I have two problems with pvp

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sixe.5704


I have two problems with pvp. First off let me say that I’m not a noob, original L1 vet, L2, WarHammer, Rift, Aon, AoC… Did not get to play GW1, but then again GW2 by what I hear is a lot different. I’ve only been in the game a short time, so I do not yet know all the character play let alone all their abilities.
My first difficulty is all the replicates some characters throw at you. I can’t seem to target the right one, and being a softy I have no chance what so ever to survive half a dozen melee pounding on me while I’m running around trying to find the original. How do you fight back or even defend something like that. I’ve managed to stay up close to a minute and these guys keep spawning.
My second difficulty is the dagger builds that just stay under stealth. Invisible, pop up hits you twice before you get a chance to cast anything, then stealth.. follow you.. pop up again.. rinse and repeat. Any way I can fight or even survive this? At least Aon had a seed you could pop to detect stealth, and even one charge at least that I can remember had stealth eye skill. What can I do when I cant even see the enemy?
If anyone has any pointers please let me know. It’s getting kind of frustrating out there. And one more thing.. I’ve noticed cheats in pvp as well. Or at least what I think are cheats, like animation ridiculously fast on the final blow when the spike finishes you off. Like I said, I’m not familiar with all the characters and all the builds which makes it kind of hard in game to know who’s cheating or not.
If anyone has any pointers on these two issues thanks in advance.

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


only two?
/15 chars…

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

It’s hard for everyone who’s new to the game. Definitely a learning-issue to handle it. The ridiculously fast movments are caused by quickness (I think in your case you mean the thieves combo with haste). If you look in the forum you will find some guides how to handle/counter these classes. Or play them on your own to figure out how their mechanics work.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


As for recognizing the real mesmer – he’ll act diffirent from the clones – strafing, dodging, moving in circles, backpedaling etc. Also clones only use a single skill, while the real one uses multiple animations.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


“Pinging” who is the right Mesmer also helps most of the time (I hope you understand what I mean^^).

For stealth… well there is no real counter for that. You can try to predict and when and where they are going to hit you or try to prepare for their next attack (protection, invulnerability, etc.). Maybe this helps.

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


As for recognizing the real mesmer – he’ll act diffirent from the clones – strafing, dodging, moving in circles, backpedaling etc. Also clones only use a single skill, while the real one uses multiple animations.

What if he does not act different from the clones? Like phantasm dmg build for example, dont use signets or glory booster, pop clones and phantasms then stealth dodge once or twice to change position for when you come out of stealth, then just spam 1 and stand still while phantasms kill him or until your stealth CDs come back up ( if he does manage to find you) You will look no different than your replicas. Rinse and repeat until target is dead. He cant find you and if he kills clones and phantasms he gets random conditions on him. 1vs1 mesmer is a best class in the game by far imo.

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Theplayboy.6417


It’s stupid simple actually….No matter what every class has a weapon skill, utility, or profession ability that will stop you from taking damage. When the burst thief pops out of nowhere all you have to do is hit that key as soon you start taking damage and you’re good. You’ve ruined his burst and he’s used up most of his initiative. If every option available to you is on a cool down when the burst happens then you’re probably dead. Either way it’s on you to be on the lookout when you know the other team has a burst thief roamer.

Recognizing the real Mesmer is also stupid simple. Uncheck show all enemies and show NPC names in your options screen. Keep only the Show All Players box checked. The player or the illusion you have targeted will be the only one with a name above their head. It’s very simple to see which one is the real one. Use the call target command along with this and you’ll always know the correct one.

As for Khyra’s post above these are easy Mesmers to beat. Phantasms look ghost like and do all the damage. Clones look like the Mesmers and do almost zero damage, I’m talking line single number damage from clones when they attack. Clones are meant to be shattered. A phantasm mesmer rarely has more than 1 clone up. They try to bring up Phantasms and keep them up. Kill the phantasms and you kill their damage. Even with the 20% more health trait and signet if illusions the phantasms still go down in a couple of hits. As soon as you see a phantasm pop up, dodge, then kill it, then go back to killing the Mesmer.

