Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Pretty sure they are covering their ears and not letting in any light
There’s no condition meta because most classes have potentially effective ways of removing conditions now. That doesn’t make it a bad thing. It’s called balance and is something I’m pretty sure they’re aware of.
While I agree that the condition meta is slowly fading away, ArenaNet dealt with it the wrong way. Instead of actually nerfing conditions, they just gave everybody extra condition removal. This promotes power-creep, because; in order for conditions to be strong again (lets assume that ANet would want that), they’ll have to add even more conditions into the game. It’s a vicious circle:
Conditions are bad? -> Add more Conditions
Conditions are too strong now? -> Add more removal
Oh, conditions are bad again? -> More conditions
This is the definition of power-creep, and this is why the current meta is just spam spam spam spam.
There’s no condition meta because most classes have potentially effective ways of removing conditions now. That doesn’t make it a bad thing. It’s called balance and is something I’m pretty sure they’re aware of.
There’s “no” condition meta because we’re already deep into bunker meta (With conditions)….with cheese soldier wars (Bunkers with crapton of dmg, conditions and cc too) in first line with their “who gives a kitten to conditions” zerk stance facerolling everything, necros in first place. After war nerf we will see..right now it’s just less conditions with more bunkers, not condition meta anymore but not dps meta for sure..
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Pretty sure they are covering their ears and not letting in any light
Aaaargh my ears can’t see!
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Plz tell me how condi proffs are not strong.
When i was still playing, engies were everywhere, spirit rangers everywhere.
The only class which was not “abused” was necro, because its direct counter ( war) is OP as kitten and abused to a ridicolous degree.
Other professions are barely viable ( mesmer, ele) and build diversity is at its lowest EXACTLY due to condi builds being so strong against basically anything aside warriors ( which is, and we all know it, OP as kitten).
As soon as Hambow gets nerfed, necro will get back and wreck anything again aside Diamond Skin Eles ( which is terribly bad as a balance decision anyway, but that’s another story).
The game is going AGAIN into power creep and believing that condis are not OP and don’t need to be nerf hammered EVEN IF we don’t have a pure condi meta anymore is silly and ridicolous.
If anything, they should nerf EVERYTHING along with condies.
Pretty sure they are covering their ears and not letting in any light
Aaaargh my ears can’t see!
Oh no! Mine can’t either! What should I do?
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Have you actually read what Diamond skin does or do you like to comment first research later? It’s 2,000 damage approx, even condi builds can pull this off in a few seconds. Also, it’s not like its going to be a surprise when you run into this. Your going to know exactly how to counter it..
First solo queue of the day and this is the enemy team composition we’re facing.
Condition apologists like Lordrosicky.5813 might be all over the forums saying that condition builds and professions aren’t popular, that they don’t need nerfing and there’s no condition meta.
But the fact is, they are very popular in solo queue and pvp in general because condition builds right now offer the easiest style of play for the most reward.
They are very forgiving for players that can’t or don’t dodge.
Easy for players that can’t manage skills and just push all attack buttons.
They have a very low skill floor.
this guy^^
we still have a condi meta – arenanet have the numbers how many necros are played in soloQ they dont need another lordrosicky tread for this
warrior counters necro and can be played by a monkey – thats only reason why in teamQ people dont wanna use necro (would be 4v5)
but when warrior is nerfed we still have necro left and NOTHING changed on necro since the necropatch which destroyed this game for everyone but the necros
thx for your time
Do you play any other class than necro lordy? Like have you ever played an ele, mesmer or even a thief perhaps? Cause I feel like always the people complaining about how weak condi’s are have no idea in reality how easy it is to play those compared to other classes and how rewarding as well at the same time.
Do you play any other class than necro lordy? Like have you ever played an ele, mesmer or even a thief perhaps? Cause I feel like always the people complaining about how weak condi’s are have no idea in reality how easy it is to play those compared to other classes and how rewarding as well at the same time.
Hey, you just need to be out of LoS with your thief in order to beat the necro, don’t ya know ?
Because in a normal fight, without LoS tricks, the necro won’t win 100% of engagments, no sarcasm, really.
