I love the 30 second loading screen.
It just adds so much oomph to the game.
+1 they need more gifts like this
I don’t.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
“Loadingscreen of the Foefire”
glad it’s not just me, I mean I am running semi ok system (intel i7/16gb/ssd/ x2 gtx660ti cards via SLI) and up tell the patch (2days ago, not sure when just when this last big patch hit after the downtime) loading screens would take like maybe 1 to 3 sec’s if that? now I sit waiting for 20 to 35 secs on average. =(
New loading screen is so slow I have time to window out, search up a youtube video and get halfway through watching it before windowing back.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Loading screen was always 30 seconds for me, now you can deal with my 1 year of pain :p
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
It’s only Foefire though (for me at least)…
win first fights in foefire and you won cause enemy will sit in loadingscreen
all 5 should zerg 1 point and than its easy win atm
they just decided to nerf Loadtime of the Foefire so people would play Cryhammer more and think it is more playable
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90
Just lost on Foefire against an ennemy lord rush, successful due to 3* 30s loading screen.
Foefire needs to be fixed NOW or the map removed from map pool until fixed.
Recovering from a kill was hard enough on foefire before now its pretty much impossible.
Yep I noticed the EXTRA long load time in foefire last night, and longer than usual loading on the other maps…. I decided to return to pvp doing my dailies, daily. But this kinds of turn me off…
2 minute to load LA just now, was a pain yesterday when i find a group for FOTM and my ele was in the guntlet.
-gauntle>divinity reach=40sec
-divinity reach>LA=120sec
By the time i was inside they was halfway in the ascalon fractal.