I've just made it to diamond...
Of course… The matchmaker takes the strongest players in que and matches them against the worst. For sure…
And as i said before, the rating can´t tell you whos better, if the differences aren´t huge. Maybe the one with the higher rating just played a bit more, had more look with the teamcomps ot stuff like that, there are thousands of reasons why his rating might be slighty better, but that doesn´t say he´s the better player. You guys completly overestimate MMR´s.
30 wins no losses. from instant sapphire to diamond (just today so i didnt even get any players of my MMR in my side because they are already higher). did it 100% with my least played classes too. just by that experience i can tell u that its not the MMR thats keeping people back, they are most likely where they deserve to be at…
Arguably, your win streak was atleast in some way carried by MMR since you stated you played with your weaker classes, ie, your team mates would have to be better to make up for the gap in skill MMR thinks you have (on your strongest class) versus the skill you actually have on your weaker classes.
I’m nearly Diamond too, and I’ve been having fun…
30 wins no losses. from instant sapphire to diamond (just today so i didnt even get any players of my MMR in my side because they are already higher). did it 100% with my least played classes too. just by that experience i can tell u that its not the MMR thats keeping people back, they are most likely where they deserve to be at…
I love this post..
“I have absolutely no experience with the problem. Therefor I have the most authoritative view on the issue.”
30 wins no losses. from instant sapphire to diamond (just today so i didnt even get any players of my MMR in my side because they are already higher). did it 100% with my least played classes too. just by that experience i can tell u that its not the MMR thats keeping people back, they are most likely where they deserve to be at…
I love this post..
“I have absolutely no experience with the problem. Therefor I have the most authoritative view on the issue.”
Anecdotal evidence, and well the basic underlying ideas of the scientific process are way too much for the average PVP forum poster to grasp.
30 wins no losses. from instant sapphire to diamond (just today so i didnt even get any players of my MMR in my side because they are already higher). did it 100% with my least played classes too. just by that experience i can tell u that its not the MMR thats keeping people back, they are most likely where they deserve to be at…
I love this post..
“I have absolutely no experience with the problem. Therefor I have the most authoritative view on the issue.”
More like they guy got carried my current MM systems and defends it.
[Teef] guild :>
From amber to legend
This post reeks of fast food and insecurity.
30 wins no losses. from instant sapphire to diamond (just today so i didnt even get any players of my MMR in my side because they are already higher). did it 100% with my least played classes too. just by that experience i can tell u that its not the MMR thats keeping people back, they are most likely where they deserve to be at…
Several multi-legendary players have said the matchmaking is messed up and stacks teams so that the people with high MMR who are doing well continue to do so. Your story is proof of that.
There’s multi-season legendary players who are struggling with awful unwinnable games. I’ve even heard of ESL players having this problem on occasion too. They deserve legendary, but the matchmaking is making it hard on them.
It’s the matchmaking 100%. It needs a huge fix.
(edited by Shiyo.3578)
Climbing ranks is actually fun in other games where the combat system hasn’t been destroyed, the pvp gameplay is fun and build diversity is existent.
I truely co sign on this statement, but if GW2’s sPvP is all they know then I can understand their ignorance. Then again I’ll even say that %95 of the so called pros in GW2 would get smashed over and over again in a actual competitive environment. So they’ll run back to poppa ANet who’ll just fed them wins they didn’t earn but was handed to them.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
Well boys dont blame the MMR for losing cause it has nothing to do with getting or not getting legend and that way u will never get better. If u continue working on improving ur gameplay u might even laugh at ur flaming one day.
Btw you know how ppl get “high MMR”, right? Then dont tell them they got carried by it.
Best wishes and keep/turn the improving mentality on
Well boys dont blame the MMR for losing cause it has nothing to do with getting or not getting legend and that way u will never get better. If u continue working on improving ur gameplay u might even laugh at ur flaming one day.
Btw you know how ppl get “high MMR”, right? Then dont tell them they got carried by it.Best wishes and keep/turn the improving mentality on
Best wishes and keep/turn improving english on.
There definitely seems to be something weird about it.
