Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


Current Conquest is centered around owning points and holding them, giving rise to the current meta centered not around winning fights or some such, but instead on simply surviving.

So, here’s a set of changes I believe will decentivize bunkers as the be-all end-all. It won’t get rid of them, as they are a valid playstyle which is just too strong in a broken system.

Step #1 Capture Points are now instantaneous captured if there is no opposition. This means that instead of a little count-down to capture, the point is yours the moment you step into it.

Step #2 Capture Points are neutral while both teams are on it. This creates a reason you’d want to win the fight rather than just survive on point.

I also feel that these particular changes will make the game more engaging with a focus not only on holding points, but dominating them through annihilation of the enemy rather than enduring them.


Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Foggy.9213


What about Stronghold, WvW? I dont see that working out. I like conquest how it its tho

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


All that would do is create a super speed meta of everyone just running around in circles capping and running to the next. Speed and stealth.

The hide and seek meta

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


All that would do is create a super speed meta of everyone just running around in circles capping and running to the next. Speed and stealth.

The hide and seek meta

Explain to me, please, in detail why this Hide-and-Seek meta you describe would be the valid strategy given my changes. This is important, since you can spout some rhetoric without an ounce of truth to the word. I believe this hypothetical meta of yours doesn’t truly represent the scenario I am presenting, and would like to be enlightened to the truth of your statement.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


What about Stronghold, WvW? I dont see that working out. I like conquest how it its tho

What about them? This is about conquest in PvP.

I won’t say you can’t like the current conquest, but I do believe the issues this addresses are part of a larger issue in the game’s balance.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


how to decentivize bunker meta :

Nerf condition damage so people stop running condi bunker everywhere

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


All that would do is create a super speed meta of everyone just running around in circles capping and running to the next. Speed and stealth.

The hide and seek meta

Explain to me, please, in detail why this Hide-and-Seek meta you describe would be the valid strategy given my changes. This is important, since you can spout some rhetoric without an ounce of truth to the word. I believe this hypothetical meta of yours doesn’t truly represent the scenario I am presenting, and would like to be enlightened to the truth of your statement.

If you can cap a point simply by walking over it and fighting in it makes it neutral the best strategy would be to go look for uncapped points and run to the next. Stealth so they don’t see you coming for the point. Defending has no value if it remains neutral. Probably some traps to slow down the other team when they cap it.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


All that would do is create a super speed meta of everyone just running around in circles capping and running to the next. Speed and stealth.

The hide and seek meta

Explain to me, please, in detail why this Hide-and-Seek meta you describe would be the valid strategy given my changes. This is important, since you can spout some rhetoric without an ounce of truth to the word. I believe this hypothetical meta of yours doesn’t truly represent the scenario I am presenting, and would like to be enlightened to the truth of your statement.

If you can cap a point simply by walking over it and fighting in it makes it neutral the best strategy would be to go look for uncapped points and run to the next. Stealth so they don’t see you coming for the point. Defending has no value if it remains neutral. Probably some traps to slow down the other team when they cap it.

In this case, does defending not have it’s own purpose? How does it have no value if it can prevent the opponent from gaining points? How does attacking a defended point not have value if your presence can neutralize their score?

Rather than this “Hide-and-Seek” meta which I don’t see being effective [because holding a point for a moment will be outweighed by holding it long-term], I imagine a more duel-oriented meta in which teams will be incentivized into aggressing on Far Point, for the dual purpose of gaining points and neutralizing points.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


No. There will only be fighting when people run into each other on accident. The only other viable alternative is more bunker to prevent the other team from coming by and capping it immediately after you leave. You’ll either stay there preventing the other team from taking it or you’ll move to the next as quickly as possible to take the others. You will most definitely have at least a couple players on each team dedicated to roaming looking for a weak spot. With the current system there isn’t such a need for speed because capping takes a decent amount of time allowing people to somewhat take their time getting point to point.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Allow me to clarify Dondagora’s setup.

  • Blue player 1 reaches a capture point. He stands on it alone, points tick in his teams favor.
  • Red player 2 reaches the same capture point. Now both Red and Blue players are fighting for the point. No team earns any points while both players contend for the point.
  • Red player 2 kills blue player 1, removing him from the point. Red player 2 now ticks points for his team.
  • Presumably Dond’s suggestion means players can leave a point, keeping it in their teams favor. But it will be decapped/capped instantly the moment an enemy player enters the point.

The strongest teams would be those filled with players who could both take point, and repel enemy attackers. Killing, or routing would be the optimal means to generating score.

Worst case scenario: Immovable objects meet unstoppable forces. Nobody dies. Capture points never tick. No score is generated. Though, knocking someone off point for a second will generate 1 ticks worth of score etc. Generally speaking teams would be looking to spread over all three points all of the time, and being able to skillfully outplay an opponent would give a huge advantage.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Look kittens. ANet already announced a patch where they are going to take out Celestial, Soldier, Sentinel and Settler. Go read the forum post or pay attention to the community you plebs.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


I feel like the the meta would be some instagib/high mobility builds that would just stealth around and outnumber fights in order to win them before the enemy can help the node. I mean , imagine a full berserker/marauder 4 thieves/mesm (for moa on some targets and portal) team, how do you win them? If your team stays together, they instadecap the otjer points. if your team splits on two nodes, they gank one 4v2 and a thief caps the third one. If they split on three nodes, well, the one who is alone gets rekt, and then repeat the previous strategy. If in a node the fight is prolonged enough to get some help (note that the node would be decapped all this time, so its not a point loss), one thief sneaky decaps the free node, or if theres someone there, they disengage, leaving a portal on the node, win the other node cause the 4 thieves will be there before anyone from the enemy team can help and then they use portal and win the last node


(edited by Krysard.1364)

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Allow me to clarify Dondagora’s setup.

  • Blue player 1 reaches a capture point. He stands on it alone, points tick in his teams favor.
  • Red player 2 reaches the same capture point. Now both Red and Blue players are fighting for the point. No team earns any points while both players contend for the point.
  • Red player 2 kills blue player 1, removing him from the point. Red player 2 now ticks points for his team.
  • Presumably Dond’s suggestion means players can leave a point, keeping it in their teams favor. But it will be decapped/capped instantly the moment an enemy player enters the point.

The strongest teams would be those filled with players who could both take point, and repel enemy attackers. Killing, or routing would be the optimal means to generating score.

Worst case scenario: Immovable objects meet unstoppable forces. Nobody dies. Capture points never tick. No score is generated. Though, knocking someone off point for a second will generate 1 ticks worth of score etc. Generally speaking teams would be looking to spread over all three points all of the time, and being able to skillfully outplay an opponent would give a huge advantage.

I understand it completely. There’s no need to clarify. Speed/stealth and/or bunkers would be the optimal strategy.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


The pvp forums community kittenes me off. THEY HAVE ADDRESSED THE BUNKER ISSUE ALREADY. Bunch of kittening handiturds you guys are.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: lloydst.6985


It will just be a knockback tank meta (read druid pre-jan 26th)

roaming/havoc commander of FTF

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: runeblade.7514


On the otherhand, this will be even more toxic.

If both teams are in the bunker meta. No teams will generate points as all three points will remain uncontested for 15 minutes straight.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant