Idea for paids

Idea for paids

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Hey all,
I am an avid stream watcher and pvper of GW2. would just like to give a suggestion to help get the community to grow a bit and help players trying to compete (lots of talk about what we CAN and SHOULD be doing for the community on streams but I see no action). As we all know in NA there are 3 or 4 teams that run paids atm (by run i meen demolish every other team that tries to start running paids.)

So my suggestion, would it be possible for the top teams to reach some sort of agreement on times that they will queue and when they wont? Example:
Top teams queue during the regular paid hours until a certain time (11 server for example.) After 11 server time, top teams (and teams with 200+ QP possibly?) stop queing so that teams that want to play teams that aren’t going to completely wreck them can. No more pug stomping in frees all night because you know that QT or PZ etc are queing. This allows teams that are better to play better teams and teams that want to learn more are able to. Then teams that think they have grasped the concepts and have built their synergy can start queing during the times when better teams are queing.

I know some people might say “Well this isn’t going to work, I want MOAR QP’s!” and “Not everyone with 200+QP/top teams are going abide by the scheduled times” To this I say: What are QP’s worth to you? Is it in the games best interest (and your own) to destroy players who are at a lower level of skill then you, just to see more and more players quit because they can’t get into more competitive play? With this system, players with the highest amounts of QP will still stay at the top of the ladder (who cares) while allowing other players to join in to create an even bigger ladder.
The second point: Players who queue during the dedicated “new player paid time” with more than 200+QP (again this isn’t set in stone im just throwing numbers) aren’t gaining anything but QP’s and people telling them how pro they are because they beat a team trying to work their way up. All im trying to get at is that i’m sure we could change the “EU SUCKS/NA SUCKS” banter into “Wow you queued against the lowest of the low and won, now go and play the top teams and try to win bro”

Let me know what you guys think. (constructive criticism please)

Idea for paids

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Side note, I realize within the week/month that we will be getting 1team v 1team and so forth. But if that ends up being a dead end this idea could come into play.