I haven’t seen any proof that the game purposely stacks lower mmr players against higher mmr players, but the pattern I see is one game I get a team who plays really well and we can beat premades or crush the other team, and the next I get placed on an average or low skilled team against a really good team with awesome rotations and players with great individual skill and get crushed.
I feel like a yoyo.
Yeah, the “win 1 match, lose 1 match, repeat ad infinitum” experience is getting really, really tedious. Some days it feels like I’m Sisyphus just rolling the boulder up the hill, only to be right back where I started. It doesn’t pass the “fun test”, ANet.
30 wins no losses. from instant sapphire to diamond (just today so i didnt even get any players of my MMR in my side because they are already higher). did it 100% with my least played classes too. just by that experience i can tell u that its not the MMR thats keeping people back, they are most likely where they deserve to be at…
What you have done here is provide more evidence that pretty much every match is, indeed, rigged.
30 wins no losses. from instant sapphire to diamond (just today so i didnt even get any players of my MMR in my side because they are already higher). did it 100% with my least played classes too. just by that experience i can tell u that its not the MMR thats keeping people back, they are most likely where they deserve to be at…
What you have done here is provide more evidence that pretty much every match is, indeed, rigged.
I know right? XD
It’s hilarious he couldn’t see it.
30 wins no losses. from instant sapphire to diamond (just today so i didnt even get any players of my MMR in my side because they are already higher). did it 100% with my least played classes too. just by that experience i can tell u that its not the MMR thats keeping people back, they are most likely where they deserve to be at…
What you have done here is provide more evidence that pretty much every match is, indeed, rigged.
I know right? XD
It’s hilarious he couldn’t see it.
If I weren’t so pessimistic about the average person’s grasp of reason, I’d think he was joking.
Someone explain me this.
Few days ago I climbed to diamond after quite a hell. Now games are as fun as they could be. Only played few and I’m filling 2nd stack. If I happen to loose a game it’s very close and I can tell everyone put in their max effort, so I don’t even feel bad or have the need to blame.
I’d also like to say that during month of pvping trough sapphire and ruby my win ratio dropped significantly and I still wonder how many matches will I have to make to get it back, because my game pool is quite big.
Is anyone here who has two accounts? An old and a new one? And plays crazily pvp with both accs parallel?
I think, this would be the clear proof if MMR works as intended or not.
There have been many such examples posted already. Yes, the effects do differ between such accounts.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Why do I get the feeling the guys bragging with 30+ win streak didn’t do it by solo queing.
(edited by havoktwo.2147)
Why do i get the feeling the guys bragging with 30+ win streak didn’t do it by solo queing.
I wonder if they realize that by winning 30 they have ended peoples streaks and added to peoples loss streaks. By any calculation you have to understand that if some are winning a lot, others are losing a lot. If everyone had a 30 win streak that means nobody can lose, which is impossible.
guys you see the problem on your faces and still ignore it
if the game design for 50/50 w/l than no one should climb
even with 2 pips in winning strike you should lose some to gain to 50% again
so the way ppl climb is by forcing the game to choose for you the statisitics for winning or losing.
also it desing by groups and not solo play style.
the design is a fail.
they should design it for solo achievment (not grinding) like how many points in dmg, support, defense etc.. (like compare the amulet to your role outcome should be)
cleric need to have hight defense dmg and high support with healing.
zerker need to have high dmg etc..
if those points achieve you will get a point. if you win also gain another point….
i had couple of games where i lost and my personal score was 185 while the rest of the team were at top 60
i decap, res, cap, stomp, dmg etc… while my team basicaly did wierd rotations died a lot
ruby talking here….
when i teamup with diamond i start to see more reasonable rotation and even then some mistake and wierd decision like going 4v1 after team wipe just to get killed again
30 wins no losses. from instant sapphire to diamond (just today so i didnt even get any players of my MMR in my side because they are already higher). did it 100% with my least played classes too. just by that experience i can tell u that its not the MMR thats keeping people back, they are most likely where they deserve to be at…
Several multi-legendary players have said the matchmaking is messed up and stacks teams so that the people with high MMR who are doing well continue to do so. Your story is proof of that.