Don’t you see the abundance of thieves, eles and mesmers in PvP ?
It’s a shame that Anet can’t just literally nerf everything and remove passive defence in all of it’s forms… kitten , I’m dreaming again.
Pretty sure they are covering their ears and not letting in any light
Aaaargh my ears can’t see!
And I cant see my ears! Noooo
You were complaining about the very same condi classes two months ago, Lordrosucky.
You were kittening and moaning about how Anet wasn’t doing anything to stop them and here we are two months later, classes haven’t been altered, the meta has just adapted and evolved, and you are claiming that Anet is behind the times?
Personally I think there is one simple reason condis overwhelm power and that’s the lack of amulets for power.
Please people define Meta?
is it the numbers of people playing a certain build, or is it something else?
Please people define Meta?
is it the numbers of people playing a certain build, or is it something else?
Meta is the ‘currently OP build’, at least that is my interpretation. It almost goes hand in hand with number of people running it because of the nature of the beast.
It’s hard to put a finger on the meta at the moment without a large team queue community.
Please people define Meta?
is it the numbers of people playing a certain build, or is it something else?
It is what is deemed most effective to play by the best of players which the majority then usually follows.
In mobas for instance there could be a Carry Meta. Farm really hard and protect 1 guy who then comes out unstoppable. But then the best guys come up with a Push meta, one where games are ended quickly so the carry doesnt get time to farm, and they win a tournament with it or whatever. Which ofcourse everyone starts playing. But that in time could be beaten by an anti push meta or going heavy ganker and they even have bans which adds a whole nother layer.
Unfortunately its a little more difficult in GW2 to really make a counter strategies like that, since the objective of holding points always stays the same and meta is more dictated by the classes’ power themselves rather than a general team strategy, but meta’s do change slowly at times even without developer interaction. I wonder if we would see meta’s change quicker in Arena deathmatch type games.
(edited by GankSinatra.2653)
No condition meta?.. What..? ..Every engy is condie, Every Necro is condy, theres lots of those classes… Condi warrior is even starting to surface..
Even Fivegauge was condie last time I saw him..
You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Id say a 6 months removal from the game should be fine..if im not mistaken thats how long eles have been extinct. If they cant balance all classes then you gotta wait your turn.Perhaps learn another class apart from necro?You know so you get a more spherical opinion as well when you make those forum posts of yours .
We are not at the point where conditions are balanced, but necros are hardly the source of the problem. Bohlsheet like condition warriors, bomb/nade engis, clone spamming condition mesmers are far worse than a necro simply because of how unavoidable their condition spreading can be.
Most of a necro’s animations are clean and very telegraphed. (except for casts on marks 2-4). Same with rangers for the most part, even the spirits have very clean, obvious animations.
I still think conditions are very viable.
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
Actually i think if ANET has gotten ANY data out of teamq / soloq ladder then it should be obvious to them.
The necro bleed reductions on skills are stupid as hell – literally the absolute most unnecessairy thing to nerf about necro. (with the sole exception of traited Staff (2) on foefire – but hell – i havent seen a necro trait staffs ever since Dhuumfire+terror+50%fear duration.
Same with engi. Bomb/Nade will not be affected by the burn proc trait location change at all.
Pure nades on the other hand will be completely kittened – just like HGH. Ohh yea and all those totally OP engineer condition builds that only put 10 trait points in power to get the burn proc #facepalm.
I mean everyone is getting nerfed and just based on consistency the trait change for the burn proc makes sense – but in practical execution – there is nothing popular right now that will be hurt by the burn proc trait location change.
It will only reduce build diversity (lol anet gj!) again leaving Bomb/Nade as the only half playable choice.
“Warrior Meta” 15chars
Ye fixi… triple warri team can even carry you
Even Fivegauge was condie last time I saw him..
Thats because power engi is kitten!
No it’s bad overall – there is no viable engi
there is no viable engi
true story actually watching last esl
Another self-entitled “pro” defending his silly face roll class. Nothing new to see here.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Have you actually read what Diamond skin does or do you like to comment first research later? It’s 2,000 damage approx, even condi builds can pull this off in a few seconds. Also, it’s not like its going to be a surprise when you run into this. Your going to know exactly how to counter it..
