Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: Neare.9703


I believe there could be a lot of potential in doing pvp maps in the format of DOTA, League of Legends etc. Clearly the format is currently implemented in the most popular esport game/s and as of yet has not been tried to my knowledge in a 3rd person perspective, offering many new opportunities. I’m sure most people could imagine how it would work already but I’ll write a little overview.

It could follow the format of having NPC’s moving from the team’s homebase to the opposing team’s either in a single pathway or multiple. They would be lvl80 npc’s and move in small waves periodically and each team would have npc’s of identical strength. The goal would be to eventually push the opposing team’s frontline back to their base and finally kill their lord.

Player respawn would be on a timer as it currently stands in most pvp matches.

It could also involve multiple map layouts and designs. Including different race’s battles to complement Guild Wars’ lore.

Possibly to prevent a team from gaining too much ground to quickly, you could have silver level veterans with a myriad of CC ability at intervals along the path on each team’s side. Therefore encouraging the team to deal with them before pressing onward.

Map specific special features could be added such as exchanging the points your team has earned through kills or other feats for buff’s such as an extra npc wave, short-term team-wide player buffs or environmental weapons/utilities.

I understand that ANET has encouraged the point capture style mode to force players into combat with one another. This format would also do the same as avoiding combat would have the enemy gradually push forward causing an eventual loss.

It would create a better esport environment as it could create situations whereby a team completely turns around the match in a short amount of time. The matches would also last longer and give more focus to the players role.

We would see new builds being using in pvp such as those that concentrate on team support through healing and buffs to give the npc’s an advantage. Greatly increasing play type diversity and better encouraging team play.

The mode would suit larger teams of 5v5 to 8v8 and 10v10 as the maps would also be larger. It would also provide a perfect opportunity to explore the eventual GvG pvp.

Overall this pvp mode would be much more dynamic, also gaining interest of people who prefer this type of gameplay perhaps bring new people into the player base.

One criticism would be that it’s not entirely original, but neither is conquest. I don’t believe that valuing originality should stop one from implementing something that could be incredibly enjoyable and successful.

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

a dota gw2 style would be nice.

“Including different race’s battles to complement Guild Wars’ lore.”
for this to work, the battles has to be in different time lines or parallel dimensions since all races are united against the dragon. well, or maybe charr separatist vs human separatist in a fields of ruins themed map etc.

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: Socram.6587


The idea is not exactly new, has been rejected by ANet at least once, and has actually been tried in a 3rd person view, which would be the fairly successful standalone game Smite.

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


Disagree, Gw2 classes are not design for this kind of gameplay and some of them are really bad at 1vs1. Still if they fix classes it could be an not so bad idea.

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: rEaPeX.8415


it depends on the build if you are bad in 1v1 or not…every class can be good in it, if the build is made for it

I would like such a mode, even if it’s just for testing it..

R E A P E X – Necromancer – EU

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


a game as u would like is already in beta, it is called smite and it has already tournaments, proteams and potential.
fun is it is a BETA. it has more viewer on twitch than gw2 everyday, everyhour.
gw2 is released.

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


it depends on the build if you are bad in 1v1 or not…every class can be good in it, if the build is made for it

I would like such a mode, even if it’s just for testing it..

whould like to see how you beat Phantom Mesmer with Necro 1vs1.

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


Try Smite. It truly is a quality game with really good infrastructure. Full ladders, solo and team que, tournaments etc and all in 3rd person view. 36 classes (gods) and counting.

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: rEaPeX.8415


it depends on the build if you are bad in 1v1 or not…every class can be good in it, if the build is made for it

I would like such a mode, even if it’s just for testing it..

whould like to see how you beat Phantom Mesmer with Necro 1vs1.

no problem…I’ll play with my MM build…this one is exactly made to play against mesmers

if you wanna test it..whisper to me ingame

R E A P E X – Necromancer – EU

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I’m all for giving players more options but I wouldn’t want this in the tourney rotation. I play mmo’s and not mobas for a reason. I’m not a fan of pve mob farming in pvp. Foefire and Forest have enough for me already.

I would be perfectly okay with them adding something like this in hotjoins or custom arenas though. That way I could opt out if I wanted.

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: Neare.9703


I’m all for giving players more options but I wouldn’t want this in the tourney rotation. I play mmo’s and not mobas for a reason. I’m not a fan of pve mob farming in pvp. Foefire and Forest have enough for me already.

I would be perfectly okay with them adding something like this in hotjoins or custom arenas though. That way I could opt out if I wanted.

Yeah I do agree with you, I did see it as a separate mode all together from current pvp so that the two different modes would not be on the same rotation.

Idea: DOTA stylised pvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

perhaps this kind of game play would have more fans of pve players?

a moba styled pvp battle except that your toons use their pve gear instead?