I thought the LoL community was bad...
“Name and shame” will result in an infraction.
I suggest you remove these images and upload them again with the names censored.
haha, this guy is completely right. stop being a selfish brick and play real stuff and don’t drag your unlucky teammates down. maybe you will get some respect then!
playing thief is the same as mmr tanking = making sure your team loses
Golly. There was a reason why I mentioned a “toxic community” on the other thread. This is EXACTLY kind of crap that keeps pvp communities a minority.
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
This is why no one PvPs. We have trash like them. Not a single soul with a sliver of kindness. Its just a mountain of salt and rage.
While I agree with the notion of playing to win, a good thief can still throw off rotations, you just need a better plan then “zerg mid”. (Ideally, having two go far and blast from stealth then backcapping mid ect.)
Its a serious issue, and only we can fix it. But no one will.
everyone has the right to stick to their main proffession and play what they enjoy, maybe the community are becoming the selfish ones expecting Players to reroll based on their self-entitliment, thief isnt a insta loss, i’ve won many games with one on my team.
Just because meta says in top tier SPVP it isnt viable it has 0 impact on Low – Average MMR as in those brackets u can still outplay the enemy as very rarely are Players Equally skilled in the lower MMR brackets.
everyone has the right to stick to their main proffession and play what they enjoy, maybe the community are becoming the selfish ones expecting Players to reroll based on their self-entitliment, thief isnt a insta loss, i’ve won many games with one on my team.
Just because meta says in top tier SPVP it isnt viable it has 0 impact on Low – Average MMR as in those brackets u can still outplay the enemy as very rarely are Players Equally skilled in the lower MMR brackets.
I disagree. I’ve beaten every team with a Thief that I’ve come up against so far in Leagues, and twice just this past session was that Thief a professional ESL player. Meta is meta.
I curse at myself every time i end up with a thief on my team, and jump for joy at the free win when i see one on the opposing team, but i never say anything out loud or in team chat. Being rude is being rude, even if your right, some things u should just keep to yourself.
This is why I have a combat log that I switch to when I don’t want to deal with chat.
1. Block
2. Move on.
Problem solved.
PvP is a best way to expand your block list.
It’s actually been like that for a while now, it’s just more noticeable now that these really popular professions fell out of the meta.
Necros and rangers had this treatment for a long time, but now warriors and thieves have taken their place as the ’worst professions 2.0."
That’s definitely not to say it’s right though, it would be nice if everyone could be more civil, but you kind of have to imagine what the lifestyles of people that act this way are like (and then feel sorry for them, lol).
My advice to you would be to keep in mind that there is some truth in what they’re saying, because thieves AND warriors really are at the bottom in terms of profession balance at the moment, and you would have an easier time on othe professions. However, that doesn’t mean you should feel forced to switch if you’re still enjoying your thief, especially if you’re just solo q’ing.
Anyone who doesn’t run a full-premade takes the chance that the solos they get put with could be on ANY profession and playing ANY build, so if these players wanted something other than a thief on their team so badly, they should have found someone else to team up with ahead of time.
This just shows that there are too many entitled brats in the game, lol. They must be thinking “this is my world and you just live in it.”
Ignore people playing braindead cancer builds who think they have a right to tell you what to play. We teefs will have the last laugh come balance patch. Meanwhile I will continue to top score almost every game I play (yes topscore doesn’t mean best player, but sure as he’ll doesn’t mean the worst).
haha, this guy is completely right. stop being a selfish brick and play real stuff and don’t drag your unlucky teammates down. maybe you will get some respect then!
playing thief is the same as mmr tanking = making sure your team loses
1. Thanks for verifying the title of the thread.
2. Thief is fine, just because your favorite teams don’t run them doesn’t mean they are bad.
3. I ran into this guy tonight, he raged on everyone for everything, even when he went down in 1v4…
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
Day 1) Aww man condi revenants suck so much!!! If you play them you’re an awful player, stick to the OP power rev!
Day 13) Oh man did you see those condi revs in that tournament?!? That’s the meta now everyone!
Day 14) What, you’re playing a power revenant? Ugh man stop holding your team down noob!
It’s been like this literally every single ‘meta’ that the people come up with, and anyone who says they’ve never lost to a certain class or build is absolutely lying. Play what you want people! It’s not like Anet will ever be successful with this Esports thing anyways.
Day 1) Aww man condi revenants suck so much!!! If you play them you’re an awful player, stick to the OP power rev!
