(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)
I spent an evening in YoloQ
So let me get this straight.
You did some Solo Arena. You won some games. You got on the leaderboards. You felt it was too easy therefore Solo Arena is not competitive enough for you. Therefore you think it should be removed from the game?
So let me get this straight.
You did some Solo Arena. You won some games. You got on the leaderboards. You felt it was too easy therefore Solo Arena is not competitive enough for you. Therefore you think it should be removed from the game?
No, there is just not enough active people to consider it competitive.
Even if you do fix the problems of people leaving/afking, freaking rabbits on the same team as sharks, phoenixes and dragon ranks, Skyhammer, I doubt it’d bring back the competitive players.
Remove it and focus on improving TeamQ.
(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)
So you left, and became low ranked, then played again, winning, becoming high ranked (because your decay is erased whether or not you would have won or not), and all of SoloQ is pointless because of your experience, which could be explained from your own actions?
I don’t understand why we have a ranked SoloQ.
Imho, there is a 50/50 chance that every player you get on your team can be some braindead moron from pve.
With odds like that, its more of a roll of dice whether your Win/Loss is positive or negative.
Of course you can do your best to carry the badkids to a win, but you can only carry so much dead weight and your win/loss in not even close to a measurement of how well you do as an individual player.
It should be reworked to be like Random Arenas in GW1, where you fight other teams till you lose, or if you win ten you get sent forward into tPvP.
No, there is just not enough active people to consider it competitive.
Even if you do fix the problems of people leaving/afking, freaking rabbits on the same team as sharks, phoenixes and dragon ranks, Skyhammer, I doubt it’d bring back the competitive players.
Remove it and focus on improving TeamQ.
So what if it’s not considered competitive?
It’s still a fun way to play arenas because you don’t have to have a team.
There should be SoloQ… Not everyone has a team or is good enough to play on a team and still wants to have fun. What we need is more diversity. I am not sure why it is called “Structured”, because it really isn’t. It used to be….When we had tournaments. Why can’t we have tournaments again? All the veterans want it back. Just keep everything now and give us tourneys. Put a point system on it to go towards rank and reward tracks and call it good. Even TeamQ has become a joke because if you go in as a good team you just roll over everyone. TeamQ is no different from SoloQ besides you can Q up with some friends. People still leave as it is pugs and so on. Bring us back the ACTUAL competitive play and you will see it soar from the ashes.
#1 Player Comoros
I don’t understand why we have a ranked SoloQ.
Imho, there is a 50/50 chance that every player you get on your team can be some braindead moron from pve.
With odds like that, its more of a roll of dice whether your Win/Loss is positive or negative.
Of course you can do your best to carry the badkids to a win, but you can only carry so much dead weight and your win/loss in not even close to a measurement of how well you do as an individual player.
It should be reworked to be like Random Arenas in GW1, where you fight other teams till you lose, or if you win ten you get sent forward into tPvP.
Now this I like, Random Arena’s was significantly more fun trying to keep a win streak going. Where winning felt rewarding and losing wasn’t punishing.
I wouldn’t mind a system were you get a little extra reward the longer the win streak goes.
I would love a game mode like this.
Hell, you can make a team version of this as well, join a bunch of randoms or team with your friends and go until you lose.
But as of right now, the only thing that separates SoloQ from hotjoin is the ability to swap matches, that is a pretty pathetic difference.
(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)
I also really like the idea of keeping winning teams together until they lose.
SoloQ is just dead.
It’s dead.
Granted, the way the ladder is structured isn’t perfect but what is going on is there are so little people that play SoloQ a small win streak can put you in the freaking front page.
It would be like playing League and starting as a Bronze V and get to Challenger in a single sitting.
I don’t know what ranking system is used in LoL. About GW2 although, a dev explained here that the Glicko rating of a player is depreciated very slowly (due to inflation), but that in order to draw the inactive players out of the leaderboards, Anet added an “artificial” decay of the rank shown on the leaderboard, but not of the real Glicko rating. If you were once a top player in soloq, you probably still are according to your rating. Furthermore, your ratings deviation has increased to its maximal value, making you very volatile on the boards, which explains your sudden rise after a series of victories. In other words, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but you did not get on the shining pyramidion of the top soloq players in just one night: you already were.
I don’t understand why we have a ranked SoloQ.
Imho, there is a 50/50 chance that every player you get on your team can be some braindead moron from pve.
With odds like that, its more of a roll of dice whether your Win/Loss is positive or negative.
Last ppl i had in team in soloq were probably thinking they were in hj, i got far…1v2 (Other team was really really bad but somehow mine was worse) and they lost everything….they saw we (Well I) got a point so everyone went far standing there…so i moved to mid while it was freecap…got mid and everyone of them left far and went sitting on mid…well not really everyone, our almighty power ranger went svanir, died and got it stolen..
i was like wtf…but then i remembered i was in soloq…so alt f4 and gg
(edited by Archaon.9524)
Solo Q is dead? try SPvP. This game killed its predecessor pvp crowd.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
Solo Q is dead? try SPvP. This game killed its predecessor pvp crowd.
