I quit, something is very wrong!

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


The official season 2 page says:
“We’ll search for other players that fall within your pip range (which can extend outside of your division depending on where you’re currently placed) and pair you up with teammates who have a similar skill level to your own. We’ll then find you opponents within that same pip range and pair them against you, regardless of their skill level.”

Please give us back old leaderboard system of 2014. It was way better than anything you tried to stuck down our throats since then.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Artaz.3819


I guarantee you that more people will be upset by the new scoring system (because most PvP players are solo or 2-man teams) than teamed/high ranked players.

The system caters to the elite and large premade teams by placing mostly solo que into the same matches against them. The rules made for 4 and 5 premade teams is crazy broken in this system.

Root cause,
1. There is not enough PvP players. You’ll see the same 40ish people (accounts) over and over most days since we all pretty much play the same time day-after-day. This thankfully jumps quite a bit on Friday primetime and weekends. PvP season has not changed this much in reality (you get a few playing the 1-per-day match minimum in ranked for achievement points or the 3-per-day match minimum for PvP wings) but you all know how good those players are.

2. The score system encourages an initial rush to see if your team pulls ahead and then 1-3 members per losing team then give up. This is actually horrible play experience for both sides and very boring.

Because of #2, no one is going to respect the season system, the rewards, or even PvP produced. It’s clear to me that this PvP season scoring is far more toxic to the game than what the developers imagined. This will have far more players quit the game altogether than bring them back – so sad

Never ever should the fight back score mechanic to keep it close for the losing side relative to chance to win been eliminated from the 1st PvP season.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Deimos…i think you misunderstand what we are saying. Your division = your matchmaking. The hidden mmr we used to have is no longer in use.

(edited by Locuz.2651)

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Two things that hurt at the moment.

1.) your oposing team can be annything from total rookies to ESL teams. Regardless of your team. (This will get better with players climbing)
2.) If you are average or below, you can get newbies on your team because they get ranked average.

Wooot. A rough ride that throws off a lot of players.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


Two things that hurt at the moment.

1.) your oposing team can be annything from total rookies to ESL teams. Regardless of your team. (This will get better with players climbing)
2.) If you are average or below, you can get newbies on your team because they get ranked average.

Wooot. A rough ride that throws off a lot of players.

The problem is also that you face people from your old league from season 1. Many of those got carried by bunker builds and now people who are supposed to have the same point score range as i have, die in 1 second and die constantly in the entire match that they dont even score 10 points. Today ive had like 2-3 players in every team who has been downstate food and even if i res them they go down fast again while i rarely die or feel the pressure of the matches because theyre not even difficult…yet the nabs die in 1 second. Thats the result of the old meta we had.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Loboling.5293


no I’m not afk, and I do rank well with in my team.

Sorry, but this proves you a not a great pvper. Chill out in unranked like we’ve been forced to for the last few weeks, it shouldn’t feel too different and you can get better matches. Once players that don’t pay attention to score and understand rotations and defending points leave for higher divisions, feel free to jump back in with the “I scored high crowd, so I must of done well”. If you were playing thief, then maybe you can sort of look at score, but most professions spend their time more valuably defending points and rotating to support their teammates. (Thief included on the rotations aspect, but at least a thief should be a part of every big play due to mobility)

Score and skill have nothing to do with one another, unless you only focus on score, but then you are only skilled at getting a high score. When I see teamates leave a point empty to go and 2v1 mid, when we are holding mid, and the point gets decapped in 5 seconds, that player will get a higher score, but is definitely making a poor play in a team game. (unless the point he had to defend got swarmed by multiple players, which is when rotations are very important)

I’m lucky, I’m stuck away from home on a trip, and I have about 400ms latency, so I’m not going to bother with pvp until I get back. I am thinking things will have smoothed out by then. I’m not the best player by far, but instead of quitting, look at how you can improve, and focus on unranked during the season start. You are facing players who know rotations, and understand that in a game all about holding points, you do well when you….well hold the point… which actually gives you very small score. (except roamer builds, and even then there are exceptions)

Pvp in this game is all about team play, don’t run around hitting enemies and claim that because you touched the most enemies in a match, you are the better player on a team. I find this mentality silly, which is why I think personal score should be removed.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Calazor.8364


it’s pretty funny how every good player i know has 99% winratio (how it should be in amber and emerald) and every “other” player blames the system :-D

Texbi r55 dragons

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


it’s pretty funny how every good player i know has 99% winratio (how it should be in amber and emerald) and every “other” player blames the system :-D

Texbi r55 dragons

Texbi we also know you teamed your way up to legendary in season 1. Many of us actually soloq and have an entire different situation. I could have 99% win ratio if i teamed up also.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Calazor.8364


i only duoq soloq

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: velmeister.4187


So each team should have players with a similar MMR on it, but the two teams won’t necessarily have a similar MMR.

