Im getting flames because i play Thief
kittens being kittens. Just block them and play what you play.
about your feedback, that we don’t even read it.” ~ Crystal Suzuki
It’s a typical human behavior, blaming others is very common. “People says that someone is still worse than me, my mistakes will be overlooked”.
Im getting also much flames but i don’t give a kitten about that. Im decent with this class and yes Thief is utterly UP but i doesn’t reroll to a faceroll easy peasy class like Rev and Co.
Stick to your prof…
Tell them: it’s better to be a honest thief than a traitor/bandwagoner/FotMplayer Rev/Tempest/DH/Druid/Scrapper/whatever…
And play as you have never played before because thief is underpowered. I feel really sorry for them as I stated in my many posts.
And any ways: I rather want a good thief in my party than a kitty DH or Tempest or “invincible” revenant.
My 2 c
When on Thief-
So long as my team can follow instructions, take and hold home/mid, then I can do my support/decap role and we’ll win.
When my team can’t babysit a point and/or dies loosing mid etc, it’s a road harder traveled -_-u
I wouldn’t flame anybody for the class he plays but tbh I’m happy about every game without a thief.
Thief just can’t team fight in the current meta (or at least most players can’t) making it effectively 4v5 even if he is good and contributes by capping and ganking.
The problem is you have to play different with a thief in your team and barely anybody is able to do so. I myself am not very good at this either (not in gw2). So I simply like it much better not to have to play around a thief in my team.
All in all nothing wrong with playing one though. Saw a few very awesome thiefs and warriors this season. They are rare but there.
Just play Thief the fun way- slamming people with your full burst for no reason. Then play Thief the smart way when you wanna win- hit and run. Time cooldowns, bait em, memorize the very small window (comon, e-spec cooldowns are a joke), soon as you know something is down go to town.
But avoid revs- eye for an eye will kill you every single time. Infinite range taunt, pfffft.
When on Thief-
So long as my team can follow instructions, take and hold home/mid, then I can do my support/decap role and we’ll win.
When my team can’t babysit a point and/or dies loosing mid etc, it’s a road harder traveled -_-u
So basically, if the other team can’t do the most common tasks in conquest mode then you can’t play thief. I think that’s with any class on a team without any ability to play conquest correctly. You can’t carry bads, no matter what class not even rev.
When on Thief-
So long as my team can follow instructions, take and hold home/mid, then I can do my support/decap role and we’ll win.
When my team can’t babysit a point and/or dies loosing mid etc, it’s a road harder traveled -_-u
You dont play thief though
Thief in a 1-3-1 starting split can work effectively if you’re in an organized team. That arrangement in a solo pug is extremely risky because you must rely on mid not wiping in a 3v4, assuming the enemies went 4 mid.
If the solo q pug team has a bunker, then having a thief who knows what he’s doing can work devastatingly well.
A lot of players are judgmental based solely on the “meta” without fully recognizing the strengths non meta classes can deliver.
When on Thief-
So long as my team can follow instructions, take and hold home/mid, then I can do my support/decap role and we’ll win.
When my team can’t babysit a point and/or dies loosing mid etc, it’s a road harder traveled -_-u
So basically, if the other team can’t do the most common tasks in conquest mode then you can’t play thief. I think that’s with any class on a team without any ability to play conquest correctly. You can’t carry bads, no matter what class not even rev.
Yup. You can be on your biggest, baddest, meta build main and if you roll a team who doesnt know how to rotate, or can’t live for more than a few seconds, you’ll lose.
So play whatever as long as it fulfills its roll.
When on Thief-
So long as my team can follow instructions, take and hold home/mid, then I can do my support/decap role and we’ll win.
When my team can’t babysit a point and/or dies loosing mid etc, it’s a road harder traveled -_-u
You dont play thief though
I’ve been running this for the occasional tier
Ok so, if the team doesnt have a bunker, what would the role of the thief be?
EU Scrub
Instagibbing the squishiest squishy.
Ok so, if the team doesnt have a bunker, what would the role of the thief be?
You could run a condi thief setup, that has some survivability, and decent 1v1 against a lot of the roaming classes.
Or you could continue running your roaming burst build, under the assumption that you can 1v1 the enemies roamer, and out rotate them.
Which isn’t a terrible assumption.
Daredevil burst thief vs a Chrono Shatter mesmer, isn’t a guaranteed win for either side.
Gravity well certainly gives the mesmer an edge if you’re caught in it.
But you have 3 dodge rolls, don’t get caught in it.
My suggestion is to roam out during the pregame, and see if you can’t tell what the enemy is running build wise. See a greatsword or a torch on a mesmer? You can pretty much assume it’s a shatter mesmer. And build accordingly.
Condi Daredevil thief, in my opinion, can shut down shatter mesmer completely 1v1. So if you need to hold a point, you’d go for that.
Other wise, go for burst, have someone else hold the point, and +1 on that mesmer if he roams far.
about your feedback, that we don’t even read it.” ~ Crystal Suzuki
Instagibbing the squishiest squishy.
