I've lost the will to play :(

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Even with the proposed changes, and looking at other games out there right now. I really feel like I have been duped into believe things will get better. I feel indoctrinated to believe that the pvp in this game is worth something. Too late though…

I find pve in Diablo 2 more entertaining right now lol…

Does anyone else feel this way? I really loved this game, but I can’t even log for dailies right now because everything in my body says it is wrong.

Have we been drinking the kool aid? I really think we have been….

R40 Mesmer

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Getting close. What discourages me personally is how slow they are with crucial fixes. If I was running A-net all my pvp resources would have been devoted to fixing solo q match making and 4 v5 and afk problem until it was done. To me for solo q matchmaking to basically be broke from August 2nd (I think thats when it went in)to most likely late December/January. Totally unacceptable 4-5 month time frame to ask people to deal with that garbage.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Solo queue fix is hopefully November 12th (unofficial announcement). I agree that’s too long, but hey, it’s not worth complaining about when the fix is coming in a few days.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I lost the will after the “big balance patch” which was just garbage and actually changed nothing. Since then I only play because I have fun with some of the people I play with. I don’t play the game for the sake of playing the game anymore. Because the game is garbage. Broken features and just full of lame stuff.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


It isn’t a matter of how you feel. When games improve, they naturally grow in population and activity. When games are stagnant, they lose players. First case study: HoN vs LoL. Both games started off on even ground, right? But little did people know that one of those games would die, while the other would go on to become the world’s largest e-sports game in all of the history of the planet, passing SC and SC2. Same game genre. Similar mechanics. Two totally different outcomes.

You have every right to be concerned about the health of this game. Your own personal feelings have no effect on the bigger picture of things. However, being aware of the game’s situation may change your mind. Unlike HoN, this game is actually growing (both PvE and PvP populations) steadily. Player-run and corporate-sponsored tournaments have already been taking place. Things are a lot better than what you may think; progress is being made, and the game is moving in the right direction.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015

Josh Davis.6015



I think there’s some confusion here – the PvP Team is an entirely separate entity from the Skills and Balance Team.

The PvP Team’s main focus is improving the infrastructure of PvP – meaning features, rewards, etc.

The teams do often consult each other on various ideas, but they have separate projects.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


People lose interesting all the time, it is a pretty common phenomenon. That is why games raise and fall.

Forcing yourself to play a game you don’t seem to like for some odd reason is just torturing yourself. If you are not happy here then don’t bother, it is just a game and the game wont go away because you are not here and you shouldn’t let the game dictate your life.

With that said, I should warn you. No matter what you do, do not use the whole “future game X is going to be better…” excuse because usually that ends up being a disappointment.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: aaron.7850


what killed this game for me was the major buff to conditions

“what utilities will I bring?” “how should I open?” “when should I disengage” are questions I asked myself some months ago whenever I faced an opponend… but right now? Its all about “how many condition removal my class has?”

conditions should never have been worked as a primary source of damage, it lets these classes have tanky stats while doing insane damage. conditions should always have been a secondary source of damage.

its even worse in wvwvw where condition duration is mandatory in food and runes…. if you dont have those then you are a dead man. its just sad how power builds are useless right now

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Miko.5726


I took time off from 9 month. Since two weeks i give GW 2 a shot. What can i say … The game is still a beta. Conditons, minions, pets, clones ruins pvp because it´s no fight player vs player but rather player + a.i! Who like that?

But: An pusblisher who is responsible run 5 Mesmers with all they clones, or 5 Necro with all the kitten minions – in one team – i would´t take it seriously.

Now i´m rank46, going for rank50. After that i will decide, if i will continue for another season. (maybe r60)

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


eh…i come from wow where fixes happen once every half year or so… so it is not so bad in gw2 but looking at recent thief + mesmer changes and how the class slowly getting gutted i am also getting there

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Honestly, to have devs talking about the OCT 15 balance patch, I think even they can admit it was a little too hyped up

I know you guys love this game, and I did too! I am just so bored though. To be honest, it isn’t the class balancing I care about, it is just basic pvp features.

