Immob now stacks in duration...

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


The thing that gets me is that people don’t understand how immobs work as far as condi clear goes.


Unless they changed it this patch, immb is ALWAYS the last thing cleared with condi removal. Always. It does not follow the standard first in last out rules that condis get.

To the guy saying “get more condi clear and deal with it”, you clearly have zero idea what this change implies and should honestly learn what immobs are before you try to tell me to L2P.

This is legit the worst change I think I’ve seen in a very long while MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


The thing that gets me is that people don’t understand how immobs work as far as condi clear goes.


Unless they changed it this patch, immb is ALWAYS the last thing cleared with condi removal. Always. It does not follow the standard first in last out rules that condis get.

To the guy saying “get more condi clear and deal with it”, you clearly have zero idea what this change implies and should honestly learn what immobs are before you try to tell me to L2P.

This is legit the worst change I think I’ve seen in a very long while

The only thing that has been delivered, consistently, to the pvp population is this statement: After every patch, “this is the worst change I think I’ve seen…” can be said with 100% certainty.

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


And a picture says a thousand words. Ignore the hate in chat :P

It’s even worse in wvw… You can quite literally infinitely stack immob on something

Also, if I’m correct in saying they haven’t changed how immob clears with condi clears then this long kitten immob is gonna stick.

Attachments: MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


Immobilize is a dumb idea and a desperate attempt to make aura share teefs viable, which ultimately makes the game much less enjoyable as well as reducing the skill cap over all.

GG for another amazing balance patch, ps: is it me or every-time karl balances something, the games breaks ?

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


People whine about evade spam, and immob stacking addresses that. People whine about not being able to run burst vs. condis and immob stacking, again, addresses that.

Immobs can be cleansed, and while they are lower in priority to cleanse there are a lot more factors that go into cleansing, such as the support you get from being on a point with a shout guardian/warrior, whether or not you’re bringing Melandru runes, taking advantage of diff trait options, etc.

O Eggs,
I know exactly what Immobilization is and the only reason I am not going to go further than that in my response to you is because you are doing this game a big service by streaming on GW2PVPTV along with Cmc that frankly I think you two ought to be paid for, given the time you’re putting in.

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Immobilize isn’t hard to deal with, it’s just kind of backwards progression.
Afterall we could say hard CC stacking solves evade spam, lack of burst, so on and so forth, but if hard CC stacked you’d progress the game backwards on a conscious level.
I don’t think this a casual change either, I am not well invested in GW2 and play other games. Immobilizes and CC don’t stack where I choose to roam, but I can still co-ordinate with other individuals to lengthen the amount of time someone is shutdown.
GW2 just decreased the value in timing (while it is not completely removed).

The great forum duppy.

(edited by ensoriki.5789)

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Hard CC locking was bad because only a few classes had practical stability cooldowns, so it promoted more exclusion. Everyone has condi clear and can dodge the skills they use for immob though, so it’s more possible to defend against that with more classes than Stun locking.

The Engi rifle immob is a giant net flying at you.. Throw bolas is a flying string thing… If a Warrior has LB out you know they want to hit you with Pin Down, etc.

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709



people whine about evades from weapon skills spam, and immobilize does not deal address that.

thinking about it, immobilize stacking is not even a PvP related change, it was probably done for PvE since immobilizes meant nothing on bosses and champs, since it would get replaced and cleared instantly

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Well that limits their options to just their weapon skills instead of permavigor 4 straight dodges with Feline Grace or 50% endurance regen right?

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


you can use all evade skills while immobilized

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

People whine about evade spam, and immob stacking addresses that. People whine about not being able to run burst vs. condis and immob stacking, again, addresses that.

You do know that a lot of a thief’s evades can be used while immob’d, right? So no, it doesn’t address that issue.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Even if you only have a slight immob on a thief that’s using Withdraw or Roll for Initiative(LOL if they do) they’re made out of tissue paper…

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


an argument could be made that immob stacking actually reinforces evade spam, teleport skills, and condition immunities

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Why did you just change your method of delivering your argument half way?

The Engi rifle immob is a giant net flying at you.. Throw bolas is a flying string thing… If a Warrior has LB out you know they want to hit you with Pin Down, etc.

