I think thieves are OP in sPvP
You are bad, I have no trouble against Thieves as a Necromancer. Make a Thief and understand the profession, then learn to counter them instead of QQ’ing on the forums.
I main a necro in PvP i also have a Thief ,warrior ranger and a elementalist and play all of them in pvp. On my thief you cant CC or dodge me once i pop and keep popping HS you can only hope to get a lucky dodge right before i do , simple as that.
my warrior i leveled to lvl 3 and took it into pvp witouth any practise or knowledge about its skills and i ended up as top player in my first 3 matches
I think that most here that say L2P in reaction to ppl who complain about thiefs and HS or other faceroll classes like the warrior that they themselves main one of those classes.
Just saying…
I play a Scepter/Dagger + Scepter/Warhorn Necromancer and I dominate Heartseeker thieves. I have 2 dodges, Death Shroud, Plague and Ghost Armor, Warhorn Daze and Ghost Armor utility to avoid their damage.
Heartseeker build is one of the weaker Thief builds that noobs complain about.
On my main, Thief, I play a condition build which I like a lot.
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
I main a necro in PvP i also have a Thief ,warrior ranger and a elementalist and play all of them in pvp. On my thief you cant CC or dodge me once i pop and keep popping HS you can only hope to get a lucky dodge right before i do , simple as that.
my warrior i leveled to lvl 3 and took it into pvp witouth any practise or knowledge about its skills and i ended up as top player in my first 3 matches
I think that most here that say L2P in reaction to ppl who complain about thiefs and HS or other faceroll classes like the warrior that they themselves main one of those classes.
Just saying…
Thanks for bringing in some sense into this astounding crapfest of a topic.
Another bad PvP player with another false accusations. You have no evidence that I switched to a Thief, so why do you say something so dumb which makes it so easy for me to intellectually humiliate you in front of all the readers?
Thief was my first profession and will always remain my main, in ever game I play I play the Thief/Rogue/Assassin first and the Black Magic profession second. That would be the Necromancer in Guild Wars 2.
I like these archetypes, I don’t care if they are OP or UP! My personal skill will compensate and make it work regardless of the profession’s power
Also, why are you not going that road? Shall I tell you? You are afraid to face the truth, or perhaps you already did. I guarantee you that atleast 50% of the people who whine about Heartseeker Thieves would get 2 shotted if they played a Heartseeker Thief themselves! Melee glass cannon? Good Luck!
I played the Heartseeker build for 2-3 games pre-nerf and was shocked at how pathetic and weak it is, good thing I switched right away!
Who’s sig is this ? “Professional Thief. Dominating in game and giving critical and valuable feedback on the forum.”
No, I have no evidence you switched class nor do I feel the need to look for it. In fact, I don’t even care what class you roll. My reply served only one purpose and man are your reactions predictable. :-)
And actually, you’re not humiliating me at all. But look at how overreacted your reactions get with each reply. :-) Don’t lose your cool, a dominating Thief like you needs all of it. :-)
Heated reaction? I am not shocked that to the averege person my reactions would seem “heated”. However, this is not the case. My reactions are those of a honest intellectual person, who doesn’t make up stuff and expects to get away with it, like you do. I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card, which is a sign of intellectual defeat and a last attampt to save face. I am not like you, I do not subscribe to the sheep mentality of todays youth, with its like/dislike cult behaviour. I am a free thinker with a critical mind and blessed with a high IQ by nature and evolution. I am not over reacting, I am giving you a reply with information in it
What is wrong with my Signature? If you wish to put the claim in it to test, feel free to have several 1v1 fights against me
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
You are bad, I have no trouble against Thieves as a Necromancer. Make a Thief and understand the profession, then learn to counter them instead of QQ’ing on the forums.
I main a necro in PvP i also have a Thief ,warrior ranger and a elementalist and play all of them in pvp. On my thief you cant CC or dodge me once i pop and keep popping HS you can only hope to get a lucky dodge right before i do , simple as that.
my warrior i leveled to lvl 3 and took it into pvp witouth any practise or knowledge about its skills and i ended up as top player in my first 3 matches
I think that most here that say L2P in reaction to ppl who complain about thiefs and HS or other faceroll classes like the warrior that they themselves main one of those classes.
Just saying…
I play a Scepter/Dagger + Scepter/Warhorn Necromancer and I dominate Heartseeker thieves. I have 2 dodges, Death Shroud, Plague and Ghost Armor, Warhorn Daze and Ghost Armor utility to avoid their damage.
Heartseeker build is one of the weaker Thief builds that noobs complain about.
On my main, Thief, I play a condition build which I like a lot.
You can pretend to dominate heartseeker builds on your necro all you like but it just wont fly. All you can do is get lucky with your dodges and CC’s (which you will not be several times in a row) because like i said ,once a thief pops and spams HS there isn’t a single thing you can do about HS.
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Another bad PvP player with another false accusations. You have no evidence that I switched to a Thief, so why do you say something so dumb which makes it so easy for me to intellectually humiliate you in front of all the readers?
Thief was my first profession and will always remain my main, in ever game I play I play the Thief/Rogue/Assassin first and the Black Magic profession second. That would be the Necromancer in Guild Wars 2.