Your shaving techniques are good, but sometimes larger change is needed.

I don’t even care that most of the high rated players abused the mechanics of the system to be where they are!

I never got to hold a legendary! I am almost rank 40, and have put in way more time than it would have taken to get in PvE. I’ve wanted to see that twilight GS glimmer as I rain purple death on my foes <3

I feel like PvE got 100% of a game, and we got a mini game But only now when I really tried to sit back and objectively view SPVP right now, I realized that I’ve been drinking the kool aid.

To be honest, I think you guys need to rock the boat, and literally jolt life back into this game. When a patient is near the brink of death, you don’t stick a battery on his tongue (shaving mentality), you jolt massive electricity into his chest (a game changing balance patch).

Dec 15th is not too far away, but I really think you guys need to put a serious BOLT of energy back into spvp. It will help more people play the game as well! I am dedicated, and was a good boy since launch, but I feel duped, and it makes it feel even worse because there was no blind face behind any of these things. We actually heard the developers speak their mind, and philosophies (Hi jon ;P) towards the game.

I know this sounds weird, but I am taking this one personal, because our community is so tight, that it hurts brah


R40 Mesmer

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


Even with the proposed changes, and looking at other games out there right now. I really feel like I have been duped into believe things will get better. I feel indoctrinated to believe that the pvp in this game is worth something. Too late though…

I find pve in Diablo 2 more entertaining right now lol…

Does anyone else feel this way? I really loved this game, but I can’t even log for dailies right now because everything in my body says it is wrong.

Have we been drinking the kool aid? I really think we have been….

same for me,
i played this game since release only in pvp and in good teams vs good teams.
but at the moment its no more fun to play it.

the best time in my mind was when we was able to play 3 rounds tourny with a gem price.
also so much more ppls was play in this time.
quali points time was also ok, but there the pvp was start to die slowly…

now i jump around in skyrim till a gw2 addon will maybe improve the pvp-.-

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536



I think there’s some confusion here – the PvP Team is an entirely separate entity from the Skills and Balance Team.

The PvP Team’s main focus is improving the infrastructure of PvP – meaning features, rewards, etc.

The teams do often consult each other on various ideas, but they have separate projects.

And separate directions they are going.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


what killed this game for me was the major buff to conditions

“what utilities will I bring?” “how should I open?” “when should I disengage” are questions I asked myself some months ago whenever I faced an opponend… but right now? Its all about “how many condition removal my class has?”

conditions should never have been worked as a primary source of damage, it lets these classes have tanky stats while doing insane damage. conditions should always have been a secondary source of damage.

its even worse in wvwvw where condition duration is mandatory in food and runes…. if you dont have those then you are a dead man. its just sad how power builds are useless right now

yeah i think berzerker is the only build that needs skill. its fun playing as berzerker against berzerker cause every failure can be the death.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Thousands of ppl have allrdy quit. I would say the competitive Teams from the past have all disbanded by now. As the jannaury patch in my eyes will be another dissapointment, I gonna watch for other games too. The only thing keeps me playing the game is the dailies.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: SuperHaze.4210


what killed this game for me was the major buff to conditions

“what utilities will I bring?” “how should I open?” “when should I disengage” are questions I asked myself some months ago whenever I faced an opponend… but right now? Its all about “how many condition removal my class has?”

conditions should never have been worked as a primary source of damage, it lets these classes have tanky stats while doing insane damage. conditions should always have been a secondary source of damage.

its even worse in wvwvw where condition duration is mandatory in food and runes…. if you dont have those then you are a dead man. its just sad how power builds are useless right now

This is exactly what is hurting pvp right now. That and pets. I would rather play in a cc heavy meta than a condition heavy meta at the moment. The spamming is completely out of control. Engagement into a fight should require a lot of thinking into risk and reward with the outcome of the match determined by who outplays the other through the timing of blocks, dodges, and cooldown management.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Silferas.3841


The biggest problem for me is that I just cannot have fun the past few months. It’s impossible. All the strong builds are completely brain dead with no learning curve and no risk with high reward. It takes me approximately 15 minutes to grow disgusted every time I take my hambow warrior, or spirit ranger, or s/d thief, or condi terror necro, or stealth condi mesmer. With the exception of condi mesmer, those are the apex builds in pvp these days, not even mentioning the abundant MM necros and similar abominations. If I take out my old shatter mesmer and go have a lil bit of fun it’s nightmare mode everywhere.

