Ideas to buff necro sustain

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Hi people,

Henry back again. How we all doing? I had some interesting ideas of how to change necromancer.

Necro is still lacking in the sustain department imo. It is almost impossible to create a tanky necromancer still. Such a non-mobile class should have a fully amazing bunker necro spec like guardian does.

As such, might I suggest 3 ideas of how to buff necromancer sustain.

1, Buff unholy sanctuary so that it regens for 1.5x the current amount (it is a GM trait and should be stronger)
2, Buff unholy martyr so that it provides some secondary effect such as giving necromancer a healing power buff whilst in death shroud (maybe 300 extra healing power)
3, Buff vampiric traits by around 10% to increase the healing they provide



Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I think we actually have some sustain options now bUT I do agree about the unholy sanctuary and vamp trait buffs. I also think they can make the trait that increases HP the lower your health goes a little better.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: online.1278


Necro is already super tanky.. yesterday in pvp, i dmged one tanky necro with 10000 dmg killshot 2 times, in total 20k, but this guy still didnt die. necro dont need anymore buff. I feel necro is even more tankier than before patch

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Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Aktium.9506


Necro is already super tanky.. yesterday in ovp, i dmged one tanky necro with 10000 dmg killshot 2 times, in total 20k, but this guy still didnt die. necro dont need anymore buff

Sustain != Health Pool.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


I have to disagree. We now have access to protection on demand without sacrificing other traits, increased healing ability, better condi removal, and can even decrease condi damage on us (Corrupter’s Fervor). With the ability to leech health while in DS, we can also heal for significant amounts while channeling DS#4. Combining Blood + Death + Soul Reaping with celestial amulet lets you tank 2-3 dps classes.

We’re already too tanky with access to so much on-demand protection, hp, condi removal and healing on top of hard CCs like fear/knockbacks (golem).

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


We still lack something every other class has, defense that scales with amount of enemies.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Tim.6450


We still lack something every other class has, defense that scales with amount of enemies.

We have some of those now with siphons being usable,locust swarm , well of darkness, spectral wall, aoe weakness, … . The biggest problem is pulling them off so I suggest more stability and a non condi defense that negates damage so that we can survive a zerker stance rampage.


Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


No that’s not what I mean, I mean something like 1000 people attack s mesmer at once he pops distortion and blinks away. 1000 people attack necro he pops literally everything on his bar and dies in .03 seconds.

So if they aren’t going to give us something that can allow us to take damage like that if even for a second then our other sustain and defensive options need to be superior to other classes that have those options… and the truth is it’s pretty close to being where I think it should be, just not quite there yet…. but we are so close.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: zinavlad.7581


No that’s not what I mean, I mean something like 1000 people attack s mesmer at once he pops distortion and blinks away. 1000 people attack necro he pops literally everything on his bar and dies in .03 seconds.

So if they aren’t going to give us something that can allow us to take damage like that if even for a second then our other sustain and defensive options need to be superior to other classes that have those options… and the truth is it’s pretty close to being where I think it should be, just not quite there yet…. but we are so close.


Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


We are close, and for once we are moving in the right direction. I see more and more Necromancers every day. Even have VeeWee jumping ship and hopping to our forums.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Or they just stop nerfing the heals and elites?
Or make blood magic lifesteals actually be comparable to the weakest boon ever called regeneration?

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Or they just stop nerfing the heals and elites?
Or make blood magic lifesteals actually be comparable to the weakest boon ever called regeneration?

It would be nice if all traited heals and regen worked in DS the ultimate goal is to use utilities in DS.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


The bandaid is un-nerfing Consume Conditions, making Blood Bond work in Shroud, tweaking Parasitic Contagion (1. Working in Shroud, 2. Stronger version (split) for PvP-only), possibly making Last Gasp, Furious Demise baseline and make Path of Corruption minor Curses trait (if Mesmers could get Illusionary Persona, then why not).

Then increase Life Force generation, especially on Scepter/Dagger setup, tweak Dhuumfire, erase stupid Plague Suicide mode and make it pre-patch, increase condition damage output (Parasitic).

Now we’re oke-ish. Still bandaid, still suck when focused, but at least all-right in smaller scenarios.

That’s Condition perspective. Wellspam Power isn’t that bad.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


Necro sustain with the right traits is already unreal no need to buff it. Healing in death shroud is all the sustain they needed – with the right traits and equip a necro can out-sustain 2 players all day long.

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Necro sustain with the right traits is already unreal no need to buff it. Healing in death shroud is all the sustain they needed – with the right traits and equip a necro can out-sustain 2 players all day long.