I like these archetypes, I don’t care if they are OP or UP! My personal skill will compensate and make it work regardless of the profession’s power
Also, why are you not going that road? Shall I tell you? You are afraid to face the truth, or perhaps you already did. I guarantee you that atleast 50% of the people who whine about Heartseeker Thieves would get 2 shotted if they played a Heartseeker Thief themselves! Melee glass cannon? Good Luck!
I played the Heartseeker build for 2-3 games pre-nerf and was shocked at how pathetic and weak it is, good thing I switched right away!
Who’s sig is this ? “Professional Thief. Dominating in game and giving critical and valuable feedback on the forum.”
No, I have no evidence you switched class nor do I feel the need to look for it. In fact, I don’t even care what class you roll. My reply served only one purpose and man are your reactions predictable. :-)
And actually, you’re not humiliating me at all. But look at how overreacted your reactions get with each reply. :-) Don’t lose your cool, a dominating Thief like you needs all of it. :-)Heated reaction? I am not shocked that to the averege person my reactions would seem “heated”. However, this is not the case. My reactions are those of a honest intellectual person, who doesn’t make up stuff and expects to get away with it, like you do. I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card, which is a sign of intellectual defeat and a last attampt to save face. I am not like you, I do not subscribe to the sheep mentality of todays youth, with its like/dislike cult behaviour. I am a free thinker with a critical mind and blessed with a high IQ by nature and evolution. I am not over reacting, I am giving you a reply with information in it
What is wrong with my Signature? If you wish to put the claim in it to test, feel free to have several 1v1 fights against me
My reactions are those of a honest intellectual person
I am a free thinker with a critical mind and blessed with a high IQ by nature and evolution
Your post sure is:
a sign of intellectual defeat
I think your level of intellect or better said the lack there off defeated you big time right there already. Goodluck in *laife lol…
You are bad, I have no trouble against Thieves as a Necromancer. Make a Thief and understand the profession, then learn to counter them instead of QQ’ing on the forums.
I main a necro in PvP i also have a Thief ,warrior ranger and a elementalist and play all of them in pvp. On my thief you cant CC or dodge me once i pop and keep popping HS you can only hope to get a lucky dodge right before i do , simple as that.
my warrior i leveled to lvl 3 and took it into pvp witouth any practise or knowledge about its skills and i ended up as top player in my first 3 matches
I think that most here that say L2P in reaction to ppl who complain about thiefs and HS or other faceroll classes like the warrior that they themselves main one of those classes.
Just saying…
I play a Scepter/Dagger + Scepter/Warhorn Necromancer and I dominate Heartseeker thieves. I have 2 dodges, Death Shroud, Plague and Ghost Armor, Warhorn Daze and Ghost Armor utility to avoid their damage.
Heartseeker build is one of the weaker Thief builds that noobs complain about.
On my main, Thief, I play a condition build which I like a lot.
You can pretend to dominate heartseeker builds on your necro all you like but it just wont fly. All you can do is get lucky with your dodges and CC’s (which you will not be several times in a row) because like i said ,once a thief pops and spams HS there isn’t a single thing you can do about HS.
I named 6 things I can do, yet you claim I can’t do anything? Are you brain dead or can’t you comprehend English?
Luckily, not all of us are bad PvP Players like you. Cry me a river.
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
I seriously doubt that you have the mental capacity to expose anyone as i already demonstrated just a few posts up.
Another bad PvP player with another false accusations. You have no evidence that I switched to a Thief, so why do you say something so dumb which makes it so easy for me to intellectually humiliate you in front of all the readers?
Thief was my first profession and will always remain my main, in ever game I play I play the Thief/Rogue/Assassin first and the Black Magic profession second. That would be the Necromancer in Guild Wars 2.
I like these archetypes, I don’t care if they are OP or UP! My personal skill will compensate and make it work regardless of the profession’s power
Also, why are you not going that road? Shall I tell you? You are afraid to face the truth, or perhaps you already did. I guarantee you that atleast 50% of the people who whine about Heartseeker Thieves would get 2 shotted if they played a Heartseeker Thief themselves! Melee glass cannon? Good Luck!
I played the Heartseeker build for 2-3 games pre-nerf and was shocked at how pathetic and weak it is, good thing I switched right away!
Who’s sig is this ? “Professional Thief. Dominating in game and giving critical and valuable feedback on the forum.”
No, I have no evidence you switched class nor do I feel the need to look for it. In fact, I don’t even care what class you roll. My reply served only one purpose and man are your reactions predictable. :-)
And actually, you’re not humiliating me at all. But look at how overreacted your reactions get with each reply. :-) Don’t lose your cool, a dominating Thief like you needs all of it. :-)Heated reaction? I am not shocked that to the averege person my reactions would seem “heated”. However, this is not the case. My reactions are those of a honest intellectual person, who doesn’t make up stuff and expects to get away with it, like you do. I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card, which is a sign of intellectual defeat and a last attampt to save face. I am not like you, I do not subscribe to the sheep mentality of todays youth, with its like/dislike cult behaviour. I am a free thinker with a critical mind and blessed with a high IQ by nature and evolution. I am not over reacting, I am giving you a reply with information in it
What is wrong with my Signature? If you wish to put the claim in it to test, feel free to have several 1v1 fights against me
My reactions are those of a honest intellectual person
I am a free thinker with a critical mind and blessed with a high IQ by nature and evolution
Your post sure is:
a sign of intellectual defeat
I think your level of intellect or better said the lack there off defeated you big time right there already. Goodluck in *laife lol…
Replying to a post of me that was obviously a reply to another person, just so you can try your pathetic attampts to insult me?