I have stopped playing League of Legends when gw2 came out, because I was convinced this game’s mechanics were so good everybody would soon forget the cheezy stupid MOBA genre with 4 skills and nonexistent combat dynamics. This month, a little over one year later, I went back to playing LoL with my friends, because I feel there is no depth to guild wars 2 pvp at this moment. Not little depth, NONE. Every single build that takes some skill to play is overshadowed by entry skill level builds and strategies and developers not only encourage this, they apparently believe it to be alright.

[Path] of the Immortals – a guild for veterans – Join us
[S]illy [L]ittle [U]gly [T]rolls – our little dungeon forum community
“My mind has left, my body follows”

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169



I think there’s some confusion here – the PvP Team is an entirely separate entity from the Skills and Balance Team.

The PvP Team’s main focus is improving the infrastructure of PvP – meaning features, rewards, etc.

The teams do often consult each other on various ideas, but they have separate projects.

It’s clear Josh, so my question is:

have you any plan to improve the balance team?

I think you are doing a good job with this new way to communicate with us, patch preview and discussing in specific forum thread main problems about gw2.

But pvp needs more rapid fix, i mean, players are really fast to find new cheese/garbage builds and stay 3-4 months in the situation “join horror festival or sux” it’s not really fun.

I really think this needs to have an high priority for you.

I can understand complex change like new modes, reward system need more time but balance changes need to be faster imho.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


tbh i think the reason why not so many ppl play is not balance even

look at wvw, it is unfair in all possible way and yet there are masses playing it…. why? archives, shines, loot, can lv up a character etc.

pvp needs more of that and better rewards as well as better respresented leaderboards

in wow for example or in LoL ppl could show off with their titles and mounts… what can high rated player show off with? a finisher?

i think it would be nice if there were actually really good weapon skins that could be obtained only through pvp but used in pve as well… this game is all about skins after all lol

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Peow peow.2189

Peow peow.2189

condition meta really kittened this game, being a thief player that doesnt like perm stealth builds I get owned by condi spammers… oh and then someone decided to go ahead and introduce immob stacking. lolwut u wonder why people quit

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow Blade.1324

Shadow Blade.1324


I think there’s some confusion here – the PvP Team is an entirely separate entity from the Skills and Balance Team.

The PvP Team’s main focus is improving the infrastructure of PvP – meaning features, rewards, etc.

The teams do often consult each other on various ideas, but they have separate projects.

mind going into a bit more detail about what you guys are actually doing?
from where im sitting it doesn’t seem much, pve rewards better spvp rewards through achievement chests and other than:

a few new maps
variants on previous game types
matchmaking tweaks
custom arenas for gems

i don’t see that you’ve done anything, this may be due to my missing announcements or whatever, but feel free to update us.

other than discussing things and “looking at reward balancing” which seems to be a go to phrase for devs when questioned about anything what are you doing atm to make us want to play spvp and make it fun/ interesting.

i wish the devs had a consistent vision and didn’t push out content they know is flawed

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Adris.1859



I think there’s some confusion here – the PvP Team is an entirely separate entity from the Skills and Balance Team.

The PvP Team’s main focus is improving the infrastructure of PvP – meaning features, rewards, etc.

The teams do often consult each other on various ideas, but they have separate projects.

mind going into a bit more detail about what you guys are actually doing?
from where im sitting it doesn’t seem much, pve rewards better spvp rewards through achievement chests and other than:

a few new maps
variants on previous game types
matchmaking tweaks
custom arenas for gems

i don’t see that you’ve done anything, this may be due to my missing announcements or whatever, but feel free to update us.

other than discussing things and “looking at reward balancing” which seems to be a go to phrase for devs when questioned about anything what are you doing atm to make us want to play spvp and make it fun/ interesting.