So, basically, only other thieves.
When on Thief-
So long as my team can follow instructions, take and hold home/mid, then I can do my support/decap role and we’ll win.
When my team can’t babysit a point and/or dies loosing mid etc, it’s a road harder traveled -_-u
You dont play thief though
I’ve been running this for the occasional tier
Uhh I can’t even….
I paused now for 5 Months and came back to gw 2. Today i played my first PvP Game and getting ridiculous flames because i play thief. They say this class is unplayable. What’s going on here?
LOL try playing warrior
One spam to rule them all!
Mains Power Necro for team Radioactive[dk]
thief is 10 times better then warrior tbh
friendly reminder thief is trash tier pvp. not diving deep into topic, there is mathematical proof thief traits are very weak value.
If some one don’t understand why thief is bad, and why team is flame you – problem still in you and not in team.
GW2 – will be always Flower of the month game and not a play to get good at it.
they flaming u becouse u are the football player who goal his own team. once more, playing thief is like playing with autoatacks only
If some one don’t understand why thief is bad, and why team is flame you – problem still in you and not in team.
GW2 – will be always Flower of the month game and not a play to get good at it.
I heard tulips were meta
Do you guys (who flaming the OP) remember the good ol’ days when a good thief could change the game and win?.
I do…
It’s not his fault that everybody and their mother’s dog plays unbalanced cheese kitten what pushed the thief out of the RANKED meta (it’s still a good pick in unranked…).
Just remember this when the Rev/Chrono/DH(what I play)/Tempest/Scrapper got nerfed and get suddenly soft-countered by teefz.
Happy Guardin’!
well, if you were playing unranked, then F those guys, but if you are playing ranked, I think it’s okay if ppl expect others to play builds that work. Thief atm just doesn’t work if you’re not 10times better than the other players and even then you’d probably still play another build you’re not that familiar with and do much better.
Perhaps it is because you’re a bad thief?
L2P issue.
Welcome to GW2 LOL! I play necro almost exclusively and have been kicked more times than I can count from dungeons until recently. xD
Guess it’s thief’s turn haha
well, if you were playing unranked, then F those guys, but if you are playing ranked, I think it’s okay if ppl expect others to play builds that work. Thief atm just doesn’t work if you’re not 10times better than the other players and even then you’d probably still play another build you’re not that familiar with and do much better.
exactly this, i like my thief that much i play unraked just to get away with playing it with out some try hard telling me to re roll lol
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Head over to the thief forums, you will hear it form their side of things…
Essentially, thieves can’t deal with the current meta, and if not in the meta, the class is considered garbage by some – hence getting flamed.
I’ve been grouping with a thief I met in a match recently in Emereld division. He consistently outs ores everyone, rotates around the map like it’s nobody’s business and is an excellent plus one when I babysit the home point. He isn’t built for team fights on a point, which can be slightly problematic if he gets caught in them but jeez, he wrecks a backline and those low hp players running away to regen hp.
Probably won’t work at the higher divisions, but at least he’s someone I know that will rotate when he sees home node contested on the mini map and decap far when he can, instead of some of the window lickers I get to play with in the dizzying heights of Emereld.
The said truth is this…. Before HoT came out, people didn’t want a thief on their pug team. It would only work as part of a highly coordinated team.
Now, after HoT, people don’t want a thief on their team ever. Please a different class if you want to do ranked.
I am getting flamed all the time when I play thief or warrior for the achievement points. Block and move on is the answer.
Those are the people that get too high on their horses.
Simply put, the Meta as set by ESL (while obviously effective) does not apply to pugging, wether it’s ranked or unranked.
It’s because pugs cannot communicate an therefor can be “easily” outrotated by something such as a Thief.
While it’ll obviously be harder in higher tiers where you can expect people to rotate better simply due to their experience, it’s certainly possible to be effective and efficient as a Thief.
Granted you’ll have be pretty much flawless, but it’s possible and there’s a fair number of good and well-known thieves in high tiers that still play Thief in pug matches and are able to make it work.
I personally start matches with the question: Do you guys know how to play with a Thief on your team?
Usually it’s enough to predict our win/loss chances of the answers.
Expect to get flamed a lot (or people will report you, afk/leave game because of you), but if you’re good, either your team or the enemy team will send you some kind whisper with a little praise in it.
(edited by Vornollo.5182)
There is a hate for thief. Unless your nailing it and your teammates aren’t kittens youll get flamed. I’ve seen thieves carry games and get blamed for losing even though someone was fighting off point the whole game or just running into 2v1s
revenant – Hoogles Von Boogles
Mesmer – hoogelz
I haven’t gotten as much flame as most others seem to get but I do get quite a few people who seem to believe they can play thief better than me (until I carry them that is). Have had a bit of flame but nothing too serious. I’d say stick with your prof and show those kittens what a good thief can do!