Oh boy, you sure are jealous and insecure. It is not my fault that I dominate on my Necromancer and don’t lose to Heartseeker Thieves like bad PvP players such as you. I told you what you can do to counter them, you have the knowledge thanks to me, all there is the execution which lies with you and your skills, I can’t help you with that
Regarding my intellect, I do not take pride in my high IQ and intellect, for it is a blessing of Nature and Evolution. However, I do take pride in my honesty and critical thinking skills, for these are abilities that I trained for and improved as my life went on, I suggest you should do the same, it will make you a better person. A good start would be an apology to me
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
Another bad PvP player with another false accusations. You have no evidence that I switched to a Thief, so why do you say something so dumb which makes it so easy for me to intellectually humiliate you in front of all the readers?
Thief was my first profession and will always remain my main, in ever game I play I play the Thief/Rogue/Assassin first and the Black Magic profession second. That would be the Necromancer in Guild Wars 2.
I like these archetypes, I don’t care if they are OP or UP! My personal skill will compensate and make it work regardless of the profession’s power
Also, why are you not going that road? Shall I tell you? You are afraid to face the truth, or perhaps you already did. I guarantee you that atleast 50% of the people who whine about Heartseeker Thieves would get 2 shotted if they played a Heartseeker Thief themselves! Melee glass cannon? Good Luck!
I played the Heartseeker build for 2-3 games pre-nerf and was shocked at how pathetic and weak it is, good thing I switched right away!
Who’s sig is this ? “Professional Thief. Dominating in game and giving critical and valuable feedback on the forum.”
No, I have no evidence you switched class nor do I feel the need to look for it. In fact, I don’t even care what class you roll. My reply served only one purpose and man are your reactions predictable. :-)
And actually, you’re not humiliating me at all. But look at how overreacted your reactions get with each reply. :-) Don’t lose your cool, a dominating Thief like you needs all of it. :-)Heated reaction? I am not shocked that to the averege person my reactions would seem “heated”. However, this is not the case. My reactions are those of a honest intellectual person, who doesn’t make up stuff and expects to get away with it, like you do. I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card, which is a sign of intellectual defeat and a last attampt to save face. I am not like you, I do not subscribe to the sheep mentality of todays youth, with its like/dislike cult behaviour. I am a free thinker with a critical mind and blessed with a high IQ by nature and evolution. I am not over reacting, I am giving you a reply with information in it
What is wrong with my Signature? If you wish to put the claim in it to test, feel free to have several 1v1 fights against me
My reactions are those of a honest intellectual person
I am a free thinker with a critical mind and blessed with a high IQ by nature and evolution
Your post sure is:
a sign of intellectual defeat
I think your level of intellect or better said the lack there off defeated you big time right there already. Goodluck in *laife lol…
Replying to a post of me that was obviously a reply to another person, just so you can try your pathetic attampts to insult me?
Oh boy, you sure are jealous and insecure. It is not my fault that I dominate on my Necromancer and don’t lose to Heartseeker Thieves like bad PvP players such as you. I told you what you can do to counter them, you have the knowledge thanks to me, all there is the execution which lies with you and your skills, I can’t help you with that
Regarding my intellect, I do not take pride in my high IQ and intellect, for it is a blessing of Nature and Evolution. However, I do take pride in my honesty and critical thinking skills, for these are abilities that I trained for and improved as my life went on, I suggest you should do the same, it will make you a better person. A good start would be an apology to me
You insulted yourself with that post. In case you missed that i merely pointed that fact out i here by do it again.
Since when does someone else have to apologize for you making arrogant and delusional claims and comments that where executed by stupidity demonstrating your failure in a spotlight?
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
I seriously doubt that you have the mental capacity to expose anyone as i already demonstrated just a few posts up.
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right? Not to mention that English is not my primary language and Guild Wars 2 Forum doesn’t require flawless spelling so I do not pay attention to it.
Just as philosophy is the paradise for wannabe intellectuals, so is the attacking of spelling mistakes the paradise for wannabe debaters who lack a real argument
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
(edited by Blazer Hellsing.9184)
Another bad PvP player with another false accusations. You have no evidence that I switched to a Thief, so why do you say something so dumb which makes it so easy for me to intellectually humiliate you in front of all the readers?
Thief was my first profession and will always remain my main, in ever game I play I play the Thief/Rogue/Assassin first and the Black Magic profession second. That would be the Necromancer in Guild Wars 2.
I like these archetypes, I don’t care if they are OP or UP! My personal skill will compensate and make it work regardless of the profession’s power
Also, why are you not going that road? Shall I tell you? You are afraid to face the truth, or perhaps you already did. I guarantee you that atleast 50% of the people who whine about Heartseeker Thieves would get 2 shotted if they played a Heartseeker Thief themselves! Melee glass cannon? Good Luck!