With insight like this you should be working for anet. I know how much direct damage I do with rabids. I see it every day vs zerker stance (health goes up) and AR engis. It wont be enough to get a signet of restoration ele below 95% health – even a bad 1.
this guy^^
we still have a condi meta – arenanet have the numbers how many necros are played in soloQ they dont need another lordrosicky tread for this
warrior counters necro and can be played by a monkey – thats only reason why in teamQ people dont wanna use necro (would be 4v5)
but when warrior is nerfed we still have necro left and NOTHING changed on necro since the necropatch which destroyed this game for everyone but the necros
thx for your time
Warrior doesnt counter necro as much as people who dont play the game (and only post their “insight” on the forums) like to say. I can kill any warrior in the game and any warrior in the game can kill me. But if I play good I can kill them. Which is fine. They have an advantage but it isnt as large as you think. Necro not being played is because it is slow and doesnt survive well in 1v2 so you can get more bunker there. Also it is at a disadvantage vs warrior and thief in 1 on1 if thief is able to use his sword 2 out of line of sight. So necro is fine but with more and more immunities it will just become bad. Zerker stance I dont mind – at least it has a cooldown after used. AR I dont mind – I can sometimes burst engi down if I play right. Diamond skin on the other hand is a blanket hard counter with zero counter play.
If we don’t have condi meta then why does every build run more cleanse than stunbreak
I remember when stunbreaks were the only thing that mattered… Back when the game was fast paced and like…. fun
The only reason you don’t notice condi meta is that the hammer warrior meta is covering it up sometimes
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Have you actually read what Diamond skin does or do you like to comment first research later? It’s 2,000 damage approx, even condi builds can pull this off in a few seconds. Also, it’s not like its going to be a surprise when you run into this. Your going to know exactly how to counter it..
With insight like this you should be working for anet. I know how much direct damage I do with rabids. I see it every day vs zerker stance (health goes up) and AR engis. It wont be enough to get a signet of restoration ele below 95% health – even a bad 1.
Would I be wrong in saying that if you changed either:
a) 10 trait points
b) 2 runes
c) 1 utility
d) 1 Sigil
You would easily reach the dmg required without much effect to your build.
If an ele has 12k hp on average that means you only need to do 1200 dmg to get them below the threshold.
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
Actually i think if ANET has gotten ANY data out of teamq / soloq ladder then it should be obvious to them.
The necro bleed reductions on skills are stupid as hell – literally the absolute most unnecessairy thing to nerf about necro. (with the sole exception of traited Staff (2) on foefire – but hell – i havent seen a necro trait staffs ever since Dhuumfire+terror+50%fear duration.
Same with engi. Bomb/Nade will not be affected by the burn proc trait location change at all.
Pure nades on the other hand will be completely kittened – just like HGH. Ohh yea and all those totally OP engineer condition builds that only put 10 trait points in power to get the burn proc #facepalm.
I mean everyone is getting nerfed and just based on consistency the trait change for the burn proc makes sense – but in practical execution – there is nothing popular right now that will be hurt by the burn proc trait location change.
It will only reduce build diversity (lol anet gj!) again leaving Bomb/Nade as the only half playable choice.
Nerf mark of blood was fine in conjunction with nerfs to everything else to reverse power creep. It is not ok when they dont do this. Because, like you say, nerfing bleeds just means dhuumfire and terror is required even more. Necro is on the brink of being terrible. Or should I say, on the brink of being “balanced” but unfortunatly all other 7 classes, maybe except engi which will get farmed by eles and warriors I suspect, will be brokenly OP again. Immunities everywhere.
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Have you actually read what Diamond skin does or do you like to comment first research later? It’s 2,000 damage approx, even condi builds can pull this off in a few seconds. Also, it’s not like its going to be a surprise when you run into this. Your going to know exactly how to counter it..
With insight like this you should be working for anet. I know how much direct damage I do with rabids. I see it every day vs zerker stance (health goes up) and AR engis. It wont be enough to get a signet of restoration ele below 95% health – even a bad 1.
