If nades count as projectiles...
They do get reflected..? How many marijuanas did you take, I think you’re ODing
New Twitter: @chaithhh
the grenades can be reflected by warrior’s blocks with reflect missiles trait,
only if,
the grenades landed directly onto the warrior blocking before the grenades land on the ground and exploded.
as in,
if grenades are thrown at the ground in front of the blocking warrior, the grenade will explode, and the blocking warrior will block the explosion, will not reflect.
if grenades are thrown directly at the blocking warrior and the grenades came in contact with the blocking warrior, the grenades did not touch the ground, then the grenades will be treated as a projectile and reflected back.
grenades exploded after touching the ground are not projectiles.
yes, my blocking warrior with reflect missiles trait have reflected grenades before.
i am not sure about other reflection skills.
Yeah I think the OP is just confused because it’s really common that the grenades explode on you before the projectile encounters the reflection, as Deimos said.
If the reflection effect is placed between you and the Engineer, no nades will get through. IE: Wall of Reflection, Feedback, Phantasmal Warden, etc.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Basically they have to directly hit you to get reflected, imagine a nade getting thrown at you but exploding in your face, can’t very well reflect that now can we. But we can sure as hell slap it away if it didn’t explode yet xD
That sounds logical tbh. The projectile just spawns an aoe where it lands. If the projectile hits a reflecting surface or player it gets reflected, but if it just hits the ground next to you, then you’re not getting hit by the projectile, but by the explosion it created where it landed. When the hero has grenades thrown at him in war movies, he has to grab the little meatball and throw it back, not sweep up the individual bits of shrapnel and throw them back after it exploded.
Also poison grenade is unblockable, which is the only grenade that you can’t reflect or block.
[NA]Rank 71 before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch OG Moltres, 10k Champion Brawler, Team PZ