I would like to thank matchmaking for...

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


…the great games I’ve had today. I’ve played exactly 3 games so far and all of them were fulfilled with so much learning experience. I’m astonished and want more. Please give me more games like this.

Despite my greatest efforts to avoid fire + air striking 2 million times per picosecond, we got destroyed both games. I guess it didn’t help one of our thieves left because he thought the comps were horrible. How could he even think that?!! But that’s okay, because it was so much fun and I’ve learnt so much! The matchmaking works so wonderfully, I think I’ll go play at least 100 games more today.


I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


OK there is much class stacking but at least the first match is quite balanced. ;-)

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in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


This is the reason why I stopped playing thief.

I’m still annoyed though when I’m teamed up with more than 1 ranger or 1 thief.

Rangers are usually pretty useless though they have their niche if they’re played well. Most rangers aren’t playing well though, they just camp on a ledge and pew-pew instead of actually trying to cap or decap points, which I don’t mind if there is just 1 ranger doing that, but when you have 2 or more it’s gonna make you lose the match.

Thieves can be incredibly useful if played well and again, you guessed it, most thieves don’t play their class well. So often I see thieves being hell-bend on capping far, even when they’re being steamrolled over and over again and never manage to decap far, nevermind actually cap it and they just keep going at far like a stubborn fool, even after I ask them in team-chat to leave far alone and help at mid.
Again, if it’s just 1 thief doing this it’s manageable, but when you have 2 or more thieves on your team just staggering far and getting themselves killed one by one it’s gonna make you lose the match.

To most ranger and thief players out there: Please, for the love of Dwayna, get your act together and learn how to play this game.

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Troll confirmed. Nice sarcasm though.

Mesmerising Girl

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


This is the reason why I stopped playing thief.

I’m still annoyed though when I’m teamed up with more than 1 ranger or 1 thief.

Rangers are usually pretty useless though they have their niche if they’re played well. Most rangers aren’t playing well though, they just camp on a ledge and pew-pew instead of actually trying to cap or decap points, which I don’t mind if there is just 1 ranger doing that, but when you have 2 or more it’s gonna make you lose the match.

Thieves can be incredibly useful if played well and again, you guessed it, most thieves don’t play their class well. So often I see thieves being hell-bend on capping far, even when they’re being steamrolled over and over again and never manage to decap far, nevermind actually cap it and they just keep going at far like a stubborn fool, even after I ask them in team-chat to leave far alone and help at mid.
Again, if it’s just 1 thief doing this it’s manageable, but when you have 2 or more thieves on your team just staggering far and getting themselves killed one by one it’s gonna make you lose the match.

To most ranger and thief players out there: Please, for the love of Dwayna, get your act together and learn how to play this game.

I agree with you. I don’t really mind having two thieves, but if you only have thieves and rangers, it’s an issue. Two thieves can be pretty cool if rest of your team is support oriented. But playing with rangers is just painful for me. It has been a million times I saw a ranger running into 3 people while I’m trying to ress in sr, or just standing on a ledge not bothering to press f. I don’t understand why this happens mostly with rangers but it does.

You sometimes meet good ones but bad experience prevails. I think it also has a lot to do with matchmaking, which doesn’t really work properly. I recently started playing thief, so I’m not that experienced on the class and don’t know if the class MMR’s are in the game, but the games are not balanced not only from the class point of view.

I understand why people are attracted to thief as a profession, but you have a point. Many thieves you meet cannot really fulfill the role they should. It’s a general knowledge but also class experience.

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: tico.9814


I agree with lucos, a lot of bad rangers. I think the main reason its simply because rangers seem to attract a lot the casual crowd, the play style is very casual friendly or at least the main builds. On the other hand theif is being played very wrong by a lot players, in the right hands theif is strong.