There’s multi-season legendary players who are struggling with awful unwinnable games. I’ve even heard of ESL players having this problem on occasion too. They deserve legendary, but the matchmaking is making it hard on them.
It’s the matchmaking 100%. It needs a huge fix.
Of course you will have different matchups. It´s a random arena(in soloq), which means the game puts 5 random(!!!) people into a team, matched against 5 other randoms. How could this be the same experience like some matches before or on some other account?
Either you get lucky and get super good teammates who can carry you, or you´re good enough to carry your team by yourself, or the opponent team has the better team and you loose. Random, thats the keyword!
The superbads claim about endless loosing streaks, the average about a forced 50% winrate by default, but no one just tries to get better. I started this game with lots of losses as well, but i reviewed my mistakes and got better. Now im at a 75% winrate. The game mode seems to be easy, but it simply takes some time to learn everything about rotations and how you forfill your role the best.
I would like to know how many matches all the guys who blame the MM have played at all? I guess there aren´t many players blaming the MM for their losses, that have more than 5k matches experience. I think 5k should be quite the average for pvp´ers.
i had couple of games where i lost and my personal score was 185 while the rest of the team were at top 60
i decap, res, cap, stomp, dmg etc… while my team basicaly did wierd rotations died a lot
ruby talking here….
when i teamup with diamond i start to see more reasonable rotation and even then some mistake and wierd decision like going 4v1 after team wipe just to get killed again
There are bads in every division, including legendary.
I’d urge you not to consider personal score an indication of skill or lack thereof. It’s not uncommon at all for the MVP of a match to have one of the lowest scores. Or for the team with the highest net personal score by a landslide to give an easy win to the opponent. Of course, you mentioned specific mistakes, too, so just focus on that.
i had couple of games where i lost and my personal score was 185 while the rest of the team were at top 60
i decap, res, cap, stomp, dmg etc… while my team basicaly did wierd rotations died a lot
ruby talking here….
when i teamup with diamond i start to see more reasonable rotation and even then some mistake and wierd decision like going 4v1 after team wipe just to get killed again
There are bads in every division, including legendary.
I’d urge you not to consider personal score an indication of skill or lack thereof. It’s not uncommon at all for the MVP of a match to have one of the lowest scores. Or for the team with the highest net personal score by a landslide to give an easy win to the opponent. Of course, you mentioned specific mistakes, too, so just focus on that.
Regarding score I usually don’t look at it
But when the variation is so hight it means something
If I had 60 and top player 100 than OK
But when my team had 20,30,50,60, and mine 185 … common
This doesn’t bother me at all, but I’m not an entitled kitten or a bad gamer so guess the premise is not really comparable.
Main problem I think is that people aren’t used to working for anything, it’s much more appealing to complain endlessly.
This doesn’t bother me at all, but I’m not an entitled kitten or a bad gamer so guess the premise is not really comparable.
Main problem I think is that people aren’t used to working for anything, it’s much more appealing to complain endlessly.
When you need a preamble as part of your post to make self claims of not being a bad gamer and not being entitled, chances are you are nowhere near as good as you think you are. And you realize you are just passive aggressively complaining about said complainers?
This doesn’t bother me at all, but I’m not an entitled kitten or a bad gamer so guess the premise is not really comparable.
Main problem I think is that people aren’t used to working for anything, it’s much more appealing to complain endlessly.
When you need a preamble as part of your post to make self claims of not being a bad gamer and not being entitled, chances are you are nowhere near as good as you think you are. And you realize you are just passive aggressively complaining about said complainers?
That’s one baseless assumption we can make, sure.
Ad Hominems, yay! :D
This doesn’t bother me at all, but I’m not an entitled kitten or a bad gamer so guess the premise is not really comparable.
Main problem I think is that people aren’t used to working for anything, it’s much more appealing to complain endlessly.
Video games are meant to be fun. Right now playing ranked and trying to gain pips is like banging your head against the wall, the complete opposite of fun.
