO.4068



I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


The thought of us balancing something so our own characters are stronger is simply ludicrous. A lot of devs that are directly involved with balance, myself included, tend to hop between professions quite often. Research, if you will. Theory and knowledge of mechanics can only go so far – the real key is getting your hands dirty.

Now, if things get serious in ranked queue (as they should), I’ll probably hop onto whatever I’m the most comfortable with just so I don’t bog my team down, but for the most part I like to keep things fresh by playing different professions.

I’ll give you a break and stop teasing you about Engies when you take “unblockable” away from Poison grenades. :P It makes just as much sense and is 10x more problematic than Bone Minions that you guys wrecked. RIP poor fellers.

Yeah… Poison nade is the only one you have to play really intelligently, saving it for the guardian shelter. By the way, most classes have unblockable attacks. A SD thief was always at a disadvantage against an engineer, but with the september nerf, you’re forced to use the poison field when he blocks. A block is not an invulnerability, and shouldn’t be: gear shield is already really strong as it is.

Honestly, I’m not really sure what you’re getting at. I don’t understand where you stand on it. But my point was that the “Unblockable” nerf to Bone minions made no sense, especially compared to some of the really powerful unblockable abilities like Poison grenade which can be used to secure “On Swap” sigils and stack 4+ conditions in a single throw with little counterplay, especially in melee range after an immobilize. Bone minions got shafted twice and aren’t even really used in any meta game.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Taygus.4571


Where do you see all these devs? I’m on a EU french server and I’ve never seen one with the Anet tag.

I see a at least 2 different devs in PvP a week. My friends see even more in WvW (mainly EoTM). Devs seem to like EoTM and most devs, like most players that don’t have tomes go there to lvl fastest to 80. Rangers have been spotted the most but I can’t say for sure that is what most of them main, because no one knows these numbers. Just 2 days ago my firend went into EoTM and said there were 5 devs running with the zerg, 1 war, 1 guard, 3 rangers. 1 ranger & guard not 80 yet.

As Grouch stated, he wants to help the team out and will play whatever he needs to. I have seen him on Engi mostly but I am sure that is mainly because, what team doesn’t need an engi? I have also seen him play other classes. If engi was to ever become basically useless in PvP (shouldn’t due to balance) I am sure Grouch would play another class more often.

Players should want to help the team. Not willing to switch when there is 3 thieves and it’s not the daily, to me blows my mind. Never the less, it happens.

I am sure there are some devs in EU, whether they live there or just play there; but Anet is in the USA, NA see’s them a lot more.

so….all that to say “They’re in NA, that’s where you’ll see them”
I’d really like to know what devs if any play on EU servers ^^. would be nice to see them around…

(edited by Taygus.4571)

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015


Where do you see all these devs? I’m on a EU french server and I’ve never seen one with the Anet tag.

I see a at least 2 different devs in PvP a week. My friends see even more in WvW (mainly EoTM). Devs seem to like EoTM and most devs, like most players that don’t have tomes go there to lvl fastest to 80. Rangers have been spotted the most but I can’t say for sure that is what most of them main, because no one knows these numbers. Just 2 days ago my firend went into EoTM and said there were 5 devs running with the zerg, 1 war, 1 guard, 3 rangers. 1 ranger & guard not 80 yet.

As Grouch stated, he wants to help the team out and will play whatever he needs to. I have seen him on Engi mostly but I am sure that is mainly because, what team doesn’t need an engi? I have also seen him play other classes. If engi was to ever become basically useless in PvP (shouldn’t due to balance) I am sure Grouch would play another class more often.

Players should want to help the team. Not willing to switch when there is 3 thieves and it’s not the daily, to me blows my mind. Never the less, it happens.

I am sure there are some devs in EU, whether they live there or just play there; but Anet is in the USA, NA see’s them a lot more.

so….all that to say “They’re in NA, that’s where you’ll see them”
I’d really like to know what devs if any play on EU servers ^^. would be nice to see them around…

If we get a chance we’ll play there during work hours (EU primetime) but for the most part we play on NA during our free time. Most of us have guilds and friends that we play with, just like you guys! There’s a lot more of us playing than you’d think…we just blend in. (One of us, one of us!)

