I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: BennyTheDane.6190


There is an obvious problem when this is constantly being posted on the Official Guild Wars Forums and on Reddit. Please Anet do something about this.. It’s really starting to make me hate PvP. It’s far too rewarding for such a passive build.


I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: Kurse.1540


^ Take a close look at the names. I just wish Anet stopped deleting MY posts about turrets.


I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: darres.8203


anet too busy pushing esports to worry about pvp

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


This is your problems really. You’re bringing glassy builds against tanky opponents. If this was League of Legends, that’s like saying to Riot, “hey Riot, ban all armor and magic resistance items from the game because I can’t one shot everything, and whenever I fail to do my wombo combo I die to Udyr”.


Anvil Rockers Unite!

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


This is your problems really. You’re bringing glassy builds against tanky opponents. If this was League of Legends, that’s like saying to Riot, “hey Riot, ban all armor and magic resistance items from the game because I can’t one shot everything, and whenever I fail to do my wombo combo I die to Udyr”.

Doesn’t matter what build you play, That is not a fun match up… which is what games are meant for!

Those comps are easy to beat, but if you feel like kitten after every game, then there is something wrong happening.

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


The real problem is when people face this abomination they act kittened.
Instead of going d/f or staff ele and spawn camping the respawns they just give up.
Or worse. They reroll necro because kitten kitten necro counters engi right?
It’s not an impossible to beat comp.

I keep hearing that people participating in tournaments think 5 turret is OP but they don’t use it because it’s shameful. I honestly doub that’s the case. A winning comp will be played no matter how cheesy it’s considered.

The only thing everybody seems to refuse to admit is that if you face more than 2 turret engis you gotta start counter-comping. Reroll something with stability, sustain, aoe. Spawn camp the respawns before they reach the node. Simply killing rocket turret is often enough.

But when you manage to facetank 2 turrets and their crates by the magic of celestial and your team just dies around you and never cleaves the downed..well..

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


The real problem is when people face this abomination they act kittened.
Instead of going d/f or staff ele and spawn camping the respawns they just give up.
Or worse. They reroll necro because kitten kitten necro counters engi right?
It’s not an impossible to beat comp.

I keep hearing that people participating in tournaments think 5 turret is OP but they don’t use it because it’s shameful. I honestly doub that’s the case. A winning comp will be played no matter how cheesy it’s considered.

The only thing everybody seems to refuse to admit is that if you face more than 2 turret engis you gotta start counter-comping. Reroll something with stability, sustain, aoe. Spawn camp the respawns before they reach the node. Simply killing rocket turret is often enough.

But when you manage to facetank 2 turrets and their crates by the magic of celestial and your team just dies around you and never cleaves the downed..well..

Even after you beat them, did you have fun ? was it worth it ? would you want to face them again ? Win or Lose, fighting a Turret engi will always end up with people wanting to /Wrist. ( X_x)

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


I just watch at the comments in team chat…and I LOL..xddd, 10 out 10, would read again haha

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


Why Final Fantasy 14 failed (and how it was reborn)?

“Yoshida pulled up one final slide, entitled: “What we have learned.” Its bullet point lessons were the exact opposites of the mindset that went into building the original FF14":

1. Never forget the fans. Without them, there would be no ‘us’
2. Fun comes first. If it isn’t fun, you’re doing it wrong
3. Never back down. Always aim to amaze*
4. Don’t forget your roots. It’s what fans crave

Breaking a promise is the worst thing that you can ever do, and I promised the people that I would make this game happen,” Yoshida said. “The fact I was able to deliver on that promise is a great relief .”

Here is solution. (Yes! it will be challenge and fun. Yes! it will have Risk/Reward)

Square Enix: Final Fantasy XIV Upcoming New Expansion: Heavensward: New Job/Profession-


“Machinist is a ranged DPS job introduced in 2014 Fan Fest in Tokyo. Machinist is the gun-wielding job scheduled to be released in Heavensward. The job’s main weapon is the Firearm and requires no base class. Machinist will use specialized mechanical equipment such as attachments to the firearm along with deploy-able turrets.

Using deployable turrets, Machinist can perform a support style role in addition to the DPS role. The turrets can attack enemies, debuff enemies or buff allies.
When using attachments on his gun, Machinist increases his DPS and transforms his weapon to something similar to a cannon. He will charge up before an attack and movement will cancel the attack and reset the charge. If you need to be constantly on the move, don’t use attachments. Gun actions require a stacking gunpowder(or ammo) buff. Learning when to reload will be an important skill. Machinist will also be able to summon a machine companion to battle for assistance"

Do you see the problem? It is not just Engineer Profession problem: it is everything.

