More constructive feedback regarding sPvP, in no particular order. No trolling please.
I’m open to alternative suggestions regarding these.
I might get slightly whiny at times, but I think you’ll be ok.
1) Immobilize.
I feel that Immobilize should be broken by abilities that break stun. The differences between Immobilize and Stun are so slight that it almost feels like a redundancy to have such an effect in the game. Immobilize is arguably a more powerful form of CC due to the fact that it is not easily cured by most classes without sacrificing a utility slot for that purpose alone, and also due to the fact that it is generally a much longer duration.
2) Downed state(s).
After doing a few tournaments, I’ve come to the conclusion that I actually like downed state. However, there is a striking imbalance between a few classes that really needs to be addressed.
Thief: Decent downed state. I’ve managed to save myself from getting stomped while a team mate was reviving me numerous times by using the stealth.
Guardian: Decent downed state. Plenty of opportunity to knock opponents without Stability back and get yourself back into the game.
Necro: Decent downed state. Fear is nice CC, plenty of opportunity there. Damage is about where it should be.
Mesmer: Decent downed state. Their clone ability only fools idiots, however, their illusions (duelist, swordsman, etc.) should be despawned upon being downed. This gives Mesmers a relatively immense advantage.
Elementalist: Useless downed state. Mediocre damage at best, absolutely no way to prevent yourself from getting stomped other than hoping your opponent accepts bribes. Give them some form of knockback or something at least.
Engineer: I don’t play one, but honestly, their downed state seems to suck pretty bad. This is perhaps fair given that their turrets and other numerous dumbfire abilities are still operational after they are downed. If their downed state was any more powerful, it might be too much.
Warrior: Give Vengeance to every other class, replace it with an AOE CC of some sort (adjust traits accordingly), increase damage taken by 3-4x, or get rid of it. Dumb ability is dumb.
Ranger: AOE interrupt is great. Should not be able to stack bleeds while downed though. I would add maybe a 1/2s stun component to their AOE interrupt, remove the bleed from the spammable attack, and call it a day.
2) Mesmer dumbfire pets.
I feel that dumbfire (and only dumbfire) pets should be immediately despawned upon downing the player that summoned them. This is mostly just to address the absurd amount of damage that AI-controlled Mesmer pets are capable of doing.
We do not have infinite amounts of endurance to dodge around Mesmer duelists using Unload while trying to stomp them. These pets either need to die in one hit (one hit-points, you hit them AT ALL, and they die instantly), or need to be rendered inactive once the Mesmer is in a downed state.
This would resolve a severe imbalance issue while not screwing over classes with player-controlled pets (Rangers, for instance) that rely on their SINGLE pets for a downed state mechanic.
3) Thief sword/pistol.
I play a Thief, I use a Condition d/d+sb build. I have used s/p. It’s lame.
Nearly spammable immobilize coupled with a spammable stun + Haste (Quickness) + trait Quickness proc + sigil Quickness proc = Completely overpowered bursty build with too much CC.
Yes, I am whining. Infiltrator’s Strike + Pistol Whip + Quickness is lame, and unless you have 3 utility slots of stun breaks on <5s cooldowns (lol, kitten?), you can not compete with the chain stuns of Pistol Whip due to its short reuse.
Or the Thief can just use Immobilize on you, in which case your stun break is useless (see point 1) and you get Quickness+Pistol Whip’d to death anyway.
4) Mesmer ‘Moa’ elite
I wish I had an elite skill that guaranteed me a free kill every few minutes.
’Nuff said.
5) Thieves Guild
No Scorpion Wire.
Not only do these two dumbfire AI-controlled pets hit like a truck, they also get to drag you around (incurring a brief stun), which is more than enough time to get destroyed by any decent Thief.
While not as powerful as Moa, it’s still too powerful of an ability the effort required to use it. (None, seeing as everything thee pets do is AI controlled.
In conclusion:
I tried to be as constructive as I could here.
I complain about Mesmers a lot, huh?