Not if one of the two players is a theif, a mesmer, or a mediguard.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


Lol if necro sustain is buffed then MM necro will be utter face-roll. Leave the necro as it is. Otherwise, it will be easier to click skill 1 to win.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


Necro sustain with the right traits is already unreal no need to buff it. Healing in death shroud is all the sustain they needed – with the right traits and equip a necro can out-sustain 2 players all day long.

Siphons not healing. We still have traits that heal and give us regen that are blocked off by our own profession mechanic. We still automatically reject help from our team mates because of our own profession mechanic. Sigils and runes lifesteal (and food) I believe still do not work in shroud.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Necro sustain with the right traits is already unreal no need to buff it. Healing in death shroud is all the sustain they needed – with the right traits and equip a necro can out-sustain 2 players all day long.

The stuff they added was “siphons from own picked traits” now work in DS. Its the 30hp heals per hit.

All other heals, the 600 hps aoe regen from eles and 5-10k burst heals from others just somehow heal 0 through DS and go fully through all other distorn/mistforms/runeprocs etc.

But i guess necro is in a great 7th spot now, maybe even nerf it just for sure.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Necro sustain is more than fine…lol those kind of buffs in the OP..will never happen, why even bother asking?

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: DanzelOPP.5068


Once again another Hank, “please buff my class” while wanting everything else nerfed.


Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Loop.8106


No that’s not what I mean, I mean something like 1000 people attack s mesmer at once he pops distortion and blinks away. 1000 people attack necro he pops literally everything on his bar and dies in .03 seconds.

So if they aren’t going to give us something that can allow us to take damage like that if even for a second then our other sustain and defensive options need to be superior to other classes that have those options… and the truth is it’s pretty close to being where I think it should be, just not quite there yet…. but we are so close.

You have over 40 000 effective life with DS. (With Marauder on Power builds.) That’s without taking all siphon and heals into consideration. Mesmers has 21k with Marauder.

That being stated, if you were to give mesmers some sort of Block, Distortion, Evade, god knows what they would have to reduce the amount of actual sustain you already have. (Lets be honest, you probably have the best sustain atm outside bunkering eles and guardians, maybe some warrior specs.)
You have alot of access to protection, fairly big access to stab. Disengage with wurm (even though its not ideal) You have superior condi cleanse.

So before pointing fingers, think about not getting something for nothing.

Optimise [OP]

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


We have to build that lifeforce first and we also don’t have stealth or a truly reliable source of vigor, not all of our builds will have protection, and our stab cmon lol your joking. Our condi cleanse is not superior we have condi transfering which also means we can miss and still have those condis.

I’m not attacking mesmers here, they need that distortion I know that. However necros also need a reliable form of large scale damage mitigation. If they want to tie that to deathshroud I’m fine with that and it would still require us to have lifeforce.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


Necro sustain ist more than fine.
I’d personally love to have some kind of stability/stunbreak when running wells, but I guess that’s the tradeoff for doing a kitten ton of damage.

I never had more problems surviving than other classes. In WvW my full zerker necro is always one of the last to be alive, if you play PvP…simply don’t get hit, play passive and place your damage where it’s needed. I’m still playing full zerker and even though it got a little harder I can’t complain about major issues.

“Attacking is the best defense” – that’s your credo.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Try playing conquest and "simply don’t get hit:

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Loop.8106


We have to build that lifeforce first and we also don’t have stealth or a truly reliable source of vigor, not all of our builds will have protection, and our stab cmon lol your joking. Our condi cleanse is not superior we have condi transfering which also means we can miss and still have those condis.

I’m not attacking mesmers here, they need that distortion I know that. However necros also need a reliable form of large scale damage mitigation. If they want to tie that to deathshroud I’m fine with that and it would still require us to have lifeforce.

You do realise that without the traited “shatters removes condis” which reduces our dmg we run with arcane thievery as our only condi cleanse. (Steal three boons from target player and send them three of your conditions.) So basicly, without any enemy, we have zero condi cleanse. if you dodge / blind we have zero condi cleanse.

Optimise [OP]

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Tim.6450


You have over 40 000 effective life with DS. (With Marauder on Power builds.) That’s without taking all siphon and heals into consideration. Mesmers has 21k with Marauder.

That being stated, if you were to give mesmers some sort of Block, Distortion, Evade, god knows what they would have to reduce the amount of actual sustain you already have. (Lets be honest, you probably have the best sustain atm outside bunkering eles and guardians, maybe some warrior specs.)
You have alot of access to protection, fairly big access to stab. Disengage with wurm (even though its not ideal) You have superior condi cleanse.