The matches are one sided stomps 99% of the time and that makes it not an enjoyable experience. Even if you don’t care about pips at all, or rank, or anything, you rarely, if ever, will have decent fun matches. You can go hours without getting a single one.
That isn’t ok. Something needs to be done about matchmaking to make pvp actually fun to play.
So high ranked players already get a huge advantage by being able to team up with their other really high rank buddies and beat some solo queuers. It’s the biggest advantage they could hope for no?
No! For the lazy high rank players who are to lazy to team up with other high ranks, the Anet sponsored Mmr will automatically put them together vs random solo querers even without their lazy bums even having to team up.
I just made Diamond too. As a solo player, not once did i party with anyone and I grinded out 20 wins on Necro and Ele that I don’t even know how to play.
See the difference OP I think you are a below average player at best. And you are not as good as you think you are. I am definitely not great either. But wow.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
So glad I finished the PvP achievements and made my wings in the first week of this Season. I haven’t touched pvp since and have time for other things now (and less rage).
Gratz on making Diamond.
This doesn’t bother me at all, but I’m not an entitled kitten or a bad gamer so guess the premise is not really comparable.
Main problem I think is that people aren’t used to working for anything, it’s much more appealing to complain endlessly.
When you need a preamble as part of your post to make self claims of not being a bad gamer and not being entitled, chances are you are nowhere near as good as you think you are. And you realize you are just passive aggressively complaining about said complainers?
That’s one baseless assumption we can make, sure.
Ad Hominems, yay!
What exactly was ad hominem there? It’s somehow alright for him to make baseless claims about himself, but it’s not okay to call him out on it? Please don’t use big words until you understand what they mean.
This doesn’t bother me at all, but I’m not an entitled kitten or a bad gamer so guess the premise is not really comparable.
Main problem I think is that people aren’t used to working for anything, it’s much more appealing to complain endlessly.
When you need a preamble as part of your post to make self claims of not being a bad gamer and not being entitled, chances are you are nowhere near as good as you think you are. And you realize you are just passive aggressively complaining about said complainers?
That’s one baseless assumption we can make, sure.
Ad Hominems, yay! :D
What exactly was ad hominem there? It’s somehow alright for him to make baseless claims about himself, but it’s not okay to call him out on it? Please don’t use big words until you understand what they mean.
I highlighted another example for you! :D And have provided a definition so you can understand :D
argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
It is beautiful rhetoric though! Top marks there 10/10 :D
This doesn’t bother me at all, but I’m not an entitled kitten or a bad gamer so guess the premise is not really comparable.
Main problem I think is that people aren’t used to working for anything, it’s much more appealing to complain endlessly.
When you need a preamble as part of your post to make self claims of not being a bad gamer and not being entitled, chances are you are nowhere near as good as you think you are. And you realize you are just passive aggressively complaining about said complainers?
That’s one baseless assumption we can make, sure.
Ad Hominems, yay!
What exactly was ad hominem there? It’s somehow alright for him to make baseless claims about himself, but it’s not okay to call him out on it? Please don’t use big words until you understand what they mean.
I highlighted another example for you!
And have provided a definition so you can understand
argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
It is beautiful rhetoric though! Top marks there 10/10
Too obtuse to even bother responding to further, stick to spamming emojis.
I just made Diamond too. As a solo player, not once did i party with anyone and I grinded out 20 wins on Necro and Ele that I don’t even know how to play.
See the difference OP I think you are a below average player at best. And you are not as good as you think you are. I am definitely not great either. But wow.
I starting to notice that too.
I played as my ele today and I had a 6 wins streak which took me over two divisions and once I switch to my Mesmer (I was doing dalies), I suffer two losses (in saying so the last match would of been a win if we killed that Savnir first!). I wasn’t upset as I had a feeling I was going to lose it.
While I would like to think I am a good ele but in the last match or two, the other team ele was better than me due to him/ her staying alive longer than me.
Also on the term on win/ loses, about 10 wins less compared to your image so my win ration is just above 50% at the moment.
So yeah if I want to reach Diamond, I gonna have to played as my Ele.