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Well Anet lives in a fantasy world where there original idea of all classes being able to fill all roles at least adequately if built that way actually works so these kinds of comps are just fine because you just never know at least one of those three rangers and a thief you got stuck with is probably a pretty keen point holder! Now in theory this stuff bs unworkable comps evens out over time because sometimes you’ll face it and get an easy win so its effect on your win loss record should wash out in the end. But so what? No one likes these type of uncompetitive matches. Surely they can look at the data and see which classes most often fit into the various roles or look at the builds of the players in the queue and make sure each side has most of the important archetypes especially at least one support bunker or strong on point fighter. If it ends up causing the matchmaking function to take too long it can gradually relax requirements so the waits are not intolerable. They probably claim they already have something like this in place but it certainly can and should be improved.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Sure, Anet MMM isn’t the best, but your examples here are the player base’s fault, not Anet’s. If one team was insanely more skilled….sure. But class distribution, well everyone should stop playing the same class. ;P

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Sure, Anet MMM isn’t the best, but your examples here are the player base’s fault, not Anet’s. If one team was insanely more skilled….sure. But class distribution, well everyone should stop playing the same class. ;P

Please stop acting like there are only 10 people in the queue. There might be lots rangers and thieves, but there are also lots of other professions. While it might be a bit on the players’ side, this is a wonderful example of matchmaking failing again.

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I agree with lucos, a lot of bad rangers. I think the main reason its simply because rangers seem to attract a lot the casual crowd, the play style is very casual friendly or at least the main builds. On the other hand theif is being played very wrong by a lot players, in the right hands theif is strong.

My experience is that many casual players and noobs are attracted like flies to poop to any class that has stealth of any kind. That leads to at least half of the players currently playing thief thinking there role is mainly to be some kind of 1vwhatever rambo since the mighty stealth will always save them. I can honestly say about 75% of solo queue thieves I get matched with spend the whole match going far point and fighting whatever is there be it one or more and dieing horribly over and overe instead of what they should be doing which is +1ing to fights to make them uneven and taking any uncontested points since they are the fastest class. Your average noob has no map awareness. A thief is all about map awareness.

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Sure, Anet MMM isn’t the best, but your examples here are the player base’s fault, not Anet’s. If one team was insanely more skilled….sure. But class distribution, well everyone should stop playing the same class. ;P

Please stop acting like there are only 10 people in the queue. There might be lots rangers and thieves, but there are also lots of other professions. While it might be a bit on the players’ side, this is a wonderful example of matchmaking failing again.

And what if those players playing these other professions just aren’t a good match due to having much more/less skill then you and the others in your match? Or maybe there really aren’t as many people in the queue as you like to think? Point is, matching what players are in the queue based on the profession they are playing when it is already seemingly difficult to match teams of equal skill level, is just silly. And I’m pretty sure Anet has already commented about not focusing on profession be a factor in the match-making process. Don’t solo queue and then complain because you got stuck with too many thieves/rangers/whatever. Complain because you were matched against a team so much better than yours that you stood no chance.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Sure, Anet MMM isn’t the best, but your examples here are the player base’s fault, not Anet’s. If one team was insanely more skilled….sure. But class distribution, well everyone should stop playing the same class. ;P

Please stop acting like there are only 10 people in the queue. There might be lots rangers and thieves, but there are also lots of other professions. While it might be a bit on the players’ side, this is a wonderful example of matchmaking failing again.

And what if those players playing these other professions just aren’t a good match due to having much more/less skill then you and the others in your match? Or maybe there really aren’t as many people in the queue as you like to think? Point is, matching what players are in the queue based on the profession they are playing when it is already seemingly difficult to match teams of equal skill level, is just silly. And I’m pretty sure Anet has already commented about not focusing on profession be a factor in the match-making process. Don’t solo queue and then complain because you got stuck with too many thieves/rangers/whatever. Complain because you were matched against a team so much better than yours that you stood no chance.

You obviously don’t understand the issues of matchmaking. Professions actually matter in matchmaking, as anet stated after introducing the system we have now. Matchmaking issues don’t have to come from one team being better than other, but rather unbalanced MMR’s on both teams, which means good players are stuck with bad ones. Back in the day of soloq, this was rare. And you know what? It doesn’t help there are premades that queue with two rangers, too. Obviously that’s not ANet’s fault, but there are ways to fix this. How about finally removing profession dailies, that would be great.

