Immobilize too good

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Yezhik.2071


Atm immobilize is by far the strongest condition.

Some say chill, some say weakness(wtf btw) but think about it.

Immobilize can’t be taken off with a break stun, and stability doesn’t counter it.

It takes LAST priority on condition removal…. even if immobilize was applied last, it still gets taken off last.

It stacks in duration…and when you got a lot of conditions on you, it’s impossible to get it off.


Yezhik – Guardian

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

There are certain traits that help with removing immobilize when you heal or use a movement skill etc.

I think that the conditions are fairly close in power, except for vulnerability which could use a boost to its effect.

It depends on the situation too, If I am going to use a heal I’d rather be immobilized than poisoned, if 3 people are going to bash my face in i’d rather be poisoned than immobilized so I can move and kite.

Both immobilize and poison are very good conditions in my opinion.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Yezhik.2071


I agree on the poison, and when you put it that way, it does seem situational.

My only problem with immobilize atm, is that it’s a movement impairing condition. Other movement impairing conditions, like daze, stun etc, can be removed and countered by stability.

Also the fact that immobilize is last priority in any situation means that the target can have 3 conditions on him, i can pop immobilize, and 100% he’ll just sit the and we’ll whack on him…granted he doesn’t dodge at the time of my cast.

Yezhik – Guardian

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: nldixon.8514


I agree with you on immobilize. It trivializes a lot of fights.

I main a Ranger and Entangle is about as close to an “I win” button as you can get in many situations. Especially with a pet that applies it’s own immobilize, like the widow.

Another problem with the condition is that you can’t change your facing when immobilized, so traits like Flanking Strikes and weapons like the shortbow become incredibly powerful.

[Edit: Speeling and grammar.]

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


Entangle is just stupid OP imo (and I also main a Ranger). The reason it’s OP is because of a bug, though. Very frequently the game considers the roots to be behind the player, and because you can’t turn while immoblized, there’s no way to damage the roots at all. Hence you eat a full 10 second cc and a massive bleed, which is just silly.

They need to fix that bug, and they also ought to consider letting people turn when immobilized in general, because it’s unquestionably the strongest condition, and that change would impact its effectiveness without making it useless.

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


It takes LAST priority on condition removal…. even if immobilize was applied last, it still gets taken off last.

Also the fact that immobilize is last priority in any situation means that the target can have 3 conditions on him, i can pop immobilize, and 100% he’ll just sit the and we’ll whack on him…granted he doesn’t dodge at the time of my cast.

I’m sure you’re mistaken. There is no “priority” to conditions. Can you cite any sources stating otherwise?

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196


Immobilize is the strongest condition.

By the way, Vulnerability is not that weak. High damage builds can get a lot out of it.

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Yezhik.2071


Milo, i’m not sure how to quote you, so i’m just gonna reference you here.

While I do not have any sources or citations to prove what i’m saying, I did however, hold posting this until I was 90% sure. I do a lot of tpvp, got to rank 20, just doing tpvp( I know it’s nothing impressive, but i’m just trying to show you what I mean when I say a lot of tpvp)and every time i have immobilize, with 2 other conditions( i have 3 condition removals in my utility, as a guardian) immobilize is always last to be removed. It doesn’t matter whether you apply immobilize, poison, bleed… or bleed,poison, immobilize…Immobilize would always be the last one to get cleansed.

Yezhik – Guardian

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Maybe you are confusing the end of the condition queue with the front?

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Ya, immobilize is way OP. Stun/daze aren’t bad at all even WITHOUT stun breaks cause they never last that long. I’ve been immo like 6-8 seconds by a warrior and was basically had no choice but to sit there and die. Whenever I get immo I quit the match. Have no problem with dying but not if I can’t even defend myself.

The point is, even with stun breakers there’s no stopping them from immobilizing you again. Even in RuneScape if you stop someone from moving and try to do it again right after it says they’re immune to it for like 2-3 seconds.


Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: nldixon.8514


I don’t feel GW2 needs diminishing returns. Most CC skills are so short and have CDs that are long enough (and a lot of CC breaking skills have short CDs too) that you don’t ever really feel like you’re locked up forever.