I played the Heartseeker build for 2-3 games pre-nerf and was shocked at how pathetic and weak it is, good thing I switched right away!
Who’s sig is this ? “Professional Thief. Dominating in game and giving critical and valuable feedback on the forum.”
No, I have no evidence you switched class nor do I feel the need to look for it. In fact, I don’t even care what class you roll. My reply served only one purpose and man are your reactions predictable. :-)
And actually, you’re not humiliating me at all. But look at how overreacted your reactions get with each reply. :-) Don’t lose your cool, a dominating Thief like you needs all of it. :-)Heated reaction? I am not shocked that to the averege person my reactions would seem “heated”. However, this is not the case. My reactions are those of a honest intellectual person, who doesn’t make up stuff and expects to get away with it, like you do. I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card, which is a sign of intellectual defeat and a last attampt to save face. I am not like you, I do not subscribe to the sheep mentality of todays youth, with its like/dislike cult behaviour. I am a free thinker with a critical mind and blessed with a high IQ by nature and evolution. I am not over reacting, I am giving you a reply with information in it
What is wrong with my Signature? If you wish to put the claim in it to test, feel free to have several 1v1 fights against me
My reactions are those of a honest intellectual person
I am a free thinker with a critical mind and blessed with a high IQ by nature and evolution
Your post sure is:
a sign of intellectual defeat
I think your level of intellect or better said the lack there off defeated you big time right there already. Goodluck in *laife lol…
Replying to a post of me that was obviously a reply to another person, just so you can try your pathetic attampts to insult me?
Oh boy, you sure are jealous and insecure. It is not my fault that I dominate on my Necromancer and don’t lose to Heartseeker Thieves like bad PvP players such as you. I told you what you can do to counter them, you have the knowledge thanks to me, all there is the execution which lies with you and your skills, I can’t help you with that
Regarding my intellect, I do not take pride in my high IQ and intellect, for it is a blessing of Nature and Evolution. However, I do take pride in my honesty and critical thinking skills, for these are abilities that I trained for and improved as my life went on, I suggest you should do the same, it will make you a better person. A good start would be an apology to me
You insulted yourself with that post. In case you missed that i merely pointed that fact out i here by do it again.
Since when does someone else have to apologize for you making arrogant and delusional claims and comments that where executed by stupidity demonstrating your failure in a spotlight?
The apology is for your intellectual dishonesty and false statements. You claimed that there is nothing I can do against Heartseeker Thieves, I named 6 things I can do and that I don’t have any trouble with Heartseeker Thieves, you repeated what you said at the start and ignored my reply.
This act is a disgusting act of disrespect. I can understand that your jealousy can influence your replies, but this much? that’s a shame.
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
I seriously doubt that you have the mental capacity to expose anyone as i already demonstrated just a few posts up.
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right? Not to mention that English is not my primary language and Guild Wars 2 Forum doesn’t require flawless spelling so I do not pay attention to it.
Just as philosophy is the paradise for wannabe intellectuals, so is the attacking of spelling mistakes the paradise for wannabe debaters who lack a real argument
I think you should go to the nearest library and pick up some books that use big letters and a lot of pictures that explain just how intellect and memory are inherently connected.
If you are going to make grand claims of high IQ and intellect then why are you not smart enough to at least use a spellchecker since you obviously are not capable and cannot properly solve it yourself.
After making said grand claims of intellect and IQ you make the most childish errors in writing that is mostly seen in elementary school grade English classes. I am actually doing you a favor pointing this out.
This act is a disgusting act of disrespect. I can understand that your jealousy can influence your replies, but this much? that’s a shame.
Manipulative, self centered and talented liars are mostly referred to as narcissist who coincidentally are usually not the most intellectual but try really hard to convince others that they are and favor to act out to be the victim when cornered.
This is you.
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
I seriously doubt that you have the mental capacity to expose anyone as i already demonstrated just a few posts up.
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right? Not to mention that English is not my primary language and Guild Wars 2 Forum doesn’t require flawless spelling so I do not pay attention to it.
Just as philosophy is the paradise for wannabe intellectuals, so is the attacking of spelling mistakes the paradise for wannabe debaters who lack a real argument
I think you should go to the nearest library and pick up some books that use big letters and a lot of pictures that explain just how intellect and memory are inherently connected.
If you are going to make grand claims of high IQ and intellect then why are you not smart enough to at least use a spellchecker since you obviously are not capable and cannot properly solve it yourself.
After making said grand claims of intellect and IQ you make the most childish errors in writing that is mostly seen in elementary school grade English classes. I am actually doing you a favor pointing this out.
Intellect and memory are connected? Yes. What does this have to do with my statement regarding language and IQ and Intellect? there is a reason serious and advanced IQ tests do not include language. You are trying to discredit me by attacking my English spelling (English not being my primary language), because you have no intellectual arguments to debate me with! You have no legs to stand on, so you attempt to break mine… won’t work
Why should I use spell checker? I already told you that my spelling on a MMORPG forum is not that important to me! From our conversation people can conclude that “comprehending” English is much more important than miniscule spelling mistakes, because I have to repeat myself quite often… you might want read slowly and understand what the other person is saying before asking questions that have been answered before
That is the difference between Intellect and trivial things like miniscule spelling mistakes!