Correction: Dhuumfire killed the PvP crowd.
Also, SoloQ is sPvP :P
I know ArenaNet wants to improve SoloQ ranked but what I am saying, it’s a lost cause.
That effort would be better in other game modes.
Skyhammer killed solo que, the changes won’t bring anyone back, only new content like an expansion maybe.
Still think they should dump soloQ and fix hotjoin (where more people seem to play). Leave team for the real competitive players.
Well, I’m just a newbie on sPvP, so I guess my opinion carries little weight here, but I’m gonna give it anyway. Just because you are an experienced player who wants to be 1337 it doesn’t make it so SoloQ needs to be removed. I get pwned half of the time in these matches, either because I get 1 or 2 akfers, 1 or 2 people who think they’re playing WvW and capture points are irrelevant, or simply because me and my team are worse players than our enemies.
I also win the other half of the times and I genuienly have fun playing random encounters that don’t require me to spend 2 hours setting up a team and going into TS with some jerk yelling because things don’t go his way.
I am only a deer and I got matched up with full phoenixes and dragons in more than a few matches and got utterly pwned, but I don’t get all riled up about it. If there are not many people playing this game mode it’s bound to happen, and I knew it after playing for a while. What I’m trying to say is that only because you dislike the way things are set it doesn’t make it so it needs removal, it does need to be improved, but not removed.
And TBH, the PvP community in this game is filled with frustrated people who take this game way more seriously than they should, meaning that any change, no matter how little , good or bad, will raise an army of whinners giving walls of text as to why this game sucks or why everything is unfair , except the things they like.
Just enjoy the game, and if you don’t like SoloQ form a good team and play it that way. Or go zerging. If none of this appeals to you you can always go back to GW1 and play some elitist GvG and find other people who will take the game as seriously as if the life of their loved ones was at stake in every match.
Overall, this is a fun game, and you can have a pretty fun time playing it, but it’s not perfect and it never will, so either adapt or dump it, but don’t ask for removal of things that some of us actually enjoy, no matter how flawed.
Solo Q is not dead.
But the current way how teams are created isn’t satisfying. Im usally point defending close on start (or the whole time) and win like 85% of my 1on1’s. But the rest of my team sometimes running with absurdly bad builds or don’t know anything about this game. Yesterday I had a thief in my team who told us that it was his 2nd PvP game ever.
So Even if Im a good player your individual strength is just 20% worth in this team. I never was in the top 1000 here just because I have ~100/80 win/loss and absolutely no chance to change anything on it. This becomes very frustrating over time.
I don’t have anything against newbs but Solo Q is still part (or wants to be) of competitive gameplay for individuals.
I really wish that anet removes the ranking formula from this content (only Solo Q) and implement match ups which are simply based on kill/death-rate,wins,ranks + a requirement of 100-200 games in hotjoin. It’s absolutely not funny if my mates don’t even know what an orb is in Spirit Watch. Not in mention what you need to do with it.
The requirement shouldn’t be a problem. I mean: I now even need o level up to unlock downstate skills (wtf?!).
(edited by Zapion.2967)
Yeah the population is low enough already, there’s no point in having a RANKED SOLO QUEUE in a TEAM GAME. It doesn’t make sense and fragments the population. It only serves to puff up the ego of those players who are too sociopathic to play as part of a regular team, so they want a way to attain a high rank without having to be nice to people and make friends.
I’m not saying solo queue should be removed though. It serves a useful purpose. I often see high-ranked team queue players there, cause they want a chance to play casually, without their team, without tanking their team queue rank, or they need a place to practice a new build without consequence. So there’s a point to it.
What there is NO POINT TO is the fact that it’s ranked. Make it unranked. You’d still get matched up according to MMR of course, it won’t be random, but there’ll be no leaderboard. Then, REMOVE HOTJOIN! Except for custom arenas of course.
This way, casual players get a new place to play that’s not played by 4v5 autobalance exploits, and high-ranked players keep an unranked place to practice in. 2 in 1! And you won’t get too much of the two mixing, because you’ll keep the MMR-based matchmaking.
Still think they should dump soloQ and fix hotjoin (where more people seem to play). Leave team for the real competitive players.
i’m a hotjoin player and hate it when tourny players suggest dumping hotjoin,
so it doesn’t seem fair to have it the other way around, they should keep solo but also fix hotjoin to keep new pvpers from instantly quitting pvp forever after their first dismal one-sided 3v5 thanks to exploiters.
also mandatory call for 8v8 hotjoin servers without spectator/team select!
(how pvp was before Anet broke everything)