This is actually true. Thereby making this an unpleasant experience for many.

“If there is anyone here whom I have not offended, I am sorry.”

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: pico.6402


Not only losing streaks are “great” but also teap compositions.
Yesterday my 2 first ranked maches:
1. My team 3 mesmers 2 necros – oposite 2 thiefs 2 reapers 1 scrapp
2. 2 mes, 2 war, ranger – oposite to thief, temp, dh, scrapp and revenant,

And best is for a whole time (around 10 mache) I had none elite classes in my team. Only in oposite

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


it’s pretty funny how every good player i know has 99% winratio (how it should be in amber and emerald) and every “other” player blames the system :-D

Texbi r55 dragons

Texbi we also know you teamed your way up to legendary in season 1. Many of us actually soloq and have an entire different situation. I could have 99% win ratio if i teamed up also.

I soloq ed to legend with a decent winratio + while playing every possible class. Stop making up excuses….texbi is right.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Kayberz.5346


This is just bizarre. I ended up going 15-0 last night before i finally lost a game, but at that point most the players on both teams were primordial legends.
It does almost feel like there is some kind of streamlining for certain people but i have no idea how that would actually work. Either im getting REALLY lucky, or the matchmaking is up to something funky

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Loboling.5293


Okay, I’m too impatient to see what all the fuss is about. Heading into a ranked game on my thief (random build p/p) even with my 400ms latency. I hope it goes well… lol

I’m going to try and avoid fights obviously, and I’ll post back here with an edit to see if it went well or not. XD

Edit: Ok, so one of my team was raging rly hard, called gg and stopped trying after one lost fight (when the score was 5-13 lol), but we still got 410-500. Was a fun game, I’m thinking this build I made is good for lag. I’m going to keep at it, and see if my next game is as balanced.

Edit 2: Ok my next game was less pleasent lol. I had a player on my team die in 5 seconds and then say “20 second rez timer, I didn’t even know that was possible” lol. ended 150-500. Hmm makes you wonder how to get through rngamber. I’m going to keep at it, especially since my latency is a little better now. (down to 200 for now yay)

Edit 3: Game 3 was hilarious beyond belief. I had to stop playing at one point from laughter. They 4 rushed chieftain, even though we had 2 thieves on our team. We got the kill obv, and the other thief spent the rest of the game defending home, and at first I was like no… but then he beat (without even losing the node) 4 of the enemy players as they came in…. a ranger, a warrior, a dh and a thief…. wow. I’ve never seen such bad players outside of hotjoin. Let the RNGamber commence. When I fought them, they seemed to all keyboard turn… I think this matchamking could use something for beginning of season.

(edited by Loboling.5293)

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


it’s pretty funny how every good player i know has 99% winratio (how it should be in amber and emerald) and every “other” player blames the system :-D

Texbi r55 dragons

Texbi we also know you teamed your way up to legendary in season 1. Many of us actually soloq and have an entire different situation. I could have 99% win ratio if i teamed up also.

I soloq ed to legend with a decent winratio + while playing every possible class. Stop making up excuses….texbi is right.

I soloq my way to diamond last season and quit playing 3 weeks before season 1 ended. I had a nice win ratio too. Whats your point? My point is that i fought vs texbi many times and he abused the system + teamed up most of his way up.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Loboling.5293


Ok, I wanted to point out something separate from my last post so I’m making a new one.

There is clearly too much skill discrepancy at the start of this season. They should’ve kept some mmr for determining matchups. I just won my last 2 matches and the enemy players were clearly new to the game. They should not be facing players who have been playing for years. I won both games with the enemy scoring about 100 points. I felt bad, and spent most of the game just talking to them. No point when I can do almost anything and still win.

Edit: we just won a game with a turret engie on our team… nuff said.

Edit 2: I do like the fact that keeping a win streak means I can get out of amber fast, already almost done. Maybe this won’t be so bad for newer players in a few days.

Edit 3: worst game yet, won with the enemy only scoring 20 points. I was often able to chase them off points with just my words.

