I’m the guy you don’t want in ranked pvp… and I’m playing in ranked pvp. I’m not competitive. I’m erratic in my performance. Sometimes I do everything right and am a statistically significant factor in the success of my solo queue team. Sometimes I make the mistake that costs my team the match (I would argue that many of us do; such is human).
Currently I’m a couple pips away from legendary. I imagine I’ll get there. I’m one of those obstinate folks that won’t stop when I’m so close, but I should never have been playing in the leagues. I don’t know how else to say this: Why am I playing in leagues? Because I was given the opportunity to get achievement points and other shiny stuff. I mindlessly took it.
Before I go further, I will say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being competitive in video games. It makes for some interesting entertainment, and gives some folk the opportunity to shine in this ginormous world, to feel good about the effort and diligence they have put forth in an endeavor. Also it is a really good mechanism for pointing out some game balance issues.
I shouldn’t be playing with/against these folks that are competitive players. I’m drunk a good half the time I’m playing, and I am right now. But here I am, mindlessly pursuing the shiny stuff that has been thrown in my face, and the list is expansive: Achievement points, gold, dyes, an ascended necklace, and oh yeah, a legendary backpack. So like… all the other legendary items in this game are literally a grind. Why am I putting myself in this environment to get an item that has traditionally been a grind.
My question for competitive folks: Would a title not be enough? Perhaps based more accurately than the level of your performance rather than a binary legendary/nonlegendary achievement status? Would it not be a better measure of skill to have a cooler title based upon the legendary tier you achieved before the season ended?
Take out all the other shiny nonsense, and you wouldn’t be stuck playing with people whose priorities are not the same as yours. The biggest barrier, of course, is that the participation in leagues might not be robust enough without all the shiny stuff, but I challenge that’s a balance and marketing issue.
Tangentially, I won’t play in leagues again after this season. This is my apology to those who I’ve irritated with my lackadaisical approach to the game. Unranked ftw. It’s my fun, and I should have stayed there.
Hope this game is better for us all in the months to come, and I really hope unranked queue times aren’t exuberant because we’re all in ranked queues.