(edited by Oracle Fefe.5078)
@Immobilize and Quickness
Please don’t offer bads the ability to spam an exectution move that was designed to be used when an enemy is low hp as a finisher from 100% again and think they are good because they can. Yes it is a little odd that immob is counted as a condi and not a cc, and yes quickness can cause ruthless burst on classes that run it. However, most quickness builds are also put on glass cannons, so if you time your dodge/condi remover,you can punish them while everything of theirs is on CD.
Please don’t offer bads the ability to spam an exectution move that was designed to be used when an enemy is low hp as a finisher from 100% again and think they are good because they can. Yes it is a little odd that immob is counted as a condi and not a cc, and yes quickness can cause ruthless burst on classes that run it. However, most quickness builds are also put on glass cannons, so if you time your dodge/condi remover,you can punish them while everything of theirs is on CD.
Apologies if the heartseeker comment was strange in any sort of way. It was just a random suggestion since thieves have been getting the nerfbat at the moment.
My main gripe with Immob, besides for not being an actual stun, is that stability does nothing against it and it is very popular and widely used. Melee classes that don’t focus on something akin to bulls rush + HB 100 to 0.
My main issue with Quickness is that it is combined with either a stun or a condition.
-If I choose to pack two offensive utilities and stun break OR cc removal then I risk Immob/Stun respectively and get 100-0ed.
-If I choose to pick one offensive utility and both, then I kitten my own playability in either single or multi-target CC. I guess I’ll have to play as that for now. Have to admit this is a venting thread too.
Oracle Fefe.5078Apologies if the heartseeker comment was strange in any sort of way. It was just a random suggestion since thieves have been getting the nerfbat at the moment.
They didn’t get any sort of nerfbat, they got one skill reworked, a unique on to them that scaled damage with the amount of heath the target on the receiving end had which was supposed to increase in damage as health went down. The problem was the damage between the 100% start and 33% max damage was only like a 150 damage total difference, so it could be spammed reguardless of health. The damage scale and % life it scales to, makes it the viable execution move it was made to be, also it still has gap closing capabilities.
Immob can be annoying but the only ones that last any lengthy time are the ones caused by utility spells, meaning if you break out of their long immob with yours, their sufficient immob on you is rendered useless until it’s back off cd as well.
Quickness skills generally have a fair cost to them. Haste drains your Endurance completely, for example. Which means that you need to be darn sure that you’re going to get that kill or else your ability to dodge or potentially flee the fight if needed is severely hamstringed.
That, and many of the abilities that benefit from Quickness often root the player. That’s why they’re used with Immobilizing skills in the set up. If you have a skill which removes Immobilization (and there’s a lot of options), then you can escape the attack without too much effort.
It’s only a problem if a) you’re caught unaware and if that’s the case, well…you’ve earned the ambush, really or b) when two players are attacking but that’s just as much a numbers thing or even a matchup issue as much as anything else.
That, and as someone said, these skill combinations are generally (and there are exceptions to the rule, obviously) run by characters that sacrifice their durability for DPS output.