(edited by Loboling.5293)

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Vague Memory.2817

Vague Memory.2817

Something feels wrong to me as well. I’m mostly getting put in teams that are getting totally destroyed. Last match was 5-500 I kid you not with a full team and no afks. two people didn’t score anything at all. The team comp was also atrocious, 2 thieves + 2 mesmers.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I don’t get the talk about “true PvP people have returned for seasons”… All I know is since leagues started I spend an entire match up rezzing team mates and if I’m not rezzing them then I am watching them 3v1 a thief off point.

I add some of these people to friends list to spy on AP: 388 AP was an ally…. I’m 15k AP and have played for 3 years…. (I recruited that guy in the end to my pvp guild, he’s learning mechanics really quick, but that’s not the point)

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Silverstone.4539


ok, you people that say we are below average players or just “get good.” your wrong, it should not matter. I’m not changing my mind, there is still something very wrong. and there is no way I’m getting matched up with other people that are at my skill level. be that good or bad, the games should be close, not 1 sided landslides 20 times in a row.

I solo queue 100% I’m never in a party. there is something to be said for bringing back a solo only queue. If you team up with 2 or 4 friends, yes might be better as a team. so you should be fighting another teamed up group.

I post this somewhere else too, but is it so hard to Anet to make teams fair? i.e 2vs2 3vs3 4vs4 and 5vs5 with the odd solo making up the odds. not put a 2 and 3 on one team and have 5 solos on the other.

I did finally win one last night and it was a good close game. unlike most of my others with someone afk, someone cussing everyone on the team chat or just having no clue.

But there is still something wrong…. don’t they take into account how many pips you got last season? or anything?!

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: shrek.1046


Needless to say that “you will always be matched with equally skilled player ‘because’ they will be in your same divisional tier” is also another trash logic that looks good on paper.

Doesn’t even look good on paper, I pointed out the problems with it when it was announced.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Because everyone (bad/average/good players) are in same bracket atm. Wait couple days and good players will move to upper divisions and you will stop facing them.

That logic is great on paper but, absolute trash in reality.

In “a few days” what will remain in division 1 is absolute crap and nothing else. Most people who will remain in that division will have no clue how to play a class, how to rotate and, most importantly, what to do and when. So, for a worker Joe who plays a couple hours per day, will be stuck in that division for a long time. To make things even worse, many people will simply give up in that division in “a few days”. That means, these players will face either extended queue times or ‘Hail Mary’ queues with other divisions with widened search spread. And that’s inevitable.

Hence, Amber will be new legend for season 2 unless ANET is forced to match these poor sods with higher division players “in a few days”.

Needless to say that “you will always be matched with equally skilled player ‘because’ they will be in your same divisional tier” is also another trash logic that looks good on paper.

Thing is you also face those bad players. If you are as good as you think you are you should be able to carry to extend. I get bad teams as well, fighting on roads, farming buffs/animals and what not but enemy i face is also as bad and you can play around it and punish them really easy for lack of map awareness/mistakes etc.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Nikola.3841


last match I was on my necro, and other necro was killed so fast I could not believe, asked him what necklace he runs, he was a bit baffled why i ask about necklace, then put some ascended one in team chat.

Now he knows that separate pvp necklaces exist, and I have 1 more lost match

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: velmeister.4187


Because everyone (bad/average/good players) are in same bracket atm. Wait couple days and good players will move to upper divisions and you will stop facing them.

That logic is great on paper but, absolute trash in reality.

In “a few days” what will remain in division 1 is absolute crap and nothing else. Most people who will remain in that division will have no clue how to play a class, how to rotate and, most importantly, what to do and when. So, for a worker Joe who plays a couple hours per day, will be stuck in that division for a long time. To make things even worse, many people will simply give up in that division in “a few days”. That means, these players will face either extended queue times or ‘Hail Mary’ queues with other divisions with widened search spread. And that’s inevitable.

Hence, Amber will be new legend for season 2 unless ANET is forced to match these poor sods with higher division players “in a few days”.

Needless to say that “you will always be matched with equally skilled player ‘because’ they will be in your same divisional tier” is also another trash logic that looks good on paper.

Thing is you also face those bad players. If you are as good as you think you are you should be able to carry to extend. I get bad teams as well, fighting on roads, farming buffs/animals and what not but enemy i face is also as bad and you can play around it and punish them really easy for lack of map awareness/mistakes etc.

and your point is…. ?

“If there is anyone here whom I have not offended, I am sorry.”

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


last match I was on my necro, and other necro was killed so fast I could not believe, asked him what necklace he runs, he was a bit baffled why i ask about necklace, then put some ascended one in team chat.

Now he knows that separate pvp necklaces exist, and I have 1 more lost match

you mean amulet?