I’m really curious too.

(edited by Adris.1859)

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Loco.4561


what killed this game for me was the major buff to conditions

“what utilities will I bring?” “how should I open?” “when should I disengage” are questions I asked myself some months ago whenever I faced an opponend… but right now? Its all about “how many condition removal my class has?”

conditions should never have been worked as a primary source of damage, it lets these classes have tanky stats while doing insane damage. conditions should always have been a secondary source of damage.

its even worse in wvwvw where condition duration is mandatory in food and runes…. if you dont have those then you are a dead man. its just sad how power builds are useless right now

This. Every single profession I have played in WvW, Hotjoin and tPvP is forced to run with as much condition removal as I can possibly fit in. Just to counter players who have little risk (bunkers) but gain massive rewards from the way conditions were changed. An example of this is the current hambow warrior, a Beserker specced player that still does substantial damage through burning without having to invest in condition damage. That alone shows you scaling is out-of whack.

It’s all too little too late, even with proposed balance changes on the 10th of Dec, it won’t be enough. They need to do more to bring players back, bring skill back into the game as much as possible, get rid of these brain-dead passive builds that every play. Force people to benefit from risk vs reward or at least fix condition based builds that get way too much benefit from essentially being a tank while still being able to put out significant damage via easily re-applied and difficult to counter conditions.

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340



I think there’s some confusion here – the PvP Team is an entirely separate entity from the Skills and Balance Team.

The PvP Team’s main focus is improving the infrastructure of PvP – meaning features, rewards, etc.

The teams do often consult each other on various ideas, but they have separate projects.

Perhaps the confusion is on ArenaNet’s side. Players view PvP as a singular experience, a combination of game modes, skills, balance, rewards and ladder/leaderboards.

If the resources are divided into PVP infrastructure and skills/balance, then what do you do when you need to really focus on skills/balance? Do you pull people from the other team? I"m guessing the answer is ‘no’.

Are you guys certain the development team structure is optimal?

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


Unlike HoN, this game is actually growing (both PvE and PvP populations) steadily.

How can you make this statement? Where are you pulling your information from?

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Mindtrick.5190


the pax stream that was the last nail. (Petting zoo)

Got Ninja?
<3 and Hugs no Hate I Just Point Out Fail.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Just three words:


No matter if you have a team or don’t. Just do it. Is much better.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: data.4093


conditions should never have been worked as a primary source of damage, it lets these classes have tanky stats while doing insane damage. conditions should always have been a secondary source of damage.

its even worse in wvwvw where condition duration is mandatory in food and runes…. if you dont have those then you are a dead man. its just sad how power builds are useless right now

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


conditions should never have been worked as a primary source of damage, it lets these classes have tanky stats while doing insane damage. conditions should always have been a secondary source of damage.

its even worse in wvwvw where condition duration is mandatory in food and runes…. if you dont have those then you are a dead man. its just sad how power builds are useless right now

I agree with that. Scrap condi damage, have it a LOT LESS accessible, and scale with power instead at a lot slower rate, then it would have been FLAVOR not a big balance issue. I hate the current implication of conditions.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: SPESHAL.9106


These posts are comical.

Which MMO has better balance, combat mechanism, and PvP variety?

It’s not perfect, and there are tons of things I could nitpick too…but take a step back and realize how many permutations they have to balance in PvP.

Each class can play multiple roles and there are exponentially more options depending on the armor, runes, sigils, trinkets, etc.

I’m actually IMPRESSED by the balance they’ve been able to achieve in this game on the whole.

Yes…PvP rewards are weak, there should be an Arena playstyle, and balance issues like warriors not having to worry about clicking their heal nor spec for crit are obvious things that should be fixed.