(edited by Theplayboy.6417)

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


I stopped reading your post after “original L1 vet, L2, WarHammer, Rift, Aon, AoC”.

L1 and L2, kittening terrible. Only enjoyable for nostalgia and only if it was your first mmo ever

Warhammer is one kittening word btw, and that game was ATROCIOUS. I played it for about a year unfortunately.

Rift – Worst kittening pvp of any game ever. Great class system, terrible terrible terrible content.

Aon(I think you mean Aion) – Are you serious? You think playing Aion is “pvp exeperience”?

AoC – Decent game. PvP would be fun if it wasn’t 2 classes dominating all pvp.

Now if you had said you pvp’d in games like DAoC, AC1 and AC2, and Shadowbane that might mean something. But instead you’ve played a bunch of garbage korean mmo’s with the worst class balance ever on the worst pvp platforms ever.

You have no pvp experience.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sixe.5704


@ “Sanis” Well.. I didn’t want this post to be a “cry me a river” kinda thing. I honestly wanted other players’ opinion on how they handle these issues in pvp.

@ “Theplayboy” Thanks for the suggestions, your pointers were very helpful; especially the targeting. In doing some research the last couple of days however, it does seem that a lot of people have a beef with thieves, their burst damage and nonstop stealth.

@ “EaGrimdarK” In writing this post I tried to be very simple, lucid, and to the point, without pointing fingers or crying about who’s op in the game or what the Dev’s have to do to fix whatever. In doing this I never expected a reply such as yours. Sorry my 15+ years experience in MMO’s is not up to par, or to your standards. And in response.. ( here.. pull my finger!)

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Creld.8702


First, what class do you play/prefer playing?
Your best bet is to read some posts on those forums, generally every class has some strategies listed for everything.

As for stealth spammers and shatter mesmers, those are currently two of the hardest classes to counter in spvp. There isn’t a whole lot you can do to prevent a thief from going into stealth, but if they use shadow refuge (big red circle with a house floating above it), drop your aoes in it. If you can knock them out of it, they’ll be revealed for a short time and lose all of their stealth. If they sit in there and tank the damage or were low on health when they popped it, keep an eye out for a downed thief in 10-15 seconds.

Shatter mesmers you generally have to play against to garner experience, but the basic idea is to avoid their burst (if you get immobilized, generally that means you have a burst incoming, doesn’t matter what class you’re facing), ctrl click the real mesmer to keep him targeted unless he stealths, and otherwise avoid his illusionary berserker (the spinning one) and the illusionary unload (the one that shoots the kitten out of you).

But, like I said, had to give more specific counters without knowing your class.

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


@ “Sanis” Well.. I didn’t want this post to be a “cry me a river” kinda thing. I honestly wanted other players’ opinion on how they handle these issues in pvp.

Ignore Sanis, he left game in November and only posts on the forums for troll/entertainment value. It’s his way of showing he still cares and hopes to come back one day.

Pic related.


“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

(edited by Harrier.9380)

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sixe.5704


I mainly play Necro. Reading up on the specs and some builds, I think I’ve come up with a nice build. Full Conditional Damage, septer/dagger and staff, with speed and heal as you dps. Haven’t tried WvW yet, but on spvp, the past couple of days, I’ve been getting very good solid results with it. Always mid to high ranks. It seems that in 1v1 I can bring down just about any class, other then thieves. Even mesmers are easier now after “Theplayboy”s suggestions. The classes in general seem very well balanced, maybe they just need to fine tune thieves a bit so that especially softies aren’t a 1.5 second wipeout under their blades.

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Spanners.3904


Apin es numero uno!


I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


@ “EaGrimdarK” In writing this post I tried to be very simple, lucid, and to the point, without pointing fingers or crying about who’s op in the game or what the Dev’s have to do to fix whatever. In doing this I never expected a reply such as yours. Sorry my 15+ years experience in MMO’s is not up to par, or to your standards. And in response.. ( here.. pull my finger!)

