I have Deer as Rank 9, why?

I have Deer as Rank 9, why?

in PvP

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


I got the Deer in the character selection, plus the Gladiator title, but the “Purple rank bar” still shows Rank 9, why is that? still need many points for Rank 10.

I have Deer as Rank 9, why?

in PvP

Posted by: admiralnlson.2380


You might have used a Glory Boost.

If you do, you get more Glory points than Rank points, so the correlation between the 2 stops.

The “Symbol” (Rabbit, Deer, Dolyak, …) seems to be based on glory points, not rank points.
Hence why you got Deer, before reaching rank 10. Happened to me too.

I have Deer as Rank 9, why?

in PvP

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


You might have used a Glory Boost.

If you do, you get more Glory points than Rank points, so the correlation between the 2 stops.

The “Symbol” (Rabbit, Deer, Dolyak, …) seems to be based on glory points, not rank points.
Hence why you got Deer, before reaching rank 10. Happened to me too.

Interesting, then this should be changed to get the Deer, Tittle, etc, by Rank and not by Glory.