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: Quintoozla.7893


Here is solution. (Yes! it will be challenge and fun. Yes! it will have Risk/Reward)

Square Enix: Final Fantasy XIV Upcoming New Expansion: Heavensward: New Job/Profession-


“Machinist is a ranged DPS job introduced in 2014 Fan Fest in Tokyo. Machinist is the gun-wielding job scheduled to be released in Heavensward. The job’s main weapon is the Firearm and requires no base class. Machinist will use specialized mechanical equipment such as attachments to the firearm along with deploy-able turrets.

Using deployable turrets, Machinist can perform a support style role in addition to the DPS role. The turrets can attack enemies, debuff enemies or buff allies.
When using attachments on his gun, Machinist increases his DPS and transforms his weapon to something similar to a cannon. He will charge up before an attack and movement will cancel the attack and reset the charge. If you need to be constantly on the move, don’t use attachments. Gun actions require a stacking gunpowder(or ammo) buff. Learning when to reload will be an important skill. Machinist will also be able to summon a machine companion to battle for assistance"

Master Darksyze game this no Final Fantasy no? Hrmmmh? Game is Guild Wars 2.

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


Here is solution. (Yes! it will be challenge and fun. Yes! it will have Risk/Reward)

Square Enix: Final Fantasy XIV Upcoming New Expansion: Heavensward: New Job/Profession-


“Machinist is a ranged DPS job introduced in 2014 Fan Fest in Tokyo. Machinist is the gun-wielding job scheduled to be released in Heavensward. The job’s main weapon is the Firearm and requires no base class. Machinist will use specialized mechanical equipment such as attachments to the firearm along with deploy-able turrets.

Using deployable turrets, Machinist can perform a support style role in addition to the DPS role. The turrets can attack enemies, debuff enemies or buff allies.
When using attachments on his gun, Machinist increases his DPS and transforms his weapon to something similar to a cannon. He will charge up before an attack and movement will cancel the attack and reset the charge. If you need to be constantly on the move, don’t use attachments. Gun actions require a stacking gunpowder(or ammo) buff. Learning when to reload will be an important skill. Machinist will also be able to summon a machine companion to battle for assistance"

Master Darksyze game this no Final Fantasy no? Hrmmmh? Game is Guild Wars 2.


I understand. The reason why i post this is to explain how other companies look at what players like, what player want and make it happen for them especially make fun priority (“Fun comes first”). That is what is important for a company growth and prosperity: investigate, research, fix, correct and improve their competitor product to increase their advantage over that company product and most importantly: to win their customers.

What is interesting and sad: other game companies are giving us player solutions to our problems in their games.

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


This is your problems really. You’re bringing glassy builds against tanky opponents. If this was League of Legends, that’s like saying to Riot, “hey Riot, ban all armor and magic resistance items from the game because I can’t one shot everything, and whenever I fail to do my wombo combo I die to Udyr”.

5 Engies but you have to say something about the op’s glassy guld ? Because 5 engies is just everyday business right..Go tank and you’ll be fine…Heck of an advice there ! lol

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


FF:XIV job system actually encourages job class switching on the get go to better suit what your party needs. GW2 already allows character switching before a match starts, maybe with templates people will be more encouraged to change builds to adapt to the enemy team comp, or with an easy change character system, it might even encourage adjusting the teams comp before the match starts.

Anvil Rockers Unite!

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: BennyTheDane.6190


This is your problems really. You’re bringing glassy builds against tanky opponents. If this was League of Legends, that’s like saying to Riot, “hey Riot, ban all armor and magic resistance items from the game because I can’t one shot everything, and whenever I fail to do my wombo combo I die to Udyr”.

You do realise that bunker builds aren’t an effective counter to a turret engi right? I don’t understand people saying this is an l2p issue, you don’t see full 5 man parties of thieves. necros, rangers, mesmers etc. The only reason it happens with engi is because it works. I agree that while 1 turret engi can be a pain to fight, you can out rotate it. However if there are anymore that 2 it because a nightmare because they are then supported by friendlies on each point and unless you have a very specific build that aren’t overly common, it is almost impossible to counter.

As an extra, our guardian has footage of him trying to cap close, there was 1 turret engi but the turrets/supply crates from 3 engis there. Also in the next screenshot please see a turret placed in mid air..


I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


Don’t use bunkers, they don’t have enough damage. One sustain and one burst will do the job, and the turret engi is back to their base to do the walk of shame. Oh noes it takes 2 to kill turret engi! Think of the time wasted on their team for it to do the walk of shame back to point, plus it has to wait for cooldown, plus if engi’s team mates are slow, the point is already capped by your team and waiting for him to finish his walk of shame back to the point. By that time he returns, you do the sustain and burst combo again and kick him back to base.

Anvil Rockers Unite!

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: BennyTheDane.6190


Don’t use bunkers, they don’t have enough damage. One sustain and one burst will do the job, and the turret engi is back to their base to do the walk of shame. Oh noes it takes 2 to kill turret engi! Think of the time wasted on their team for it to do the walk of shame back to point, plus it has to wait for cooldown, plus if engi’s team mates are slow, the point is already capped by your team and waiting for him to finish his walk of shame back to the point. By that time he returns, you do the sustain and burst combo again and kick him back to base.

