Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Isabis.9561


I don’t know if this was intended by design, but it’s true. I do not think it was intended, because some classes have a very low CD immobilize, while none has such a low CD stun.
You can’t break immobilize as often as you can break a stun, some proffs cannot even break it. It does one thing u need most from the stun, it makes you unable to dodge.
I 1st started playing as a ranger and I thought only rangers have this problem, but later i realized that almost nobody can break immobilize.

(edited by Isabis.9561)

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: teviko.6049


I don’t know if this was intended by design, but it’s true. I do not think it was intended, because some classes have a very low CD immobilize, while none has such a low CD stun.
You can’t break immobilize as often as you can break a stun, some proffs cannot even break it. It does one thing u need most from the stun, it makes you unable to dodge.
I 1st started playing as a ranger and I thought only rangers have this problem, but later i realized that almost nobody can break immobilize.

thieves can. Only class i know of where immobilize is listed as a ‘specific’ condition removal.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Colton.9460


Warriors with a warhorn can remove all movement impairing effects and grant swiftness for themselves and allies at the same time with our #4

“I’m watching you violate my game mode”

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Yezhik.2071


Immobilize is a condition, which I hope gets addressed and changed to a stun/daze and allowed to be removed by break stuns + countered by stability.

Yezhik – Guardian

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

A hammer/mace warrior could potentially stun you every 5 seconds by alternating burst skills. Warriors can also trait to have movement skills break immobilize.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Vile.5678


My personal change for immobilize would be so you can rotate in position when immobilized. As of now, when immobilized you are stuck facing one direction for the entire duration. If the opponent is smart enough to get to the side or behind you, then you most likely cannot fight back at all, which is frustrating especially for ranged classes who could fight back at the very least. A lot of classes have mass condition removals, or at least ways to deal with immobilize right now, so nerfing it too hard might be a bad idea imo. I also have builds in various classes that use immobilization, and other techniques, so seeing it get nerfed would make me sad, as I would be forced into a play style I don’t like if I wanted to remain effective.

Warrior – Whrawl
Thief – Radderic
Mesmer – Smash Kablooey

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


LoL the worst is CC is this pushing/pulling efects. IT SHOULDBE DELETED. Works like stun and daze + u CANT use skills when standing up/flying into wall.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Warrior says hi. Mobile Strikes on Discipline, abuse that and immobilize isn’t a problem for Warrior. The ideal builds that is. Any Warrior with half a brain will just Whirlwind attack or Rush out of immobilize. Maybe even Savage Leap.

I can see how immobilize can wreck Rangers and maybe even Thieves, but it shouldn’t really be a “stun” considering Rangers can still fight back and Thieves don’t have to be immobilized in the first place.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: teviko.6049


Warrior says hi. Mobile Strikes on Discipline, abuse that and immobilize isn’t a problem for Warrior. The ideal builds that is. Any Warrior with half a brain will just Whirlwind attack or Rush out of immobilize. Maybe even Savage Leap.

I can see how immobilize can wreck Rangers and maybe even Thieves, but it shouldn’t really be a “stun” considering Rangers can still fight back and Thieves don’t have to be immobilized in the first place.

rangers can’t fight back, because anyone who uses immob as a tool in their arsenal will also get behind you and burst you, and your helpless to do anything else other than stand there and take it.

Unless they don’t know how Immob works and stands there in front of you, however:

a) thieves do it from behind
b) mesmers are immune to damage from the front
c) every other class either is to hardy to really care about frontal positioning, or
d) doing it from ranged.

Rangers have Lightning reflexes which shoots them backwards and gives them a small endurance regen buff. However, it dosn’t work with immob. Nor does dodging, nor does the shortbow 3* skill.

Out only hopes are signets which have erroneously high CD, or healing spring.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Daays.4317


Not really.

You can still use evasive skills during an immobilize. You can still attack/cast abilities. You can still teleport while immobilized.

Being stunned means you can’t use any abilities, except stun breakers.

If you’re fighting against someone and you make sure you’re always in a good position, immobilize is largely ineffective. However a stun is always effective.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196


No; there are too many stun breakers.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: teviko.6049



No, you CANNOT dodge while immobilized. You cannot use Lightning reflexes (which is a stun breaker) or use.

Rangers do not get teleport skills, or blocks (except with GS and how many GS rangers are out there?)

The only thing we can do is stand there and whimper helplessly while we get mowed down by frenzy using warriors or thief burstiness.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


You can use abilities that cause you to evade while immobilized. If they don’t specifically break the immobilize, you simply roll in place and are evading during that animation. You cannot dodge while immobilized. Many, many abilities remove immobilization above and beyond condition removal. Condition removal is also very effective as well, just remember that condition removal works on a last in first out system. Teleportation abilities also help you move around while immobilized. Immobilize can be used a lot like a stun, when your opponent is behind you. There is a lot of misinformation in this thread.

b) mesmers are immune to damage from the front

Nothing can make a Mesmer only immune to damage from just their frontal point of view. All Distortion effects are flat out invulnerability. You should really play a Mesmer, not that I’ll make any comments on their balance, but you clearly don’t understand how to play against one.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

(edited by Ayestes.1273)

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Immobilize and stun are meant for two different things. Immobilize is meant to prevent opponents from moving, stun is meant to prevent opponents from moving and to interrupt them at the same time. Stun is basically immobilize and daze put into one skill.