There are a lot of incongruities in your original post, if you played 15+ years lol. Just wondering why you wouldnt have mentioned any one of the 5 major PvP mmo’s that were out before/around the time of L1, which were all vastly superior to every MMO you listed. And why would your PvP opinion be worth anything in the first place if you chose to play L1 over those MMO’s back in the day? That alone states that for the last 15 years you have made terrible decisions on which MMO’s to play. (Im especially curious as to why you didn’t mention any MMO’s you played before Lineage 1 since you said you’ve been playing longer than L1 has been out and almost every MMO out before L1 was PvP based, wouldnt you want to include that in your PvP credibility?)

So yeah, your pvp experience is by far not up to par. And no, I wont pull your finger because I was born after 1954.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


@ “EaGrimdarK” In writing this post I tried to be very simple, lucid, and to the point, without pointing fingers or crying about who’s op in the game or what the Dev’s have to do to fix whatever. In doing this I never expected a reply such as yours. Sorry my 15+ years experience in MMO’s is not up to par, or to your standards. And in response.. ( here.. pull my finger!)

There are a lot of incongruities in your original post, if you played 15+ years lol. Just wondering why you wouldnt have mentioned any one of the 5 major PvP mmo’s that were out before/around the time of L1, which were all vastly superior to every MMO you listed. And why would your PvP opinion be worth anything in the first place if you chose to play L1 over those MMO’s back in the day? That alone states that for the last 15 years you have made terrible decisions on which MMO’s to play. (Im especially curious as to why you didn’t mention any MMO’s you played before Lineage 1 since you said you’ve been playing longer than L1 has been out and almost every MMO out before L1 was PvP based, wouldnt you want to include that in your PvP credibility?)

So yeah, your pvp experience is by far not up to par. And no, I wont pull your finger because I was born after 1954.

Eagrimdark played all of the “best” PvP games. Too bad he was terrible at all if then.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sixe.5704


@ “EaGrimdarK” In writing this post I tried to be very simple, lucid, and to the point, without pointing fingers or crying about who’s op in the game or what the Dev’s have to do to fix whatever. In doing this I never expected a reply such as yours. Sorry my 15+ years experience in MMO’s is not up to par, or to your standards. And in response.. ( here.. pull my finger!)

There are a lot of incongruities in your original post, if you played 15+ years lol. Just wondering why you wouldnt have mentioned any one of the 5 major PvP mmo’s that were out before/around the time of L1, which were all vastly superior to every MMO you listed. And why would your PvP opinion be worth anything in the first place if you chose to play L1 over those MMO’s back in the day? That alone states that for the last 15 years you have made terrible decisions on which MMO’s to play. (Im especially curious as to why you didn’t mention any MMO’s you played before Lineage 1 since you said you’ve been playing longer than L1 has been out and almost every MMO out before L1 was PvP based, wouldnt you want to include that in your PvP credibility?)

So yeah, your pvp experience is by far not up to par. And no, I wont pull your finger because I was born after 1954.

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sixe.5704



I thought my original post was very clear. I never said I played MMO’s before L1, nor did I ever mention that the MMOs I was on were specifically PvP based. I merely tried to point out that in my 15 years or so playing MMOs, I’ve played my share of mages, necros, wizards, rangers, daggers, etc… therefore I am familiar with their basic traits and skills. ( yes most character traits/skills are very similar in all MMOs).
Again, nowhere in my original post was an opinion stated. The purpose of the post was to seek help on two specific issues I had in pvp.
I never said I played before L1, and I never said I picked MMOs based on their PvP value. Whether my decisions were terrible or not, they are what they are, and they were mine.
I did not intend this post to take the turn it did with you. I was hoping for clear, concise answers on the 2 issues at hand. This alone proves that instead of crying and raving, I’ve tried to find solutions through the forums from players with more experience and time invested. The fact that I am even responding to a troll like you, gives you validity and credibility you do not deserve. My original post did not state an opinion, yours did. If you don’t have anything constructive to add, learn to read first, stfu, and let legitimate players have their peace in here.
BTW, I was born after 1954 as well. If you want it spelled out; by “pulling my finger”, you would get the deserved responses to your raving post.
Oh wait… I feel another coming.. pull it again!

I have two problems with pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


Apin es numero uno!


hey m8… wanna go warZ?… i heard there is a lot of kitten in clearview

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

(edited by Sanis.1096)