Would I be wrong in saying that if you changed either:
a) 10 trait points
b) 2 runes
c) 1 utility
d) 1 SigilYou would easily reach the dmg required without much effect to your build.
If an ele has 12k hp on average that means you only need to do 1200 dmg to get them below the threshold.
Dont be a smart kitten and tell me what your idea is and I can respond. Which of each would you suggest.
Another self-entitled “pro” defending his silly face roll class. Nothing new to see here.
^^ this
I like those guys..Spirit Rangers are easy to play….Y so its Hambow Warrior..No its not cause you have to press F1 to remove 3 cond, its active you noob, Rangers are so passive..Like its sooooo hard to press F1 or Q to make you immune to conditions…or X to remove every cond and give you every buff (thats my keybind)
They are, but the 90% of the current mate builds are easy and passive..
I can play Hambow Warrior pretty decent even tho i have like 100 matches on him..
I can play phantasm Mesmer >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>
I can play MM Necro >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>
I can play S/D thief >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>
Diamond skin on the other hand is a blanket hard counter with zero counter play.
Are you really worried about 30 earth elementalists? All this trait does is make a viable anti condi bunker when combined with water/arcane, and it’s about kitten time condi burst actually had a counter so maybe we won’t see 2-3 necro/engi every game and I can run my bunker guard with less than 6 cleanses.
There is 0 chance you will die to an ele with 30 earth, and if you played ele and realized how bad off they have it you’d understand.
Diamond skin on the other hand is a blanket hard counter with zero counter play.
Are you really worried about 30 earth elementalists? All this trait does is make a viable anti condi bunker when combined with water/arcane, and it’s about kitten time condi burst actually had a counter so maybe we won’t see 2-3 necro/engi every game and I can run my bunker guard with less than 6 cleanses.
There is 0 chance you will die to an ele with 30 earth, and if you played ele and realized how bad off they have it you’d understand.
People dont go into trait lines for the stats. Except the bottom lines.
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Have you actually read what Diamond skin does or do you like to comment first research later? It’s 2,000 damage approx, even condi builds can pull this off in a few seconds. Also, it’s not like its going to be a surprise when you run into this. Your going to know exactly how to counter it..
With insight like this you should be working for anet. I know how much direct damage I do with rabids. I see it every day vs zerker stance (health goes up) and AR engis. It wont be enough to get a signet of restoration ele below 95% health – even a bad 1.
Would I be wrong in saying that if you changed either:
a) 10 trait points
b) 2 runes
c) 1 utility
d) 1 SigilYou would easily reach the dmg required without much effect to your build.
If an ele has 12k hp on average that means you only need to do 1200 dmg to get them below the threshold.
Dont be a smart kitten and tell me what your idea is and I can respond. Which of each would you suggest.
:) Gnight friend
this guy^^
we still have a condi meta – arenanet have the numbers how many necros are played in soloQ they dont need another lordrosicky tread for this
warrior counters necro and can be played by a monkey – thats only reason why in teamQ people dont wanna use necro (would be 4v5)
but when warrior is nerfed we still have necro left and NOTHING changed on necro since the necropatch which destroyed this game for everyone but the necros
thx for your time
Warrior doesnt counter necro as much as people who dont play the game (and only post their “insight” on the forums) like to say. I can kill any warrior in the game and any warrior in the game can kill me. But if I play good I can kill them. Which is fine. They have an advantage but it isnt as large as you think. Necro not being played is because it is slow and doesnt survive well in 1v2 so you can get more bunker there. Also it is at a disadvantage vs warrior and thief in 1 on1 if thief is able to use his sword 2 out of line of sight. So necro is fine but with more and more immunities it will just become bad. Zerker stance I dont mind – at least it has a cooldown after used. AR I dont mind – I can sometimes burst engi down if I play right. Diamond skin on the other hand is a blanket hard counter with zero counter play.
omg wut are you sayin this doesn’t even make sense.
it seems you don’t even know why necro gets hard countered by war, no worry I’ll give you a shot.