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Sure, Anet MMM isn’t the best, but your examples here are the player base’s fault, not Anet’s. If one team was insanely more skilled….sure. But class distribution, well everyone should stop playing the same class. ;P

Please stop acting like there are only 10 people in the queue. There might be lots rangers and thieves, but there are also lots of other professions. While it might be a bit on the players’ side, this is a wonderful example of matchmaking failing again.

And what if those players playing these other professions just aren’t a good match due to having much more/less skill then you and the others in your match? Or maybe there really aren’t as many people in the queue as you like to think? Point is, matching what players are in the queue based on the profession they are playing when it is already seemingly difficult to match teams of equal skill level, is just silly. And I’m pretty sure Anet has already commented about not focusing on profession be a factor in the match-making process. Don’t solo queue and then complain because you got stuck with too many thieves/rangers/whatever. Complain because you were matched against a team so much better than yours that you stood no chance.

You obviously don’t understand the issues of matchmaking. Professions actually matter in matchmaking, as anet stated after introducing the system we have now. Matchmaking issues don’t have to come from one team being better than other, but rather unbalanced MMR’s on both teams, which means good players are stuck with bad ones. Back in the day of soloq, this was rare. And you know what? It doesn’t help there are premades that queue with two rangers, too. Obviously that’s not ANet’s fault, but there are ways to fix this. How about finally removing profession dailies, that would be great.

There is one thing we can agree on, profession dailies were a horrible idea. Much like changing the old leader boards to this crap we have now. But, we all know how Anet isn’t very fond of admitting when ideas are bad and, much less, going back and reverting bad changes.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


There is one thing we can agree on, profession dailies were a horrible idea.

You are right, they are a really bad idea. But they are not the reason for this crap. If you check the first screenshot closely you will see that on this day Elementalist and Ranger where daily but the match is full with Thief (6 Thief and “only” 3 Ranger).

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


There is one thing we can agree on, profession dailies were a horrible idea.

You are right, they are a really bad idea. But they are not the reason for this crap. If you check the first screenshot closely you will see that on this day Elementalist and Ranger where daily but the match is full with Thief (6 Thief and “only” 3 Ranger).

Obviously, that part was for a ranger. I honestly don’t know what happened because I rarely have this many thieves on my/opposite team. It happens as often as other classes, but today was wonderful.

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Gern.2978


The class based SPvP daily needs to be removed. It would go a long way towards ending class stacking like this.

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: pelle ossa.9705

pelle ossa.9705

…the great games I’ve had today. I’ve played exactly 3 games so far and all of them were fulfilled with so much learning experience. I’m astonished and want more. Please give me more games like this.

Despite my greatest efforts to avoid fire + air striking 2 million times per picosecond, we got destroyed both games. I guess it didn’t help one of our thieves left because he thought the comps were horrible. How could he even think that?!! But that’s okay, because it was so much fun and I’ve learnt so much! The matchmaking works so wonderfully, I think I’ll go play at least 100 games more today.

this matchmaking working really good….

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


lol this is not as bad as having 3 thieves on 1 team and 3 medi guards on other….

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Well as far as all the thieves and what not, people love bursty classes. More specifically, people love classes that excel in 1v1 fights. Even though this is a team game blah blah blah, people want to be able to win those 1v1’s. So any class that allows them to do a ton of damage in a short amount of time then turn tail and run when faced with any sort of challenge appeals to them. Not a knock against thieves, this applies for medi guards, longbow rangers, shatter mesmers (though no as common for some reason) too.

So again, when you get a match like that, it’s not Anet’s fault, it’s all the players that are just interested in those 1v1 fights playing selfishly.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

I would like to thank matchmaking for...

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Well as far as all the thieves and what not, people love bursty classes. More specifically, people love classes that excel in 1v1 fights. Even though this is a team game blah blah blah, people want to be able to win those 1v1’s. So any class that allows them to do a ton of damage in a short amount of time then turn tail and run when faced with any sort of challenge appeals to them. Not a knock against thieves, this applies for medi guards, longbow rangers, shatter mesmers (though no as common for some reason) too.

So again, when you get a match like that, it’s not Anet’s fault, it’s all the players that are just interested in those 1v1 fights playing selfishly.

Thieves are actually not too great for 1v1’s. It’s not their role to 1v1 at all either, so this argument kinda makes no sense.