(edited by Chilli.2976)
I get dishonored for changing my character!
i got dishonored yesterday for 2 days even though i played full matches
Well, I included the picture and I’m going to submit a ticket.
This is bullkitten!
Spirit ranger ! We have a fine player here.
Spirit ranger ! We have a fine player here.
I actually have my own build lol, I just changed it to spirit ranger skills for the picture.
You tricked me into thinking you’re a spirit ranger ! you’re a mind ranger ! DD:
You tricked me into thinking you’re a spirit ranger ! you’re a mind ranger ! DD:
Indeed! I submitted my ticket, though I’ll probably get a reply after 2 days when it expires, and they’ll just say, we have fixed it now.
I don’t think it happened because you changed character, it’s just their servers… Just a few minutes ago, I couldn’t enter the tournament (I got 4 different error codes) and also the ‘tournament timed out’ message.
When I was able again to enter (after about 5 tries), we were only 3 on our team, so we’re not the only ones having issues.
Why should their servers do this then? I have not physically raged or DC’d from a match, that has resulted me not been able to join again in the last 2 months.
This just happened, as appears to be the luck of the draw! I’m currently PvEing which I hate!
Plus the timer was still counting down before the tournament even started!
Why should their servers do this then? I have not physically raged or DC’d from a match, that has resulted me not been able to join again in the last 2 months.
This just happened, as appears to be the luck of the draw! I’m currently PvEing which I hate!
Plus the timer was still counting down before the tournament even started!
Then swapping characters is not what caused it. I have swapped characters several times mid match and never got dishonored.
Also this debuff clearly states only you are restricted from rated matches. You can still hot join, stop being overdramatic.
Swapping characters is what happened, that’s why I have put up a post about it. If I knew i just left and got it, I wouldn’t of made this thread.
If you see the timer on the pictures, its obviously not normal to get dishonored when you still have a tournament time up!
As for hotjoin, no way.
Why should their servers do this then? I have not physically raged or DC’d from a match, that has resulted me not been able to join again in the last 2 months.
This just happened, as appears to be the luck of the draw! I’m currently PvEing which I hate!
Plus the timer was still counting down before the tournament even started!
Then swapping characters is not what caused it. I have swapped characters several times mid match and never got dishonored.
Also this debuff clearly states only you are restricted from rated matches. You can still hot join, stop being overdramatic.
^ You can still hotjoin ! ! ! ! ! !
Rofl, that lack of empathy.
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