You have completely shot yourself in the foot and proved my point. You’re saying it’s optimal to fight 2v1 against a turret engi, so please tell me how do you combat a team of 5? Unless you have very specific builds to counter them which aren’t common, it would seem you’re screwed. As far as I’m aware 10vs5 match up aren’t a thing yet.

As I mentioned earlier, if they have 1 turret engi most of the time its fine as you can play around them. However if they have 2 and we go by your tactic of 2v1, that leaves 4 of your team fighting 2 engis and your last team member fighting against the other 3 of the enemy team. Please explain to me how that’s balanced.

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: BennyTheDane.6190


I just watch at the comments in team chat…and I LOL..xddd, 10 out 10, would read again haha

They are fairly amazing! I don’t even find stuff like that offensive, it’s just funny :P

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: Loboling.5293


Some classes have more versatility in pvp allowing them to take on different roles depending on build. Here are the classes that could theoretically win as a stacked group.


These classes are more specialized

Good teams have mostly flexible classes with a few specialized classes. But, a team of all elementlist could win (1 staff burst, 1 s/f fresh air, 3 d/d cele), engineer (1 burst s/d, 2 cele, 2 turrets), guardian (1 bunker, 4 medi), Ranger (2 burst, 2 condi tank, 1 spirit), and warrior (3 shoutbow, 2 zerker)

Of course, some of those teams are better than others (guard is not super strong due to lacking mobility), but some classes are better suited to stacking.

Also, any game where teamates start bashing each other, regardless of the enemies, is a sure loss. I’ve never won a game with 1 player insulting others, its even harder than a 4v5. Team morality is important. I played a game where we were losing 300-100, but our team kept communicating, and turned it around, managed a three cap when enemy went for our lord, blocked lord rush and won. Getting stressed makes people play worse, and insults make a stressful game worse.

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: BennyTheDane.6190


Some classes have more versatility in pvp allowing them to take on different roles depending on build. Here are the classes that could theoretically win as a stacked group.


These classes are more specialized

Good teams have mostly flexible classes with a few specialized classes. But, a team of all elementlist could win (1 staff burst, 1 s/f fresh air, 3 d/d cele), engineer (1 burst s/d, 2 cele, 2 turrets), guardian (1 bunker, 4 medi), Ranger (2 burst, 2 condi tank, 1 spirit), and warrior (3 shoutbow, 2 zerker)

Of course, some of those teams are better than others (guard is not super strong due to lacking mobility), but some classes are better suited to stacking.

Also, any game where teamates start bashing each other, regardless of the enemies, is a sure loss. I’ve never won a game with 1 player insulting others, its even harder than a 4v5. Team morality is important. I played a game where we were losing 300-100, but our team kept communicating, and turned it around, managed a three cap when enemy went for our lord, blocked lord rush and won. Getting stressed makes people play worse, and insults make a stressful game worse.

While I agree that certain classes can theoretically win while stacked, the issue here is that these 5 engis are all running the same build.. Turret.. I don’t have as much of a problem with stacked classes running different builds as it encourages build diversity and allows for various forms of counter play by various classes. But when 1 class/build dominates with just passive AI play which requires little skill I would personally consider overpowered. Most current meta builds are countered by another meta build which is great. However this is a very strong build which to counter you have run an obscure build which very often is solely for combating turret engis and is not as useful for your team in the grand scheme of things as another build would be.

One way around the entire issue without making alterations to turrets would be to stop class stacking. Either way with all the negative attention this build is getting on the official forums and on reddit, it clearly needs Anet to take a look at it.

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: Aktium.9506


these 5 engis are all running the same build

Well that just isn’t true. One of us ran Flame Turret and one of us used Soldier ammie instead of Sentinel.

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


This is your problems really. You’re bringing glassy builds against tanky opponents. If this was League of Legends, that’s like saying to Riot, “hey Riot, ban all armor and magic resistance items from the game because I can’t one shot everything, and whenever I fail to do my wombo combo I die to Udyr”.

Trust me, it would be even worse if they would’ve played bunker/tanky classes.

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


Whats interesting tho is that some of these teams are on mixed classes upon joining, and when theres little time left before the match starts, they swap to their engis. Ive faced one of the teams listed in screen here and they did this tactic, so that we werent able to react in time to swap builds/weps (though “we” were pugs).

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: holodoc.5748


Whats interesting tho is that some of these teams are on mixed classes upon joining, and when theres little time left before the match starts, they swap to their engis. Ive faced one of the teams listed in screen here and they did this tactic, so that we werent able to react in time to swap builds/weps (though “we” were pugs).

That’s exactly what these groups do. They join as mixed professions and then just before the match starts they all switch to turret engineers.