Impossible to rank up solo w/o MMR tanking
Almost tempted to tank MMR. Played 7 games, won 4, lost the other 3. I’m back to square one. The system tries too hard to get you to stay in 50% range. Before i lost my streak, i had a match against a real tough premade. We won, but I already guessed that the next match was gonna be the combo breaker. Had the same match against the same premade, only this time we had 3 confused players.
Why not make the matches progress? If I’m up to 60% win rate, make me play with people that have the same win rate as me. Would make for a more balanced match. That way when you tank MMR, you get matched with low MMR players, but you also get low MMR teammates. Maybe pair it with something else like division. You get matched with people of the same win rate and same skill level.
Almost tempted to tank MMR. Played 7 games, won 4, lost the other 3. I’m back to square one. The system tries too hard to get you to stay in 50% range. Before i lost my streak, i had a match against a real tough premade. We won, but I already guessed that the next match was gonna be the combo breaker. Had the same match against the same premade, only this time we had 3 confused players.
Why not make the matches progress? If I’m up to 60% win rate, make me play with people that have the same win rate as me. Would make for a more balanced match. That way when you tank MMR, you get matched with low MMR players, but you also get low MMR teammates. Maybe pair it with something else like division. You get matched with people of the same win rate and same skill level.
Yea… I’m seriously considering to start with MMR tanking , at least until they overhaul the entire League system. I hate doing stuff like this, but atm I feel like it’s the only way of making progress…
Ban hammer incoming
Ban hammer incoming
Don’t think so, good luck banning all the pro teams and players abusing this system. With such a small PvP playerbase they won’t risk banning people for abusing the kittenty system they created.
Ban hammer incoming
As a pvp player in different games (dota 2, sc 2, WoW in Wotlk, Destiny, BF3, etc.)
I find it extremely hard to tank. Even when you go into a game with the mindset that you just in it for fun or you go in it to lose (tanking mmr), I always end up being competitive and playing for keeps. Old habits die hard.
By all means ban players who tank. I’m not liable for this offense, i hope this culture ends. I can live with the current meta of power creeps and bunker teams but this mindset is downright stupid. I see desperate players playing for rewards rather than playing to improve their skills.
I wish they either used MMR or the pip system, the mix of the two is just brutal. If I’m facing people who are rated in pip tiers above me and getting a 50% win rate, I should be at that pip tier. Instead I can’t move effectively and am punished (in terms of tier progression/legendary progression) by having a higher MMR. It just doesn’t make sense.
Ban Hammer will only work against the absolute dumbest of players. Its astonishingly easy to tank your MMR while making it look like you’re trying.
I havent done it because i refuse to play much PvP for the time being while all this cr*p is going on.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
After several hours of win/lose, up/down matches at Emerald, Tier 1. I finally hit Tier 2. And the only reason it happened, is because right after getting a 2 pip win, The next match, the other team had a disconnect.
This is how you climb the ladder.
Emarald Tier 1 seems fine (won 5 times in row there), Amber I won 11 times xd Guess i was behind schedule (thus my skill level better then the people being emerald). I hope this cotinues, but i’m afraid for it.
And getting a pip for winning against DC? plz. I know DC can be abused to counter rewad, but oh well. We were 30 points behind all match, had a crazy intensive mid point battle, where we rallied, revived, hard ressed, downed enemy who got up again, like for 3-5 mins, and then again. After 8 min we finally completely broke tru and won the mid battle. We were 30 points ahead finally. Then our mesmer at close dc’s (he had been fighting also non stop). The revenant fighting the mesmer gets a freecap, we can’t split properly to hold points and tada, other team wins. With mesmer in place, would have never happend. We went from 460-430 (we in advantage), to 472-500 (disavantage), purely because dc.
And enemy gets pips for that? That’s pure cheating imo. It’s to bad it can’t be implemented to stop it (cause everyone would plug internet cable to force enemy without pip).
If this is the reason why Ruby people are Ruby then I gotta question their skill set.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
I’m over halfway through emerald….. and the biggest problem is being put with people who have no kittening clue what they are doing for all of amber and the first half of emerald.
Now, I’m finally starting to be put with other players who at least have some notion of how the game should be played….
…but if you solo q, you are going to have to suffer through a 50% win/loss ratio, and ram your head into that wall over and over and over until you break through.
They should honestly save our rankings when the season ends. for next time… and not force players to claw over eachother to get out of the kittenhole gutter tier all over again.
The best way to avoid this is to team q until you make it through amber and emerald.
Lesson learned, I suppose….. but at least I know what to do for next time.
I didn’t tank it on purpose….. but believe me…. getting matched with people who don’t even know how to leave the spawn, really helped me with that.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
If this is the reason why Ruby people are Ruby then I gotta question their skill set.
Had a few matches with ruby players. Feels like Ruby is the new dragon rank.
Ban hammer incoming
No way. A ban hammer would mean that ANET would actually need to do some work. I think the balance team is in charge of bans. Maybe they can add a tool tip talking about the bans.
I’m a soloer at sapphire T3 without MMR tanking.
It’s more about patience and persistence than anything else.
I’m a soloer at sapphire T3 without MMR tanking.
It’s more about patience and persistence than anything else.
its true bois patience and presistence is the key, 7 hours later i finally gained 1 pip road to esports is real.