First of all, this game is not only about 1vs1 so nobody cares about 1vs1ing a necro (since necro is by far the best 1vs1 prof but whatever).
secondly, necro has no real “out of jail” card unless he runs with wurm, and no real immunity, neither stability.
so if a war jumps on him stunning multiple times without the chance to peel on him, the necro is stunned and gets THE WHOLE OPPOSITE TEAM focusing him.
so in a team fight, if there’s a war, the opposite necro is dead as soon as guardian SYG expires, reason why necro is not abused like in the past.
and even more, stop saying bullkitten about necros losing to thieves since necros eat thieges alive as long as they knoe what they’re doing.
Saying " if the thief knows how to LoS with sword" as an excuse is ridicolous, because without LoS abuse the thief has 0 chance, and with LoS abuse the match up is still in necro’s favour.
let’s talk again when necro’s auto attack chain won’t eat half health bar of 50% of professions in this game and when we don’t make whole game power creeping simply due to necros existing
People dont go into trait lines for the stats. Except the bottom lines.
That’s my point, ele requires the heal spamming that comes from 30 arcane or water to actually keep their health up, running 30 earth means they not only lose out on the very heals they need for diamond skin but also any hope of getting damage traits from fire or air.
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Have you actually read what Diamond skin does or do you like to comment first research later? It’s 2,000 damage approx, even condi builds can pull this off in a few seconds. Also, it’s not like its going to be a surprise when you run into this. Your going to know exactly how to counter it..
With insight like this you should be working for anet. I know how much direct damage I do with rabids. I see it every day vs zerker stance (health goes up) and AR engis. It wont be enough to get a signet of restoration ele below 95% health – even a bad 1.
Would I be wrong in saying that if you changed either:
a) 10 trait points
b) 2 runes
c) 1 utility
d) 1 SigilYou would easily reach the dmg required without much effect to your build.
If an ele has 12k hp on average that means you only need to do 1200 dmg to get them below the threshold.
Dont be a smart kitten and tell me what your idea is and I can respond. Which of each would you suggest.
:) Gnight friend
Aw, the “You dont know what im saying” humilation tactic. How expert of you. You are a brilliant individual. Well played. Brilliant debating. You set it up and then put it away. What a genuis.
My take on this:
Condis are on their way out as a 1v1 option and will only be viable if they fight in 2v2 fights and above. Ele and Warrior are just gonna be too strong, even for Bomb Nade Engis, the best Condi build in the game.
Necro Vampire builds are gonna be pretty strong with the new signet and in combination with how they have buffed Blood Magic. BM Power Ranger might be a thing. Power Engis like Chaith’s build are gonna be more popular now.
It was kinda kittened for Condi builds to be strong in AoE and 1v1s, when AoE ought to be a teamfight build not an all-purpose type thing.
This thread is correct. Everyone at the top tier knows it. There’s no reason to further nerf conditions in group environments.
The only saving grace for Diamond Skin is that it’s in a terrible trait line. But if elementalists can take it after all the changes, God help us all.
I also disagree that Diamond Skin only hurts condition necromancers and engineers. Being immune to snares and immobilize is hugely damaging to power builds as well.
(edited by Lopez.7369)
This thread is correct. Everyone at the top tier knows it. There’s no reason to further nerf conditions.
The only saving grace for Diamond Skin is that it’s in a terrible trait line. But if elementalists can take it after all the changes, God help us all.
I also disagree that Diamond Skin only hurts condition necromancers and engineers. Being immune to snares and immobilize is hugely damaging to power builds as well.
With nerfs to warrior hammer etc necro was going to be too strong probably; Therefore Nerfbat.
I want to see what the new meta looks like.. but I’m pessimistic about the new heal skills.. Phantasm mesmer might be meta, and that means Im going to reroll to some class that actually takes skill, I don’t know which though..
Even Fivegauge was condie last time I saw him..
Thats because power engi is kitten!
I’ve said this before, but honestly, right now I am skeptical of a ‘power’ or ‘condition’ meta. Right now we play in a ‘safety’ meta. Everyone who’s playing to win is running the safest builds possible that are resilient to conditions, burst, and have a healthy number of tools to revive/sustain your group. Power or Condition damage is irrelevant! Whatever’s a more complete build – teams have no reason to stack one or the other.
