I want to PvP IRL due to Season 6

I want to PvP IRL due to Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Natto.5819


Do you feel like sometimes your team is so bad, you want to PvP them IRL? It’s worse when you have someone dancing in spawn all match in Ranked, everyone reports him, but he’s still playing in the next round. Then matchmaking put 1800 rated player on other team, and 1200 rated player on your team, and that’s called balance.

Is there any way to stop this feeling of sadness? I feel like Anet is my daddy, and he left my family when I was young, then I see him again when I grown up, and he still disappoint me.

I want to PvP IRL due to Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Why is that bad? Chill out with some airsoft, its great.

Rubber knife and pistol if you want that thief feel, although you have to be pretty acrobatic to do smokefield combo (on second thought, dont try that as you will probably end up in the ER).

I want to PvP IRL due to Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

Do you feel like sometimes your team is so bad, you want to PvP them IRL? It’s worse when you have someone dancing in spawn all match in Ranked, everyone reports him, but he’s still playing in the next round. Then matchmaking put 1800 rated player on other team, and 1200 rated player on your team, and that’s called balance.

Is there any way to stop this feeling of sadness? I feel like Anet is my daddy, and he left my family when I was young, then I see him again when I grown up, and he still disappoint me.

Yes there are many ways to stop that feeling of sadness? All of them at this point. Will require you to take a temporary break from GW2’s PvP, and spend a bit of time PvPing in a actual PvP game.

MMORPG wise I recommend Blade and Soul, and Elder Scrolls Online. However they are still MMOs so PvP is not as good as a dedicated PvP game. Also these games are far from casual MMORPG and punishes bad players dearly. So this will more then likely be a bust just on that note alone, for a huge majority of the current GW2 PvP and WvW communities.

For dedicated high octane, competitive, skill based, non power creeped action. I recommend Smite, Overwatch, and very loosely (Paragon, in beta atm). Those are dedicated PvP games that only focus on PvP yet at the same time offers that near GW2 action combat system, and not that LoL/DoTA top dop click feast combat.

I’ll say after a week or two vacation to one or two of the games I mention. You will either….

- Feel more refreshed and happy when you return back to GW2.

- You’ll just completely drop GW2’s PvP mode and just use GW2 as a super easy casual PvE game, with massive multiplayer support.

At OP, may fortune forever be in your favor.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

I want to PvP IRL due to Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I have a bunching bag in my garage but instead of my enemy’s face, it’s my own. Because no one is my worse enemy and critic than myself.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

I want to PvP IRL due to Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Rukia.9860


Do you ever feel

Like a plastic bag

I want to PvP IRL due to Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Potato.2567


I agree. Yesterday I almost lost a 4v5 because a certain Ranger on my team who was likely low gold/high silver (I’m Plat BTW) lost beast twice and got decapped, and died before me in every 2v2 when I was playing Revenant. There are games like that where, even if I had Sindrener and Misha on my team, it would still have been insanely difficult due to some of the matchmaking decisions that are made by the system.

RIP Warrior

I want to PvP IRL due to Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I just don’t play gw2 if i get to the point where game is simply not enjoyable anymore.
Let’s face it, this game had great potential for being best RPG for pvp, that chance was wasted due to lack of attention to pvp at launch, introduction of HoT etc. All we can do is watching the ship sink :/

P.S. i just noticed at the bottom of the forums that Anet has copy rights from 2010 to 2013 o.o.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>