However, it’s still a game that can offer you lots of challenges with mastering different builds, playstyles, and in multiple venues (solo, team, wvw, pve).

Best of all…if your class happens to totally suck at everything or you don’t like it/get bored…you can immediately respec or reroll to FotM without grinding.

Before you blast Anet, think of all the fail MMOs in the past and make sure it’s not just a personal issue that’s causing you to get frustrated.

I know it’s hard for some people to digest that a game doesn’t revolve 100% around them and their specific wants.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


conditions should never have been worked as a primary source of damage, it lets these classes have tanky stats while doing insane damage. conditions should always have been a secondary source of damage.

A large reason why I posted this.


Anet seems like they could, possibly, maybe listen to good advice right now, so I decided to throw it out there and see where it falls.

The main result would be a large global nerf to condition dmg.
The first step is to adjust how physical dmg scales so that power alone or crit dmg alone give viable (not great) but viable amounts of dmg, making condi specs that want to deal great dmg get that dmg through the combination of physical and condition dmg (from carrion/rabid/rampager amulets) instead of just lol-stacking defense since right now the miscelaneous power/crit on rabid/carrion give negligble physical dmg.

It’d clean up this game’s meta extroadinarily and make the game’s condi dmg more match its cleansing (a nice addition to a spec, but not a downright necessity to stack as much as possible)

(edited by garethh.3518)

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Great responses guys. But in the last few days, I actually feel like I am hitting a skill cap on my mesmer. Back when I played wow compettitvely in S2 when players still needed skill to get titles, the skill cap on all classes were very high.

I think it just hit me that this game is really almost like an arcade game, where I only hit a few buttons to win. Utilities were supposed to bring spice to meta builds, where a well timed portal could save the team! But most builds really are brain dead…I play shatter zerker btw (IMO the highest skill cap for memser). I used to play phantasm or blackwater, but literally got stupid as the builds could faceroll to victory. I find myself not switching out of shatter, because it is the only thing that even remotely keeps the game harder, because you can get ganked if you make a mistake, and that keeps it slightly interesting.

It just isn’t that fun anymore, and the one game mode we have is a joke! It is the equivalent of playing alterac valley competitively for over a year, and calling it esports.

R40 Mesmer

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Acandis.3250


I think there’s some confusion here – the PvP Team is an entirely separate entity from the Skills and Balance Team.

The PvP Team’s main focus is improving the infrastructure of PvP – meaning features, rewards, etc.

The teams do often consult each other on various ideas, but they have separate projects.

I think this is a huge part of why SPvP hasn’t been successful.
There is a clear lack of communication between the SPvP community and the balance team. Most of the balance patches that have been released the past year have fixed very few issues, and only created more.

I strongly suggest that 3-4 people per class get selected to aid the balance team in successfully achieving balance within SPvP.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Same here ..There is just no fun to be had in this game pvp wise anymore.
Somewere between all the 4vs5,getting flamed for bringing my ele ,the useless allies that copypasted a spirit ragner or hambow build but have no sense of the game and the lack of goals turned me away.
Its a shame cause there was so much potential but when devs screw up.. they screw up.
I still dont regret buying this game but surely i regret investing time on it.A few hundred hours for pve /wvw and occasionaly spvp soloq and stop there would leave me with much more pleasant feelings about this game than playing thousands hours and beating a dead horse

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Funny enough the comparison to HON is very apt. It was very hard to get a good game. Often ended up with someone leaving and teams of people kittening solo queued players.

It would be very easy to make standard hotjoin 6v6 and implement one of the many good ideas for solo queue tournament players

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Peow peow.2189

Peow peow.2189

Funny enough the comparison to HON is very apt. It was very hard to get a good game. Often ended up with someone leaving and teams of people kittening solo queued players.

It would be very easy to make standard hotjoin 6v6 and implement one of the many good ideas for solo queue tournament players

not sure if you have actually played hon, but the system meant that if 5% of ur games were leaves you couldnt join a non leaver game or the matchmaking. The HoN community is alot worse then the gw2 community, but the ingame play is alot more competitive and exciting…

honestly if they made something as simple as a capture the flag and run it back to ur base game mode, first to 5 wins etc it would be more exciting to play and watch then the current spvp system.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Demonts.4593


the upcoming patch looks good

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


These posts are comical.