You start with the animation of net shot, Throw bolas and then change to if theres a longbow out. There’s a stark contrast there. Which isn’t to attack warriors, but you’re trying to reinforce a point by using something at odds with it.

I actually don’t think you’re on the same topic as me. You’re mentioning hard CC locking but CC has not stacked in GW2. If you’re talking about the previous War situation that’s a seperate thing.

Once again; If we CC stack so that a 1 second stun/knockback/ had it’s duration increased by another subsequent one to 2 seconds for example we’d be reducing the level of conscious play to achieve optimal shutdown time on a powerful state in the game. It’s what has been done with immobilize, you can feel it’s fine, I feel it puts the game backwards from the level it wants to be at. It’s no skin off my back, as I don’t take GW2 very seriously, and others who are against it may do so but why would you decrease the level of thought put into a strategy when it’s not even particularly difficult on a basic level. Someone said it before it justs “Dumbs down” the game, games shouldn’t be unnecessarily complex, but immobilize wasn’t complex to begin with, so it’s in poor judgement to me to take this route.

I don’t recall claiming an issue with the level of evasion in the game or being able to land a hit (until Pistol whip was nerfed, but they’ve already said they’ll address that) to justify immobilize stacking. A thief could prior to patch get 12+s of immobilize on an individual if they wanted to (but there were more appealing options) through chaining his immobilizes to prevent overlap without just throwing them out. Even above decreasing the level of thought, on a base level when condition removal is not a factor it just makes it easier to compact your damage as you don’t have to decrease damage output to maximize support. Kind of increases the level of spam you’ll do in the game.
Eg, devourer venom optimal use? attack once, wait ~2s, hit again, maximize CC to ~4 seconds (without residual venom) thats 4s of lock for your team on an individual. If you just hit twice you’d reduce the effect, getting more damage in but locking them down for less time. Now you get maximum benefit while still being able to get your maximum damage in that timeframe.
Chaining immobilize will still be useful, just much more rarely and given as I’ve seen the amount of players who care to begin with, it’ll appear even less so in ideal situations because the game doesn’t have enough people who would care to do so.

tl;dr: It’s Anets game and they can do what they want, but why would they decrease the thought process on something that didn’t require a hefty amount to begin with?

thinking about it, immobilize stacking is not even a PvP related change, it was probably done for PvE since immobilizes meant nothing on bosses and champs, since it would get replaced and cleared instantly

That only reduces the quality of strong PvE team work though.
In this other MMO I am playing, That CC in PvE would have diminishing returns, which prevents everyone from spamming their CC and makes the encounters more thought out. I don’t find this a negative experience at all, so from a PvE standpoint I don’t know why PvE players would.

The great forum duppy.

(edited by ensoriki.5789)

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


lovely thing about gw2 shack, you can take a player names, try to find how many games they played (not even ranking), and then decide how serious to take their opinions

its not healthy for the game when there are players who will argue everything just for the sake of being right, it’s misleading for the readers and really unhealthy for the game. js


Sadly quality seems to haev been reduced for quality, GW2 hasn’t rewarded player skills on any aspect of the game for a while now, they have been focused on making the game as easy as possible. It seems Anet is focusing all their resources on making the game as casual as possible instead of taking advantage of its full potential

(edited by google.3709)

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


venom share thief new meta

Devourer venom 6 secs+ of immo by yourself, imagine it chained.

I mean lol.

Thieves have a new super OP build, at least this one requires skill.

Time to give arcane thievery a chance then XD

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Oh the leaderboard argument holds up when the person you’re looking up just came back to the game.

So you complain about the leaderboards and then use them to complain about someone calling out complainers…

You’re addicted to it man gotta drop the habit. As good as you guys are at the top of the leaderboards, you sure do kitten and moan a lot.

(edited by jmatb.6307)

Immob now stacks in duration...

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Unless they changed it this patch, immb is ALWAYS the last thing cleared with condi removal. Always. It does not follow the standard first in last out rules that condis get.

Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t know that. IMO, this would be the first thing to fix then. I can’t see any reason not to revert the change entirely, but I’m usually willing to try things for a week or two before passing judgment.

Making it harder to cleanse than other conditions does not make any sense at all, though.