Immobilize is the exception. Longer durations and fewer ways to break out of it makes it feel like a nightmare for most classes.

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231


I believe it’s a little bit bugged which helps with its power. Sometimes after it wears off I have to button mash in order for my character to respond again. I’ve seen others report the same thing. And I know it has a rendering bug. Sometimes it’s applied, but the chain effect doesn’t appear. You have to look at the bar in order to tell. Hard to differentiate it from a stun, so removing it becomes either painstakingly long, or a 50-50 shot assuming you bring both a stun break and a cleanse.

In terms of CC, it is without doubt the most powerful. It lasts longer than stun, and it prevents turning which anyone with half a brain will use it, then go behind you to attack, effectively making it a mini-stun. No dodging, no fighting back, just trying to AoE and heal. This combined with the difficulty in removing it makes it a superb CC.

To the guy above me: DR isn’t there for 1v1, but for multi-person battles. Two people with a few CCs can effectively lock someone up until they’re dead. Other games implemented this to stop CC-chaining by 2 people. It’s extremely effective in any situation if you have the coordination, and very frustrating for the person on the receiving end.

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: PeteyPen.7136


I like immobilize. Except for when I’m the one whose immobilized. >.>

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Once a ranger gets immobilized he is done for.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Cheyenne.1085


Try playing engineer. There’s a trait that makes you invisible when immobilized. Can’t even begin to express how many times it’s saved my life.

There’s also elixr C which turns all conditions into boons. Definitely helps with immob.

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: KogarasuMaru.7036


Eles laugh at immo. Then again when death comes smiling, all we can do is smile back.

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: teviko.6049


Once a ranger gets immobilized he is done for.

^^ and its like this with many classes.

Immobilize is unaffected by stability, is considered a condition (yet mobs who have stability are immune, go figure) and things that break stun do not affect it.

What’s worse is the delay in your character resuming movement again, sometimes you have to push the movement key 2-3 times before you resume movement, even if the condition has been removed.

We already have chill, stun, daze, cripple, KD, KB…what the kitten…why do we absolutely need immobilize for? The worst part about it is that you cannot turn to face target. If that was implemented, would be much better, but not by much.

suggestions for immobilize:

a) allow stun break to work against it
b) give classes immobilization removals (I know thieves have one)
c) allow turning while immbolized
d) allow stability to counter immobilized
e) get rid of it

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Fungalfoot.7213


Yes, let’s nerf immobilize into the ground and destroy the one thing main hand dagger is good for on necromancers.

No, this needs to be done on a class to class basis if it is to be done at all.

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: teviko.6049


f) once you have been immobilized, you receive a stability buff for 6s (immob is now affected by stability).

I personally like b) d) and f)

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Yezhik.2071


Yes, let’s nerf immobilize into the ground and destroy the one thing main hand dagger is good for on necromancers.

No, this needs to be done on a class to class basis if it is to be done at all.

You can’t possibly be serious. Immobilize affects all classes, and the condition itself, in fact BECAUSE it’s a condition is the problem.

Yezhik – Guardian

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


we have different ways of control and different ways how to counter them..

do i need to go deeper? or is this sentense selfeplanation?

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: aleiro.8521


I’m not sure i think they main problem that i have with it is that it still roots you if you have stability.

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


Of course its not countered by stability.. because if it would be – then we can just rename stability to immortality.

There need to be different ways how to CC your oponent and different ways how to counter this CC

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Yezhik.2071


Of course its not countered by stability.. because if it would be – then we can just rename stability to immortality.

There need to be different ways how to CC your oponent and different ways how to counter this CC

But there is no different cc….there’s CC that gets countered by stability…then there’s immobilize…

And because there’s so many conditions and every profession does at least 1 if not 2 types of conditions, immobilize is almost impossible to take off.

Yezhik – Guardian

Immobilize too good

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


It would already help greatly if i could just turn around atleast. Getting chain immobilized is a simple matter of someone standing behind you. And it might aswell be a stun for all intents and purpose. Only, a stun would be better since its actually easier to break.