Which MMO has better balance, combat mechanism, and PvP variety?

I agree the balance is comparatively very good, although the other posters mention good points about the class-builds that can bunker but still dish out overwhelming condition damage , especially aoe damage (engineer and necro in particular-probably ele will be OP again next patch).

You are right its not as bad as many other games I have played though.

Combat mechanism is great, but I can think of at least one mmo that has a better mechanic.

PvP variety? Well that is the real let down in GW2, and likely why so many people asked for new game modes. I think every other mmo that has spvp in it (bgs etc) has more variety.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Funny enough the comparison to HON is very apt. It was very hard to get a good game. Often ended up with someone leaving and teams of people kittening solo queued players.

It would be very easy to make standard hotjoin 6v6 and implement one of the many good ideas for solo queue tournament players

not sure if you have actually played hon, but the system meant that if 5% of ur games were leaves you couldnt join a non leaver game or the matchmaking. The HoN community is alot worse then the gw2 community, but the ingame play is alot more competitive and exciting…

honestly if they made something as simple as a capture the flag and run it back to ur base game mode, first to 5 wins etc it would be more exciting to play and watch then the current spvp system.

I played it for quite a while and only 1 match in 10 was worthwhile. The rest were all blow outs and often involved people leaving. Sad because I liked the characters much better than LOL. But a decent gqme is much easier to get in LOL. I play a lot of dominion these days and a lot of games go down to the wire.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Tyler Chapman.1832


Tyler Chapman.1832

PvP and Balance QA Embed

There is a clear lack of communication between the SPvP community and the balance team. Most of the balance patches that have been released the past year have fixed very few issues, and only created more.

We actually had this listed on our Retrospective a few months ago and finally I can say we are making huge strides on this. I can’t express how great it’s been to finally work closer with Josh and the Balance team. As most of you already know we moved Josh upstairs to become the new Community Coordinator for PvP, and they moved me over to also embed for the Skills and Balance team (still doing PvP as well). You should be able to notice our teams having better communication with each other as well with the changes that are upcoming over the next few months in PvP.

Josh or someone from the PvP team will be giving a forum update sometime next week.
Matchmaking should be in a better place by then, which will hopefully alleviate the 4v5s. We have plans to bring down dishonor stacks as well to 3.

Thanks for playing and see you all in game!

in-game alias: Powerr
Skills and Balance/PvP Team Principal QA
Former active member of Team PZ

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


There is a clear lack of communication between the SPvP community and the balance team. Most of the balance patches that have been released the past year have fixed very few issues, and only created more.

We actually had this listed on our Retrospective a few months ago and finally I can say we are making huge strides on this. I can’t express how great it’s been to finally work closer with Josh and the Balance team. As most of you already know we moved Josh upstairs to become the new Community Coordinator for PvP, and they moved me over to also embed for the Skills and Balance team (still doing PvP as well). You should be able to notice our teams having better communication with each other as well with the changes that are upcoming over the next few months in PvP.

Josh or someone from the PvP team will be giving a forum update sometime next week.
Matchmaking should be in a better place by then, which will hopefully alleviate the 4v5s. We have plans to bring down dishonor stacks as well to 3.

Thanks for playing and see you all in game!

I would say congratulations, if this all happened a year ago. This game has already lost too much of its pvp playerbase and has estabished too poor of a reputation to bounce back, imo.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: dregoloth.8763


Always room in the GW1 PvP scene (please join us, we’re so small).

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805


People haven’t “quit”…there is no subscription to cancel. They are just sitting out.

They can ALL come back whenever the game gets more exciting, and it won’t cost them a penny.

The Alien (condi necro),That Wreckin Crew (Mesmer)
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


People haven’t “quit”…there is no subscription to cancel. They are just sitting out.