We do have a handful of EU community managers – like David, Ramon, and Stephanie. I’ve seen Stephanie playing on a FR EU server before in WvW (and then I hunted her down mercilessly).

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Darkness.9732


The thought of us balancing something so our own characters are stronger is simply ludicrous. A lot of devs that are directly involved with balance, myself included, tend to hop between professions quite often. Research, if you will. Theory and knowledge of mechanics can only go so far – the real key is getting your hands dirty.

Now, if things get serious in ranked queue (as they should), I’ll probably hop onto whatever I’m the most comfortable with just so I don’t bog my team down, but for the most part I like to keep things fresh by playing different professions.

Hey Josh one question : Have you ever played ranger in spvp ? or in wvw?
Haven’ t you noticed yet the lack of survival skills ranger has?^
I bet you don’ t play ranger. If you had you would have noticed all the the incredible limits ranger has ( F skills are useless compared to eviscerate and Others…our pets are simple useless and we all know that).
For this game sake : FIX RANGER
And please sometimes read ranger forum just to realise how much rangers are disappointed by their class.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015



Ranger is what I’ve been playing the most lately. Usually survival condi ranger or power lb/gs.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632



Ranger is what I’ve been playing the most lately. Usually survival condi ranger or power lb/gs.

It always gives me a giggle.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019



Ranger is what I’ve been playing the most lately. Usually survival condi ranger or power lb/gs.


#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015



Ranger is what I’ve been playing the most lately. Usually survival condi ranger or power lb/gs.

It always gives me a giggle.

“Grouch Goes Bearbow” shows no fear.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I’ll give you a break and stop teasing you about Engies when you take “unblockable” away from Poison grenades. :P

How do you block a grenade? >.> ….

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


I’ll give you a break and stop teasing you about Engies when you take “unblockable” away from Poison grenades. :P

How do you block a grenade? >.> ….

Riot shield. Or a baseball bat if you wanna get fancy

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


I’ll give you a break and stop teasing you about Engies when you take “unblockable” away from Poison grenades. :P

How do you block a grenade? >.> ….

How do you block an unstable radioactive exploding rat? o.O Also, I’d venture to guess the same way you block the other 4.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Don’t understand why we haven’t seen an all dev zerg busting guild out in WvW

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632



Ranger is what I’ve been playing the most lately. Usually survival condi ranger or power lb/gs.

It always gives me a giggle.

“Grouch Goes Bearbow” shows no fear.

That name makes me cringe.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: tanztante.6532


Don’t understand why we haven’t seen an all dev zerg busting guild out in WvW

i’d love to see a complete dev zerg challenged by top gvg guilds

Ayaílla ~all is [vain]

ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682



Hey, incisorr.

You seem to be pretty mad. With your comments, you’re showing your lack of experience. I know that because I sometimes play against you in Ranked matches.

You run some weird GS+CC-weapon build that kills my necro no problem, but do I run to the forums and complain about GS warriors?
Also, even though you can kill me, I am yet to see a match you win against me, think we’re going 4-0 for me. You know why? Because this game is about teamplay and you working with your team instead of complaining that conditions kill you.
It’s not about winning 1v1 while the points tick for your opponent.
It’s not about making conditions bad so that your build (that is btw insanely good vs condis) can stand them.

All I have to say – l2p issue.


(edited by leman.7682)

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Don’t understand why we haven’t seen an all dev zerg busting guild out in WvW

i’d love to see a complete dev zerg challenged by top gvg guilds

Uh no we can’t go talking like that.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: incisorr.9502



All I have to say – l2p issue.

lol the audacity.

No kitten its a team game its 5 versus friggin 5 and its the worst game mode for soloqueue out of ALL other game modes for several reasons and because you’re dense, i’ll state them for you.