A simple ‘remove condition’ skill will remove immobilize, but protection and invulnerable are also a great help against it. You can also still deal damage and teleport while immobilized.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: teviko.6049



I realize that it’s distortion, or else i wouldn’t have said mesmers are immune to damage (maybe I should have said ever from) the front.

I play a mesmer, in PvE and not PvP. I can’t quite master the PvP mechanics, but I do know mesmer mechanics. I know what distortion does and how it weaves together with immobilize. (illusionary leap (cripple), swap (immobilize) Blurred frenzy (2 1/2s of distrotion (basically immune to all damage for that time period). Chained together with F4 and that mesmer can rack up soem hefty distortion time.

I know…I play that trump card in PvE all too often.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Ah okay, yes the “front” keyword there threw me off completely.

Yes they can have hefty distortion time, but it’s not like they are unbeatable. I hardly play my Mesmer anymore.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


It was my opinion since beta that immobilizes are too strong, in most cases they ARE better than stuns.

Simply because of the unreliable ways to remove it and the fact that it’s duration can be so long.

My Longbow warrior build just 30 points in the Power tree will have a 4 and 5 second duration immobilize on 16 seconds or lower cooldown, that’s ridiculous.

Ranger’s are a great example of how stupid immobilize can be, they’re a class that get’s extremely boned by it. They have no RELIABLE ways to remove it, and their stun breaks won’t do anything. Yeah a single evasion that’s nice but when you have 4+ second immobilizes it won’t mean anything.

If condition removals prioritized Immobilize, atleast then they could be a reliable counter.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


It does, if it was the last thing put on you. I’ll admit though, condition removal that isn’t instant kinda blows.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: teviko.6049



No, at least for rangers, it doesn’t.

I have popped a healing spring, seeing a thief coming at me I knew 2 things. One, I was going to get immobilized, and 2, I was going to get poisoned. Set my traps and sure enough ‘pop’ ‘pop’ goes my traps (he’s still in stealth too) I fire off my skills, and begin my dance and while I am still standing in the healing spring, I have immob and poison on me.

Nothing was cleared, and I of course, I died.

Only time this ever seems to work is if I get immob and they die, its still on me and healing spring is active

I shouldn’t have to be out of combat for healing spring to remove these two conditions (at least with poison, I ‘can’ be out of combat and it still won’t cleanse it…kitten bugged skills)

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Isn’t immo a condition, meaning that it’s removed by anything that removes conditions? I am pretty sure I’ve transferred someone’s immo back onto themselves before.

I think this thread is mainly “rangers have bad condition removal options” more than anything about immo itself.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273



No, at least for rangers, it doesn’t.

I have popped a healing spring, seeing a thief coming at me I knew 2 things. One, I was going to get immobilized, and 2, I was going to get poisoned. Set my traps and sure enough ‘pop’ ‘pop’ goes my traps (he’s still in stealth too) I fire off my skills, and begin my dance and while I am still standing in the healing spring, I have immob and poison on me.

Nothing was cleared, and I of course, I died.

Only time this ever seems to work is if I get immob and they die, its still on me and healing spring is active

I shouldn’t have to be out of combat for healing spring to remove these two conditions (at least with poison, I ‘can’ be out of combat and it still won’t cleanse it…kitten bugged skills)

Well I think Healing Spring removes one condition every three seconds. If Poison and Immobilize were applied at the same time, there is no telling which one would be removed first. In this case, you were probably removing the Poison and not the Immobilize. It is last in first out algorithm, I’ve tested it and seen many other test it rigorously.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

Immobilize is one of the primary reasons my Mesmer goes blink, and another good reason why I go Lyssa set/Mass Invis.

Without them, Immobilize can kill a Mesmer quick.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Fantom.9217


Immobilize is very strong purely because it is on a low cooldown compared to most knockdowns and stuns.

I really, REALLY think that you should be able to dodge while immobilized.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: teviko.6049


Immobilize is very strong purely because it is on a low cooldown compared to most knockdowns and stuns.

I really, REALLY think that you should be able to dodge while immobilized.

not only is immobilize bad in and of itself, but after it wears off, you have to ‘manually’ reinitiate movement in order for movement to begin again.

In other words…you are going forward, get immobilized, get beaten up a bit, but live (and your still holding your movement keys or trying like crazy to dodge) once the immob is off, your still stuck where you are, irregardless that your holding down your movement key, or trying to dodge away…you have to tap your movement keys a few times before movement becomes responsive again.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


It does, if it was the last thing put on you. I’ll admit though, condition removal that isn’t instant kinda blows.

Not when conditions get spammed CONSTANTLY just for little procs or just on attacks that apply them.

You’ll almost ALWAYS have another condition cover an immobilize nearly instantly.

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


I definitely think immobilize is too strong. I think most immobilize effects should have double the cooldown they currently have, and last half the amount of time they currently do. I think the bigger issue is immobilize combined with quickness and burst abilities.