IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


This is in reference to individual timers in tPvP being fixed.

Reason 1)
Good teams will let you bleed out first before stomping. This adds a solid 10-15 seconds of ‘res’ time.

Reason 2)
20 second individual timer + 10-15 seconds of downtime is an eternity.

This will force players to be extremely defensive in order to mitigate death. Burst builds with little survivability will slowly diminish because of their potential downtime from a team.

That’s my prediction at least.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

(edited by Defektive.7283)

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Coopers.4376


Your right, it pays off more to play tankier specs because your chance of being downed will be significantly smaller.

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


interesting theory.. could be right or it will not change anything.. but i agree that if anyone will let you bleed and then + 20 seconds – its an eternity.

I still dont get, why personal timers at all? it was nice right now to check respawn times in order to do massive damage insted of free respawn..
but hey.. lets see ingame

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


Got a point there, Defektive.

On the other hand, if glass cannon can burst and finish you, and walk away from it, you’ll be the one at a disadvantage.

I gues we’ll have to see how it plays out.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Burst will still have a place I see myself grouped with a burst thief or warrior and just rezzing them up over and over if need be while I keep conditions on targets.

Before fights like the GY zerg its was better to just let them rez and comeback then risking dying trying to rez them. I used to just kite around the node waiting for the burst to comeback.

I guess i like it because I can see the Necro being a good rez class, and I want more roles for the necro other then condition control.

I think it will make teamwork more important burst + someone supporting them will be viable. Funny how people just see it as a solo game and now want to all spec tank….. shows that this change was needed.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


This game IS partly a solo game in tournament play as splits between players often times create small scale 1v1/2v2 scenarios. I can’t count how many 1v1s I’ve been in as a roamer.

Furthermore, this change will not promote teamwork in any way. Not only is rezzing nearly IMPOSSIBLE to do in teamfights between MASSIVE nerf to downstate HP, AoE clustkittens and poisons, anyone that actually dies will set a team back so incredibly far as to be nearly impossible to come back and win that fight.

A 20 second respawn is kittening MASSIVE. It cannot be overstated.

I personally will not be playing sPvP until this is changed back. You guys have made one bad decision after another with regards to downed states and this is just the icing on the cake. MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Wakani.1829


@ Ostricheggs,
These individual timers, are only for free and paid ‘TOURNAMENTS’
They do not affect Spvp.

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Rythgar.2896


This is in reference to individual timers in tPvP being fixed.

Reason 1)
Good teams will let you bleed out first before stomping. This adds a solid 10-15 seconds of ‘res’ time.

Reason 2)
20 second individual timer + 10-15 seconds of downtime is an eternity.

This is nothing new, atleast my team always makes sure to give long stomps when ever it is possible (exceptions being if they are on a neutral point, or getting ressed etc).
I’d say that the only real difference is that less skilled teams/players will give people the same ress timers as a skilled can now, without any kind of effort.

Bottom line, less ability to get an advantage out of attention, awareness and skill. Personally not the way I want to see it go

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: kaplis.7195


imo they should add a fifth skill which let’s you die immediately

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


This is in reference to individual timers in tPvP being fixed.

Reason 1)
Good teams will let you bleed out first before stomping. This adds a solid 10-15 seconds of ‘res’ time.

Reason 2)
20 second individual timer + 10-15 seconds of downtime is an eternity.

This is nothing new, atleast my team always makes sure to give long stomps when ever it is possible (exceptions being if they are on a neutral point, or getting ressed etc).
I’d say that the only real difference is that less skilled teams/players will give people the same ress timers as a skilled can now, without any kind of effort.

Bottom line, less ability to get an advantage out of attention, awareness and skill. Personally not the way I want to see it go

While yes this happens, lets put together a scenario real quick:

You’re fighting 4v4 on Keep.

1-2 of your teammates go down. The other team isn’t going to sit idly by and let them be ressed – but they won’t stomp them either.

Your only two (consistent) choices are to
1) Get AOE spammed while trying to res
2) Try to down / stomp one of theirs.

Due to the downed state HP change, and the timer. In groups battles teams will just keep doing damage to stomp an enemy. They don’t need to wait for timers in this pitched battles in order to get the full effect. Simply keep dpsing and you’ll force the enemy to wait 30-40 seconds for a teammate to come back to the battle.

However, if its a 1v1 situation or even a 2v2. Bleeding out + Timer is applicable in both scenarios.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


This is nothing new, atleast my team always makes sure to give long stomps when ever it is possible (exceptions being if they are on a neutral point, or getting ressed etc).
I’d say that the only real difference is that less skilled teams/players will give people the same ress timers as a skilled can now, without any kind of effort.

One more key difference is when you stomp a warrior because you want to prevent vengeance for whatever reason, he always gets max timer. Also, thieves/eles/mesmers always used to be able to shave a few seconds off if they wanted to, but now it’s counterproductive for them to use their downed state 2+3 abilities half the time.

The main one is what you mentioned though. Even if you didn’t successfully revive an ally before, the attempt itself would force an early stomp, giving him a shorter timer. Now revives are all or nothing.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

IMO: tPVP Timers = Death of Burst setups.

in PvP

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


imo they should add a fifth skill which let’s you die immediately

^this. It should be in your teams best interest to stomp people quickly to take them out of the fight. As it is, taking you sweet kitten time to stomp people is the preferred route cause it takes the downed player out of the fight longer cause they sit in downed forever and then have a long timer to boot. It shouldn’t help your team to NOT stomp folks, period.

By adding a “suicide” option (skill #5) people could defeat themselves when downed while solo to get to respawning faster, but choose to wait/fight if teammates are nearby that might possibly res them. Sitting in downed for 15+s is penalty enough.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

(edited by Bsquared.3421)