So before pointing fingers, think about not getting something for nothing.

Honestly such ignorant post first with 100% death shroud has over 57 000 effective life with marauder and no soul reaping. Every life force is worth 2 health. Sounds impressive, problem is 100% death shroud is not that easy to achieve. Necromancer use many skills and traits to boost their life force generation. Soul reaping alone is three minor traits that boost life force generation. Another thing is that death shroud degenerates meaning every second you’re in death shroud you loose 1334 health , 667 traited. Still you could argue, that’s still a lot of hp now compare that to a 5 second endure pain, how much does it block. From 0 to infinity. You can walk into a zerg of a million people pop endure pain and you still will not die from the physical damage, death shoud wouldn’t last a second. That’s why necromancers are so easily focussed we don’t have any good incentives to make yjeenemy stop attacking them.
Also fairly big access to stab? Where? foot in grave? Trust me entering and leaving death shroud directly after is a sure way to get you killed.


Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


The Unholy Matrix grants so much Life Force that you can stay in Death Shroud for a very long time.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


We have to build that lifeforce first and we also don’t have stealth or a truly reliable source of vigor, not all of our builds will have protection, and our stab cmon lol your joking. Our condi cleanse is not superior we have condi transfering which also means we can miss and still have those condis.

I’m not attacking mesmers here, they need that distortion I know that. However necros also need a reliable form of large scale damage mitigation. If they want to tie that to deathshroud I’m fine with that and it would still require us to have lifeforce.

You do realise that without the traited “shatters removes condis” which reduces our dmg we run with arcane thievery as our only condi cleanse. (Steal three boons from target player and send them three of your conditions.) So basicly, without any enemy, we have zero condi cleanse. if you dodge / blind we have zero condi cleanse.

Would you be happier if I said ele mistform, or ranger signet of stone….. I used a kittening example of an invuln that a class has, I was not attacking mesmers gtfo with this kitten.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Necro sustain is awesome right now with blood magic. Not quite sure what the issue is.

Video example

A lot more examples in that video of 1v2, 1v3, 1v4, and group skirmishes.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


People telling how good Necro sustain is when you’ve fully charged Deathshroud – lol. If you have it at beginning of the fight, that means you already won previous one and you’re just snowballing.

The best possible fix for Necros is to give them portion (50%?) of DS at beginning of match/afte respawn.

(edited by Morwath.9817)

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Chapell.1346


Necromancer need Stealth.

Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Scambug.3502


Yes buff Necros please. I hardly ever see any in sPvP.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


Quick reminder:

Just because some gimmick bunker build or MM nobody runs in tournaments can have some sustain in 1v1 or Wellspam can get 3s on Protection on their Well, doesn’t mean that Necromancer sustain is anything around word “fine”.

Try Condition Build in tPvP, then tell me how awesome your sustain was and how much of Life Force you got.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


People telling how good Necro sustain is when you’ve fully charged Deathshroud – lol. If you have it at beginning of the fight, that means you already won previous one and you’re just snowballing.

The best possible fix for Necros is to give them portion (50%?) of DS at beginning of match/afte respawn.

I understand your point. The 1v3 at the necro started at 1/4th life force.

I think people are really discrediting the sustain potential of necros with the right build. Suspecting that people are desiring that same level of sustain in the video using glass berserker.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


People telling how good Necro sustain is when you’ve fully charged Deathshroud – lol. If you have it at beginning of the fight, that means you already won previous one and you’re just snowballing.

The best possible fix for Necros is to give them portion (50%?) of DS at beginning of match/afte respawn.

I understand your point. The 1v3 at the necro started at 1/4th life force.

I think people are really discrediting the sustain potential of necros with the right build. Suspecting that people are desiring that same level of sustain in the video using glass berserker.

→ Necro leaves DS with more LF than he got before he went in: because a) he wasn’t alone, b) Spirits ;-O
→ ‘Burn myself Gurdian’
→ ‘Spirit Ranger’

Show me Necro tanking Mesmers, oh wait…

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Always love the “random useless build in ideal unranked scenario” argument.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Lets be honest, you probably have the best sustain atm outside bunkering eles and guardians, maybe some warrior specs.

Hahah, yes let’s be honest. We probably have the best sustain right now excluding the professions with the best sustain.