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
I have yet to come across a thief in sPvP who I would class as good, I am sure when I do, I will have a hard time on my hands and most likely lose. Until then I am going to keep going out of my way to kill heart seeker spamming thieves.
I had 3 1v1’s at the enemy Trebuchet against a HS Spamming thief and won each and every single fight, anyone who plays that spec at the moment should be embarrassed about how pathetic it is.
I’ve duo’d in WvW with a thief, we were just roaming around taking supply camps and skirmishing with the enemy. He played the class properly and we were taking on groups of 5 players plus and usually coming out on top :P He is the only player that I have seen so far who play’s the thief how it should be played and he showed me the potential in the class.
I go into sPvP however and all I see are HS spamming thieves on both sides, if they only realised that if they took the time to figure the class out and play it properly, they could potentially dominate.
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
I have yet to come across a thief in sPvP who I would class as good, I am sure when I do, I will have a hard time on my hands and most likely lose. Until then I am going to keep going out of my way to kill heart seeker spamming thieves.
I had 3 1v1’s at the enemy Trebuchet against a HS Spamming thief and won each and every single fight, anyone who plays that spec at the moment should be embarrassed about how pathetic it is.
I’ve duo’d in WvW with a thief, we were just roaming around taking supply camps and skirmishing with the enemy. He played the class properly and we were taking on groups of 5 players plus and usually coming out on top :P He is the only player that I have seen so far who play’s the thief how it should be played and he showed me the potential in the class.
I go into sPvP however and all I see are HS spamming thieves on both sides, if they only realised that if they took the time to figure the class out and play it properly, they could potentially dominate.
Implying good Thieves would play a weak spec like Heartseeker build. I played that spec for 2-3 games pre-nerf and was disgusted with how weak it was, immediately switched back to my own spec.
People complaining about Heartseeker spec being to good are bigger noobs than Heartseeker Thieves!
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
I seriously doubt that you have the mental capacity to expose anyone as i already demonstrated just a few posts up.
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right? Not to mention that English is not my primary language and Guild Wars 2 Forum doesn’t require flawless spelling so I do not pay attention to it.
Just as philosophy is the paradise for wannabe intellectuals, so is the attacking of spelling mistakes the paradise for wannabe debaters who lack a real argument
I think you should go to the nearest library and pick up some books that use big letters and a lot of pictures that explain just how intellect and memory are inherently connected.
If you are going to make grand claims of high IQ and intellect then why are you not smart enough to at least use a spellchecker since you obviously are not capable and cannot properly solve it yourself.
After making said grand claims of intellect and IQ you make the most childish errors in writing that is mostly seen in elementary school grade English classes. I am actually doing you a favor pointing this out.
Intellect and memory are connected? Yes. What does this have to do with my statement regarding language and IQ and Intellect?
It seems you already forgot the statement you made mere minutes ago:
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right?
I keep helping you pointing out your failures ,how about a thank you for a change?
btw. English is not my native language either.
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
I seriously doubt that you have the mental capacity to expose anyone as i already demonstrated just a few posts up.
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right? Not to mention that English is not my primary language and Guild Wars 2 Forum doesn’t require flawless spelling so I do not pay attention to it.
Just as philosophy is the paradise for wannabe intellectuals, so is the attacking of spelling mistakes the paradise for wannabe debaters who lack a real argument
I think you should go to the nearest library and pick up some books that use big letters and a lot of pictures that explain just how intellect and memory are inherently connected.
If you are going to make grand claims of high IQ and intellect then why are you not smart enough to at least use a spellchecker since you obviously are not capable and cannot properly solve it yourself.
After making said grand claims of intellect and IQ you make the most childish errors in writing that is mostly seen in elementary school grade English classes. I am actually doing you a favor pointing this out.
Intellect and memory are connected? Yes. What does this have to do with my statement regarding language and IQ and Intellect?
It seems you already forgot the statement you made mere minutes ago:
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right?
I keep helping you pointing out your failures ,how about a thank you for a change?
btw. English is not my native language either.
How does that statement deny the link between memory and intellect, something which you felt the need to point out?
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
I seriously doubt that you have the mental capacity to expose anyone as i already demonstrated just a few posts up.
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right? Not to mention that English is not my primary language and Guild Wars 2 Forum doesn’t require flawless spelling so I do not pay attention to it.
Just as philosophy is the paradise for wannabe intellectuals, so is the attacking of spelling mistakes the paradise for wannabe debaters who lack a real argument
I think you should go to the nearest library and pick up some books that use big letters and a lot of pictures that explain just how intellect and memory are inherently connected.
If you are going to make grand claims of high IQ and intellect then why are you not smart enough to at least use a spellchecker since you obviously are not capable and cannot properly solve it yourself.
After making said grand claims of intellect and IQ you make the most childish errors in writing that is mostly seen in elementary school grade English classes. I am actually doing you a favor pointing this out.
Intellect and memory are connected? Yes. What does this have to do with my statement regarding language and IQ and Intellect?