In 3v3 you have much smaller enivornment which also is a lot more balanced most of the time and its much easier to get a premade going and even if you can’t, you’re a lot more important than in 5v5

In 15v15 you cant meet full premade team and its much harder to coordinate with 15 people overall so 1 person can have more impact with some glassy dps

In 5v5 you can’t carry alone because the format is too big but you can still meet premades even in SOLOQ which is UTTERLY HORRIBLE (but i’ll mention that bellow) and the format itself requires to have atleast several people preforming because one can’t do anything (unlike in 3v3) and its much easier for people to coordinate (if they are better) so, unlike 15v15 where a good player would hide behind the chaos against more good players in 5v5 you can’t do that.

You have balls to talkwhen you always sign with 2/3 other friends premade and you go against random people and most of the time they happen to be kitten and even if they arent kitten they happen to be incompatible roles because conqeuest is very stupid mode and you actually need roles even tho GW2’s moto was “NO ROLES” (this game has more roles than any other game).

Then you have the issue that nowadays everybody follows some stupid illusonary meta which doesn’t exist for soloqueue and the builds that became meta were part of a team that required xx role done by xx person.

The meta issue is so funny , in this game there is more chance to get flamed for the build you run (look even you complain about my build) rather than the results you produce. I wont’ get flamed if i play like kitten and i let my cat press the buttons if i run a build from the metabattle site but if i run another build i’ll get flamed even if i play super good and efficient and this isn’t even just me rambling. It has actually happened. In so many games i manage to beat people with my own build and at the end at the game (win or lose) I have some kittentard flaming me because i run GS warrior build, which by the way is way more fun than the kittenty meta build and not only that but its way more efficient. The only reason some people might not see it as such is because they are comparing 2 different roles to each other and they have prejudice and expectations as to what a warrior should do and thats incredibly stupid and narrow minded but thats GW2 for you.

And its funny that you say its a team game when you win with few buddies and zerg me on every point while my trashers cant make up for the fact that you invest 2 people on a different point. And lol at “1v1 while points tick for the enemy” , i don’t do 1v1 while points tick for the enemy if it takes too long , i only do it if the fight isnt going to be too long.

I complain about conditions because they are crap and they make the game system very crappy and imbalanced, they do way too much damage and require way too little effort and everybody and his mom runs condition build. Only real men don’t play with conditions and even me, that despises conditions and the way they are, often end up playing a condi build on some of my chars (like my 2nd warrior with the meta build which i have and play just so i can comapre it to my original build). Engineers and guardians were always OP since release, im not sure why people in this thread talk like they just got OP suddenly and were not always like this.

So bottom lane, 5v5 is team based and in 5v5 mobas/rpgs you need to have atleast somebody else preforming and that isn’t always the case in those games which imo makes 5v5 very dumb. Even LCS players in league have 55% win rate , just like any normal player, simply because SOLOQUEUE for FIVE VERSUS FIVE game is just wrong and you are bound to get kitten teammates at some point who WILL make you lose regardless of how good or efficient you are.
SOLOQUEUE for heavily team reliant game = bad. People bragging / thinking theyre good because of games like this = bad. You can think you are good and brag if you have what for, just not for winning due to xxx circumstance xxx in Leman’s case he signs with a premade and ends up fighting randoms so hes talking about l2p issue ? hilarious. If you lose 1v1 to roamer as a point defender how the hell do you think you are more efficient than him? Roamers are faster and they are at more places than you are and if you lose straight up 1v1 to him you are not more efficient than him even in team fights because roamers tend to have more damage than point defenders so really the only way you can think you do good is if you can hold a point and stall long enough if you’re a bunker to claim you’re better.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Taygus.4571


Where do you see all these devs? I’m on a EU french server and I’ve never seen one with the Anet tag.

I see a at least 2 different devs in PvP a week. My friends see even more in WvW (mainly EoTM). Devs seem to like EoTM and most devs, like most players that don’t have tomes go there to lvl fastest to 80. Rangers have been spotted the most but I can’t say for sure that is what most of them main, because no one knows these numbers. Just 2 days ago my firend went into EoTM and said there were 5 devs running with the zerg, 1 war, 1 guard, 3 rangers. 1 ranger & guard not 80 yet.

