If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Merciless.5349


Crossfire : Fire an arrow. Bleed your target if you hit them from behind or from the side.

Damage: 134
Bleeding: 3 s (128) dmg
Combo Finisher: Projectile (20%) Chance
Range: 1200

Notes: Attack speed is approximately 0.5 seconds per attack

Are you sure you’re thinking of the same Crossfire that everybody else is talking about? And you’re not biased even though you play a Shortbow Ranger? You don’t have to defend yourself to me with your elite attitude when you speak for the 99% of the competitive community while the rest of us are bad.

I don’t know if half of you only read the OP and then go on a crusade to defend yourself and your class, or you actually read the whole thread and still think you can justify these types of things happening.

Stop resorting to class warfare and devolving the thread in to troll comments and attacks.

You have people who have mained Ranger since the beginning telling everybody how stupid easy it is to do this kind of stuff. You have Thieves doing the same kind of things. Look around for a bit. There’s some of it in this thread too.

If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: teviko.6049


Yes, please work on ranger. 1/3 of our overall DPS is in our pets. Our stupid pets who can’t figure out terrain, cannot attack while moving, who have low health and survivability, and oh yeah, don’t perform their F2 attacks reliably.

Yes, fix those and the new thing people will cry about are THAT PET IS SO OP!

Face it, rangers are stupidly broken, so we can only invest in SB. Longbow has its place in WvW, yet I don’t hear people crying about it. Longsword rangers do significantly more damage than a sb crossfire spam, yet I never hear anyone cry about slice…

GS was sorely nerfed and if you are using in HJ, you are hurting only yourself. I’ve yet to be killed by a GS ranger.

Axes, longswords, and shortbows are the only weapons that work reliably, with SB’s being on top because of all its utility. Axes don’t have near the range a SB does, longsword 1* skill has a component in its chain that self roots you, limiting this weapon to 1 person (while the first attack in the chain can attack all in its arc)
whiel short bow can bleed, daze/stun, evade, cripple and poison.

If that isn’t a superior weapon to what we currently posses, I dunno what else is. Bad rangers make all rangers look bad, but the good ones while have you going? WTF??

By the way, I run SB, but I don’t run QZ. Figure out how I kill you :p Guardians are by far my easiest prey.

If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Shame Unload was gutted to be totally useless, the tears over an Unload crit build would have been epic entertainment

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: neoxide.7320


OP makes a good point after all, are classes able to spam/rely on a single ability to win fights? Can a skill be used in a way that will end up successful even if the player is no good at PvPing without using that skill? If so, should that be considered broken?

I will say yes. Good warriors and thieves don’t use 100b, PW, HS spam but a lot of not-so-good ones do and they’re more than successful against players of equal or greater skill.

There are a lot of elitists who expect players to avoid everything, because it is possible to avoid all of these facerolled abilities. However that does not make them any less overpowered and for the sake of balance people should not be criticized for pointing out overpowered skills.

If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Nkrdbl.8160


Good warriors and thieves don’t use 100b, PW, HS spam but a lot of not-so-good ones do and they’re more than successful against players of equal or greater skill.

I wholeheartedly disagree. Had you said that good warriors and thieves don’t rely on those skills perhaps I would have agreed. I am a warrior and I use a 100b build that I have been using since release, but I wouldn’t say that I completely rely on 100b. I happen to thoroughly enjoy my build and have a lot of fun using it.

To say that I’m a not-so-good warrior just based off one of my weapon choices is outrageous. I never “jumped on the greatsword bandwagon” or anything of the sort. As I mentioned, this is something I’ve been using since the release of the game and don’t feel it necessary for me to change how I enjoy playing it. It does annoy me that players like you, Neoxide, feel that I should be labeled as a not-so-good warrior just because of a certain skill.

I think you should rethink your post.

It says “incredible”.