It seems you already forgot the statement you made mere minutes ago:
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right?
I keep helping you pointing out your failures ,how about a thank you for a change?
btw. English is not my native language either.
How does that statement deny the link between memory and intellect, something which you felt the need to point out?
I am curious. How do you suppose that it doesn’t.
How about offering suggestions for each profession to defend/counter a Thief?
Surely each profession has viable ways to counter.
I’ve tried with Ranger,Warrior,Mesmer,Necro:
With the Ranger, I used up both dodges, a spike trap and lightning reflexes, then I was a dead duck.
With Warrior, I had balanced stance trait and utility break stun skill I think, both used, then 3 second block with shield, this managed to save me. Of course he disappeared into yonder and went on to another target.
With Mesmer, I had a couple break stun utility clone/phantasm skills which bought me some time and some crippling clones (trait) to help me get away. I just ran for my life at this point.
With Necro, a well, and a few conditions bought me some time, and I managed to kill the Thief. Bear in mind, a good handful of the Necro’s skills / traits, including F1 don’t work properly yet, so I’m looking forward to those fixes when the time comes.
If your break stun skills/traits and dodges are used up, yeah the odds are against surviving. I’m barely able to survive most of the time vs. a Thief, but then again, I don’t have the response times of my younger years, nor have I played a Thief.
So to be fair, I need to understand how a Thief’s initiative works, how long he/she can be cloaked, in order to get better at timing and surviving. I’ll roll one soon and see how easy/hard it is for me to make a kill, versus making kills with other professions. Until then, I’ll reserve judgement and go have lunch
Its the same in sPvP and WvWvW. Mesmer, Ranger and Thief is OP. Also all the escape methods and CC is ridiculous. There is no counter against alot of things.
I did the same what you plan to do and that is roll a thief yourself. The only true counter against a HS focused thief is luck, as in try and roll and dodge whenever you expect him to pop HS. Anything after that is rendered ineffective against it.
It does work sometimes and when it does you can kill them as long as you cc them quickly.
I forgot to add, the “speed hack” using infiltrators arrow is also bogus. (I am a thief myself.)
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
I seriously doubt that you have the mental capacity to expose anyone as i already demonstrated just a few posts up.
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right? Not to mention that English is not my primary language and Guild Wars 2 Forum doesn’t require flawless spelling so I do not pay attention to it.
Just as philosophy is the paradise for wannabe intellectuals, so is the attacking of spelling mistakes the paradise for wannabe debaters who lack a real argument
I think you should go to the nearest library and pick up some books that use big letters and a lot of pictures that explain just how intellect and memory are inherently connected.
If you are going to make grand claims of high IQ and intellect then why are you not smart enough to at least use a spellchecker since you obviously are not capable and cannot properly solve it yourself.
After making said grand claims of intellect and IQ you make the most childish errors in writing that is mostly seen in elementary school grade English classes. I am actually doing you a favor pointing this out.
Intellect and memory are connected? Yes. What does this have to do with my statement regarding language and IQ and Intellect?
It seems you already forgot the statement you made mere minutes ago:
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right?
I keep helping you pointing out your failures ,how about a thank you for a change?
btw. English is not my native language either.
How does that statement deny the link between memory and intellect, something which you felt the need to point out?
I am curious. How do you suppose that it doesn’t.
Repeating myself once again since you don’t have the intellect to comprehend English.
“You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right?”
How does this statement make you feel the need to point out that intellect and memory are linked, where did I say they are not?
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
I did the same what you plan to do and that is roll a thief yourself. The only true counter against a HS focused thief is luck, as in try and roll and dodge whenever you expect him to pop HS. Anything after that is rendered ineffective against it.
It does work sometimes and when it does you can kill them as long as you cc them quickly.
Confirmed for terrible PvP player with terrible below average reflexes. Luck? You can see when Heartseeker is comig duo to the animation and dodge! IT IS THAT EASY!
Necromancer, dominating Heartseeker Thieves all the time Stay jelous.
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)
I called your bluff and all of a sudden you try to play the “Oh I said that to get the reaction from you which I knew you would give” card
Pssst, listen, I let you on a secret but don’t tell anyone: I really DID play that card!
And that’s it, I have no urge to continue arguing with an intellectual person like yourself.
Sarcasm regarding your choice to play that card won’t cover your failure up, I exposed you.
I seriously doubt that you have the mental capacity to expose anyone as i already demonstrated just a few posts up.
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right? Not to mention that English is not my primary language and Guild Wars 2 Forum doesn’t require flawless spelling so I do not pay attention to it.
Just as philosophy is the paradise for wannabe intellectuals, so is the attacking of spelling mistakes the paradise for wannabe debaters who lack a real argument
I think you should go to the nearest library and pick up some books that use big letters and a lot of pictures that explain just how intellect and memory are inherently connected.
If you are going to make grand claims of high IQ and intellect then why are you not smart enough to at least use a spellchecker since you obviously are not capable and cannot properly solve it yourself.
After making said grand claims of intellect and IQ you make the most childish errors in writing that is mostly seen in elementary school grade English classes. I am actually doing you a favor pointing this out.
Intellect and memory are connected? Yes. What does this have to do with my statement regarding language and IQ and Intellect?
It seems you already forgot the statement you made mere minutes ago:
You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right?
I keep helping you pointing out your failures ,how about a thank you for a change?
btw. English is not my native language either.
How does that statement deny the link between memory and intellect, something which you felt the need to point out?
I am curious. How do you suppose that it doesn’t.
Repeating myself once again since you don’t have the intellect to comprehend English.
“You do know that language is just a code and based on memorizing which has little to do with IQ and intellect, right?”
How does this statement make you feel the need to point out that intellect and memory are linked, where did I say they are not?
Give it up already you look like a fool enough as it is already, best thing is you did it all by yourself.
I did the same what you plan to do and that is roll a thief yourself. The only true counter against a HS focused thief is luck, as in try and roll and dodge whenever you expect him to pop HS. Anything after that is rendered ineffective against it.
It does work sometimes and when it does you can kill them as long as you cc them quickly.
Confirmed for terrible PvP player with terrible below average reflexes. Luck? You can see when Heartseeker is comig duo to the animation and dodge! IT IS THAT EASY!
Necromancer, dominating Heartseeker Thieves all the time
Stay jelous.
I would hold of stroking your little one before you reach your self induced gasm because reality calls. Good luck watching for the 0.3 second animation in a group fight and particle effects going off and a thief who stealth’s (who would have thought 11!?1).
oh look the tiny HS animation lets dodge,whoops just used them on the warrior….lets cc the thief…whoops my cc animations actually take longer then the HS animation….no wait… i couldn’t have done any of that anyway since he HS’ed right out of stealth .. i should have never listened to that self proclaimed “Genius,prodigy” Blazer Hellsing -_-
(edited by Smackjack.5071)
Nobody has posted yet that they nerfed HS today? (yesterday?)
Heartseeker: Reduced damage of the 100%-50% threshold by 20%. Damage thresholds changed. Old: 100%-66%, 66%-33%, 33%-0%. New: 100%-50%, 50%-25%, 25%-0%.
Looks like a nerf to me, guess Anet agreed HS was over the top.
Src – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Update-Notes-September-14th-2012/first#post95296
Just to get it out of the way: I play a thief as my main at the moment. I do plenty of sPvP on my thief – both in tournaments and in public matches – and I make use of heartseeker. That being said, I do not spam heartseeker and I never will. I have my own build at the moment – using dagger/pistol – and, though I make use of heartseeker, I don’t rely on it too heavily.
Now that’s out of the way and I can come to the point. Heartseeker is a flawed ability. It is extremely powerful and easy to use. That being said, it does not make those who spam it invincible, unbeatable or godlike in any way. Understanding the way the thief profession works goes a long way toward their defeat and the same goes for thieves fighting any other profession. Anet has recently posted that they are going to continue gathering data before making any balance changes and they urged players to try to find existing counters before giving up entirely. It was very good advice.
To paraphrase Sun Tzu, if you know your enemy and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.
I wouldn’t be too bothered by it if I knew it was coming more often, I have counters for burst classes that are hilarious in action as they blow their cooldowns and then notice I have over 75% of my health still left and they have nothing because they don’t have the skill for proper combat.
My problem with Thieves (and Mesmers too, actually) is that their stealth mechanics are totally broken to the point that they can attack me in stealth and get 3-4 heartseekers off before they even become visible to me.
I do admit if you know what to look for you can still counter them but that tell-tale puff of black smoke is meant to signify that they are visible again where at the moment it just gives you a notice that they can kill you but still have between 1 and 4 seconds before they actually become visible.
(edited by Ickorus.4518)
Noobs are still gonna cry about it no matter what. All the nerf really does is reinforce the proper usage of HS as a finisher. Pretty fair change to the skill in my opinion.
Noobs are still gonna cry about it no matter what. All the nerf really does is reinforce the proper usage of HS as a finisher. Pretty fair change to the skill in my opinion.
It’s definitely a fairly large change. Because of how init works as a resource the change is actually larger than you might think.
Using HS on someone above 50% health is probably a bad investment of initiative at this point. Considering that a smart player can use their heal to extend the 100-50 window for longer.
Honestly, every class in the game has a cheese-mode ability or three. Some are just more blatant than others.
Few examples:
Warrior – Hundred Blades(easily dodged, unless you’re a complete idiot)
Thief – Heartseeker
Guardian – Binding Blade
Ranger – Stupid pets
Engineer – Net Turret + Grenade kit
And the list goes on. Just QQ’ing about a single ability like Heartseeker, that is easily stopped with 1-CC is kind of ridiculous. I mean, seriously…a Warrior does more damage with Frenzy + Hundred Blades + Eviscerate than a Thief does with 3-4 Heartseekers.
PS: My main is a Warrior.
Nobody has posted yet that they nerfed HS today? (yesterday?)
Heartseeker: Reduced damage of the 100%-50% threshold by 20%. Damage thresholds changed. Old: 100%-66%, 66%-33%, 33%-0%. New: 100%-50%, 50%-25%, 25%-0%.
Looks like a nerf to me, guess Anet agreed HS was over the top.