You have 5 dollars? You’re probably the richest person in the world right now excluding everyone else with money.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


We have to build that lifeforce first and we also don’t have stealth or a truly reliable source of vigor, not all of our builds will have protection, and our stab cmon lol your joking. Our condi cleanse is not superior we have condi transfering which also means we can miss and still have those condis.

I’m not attacking mesmers here, they need that distortion I know that. However necros also need a reliable form of large scale damage mitigation. If they want to tie that to deathshroud I’m fine with that and it would still require us to have lifeforce.

You do realise that without the traited “shatters removes condis” which reduces our dmg we run with arcane thievery as our only condi cleanse. (Steal three boons from target player and send them three of your conditions.) So basicly, without any enemy, we have zero condi cleanse. if you dodge / blind we have zero condi cleanse.

Would you be happier if I said ele mistform, or ranger signet of stone….. I used a kittening example of an invuln that a class has, I was not attacking mesmers gtfo with this kitten.

Mesmers are just twitchy and defensive any time their profession is mentioned lately because deep down they know they got over-buffed and a nerf is coming, they just don’t want to accept the reality. It’s hard to justify multiple invulns, stealth, massive burst (from stealth), the most reflects in the game, extremely low cooldown heals, lots of blocks and the ability to literally remove all of someone’s defensive options by turning them in to a bird without being at least a tiny bit crazy.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Show me Necro tanking Mesmers, oh wait…

Will you just watch the godkitten video. Jk.

1v3 with an enemy mesmer interrupting the necro’s heal over and over again. Tanked them for a long time. Again starting at a little over 10% life force.

People are incredible. Even in the face of evidence showing clear examples through video footage, people will still refuse to open their minds even just a little. Necro has sustain with the proper build. Not saying necro has the best sustain, but the June 23 patch improved necro sustain by a lot and there are options for decent sustain.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Aktium.9506


I understand your point. The 1v3 at the necro started at 1/4th life force.

I think people are really discrediting the sustain potential of necros with the right build. Suspecting that people are desiring that same level of sustain in the video using glass berserker.

I can’t take the video seriously. The quality of the players in it is just like, kitten , literally bottom of the barrel.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: zber.4980


Just give Henry lich on autoattack so He can stop the useless and QQ post already…

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Show me Necro tanking Mesmers, oh wait…

Will you just watch the godkitten video. Jk.

1v3 with an enemy mesmer interrupting the necro’s heal over and over again. Tanked them for a long time. Again starting at a little over 10% life force.

People are incredible. Even in the face of evidence showing clear examples through video footage, people will still refuse to open their minds even just a little. Necro has sustain with the proper build. Not saying necro has the best sustain, but the June 23 patch improved necro sustain by a lot and there are options for decent sustain.

He couldn’t do anything useful and died horribly.
Also, if Mesmer wouldn’t be yolo Condi, Necro would die in 5 seconds.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Jesiah.2457


Necros are quite tanky now and their sustain is incredibly hard to deal with. When someone can tank up to 3 DPS classes and be okay for a solid minute or more, especially with this game’s current power creep … :l

The least I will say is that you’re completely wrong, OP. They do not need more because if you gave them more than what they have now, they’d be unkillable demi-gods.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

The main problem with necro sustain is they just lack active/infinite scaling defense. They’re just a hp bag pinball.

People saying a necro can tank a 1v3 means there are just bad players on the 3 side. They can hold a 1v2 a bit if built all the way for it but will still die. They will still be CC’d the whole time or ranged pressured and can’t do much. Easily interruptable skills.

Necro really just needs a block/invuln/z axis mobility (will never happen), or stealth (will never happen) something that allows it to avoid damage for any bit of time.

People that think a necro just has unlimited lifeforce and are gods haven’t really played it and probably are just spamming things when spectral armor is up.

Siphonings are still bad for the damage going around atm and with terrible incombat mobility and ranged options it’s not like 60 healing siphons are saving it even when they do hit.

Another main issue is building to be tanky enough to hold a 1v2 even for a tiny bit is you’re still useless to your team or providing gimmicky/not as good support.

ReRolled [Re] GvG Hero/Wannabe

Best NA rallybot on EU

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Darksteel.8412


We still lack something every other class has, defense that scales with amount of enemies.

We have some of those now with siphons being usable,locust swarm , well of darkness, spectral wall, aoe weakness, … . The biggest problem is pulling them off so I suggest more stability and a non condi defense that negates damage so that we can survive a zerker stance rampage.

lol….no, necro is the number one tank already asking for damage ignoring skills is just lol…I hope you were sarcastic