Day 13) Oh man did you see those condi revs in that tournament?!? That’s the meta now everyone! Lets follow like sheep Bahhhhh!!!
Day 14) What, you’re playing a power revenant? Ugh man stop holding your team down noob!
It’s been like this literally every single ‘meta’ for every single class that the people come up with, and anyone who says they’ve never lost to a certain class or build is absolutely lying. Play what you want people! It’s not like Anet will ever be successful with this Esports thing anyways.
(edited by No Walking.6349)
Just had a match where I was /laughed at by 3/4 of my team mates and then verbally abused because I was playing a thief.
Putting their unwarranted rudeness aside, from the screenshot you posted it wasn’t because you were simply playing a thief, it was because you weren’t very good on it, to quote them “or maybe do not play thief u are not good on it”.
Which to be fair is a pretty common view, there are classes that a player who may not be that good, can play and contribute / not be a burden, thief is not one of those classes.
Of course you may have been may have been fine on thief and he may just be a loud-mouth scrub trying to distract from his own failings, but I’m just putting the point that it can be irritating when someone tries playing something a bit beyond them and would be a lot more helpful if they played something a bit easier, a bit more forgiving.
Don’t play thief. That simple.
People don’t understand that while you can play how,you want to, ranked is a game mode where you need to pull your own weight. Queueing on the worst class in the game while not being good at it warrants being told so.
Sorry but you need a tougher skin or reroll.
While I agree with the notion of playing to win, a good thief can still throw off rotations, you just need a better plan then “zerg mid”. (Ideally, having two go far and blast from stealth then backcapping mid ect.)
Sadly, a good thief gets wrecked by almost anything that’s half as good.
I don’t consider myself a super competent necro, though i have played my share, and thieves were never easier to kill than now.
Sure, some really good thief can still contribute positively, but only despite his class’s weaknesses.
People fail to understand what ranked is. you play for fun? go unranked. In ranked, you play to win, or you are doing your team a diservice.
In my experience, ALL pvp communities on every game are bad.
Everyone is anonymous. There are no consequences for being rude. There are no rewards for being polite. The internet is both a wonderful and a terrible place. I’m afraid you’re just going to have to deal with that or stop doing anything competitive.
Just had a match where I was /laughed at by 3/4 of my team mates and then verbally abused because I was playing a thief.
I don’t even know what to say at this point. Not only is the balance in this game horrendous but with the introduction of leagues players care about winning more than ever so if you’re not playing a ‘meta’ class, this is what happens..
had the same happened to me on my Mesmer and ranger when Thieves were in the meta (before Gee’s trait revamp patch), what comes around goes around eh?
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
There is a huge plus side to this though. I can’t even begin to describe the incredible power b()ner you get when you win a ranked match with the top score as a thief. Probably one of best experiences I’ve had, going into ranked matches with my friend, both of us thieves, winning with the two highest scores and talking massive kitten against the other team. Because they know they’ve been beaten by a proffesion that’s completely outclassed, not just by one, but by two of them. And they can’t say kitten, you’re just that good.
Just had a match where I was /laughed at by 3/4 of my team mates and then verbally abused because I was playing a thief.
I don’t even know what to say at this point. Not only is the balance in this game horrendous but with the introduction of leagues players care about winning more than ever so if you’re not playing a ‘meta’ class, this is what happens..
People who complain have a serious lack of sportsmanship and obviously hate themselves so much they feel the need to flame others for no reason at all.
It really gets to me because these people have a) never ever met me before, b) have never ever played with me before and c) seem to forget I am a human being.
We all have off days – perhaps you played brilliantly that match and they were jealous, or perhaps you had an off day and they decided to say you are crap at a class that really they have no reason and no RIGHT to judge from one match only.
Even on THIS forum I have been slated for sharing a build I know works like a dream, just because it’s not “meta”. It is utterly pathetic.
Just ignore them, block and report for verbal abuse. You’ll probably come across them again some day and stomp their sorry kitten s and that my friend will feel AMAZING. Been there, done that, celebrated with a Pina Colada.
Good luck and don’t let it get you down.
Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow
To be honest, this doesn’t happen that often. League is WAY worse.
I hate myself so much so I flame every bunker mesmer and condi revenant that i am against doesn t matter if i win/lose.
(edited by vlad.4871)
I hate myself so much so I flame every bunker mesmer and condi revenant that i am against doesn t matter if i win/lose.
It is not the players fault, player were just being clever to use wat is stronger.
Theres alot of “placebos” going by, and the skrits are getting trapped easilly, it is how the industry works.