Ideal team compositions?

Ideal team compositions?

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I’m starting to get more into pvp, and I was wondering what sorts of team compositions are ideal, in terms of roles and builds that fulfill those roles well.

I probably won’t do much with this information as im super kazual, but I’m a total nerd and like learning more things about meta compositions for game modes.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Ideal team compositions?

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


- Support/bunker Guard,
- thief
- hambow warrior
- …
- …

Ideal team compositions?

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


To be honest, GW2 is pretty casual PvP in general, especially compared to it’s predecessor.

I like to roll with something along the lines of;

-turret engi
-bunker guard

utility/aoe spam
-power nec
-staff ele
-condi engi

2 roamers;
-condi warrior
-d/d ele

whatever else…

Ideal team compositions?

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


OK so in my experience and also those in top 100 pvp.. First of all, play w/e you and your teammates want. YTou don’t need a support guardian to win in top 100 (proven by CM) and you don’t need a thief aswel (proven by CM).

Though, the typical composition nevertheless is:
First comp:
1 support guard
1 thief
1 d/d or staff ele
1 dps or hambow warr
1 w/e u want.
Second comp:
1 support guard
1 d/d ele
1 staff ele
1 dps axe/sword warr
1 thief
1 Support Guard
1 hambow
1 axe/sword dps warr
1 engi/necro
1 d/d or staff ele

Just depends what enemy team you’re fighting against.
Need advice on tpvp etc, check my youtube channel which is in my signature


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