If stronghold mode gets retired ...

If stronghold mode gets retired ...

in PvP

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


I’m absolutely okay, if this mode gets retired respectively transformed into conquest, but what about all my Mist Champions? Will there be some kind of refund? Especially if someone has everything unlocked.

If stronghold mode gets retired ...

in PvP

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

Why would it get retired? its not ideal for ranked, but its a perfectly fine alternative that gives a mix of pve and pvp.

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but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

If stronghold mode gets retired ...

in PvP

Posted by: Wickedesigns.1287


Fun game mode. They need to expand on it, not retire it. PvP needs more options, not less.

If stronghold mode gets retired ...

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


It’s not getting retired, just removed from ranked. I’m fine with playing it unranked, I’d rather play an arena I like unranked than a chore ranked. As for the mist champion, I have all unlocked and all skins, if another one gets released I’d buy and do the reward track. Stronghold is the only arena in PvP I like, I’d rather keep my mist champions unlocked and keep playing it unranked than have it retired and get refunds for everything.
There have been two Conquest maps added recently, even if it would always be unranked only I’d love to see another Stronghold one. Never actually liked Legacy Of Foefire when I was doing Conquest but a bigger map of it for Stronghold might be good. They obviously couldn’t have the same layout otherwise it would just be Battle of Champion’s Dusk with a different scenery. It’s side points are The waterfall and quarry, the middle point is the graveyard. Maybe if there was a Stronghold map based on it could have the supplies appear at the sides and Mist Essence in the middle, would be interesting when two sets of essence appear. Graveyard seems to be the place where it would be though.