As Grouch stated, he wants to help the team out and will play whatever he needs to. I have seen him on Engi mostly but I am sure that is mainly because, what team doesn’t need an engi? I have also seen him play other classes. If engi was to ever become basically useless in PvP (shouldn’t due to balance) I am sure Grouch would play another class more often.

Players should want to help the team. Not willing to switch when there is 3 thieves and it’s not the daily, to me blows my mind. Never the less, it happens.

I am sure there are some devs in EU, whether they live there or just play there; but Anet is in the USA, NA see’s them a lot more.

so….all that to say “They’re in NA, that’s where you’ll see them”
I’d really like to know what devs if any play on EU servers ^^. would be nice to see them around…

If we get a chance we’ll play there during work hours (EU primetime) but for the most part we play on NA during our free time. Most of us have guilds and friends that we play with, just like you guys! There’s a lot more of us playing than you’d think…we just blend in. (One of us, one of us!)

We do have a handful of EU community managers – like David, Ramon, and Stephanie. I’ve seen Stephanie playing on a FR EU server before in WvW (and then I hunted her down mercilessly).

Hey thanks for the reply! ..I’ll have to keep an eye on wvw, it seems

I understand that you would play more in NA, being that ye live there. but it’s cool that ye do hop into EU somewhat ^^.

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Narkodx.1472


wow you wasted a lot of keyboard strokes on leman the truth is he’s really bad too

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Where do you see all these devs? I’m on a EU french server and I’ve never seen one with the Anet tag.

I see a at least 2 different devs in PvP a week. My friends see even more in WvW (mainly EoTM). Devs seem to like EoTM and most devs, like most players that don’t have tomes go there to lvl fastest to 80. Rangers have been spotted the most but I can’t say for sure that is what most of them main, because no one knows these numbers. Just 2 days ago my firend went into EoTM and said there were 5 devs running with the zerg, 1 war, 1 guard, 3 rangers. 1 ranger & guard not 80 yet.

As Grouch stated, he wants to help the team out and will play whatever he needs to. I have seen him on Engi mostly but I am sure that is mainly because, what team doesn’t need an engi? I have also seen him play other classes. If engi was to ever become basically useless in PvP (shouldn’t due to balance) I am sure Grouch would play another class more often.

Players should want to help the team. Not willing to switch when there is 3 thieves and it’s not the daily, to me blows my mind. Never the less, it happens.

I am sure there are some devs in EU, whether they live there or just play there; but Anet is in the USA, NA see’s them a lot more.

so….all that to say “They’re in NA, that’s where you’ll see them”
I’d really like to know what devs if any play on EU servers ^^. would be nice to see them around…

If we get a chance we’ll play there during work hours (EU primetime) but for the most part we play on NA during our free time. Most of us have guilds and friends that we play with, just like you guys! There’s a lot more of us playing than you’d think…we just blend in. (One of us, one of us!)

We do have a handful of EU community managers – like David, Ramon, and Stephanie. I’ve seen Stephanie playing on a FR EU server before in WvW (and then I hunted her down mercilessly).

grouch stop going hj…go ranked xD Never met you there >.<

Ark 2nd Account

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


wow you wasted a lot of keyboard strokes on leman the truth is he’s really bad too


Not to be exact or anything…..
Guess that is the reason I skipped over that whole blob.

If he was going for a 1000 word essay….you would get a C- on that.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

I feel embarrassed

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524



Hey, incisorr.

You seem to be pretty mad. With your comments, you’re showing your lack of experience. I know that because I sometimes play against you in Ranked matches.

You run some weird GS+CC-weapon build that kills my necro no problem, but do I run to the forums and complain about GS warriors?
Also, even though you can kill me, I am yet to see a match you win against me, think we’re going 4-0 for me. You know why? Because this game is about teamplay and you working with your team instead of complaining that conditions kill you.
It’s not about winning 1v1 while the points tick for your opponent.
It’s not about making conditions bad so that your build (that is btw insanely good vs condis) can stand them.

All I have to say – l2p issue.

Leman used flame. It’s super effective!


Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)