Idea for a fun, longer match mode.

Idea for a fun, longer match mode.

in PvP

Posted by: Envy.1679


why not not make a moba style map where your character progressively levels up and gains gear with stats? maybe reduce the level cap to like 14 (allowing 5 trait points to be allocated per level) 3 lanes, defensive structures along the path, a “jungle” type area with mob camps, even bushes that make you invisible to anyone standing out side of them.

the gear could maybe be something like, you unlock your amulet at level 1, rings at 4 and 6, and earings at 8 and 10. (doesnt have to be the trinkets, but itd be nice to have the stats added on s you progress the match, not have a amulet that gives you all the stats)

or you could gain gear points from killing mobs and players, and then “plus” them onto your amulet. and also use the same gear points to unlock the runes on your armor and sigils for your weapons for use.(you go in with 6 runes, but dont get their effects until you “plus” sufficient gear points on to them) this will allow people to choose whether or not they want the amulet stats, rune effects, or sigil effects.

i know someone going to say this isnt a moba game, but mobas are fun because of their moba mechanics. gw2 is seriously lacking in “fun” pvp modes imo. its to the point when winning tournaments isnt even fun.


Idea for a fun, longer match mode.

in PvP

Posted by: Cyhann.2609


Because Node Conquest is more fun than a silly moba where you have to level up while playing, and kill mobs. This is pvp not pve, svanir/uthsomething and the lord are bad enough to deal with.

Also the way you described it, it would require a major rework for all classes, a thief
for example could solo 5 people in the begining, and condis would wreck even more,
since many remover are optained via traits.

Idea for a fun, longer match mode.

in PvP

Posted by: Envy.1679


Because Node Conquest is more fun than a silly moba where you have to level up while playing, and kill mobs. This is pvp not pve, svanir/uthsomething and the lord are bad enough to deal with.

Also the way you described it, it would require a major rework for all classes, a thief
for example could solo 5 people in the begining, and condis would wreck even more,
since many remover are optained via traits.

how can a thief solo 5 people with no traits and 1 utility?

im just saying, conquest is not fun for many people. actually most of my tournament friends are very bored of tournaments.

i think itd be a lot more fun with people adapting and counterplaying people.


(edited by Envy.1679)

Idea for a fun, longer match mode.

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


I agree that GW2 needs a fun PvP mode that is still competitive, although a MOBA-type game just isn’t the way to do it. That would require a significant amount of work.

It’s been suggested before, so I’ll just link it. ArenaNet needs to implement a Heroes’ Ascent -type tournament.

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One