They can ALL come back whenever the game gets more exciting, and it won’t cost them a penny.

You don’t need to have a subscription to quit something…

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Percius.5741


I don’t think SPvP is the problem here. I think its the way people make it unfair. I personally love the spvp in gw2 but I hate it how there are those people who make the game too unfair to have fun. Take the mesmer for example. If you’re gonna run a zerker build, a shatter build or other types of builds that someone can actually defeat you, its fine. But then you have those guys who just 3 clones per tick and port around and just make you head spin and by the time you found out where they are………………. you’re probably dead. Same for necromancer minion builds.
Overall the SPvP in gw2 is absolutely fine. But i think its just the people who make their builds so annoying that you cant win.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


People haven’t “quit”…there is no subscription to cancel. They are just sitting out.

Running has no subscription, yet I haven’t thought of doing cross-country in the past 7? years.

It’s not a massive conflict, the vast majority of people who aren’t GW2’ing don’t sit around waiting on the words of the devs, they aren’t constantly checking for patch notes and updates and praying for a certain small fix or change (all Anet seems capable of) so they can get a part of their life back…
People got frustrated, and left.
They do (and probably enjoy) other things now.
GW2 is but a memory to them.

The worst part is, new MMOs are right around the corner and they will sweep up the vast majority of the remaining TPvP’ers, and well, that’d be the end of that.
(I mean short of a miracle, on the level of ’new company or devs ’ )

(edited by garethh.3518)

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


so it seems you have lost the will to play, but still you play it…disappointing.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


what killed this game for me was the major buff to conditions

“what utilities will I bring?” “how should I open?” “when should I disengage” are questions I asked myself some months ago whenever I faced an opponend… but right now? Its all about “how many condition removal my class has?”

conditions should never have been worked as a primary source of damage, it lets these classes have tanky stats while doing insane damage. conditions should always have been a secondary source of damage.

its even worse in wvwvw where condition duration is mandatory in food and runes…. if you dont have those then you are a dead man. its just sad how power builds are useless right now

But conditions are a real weapon in our real world (see poisons, diseases, bleeds, etc…). I don’t see why not let them be a primary source of damage.
I think Anet is in right way for let players choose between condition or raw damage, this allow more diversification and forces the player to build better his character.

I just think that Torment could deal damage ONLY when in movement. And Burn could stack in intensity for logic reasons (has huge difference between have only 1 part of body burning, food or hand for example, and have 4 parts of body burning, foots and hands at same time. How more parts of body burning at same time, more fast somebody will die).
The rest is:
- Balance the formula of all DoT conditions. They need have deal less base damage and scale better with condition damage.
- Rework amount of stacks dealt by all classes. Its very easy to Necros and Engineers burst several stacks of several conditions without CD.
- Maintain conditions as optional main source of damage.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


There is a clear lack of communication between the SPvP community and the balance team. Most of the balance patches that have been released the past year have fixed very few issues, and only created more.

We actually had this listed on our Retrospective a few months ago and finally I can say we are making huge strides on this. I can’t express how great it’s been to finally work closer with Josh and the Balance team. As most of you already know we moved Josh upstairs to become the new Community Coordinator for PvP, and they moved me over to also embed for the Skills and Balance team (still doing PvP as well). You should be able to notice our teams having better communication with each other as well with the changes that are upcoming over the next few months in PvP.

Josh or someone from the PvP team will be giving a forum update sometime next week.
Matchmaking should be in a better place by then, which will hopefully alleviate the 4v5s. We have plans to bring down dishonor stacks as well to 3.

Thanks for playing and see you all in game!

Can already see the balance patch notes are smarter than normal from a pvp perspective.

‘Gj’ I suppose. Hope it all continues and this progress manifests IG!

Phaatonn, London UK

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


The PvP Team’s main focus is improving the infrastructure of PvP – meaning features, rewards, etc.

So it’s basically their fault if we have that kittening ton of worthless glory and no money….give us their pictures so we can make some nice dartboards with them..