If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


If a person is building around a certain skillset or means of damage? Not really. Obviously, the more versatility you have, the harder you are to counter because you’re less predictable but if you’re really good with something, be it a skill or weapon set and someone builds around it…well, I don’t really begrudge them.

EDIT: I should also make the note that you can build around a certain skill and still have enough knowledge of your class to not necessarily rely only on it. I have a S/P thief. They have PW. Do I use it? Sure. Do I use it exclusively? Not really, I actually can do fair enough damage in a fight with smart positioning and set up, with just my auto attack.

So even if a weapon set prioritizes a certain skill (say, by making it one of the only real burst skills)…you can use that without making it a crutch.

(edited by Sharpclaw.7510)

If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Asmodean.5820


Assumingly class A can achieve the result that class B, C etc can do by just pressing one button while the others need to weapon switch and press several buttons then class A has a time advantage simply because it can fire off more abilities in the given time.

We can discuss now at length if it is “op” , however it is certainly “bad game design”.

The weapon switching I do on my necro and attunement switching on my ele cannot by compared even closely to playing e.g. my thief. It is like playing Beethoven (for the former) and Old McDonalds had a farm (for the latter)on my keyboard.

If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Tinius.1380


Are you sure you’re thinking of the same Crossfire that everybody else is talking about? And you’re not biased even though you play a Shortbow Ranger? You don’t have to defend yourself to me with your elite attitude when you speak for the 99% of the competitive community while the rest of us are bad.

Yes I’m sure, no I’m not biased, and actually I didn’t want to bring any “elite attitude” in here. What I was saying is that a normal player won’t die to an opponent who will only press his Crossfire button as ranger. And I’m not even taking your statement by word. I know you don’t literally mean that someone could only let his ranger auto-attack and win, but what you are saying is that a ranger shortbow build is lame and consists of “spamming” this one skill, which is just wrong in my eyes.

I don’t know if half of you only read the OP and then go on a crusade to defend yourself and your class, or you actually read the whole thread and still think you can justify these types of things happening.

Stop resorting to class warfare and devolving the thread in to troll comments and attacks.

I read the whole thread before I posted, and if there is anything like “class warfare” in here, it’s thanks to your OP and idea behind the thread. I just wrote that shortbow ranger wasn’t a “spam 1 skill build”, which can hardly meet any definition of class warfare.
Look, my problem with your thread is the following:
You obviously got once killed by a ranger and saw “Crossfire” to be on the sole top of the damage list, concluding that Crossfire was an overpowered skill. I joined the discussion here to correct you and make clear that a ranger with shortbow would actually have to use a lot of different skills and swap weapons to be effective. I backed up my statements with logical reasons, whereas you have explained nowhere in this thread why my arguments were false. Instead of that, you accuse me of “going on a crusade” and devolving your thread. Furthermore, you permanently repeat yourself by posting your opinion without having reasonable arguments (the only one being “I’ve got killed once by XXX. Have you never?”). From that kind of statements, anyone could read that you have never tried out the build yourself, which is the main reason why I don’t give your opinion any credit. Highlight of this flat argumentation is how you refer to some “people who have mained ranger since the beginning”, which neither gives you a better basis for arguments nor represents the opinion of the community as a whole (for example, I know ranger players who think shortbow requires a lot of skill to play – but that shouldn’t be used as an argument here).


If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Manji.3801


Let me ask another question:

If people die in only 1 skill, are these players noobs?

If people only spam 1 skill to play/win, is that skill broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


Assumingly class A can achieve the result that class B, C etc can do by just pressing one button while the others need to weapon switch and press several buttons then class A has a time advantage simply because it can fire off more abilities in the given time.

We can discuss now at length if it is “op” , however it is certainly “bad game design”.

The weapon switching I do on my necro and attunement switching on my ele cannot by compared even closely to playing e.g. my thief. It is like playing Beethoven (for the former) and Old McDonalds had a farm (for the latter)on my keyboard.

so your upset cuz a class is easier to play?