- Soldier’s Amulet Warrior(s), one usually with a Banner.
- Settlers Amulet Ranger(s), Spirits of Nature’s Renewal are ever present in teamfights.
- High Avoidance Thieves. I find thieves to be fine, especially after Dec. 10th. Requires a really good understanding of mechanics to actually be survivable.
- Clerics/Soldiers Bunker. Pretty much immortalized for Resolute Healer trait among other support, and reviving/stomping utility.
In regards to your comments about Power Engies, I’ll concede you need to be very focused to get the bang out of a Power Engineer you need. It’s user unfriendly for 2 things:
Nobody’s denying that Power Engineer is flawless, otherwise you’d cross paths with more of them. But how well you overcome the disadvantages leads to how often you can do what Power Engies are good at: Insane downed body cleave, and the most lethal CC chains for when your team is backing you. A Power Engi with Slick Shoes can move a target from 1200 distance and start a CC chain that won’t stop until the target’s dead.
So, that’s the whole picture as I see it. Power Engies aren’t on ‘safety’ mode like most popular classes are, right now. You have to enjoy a little bit of risk and vulnerability, and playing a cautious way. If Engies had mechanics to deal slightly better damage while running Soldiers, it’d be different. And also what I like about Power Engi would be gone.
Are Power Engies ‘kitten?’
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Have you actually read what Diamond skin does or do you like to comment first research later? It’s 2,000 damage approx, even condi builds can pull this off in a few seconds. Also, it’s not like its going to be a surprise when you run into this. Your going to know exactly how to counter it..
With insight like this you should be working for anet. I know how much direct damage I do with rabids. I see it every day vs zerker stance (health goes up) and AR engis. It wont be enough to get a signet of restoration ele below 95% health – even a bad 1.
want a hint too? carrion!
Anet – here is the secret:
There is no condition meta anymore gasp . In fact that hasnt been one for a while either in team q or solo q.
I think your balance changes with nerfs to necro condis, and incendary ammo/sun spirit are about 3 months out of date anet.
P.S. Diamond skin is going to be the most broken trait ever made. A lot of people I respect in game agree with me on this. You might as well remove necros and engis from the game
Have you actually read what Diamond skin does or do you like to comment first research later? It’s 2,000 damage approx, even condi builds can pull this off in a few seconds. Also, it’s not like its going to be a surprise when you run into this. Your going to know exactly how to counter it..
With insight like this you should be working for anet. I know how much direct damage I do with rabids. I see it every day vs zerker stance (health goes up) and AR engis. It wont be enough to get a signet of restoration ele below 95% health – even a bad 1.
Would I be wrong in saying that if you changed either:
a) 10 trait points
b) 2 runes
c) 1 utility
d) 1 SigilYou would easily reach the dmg required without much effect to your build.
If an ele has 12k hp on average that means you only need to do 1200 dmg to get them below the threshold.
Dont be a smart kitten and tell me what your idea is and I can respond. Which of each would you suggest.
:) Gnight friend
Aw, the “You dont know what im saying” humilation tactic. How expert of you. You are a brilliant individual. Well played. Brilliant debating. You set it up and then put it away. What a genuis.
I’m pretty sure he could go into detail. And so could I but since I’m lazy to write it all down and look it up I wont. especially to a player who seems to have never played ele before. going 30 into earth is the worst possible trait line you could go, it’s the same as going 30 into death magic for necro. + diamond skin aint a great trait itself, there are plently of ways to deal with it, like usual you are just being in denial and don’t seem to have a clue what’s really balanced and what’s not.
(edited by Bsgapollo.5364)
Even Fivegauge was condie last time I saw him..
Thats because power engi is kitten!
- Your survival as a berserker Engi is abyssmal(below average). Berserker Thieves, Warriors, Mesmers have better tools to deal with pressure, Power Engies have to GTFO when even looked at(pressured). It’s a unique playstyle, but damage output and team utility is quite subpar as well.
Srsly though power enig is just terribad imo.
Even if you have a managed to win a tourney with it. As soon as people realize they only have to hard focus you all day youre toast.
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