Src – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Update-Notes-September-14th-2012/first#post95296
they could take heatseeker out of the game and there would still be people on the forums complaining about how op it is
Nobody has posted yet that they nerfed HS today? (yesterday?)
Heartseeker: Reduced damage of the 100%-50% threshold by 20%. Damage thresholds changed. Old: 100%-66%, 66%-33%, 33%-0%. New: 100%-50%, 50%-25%, 25%-0%.
Looks like a nerf to me, guess Anet agreed HS was over the top.
Src – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Update-Notes-September-14th-2012/first#post95296
It sure looks like it.
i read about it earlier but it was just hearsay at that point. Good thing to see the official word on it with the numbers, thank you for that.
Honestly, every class in the game has a cheese-mode ability or three. Some are just more blatant than others.
Few examples:
Warrior – Hundred Blades(easily dodged, unless you’re a complete idiot)
Thief – Heartseeker
Guardian – Binding Blade
Ranger – Stupid pets
Engineer – Net Turret + Grenade kitAnd the list goes on. Just QQ’ing about a single ability like Heartseeker, that is easily stopped with 1-CC is kind of ridiculous. I mean, seriously…a Warrior does more damage with Frenzy + Hundred Blades + Eviscerate than a Thief does with 3-4 Heartseekers.
PS: My main is a Warrior.
A not unimportant detail being that Frenzy,Hundred blades and eviscerate are 3 separate skills and on 3 separate CD’s and timers making the combo obviously a lot more situational then a single skill like HS on a class that does not even have CD’s.
Honestly, every class in the game has a cheese-mode ability or three. Some are just more blatant than others.
Few examples:
Warrior – Hundred Blades(easily dodged, unless you’re a complete idiot)
Thief – Heartseeker
Guardian – Binding Blade
Ranger – Stupid pets
Engineer – Net Turret + Grenade kitAnd the list goes on. Just QQ’ing about a single ability like Heartseeker, that is easily stopped with 1-CC is kind of ridiculous. I mean, seriously…a Warrior does more damage with Frenzy + Hundred Blades + Eviscerate than a Thief does with 3-4 Heartseekers.
PS: My main is a Warrior.
A not unimportant detail being that Frenzy,Hundred blades and eviscerate are 3 separate skills and on 3 separate CD’s and timers making the combo obviously a lot more situational then a single skill like HS on a class that does not even have CD’s.
Yes, but HS uses Initiative, which is a resource. The point was, Heartseeker doesn’t do anywhere close to the damage other abilities do., and it is fairly easily countered given the fact that Thieves are super squishy when CC’d.
I think the main issue with the ability is that people are too stupid to use some form of CC in their build.
The joys of playing a Warrior. Bull’s Charge, Frenzy, Hundred Blades, Eviscerate. Dead Thief, everytime.
You should consider looking into a different spec if you need to eviscerate a thief after Bull’s Charge, Frenzy, Hundred Blades.
How bout this instead of nerfing HS you buff the dmg a decent amount and make it a cooldown. OR you remove the gap closer buff and buff the dmg a little bit that way you have to aim and be near the person to use it. Instead of spamming it and flying across the map at your target.
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>
^ i would have preferred the gap closer removal to damage nerf. So its hard to pull off but rewarding.
first i am spanish so sorry for the bad english.
i need help to counter the thiefs as warrior.
i dont know as it is on english,on spanish ti is golpe de pistola so i think thatit must be pistol strike or so.
the problem is that i am getting many thiefs today that are killing me on 1-2 sec.
i am warrior with 26k hp and 3k armor.
it is allways the same script.
0.0 i am alone and the tief pop up of hide and root me.
0.5 the thief hit me by 11k with pistol strike.
1.0 another 11k with the same skill.
1.5 i use the knowback of the rifle
1.6 the tief go hide and again hit me for 10k with the same skill.
i have tried with hp,armor,and knowback but i really cant do nothing as i am killed on 3 globals
try take a shield with you and switch to that so when thief opens on you quickly pop shield block. Im not sure if warrior have a immobilise breaker or you can pop endure pain which i know sadly is a long cd also the proc one in traits at 25% hp. If those are on CD then well you are pretty helpless.
Go Greatsword main weapon and Axe/Shield as secondary weapon. It gives you a couple of CC options. Run “Shake It Off!” as one of your utility skills. This gives you a nice little condition removal(Immobilize is a condition).
How bout this instead of nerfing HS you buff the dmg a decent amount and make it a cooldown. OR you remove the gap closer buff and buff the dmg a little bit that way you have to aim and be near the person to use it. Instead of spamming it and flying across the map at your target.
Neither of these is really feasible. Thief’s mechanic is Resource rather than Cooldown so it would literally be the only CD and not mesh with the rest of the attacks. You could raise Initiative but Ini regen is tricky as it is and it would probably make people switch to Death Blossom only.. which people will hate even more, trust me.
Removing the Gap Closer would put D/D Thief completely in Melee range at all time but Thief is way too soft for that. Increase Thief durability and other builds become too powerful.
Personally I think the dmg reduction was a bit much but threshold change was fine. Meaning it takes longer for the bonus dmg from the trait to kick in. I just don’t think Dmg output should be decreased (for any class) until some time has passed for people to adjust playstyles.