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Silverstone.4539


finally got to tire 3 in amber and the games are getting more even. The first 2 are just a cluster kitten

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Vague Memory.2817

Vague Memory.2817

I don’t understand why I’m constantly being put on teams that are getting slaughtered in the first mid fight and thereafter. Not fun really. The system doesn’t feel random enough at all, in fact comparable to having an ultra high MMR.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Nikola.3841


last match I was on my necro, and other necro was killed so fast I could not believe, asked him what necklace he runs, he was a bit baffled why i ask about necklace, then put some ascended one in team chat.

Now he knows that separate pvp necklaces exist, and I have 1 more lost match

you mean amulet?

Sorry for my bad english…was that you without amulet in match?

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


last match I was on my necro, and other necro was killed so fast I could not believe, asked him what necklace he runs, he was a bit baffled why i ask about necklace, then put some ascended one in team chat.

Now he knows that separate pvp necklaces exist, and I have 1 more lost match

you mean amulet?

Sorry for my bad english…was that you without amulet in match?

oh let’s play game of assumptions

i assume that you played couple hundret/even thousand games less than me

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Nikola.3841


last match I was on my necro, and other necro was killed so fast I could not believe, asked him what necklace he runs, he was a bit baffled why i ask about necklace, then put some ascended one in team chat.

Now he knows that separate pvp necklaces exist, and I have 1 more lost match

you mean amulet?

Sorry for my bad english…was that you without amulet in match?

oh let’s play game of assumptions

i assume that you played couple hundret/even thousand games less than me

Possibly…lets expand it further…did you beat Sacrx in any MMO?
Did you kill IRON map blob with 30 in 2s during wvw season?

(not that any of those matters…)

(edited by Nikola.3841)

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Siren.2843


I can feel people, having played, but, amber isn’t a very long run. I’m almost up for the next division and I only played for 2 nights, and MY mmr, lol, it must suck BALLS really. I don’t pvp for very long and I played a lot of matches with rl friends of mine who really suck at ranked. The matchmaking algorithm probably thinks I have 1 chromosome too much and I was born without limbs.

It will blow over, I’m pretty sure. Now the only thing that DOES kitten me off is the amount of abuse I get during matches. Peole are so desperately trying to get out of amber through sheer attrition that the overal morale is VERY bad. And it’s no coincidence that the matches with positive people in them were the best I played last days, and really, the onlymatches that ended close or winning.

Anyone remember the random arenas from GW1? I bet noone wants that kind of atmosphere back :P. Can’t pvp with a head full of rage, makes you stupid.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


last match I was on my necro, and other necro was killed so fast I could not believe, asked him what necklace he runs, he was a bit baffled why i ask about necklace, then put some ascended one in team chat.

Now he knows that separate pvp necklaces exist, and I have 1 more lost match

you mean amulet?

Sorry for my bad english…was that you without amulet in match?

oh let’s play game of assumptions

i assume that you played couple hundret/even thousand games less than me

Possibly…lets expand it further…did you beat Sacrx in any MMO?
Did you kill IRON map blob with 30 in 2s during wvw season?

(not that any of those matters…)

No idea who Sacrx is nor care. Why are we talking about wvw on pvp forums?

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Nikola.3841


last match I was on my necro, and other necro was killed so fast I could not believe, asked him what necklace he runs, he was a bit baffled why i ask about necklace, then put some ascended one in team chat.

Now he knows that separate pvp necklaces exist, and I have 1 more lost match

you mean amulet?

Sorry for my bad english…was that you without amulet in match?

oh let’s play game of assumptions

i assume that you played couple hundret/even thousand games less than me

Possibly…lets expand it further…did you beat Sacrx in any MMO?
Did you kill IRON map blob with 30 in 2s during wvw season?

(not that any of those matters…)

No idea who Sacrx is nor care. Why are we talking about wvw on pvp forums?

No idea, you started with semantics, so I thought lets at least talk about something GW2 related

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


This system is simply kittened up, if you run Solo. I keep on getting people who can’t seem to dodge roll, or rotate for their lives, leaving me trying to kite 3 people away from a point, so nobody can cap it, gg.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: lepewpwn.4726


that’s it I quit. something is very wrong, 25 loses in a row. and I’m not lying. Even on a bad day I have never, ever had that much, maybe 10, but not 25. what have they done to this matchmaking system?! I’m just solo queuing.

Losing doesn’t mean you didn’t played well.

I quit, something is very wrong!

in PvP

Posted by: Silverstone.4539


ok… what is wrong with this picture? maybe if I was in t5 amber I would expect this, but not t4