If i had a stick for a player i didn’t tbag i would have a quaggan .__.
Do it the not so obvious way (while still being obvious)
Get 5 venom share thieves with SR and just spike and run
Lols a bit, go back, spike and run, lol again.
Or make a team of 5 moa mesmer and try to see how many time you can moa someone in a row. (or with focus/GS 5 and throw/pull them everywhere on the point)
I don’t feel bad, mmr tanking was the second objective of just having fun after 3 kittening day of stress gaming where I could play for 7 hours and be back to the same kittening starting point…
They forgive top players whom abuse this but ban ordinary players like you.
Now i didnt tank i simply switched to thief class and im not very good at thief.
Let me just say that i must of loss 12-14 games in a row. I really tried to win since thief was a daily today and i wanted to get it over with. I got my win finally switched to me ele for the other daily and then went on to win 3 straight and got 2 pips for 1 of the matches.
So you guys can be the judge of it. I never tried to lose i, simply tried to get my daily on thief and i lost 12+ games in a row and then went on to get to t5 of emerald something i have been able to do the past 3 days before switching to a class im not very good at.
Lol, dailies can be done in Hot join you know? No need to screw over other people just because of your selfishness.
Lol, dailies can be done in Hot join you know? No need to screw over other people just because of your selfishness.
seriously what do you want me to do?
I was playing on my staff ele and i posted on this forum how i lost 2 pips against players of a higher rank then myself. I posted a picture of me on a team winning a 4 vs 5 and getting 1 pic.
I posted a picture of my last 10 games twice and im winning 3 then losing 3 then winning 3 and losing 3. the thing thats killing me the most is seeing people with sapphire and ruby icons after a match i beat them 1 vs 1 and in 2 vs 2 situations and my team still loses and they are quote um quote better then me.
Im running a pre Hot build earth-water -arcane and i know im doing my fair share in the fights and im watching these other people go into a fight and lose with a higher rank then me.
Seriously why shouldnt these people have to carry me? If im forced to play with below average players and ANET not wanting to show players the personal MMR. Are you saying i shouldnt play ranked simply because im not great at this class when ive have over 6k games and anet couldnt help but put me up against full premades the first 2 weeks of the PvP season.
I use to say every thing evens out and try and defend the system here. You see how bad its gotten though. Also i might point out that in these matches i won my fights as a thief. I won a 1 vs 2 vs a bad druid and a bad thief yet i didnt win that match either. Me being not as good on thief as i am on other classes didnt mean i wasnt better then other players. Simply i cant carry those who cant do anything for themselves.
Regarding mmr tanking:
How about you just play stock GW2 warrior and try your best?
According to, the game is balanced and normal specs are just as viable as elite specs, right?
As for me, I’ve been having a blast lately just chopping opponents to bits with a greataxe warrior. My advice for anyone who feels the need to drop their mmr is: Just stop caring and enjoy yourself for a while. There’s some profession specific achievements, you could shoot for, right?
Once you get back to your regular build, I’m sure, you will miraculously manage to zoom through the divisions and that effect will obviously be down to you being more relaxed after enjoying yourself for a bit.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
I wish they either used MMR or the pip system, the mix of the two is just brutal. If I’m facing people who are rated in pip tiers above me and getting a 50% win rate, I should be at that pip tier. Instead I can’t move effectively and am punished (in terms of tier progression/legendary progression) by having a higher MMR. It just doesn’t make sense.
Exactly. You should have 50% win rate once you reach the tier where you belong to, and higher than that in lower tiers. It makes no sense to kitten uyour progress because you consistently win against crappy teams. Your progress should stop once you reach the tier you cant consistently beat.
But anet knows better, ofc.
i teamed up with some low mmr dudes and gave them real time advice during the matches and carried a bit myself. got me half through emerald.
might be a viable option, dunno. completely solo it’s close to impossible to advance through divisions. either you face premades or you get clueless teammates.
I’ve played only solo-q and made ruby pretty easily (I haven’t played a game over the weekend but pretty much massgamed the other days since leagues started) and I haven’t tanked my MMR or abused the system in any other way.
You just have to play what works now, if you play sth. other than condi-rev, tempest, bunker mesmer and maybe marauder engi/bunker-druid (worse than the 3 others, but playable), you’re gonna loose.
i guess your mmr can’t have been that high to begin with …
i personally made ruby on a smurf account with zero matches played in 3 days. ez pz. the problem is if you’re a player with a rather high mmr you can’t just roflstomp noobs all day. everybody is playing the strongest builds (and many of them coordinated) if you get into higher mmr.
Regarding mmr tanking:
How about you just play stock GW2 warrior and try your best?
According to, the game is balanced and normal specs are just as viable as elite specs, right?
As for me, I’ve been having a blast lately just chopping opponents to bits with a greataxe warrior. My advice for anyone who feels the need to drop their mmr is: Just stop caring and enjoy yourself for a while. There’s some profession specific achievements, you could shoot for, right?
Once you get back to your regular build, I’m sure, you will miraculously manage to zoom through the divisions and that effect will obviously be down to you being more relaxed after enjoying yourself for a bit.
Funny, that’s exactly what I did.
Played 81 games on a warrior, went 13-68, never made it out of T1 emerald.
Switched to dragonhunter, went 23-3, now in sapphire.
Envy – Fort Aspenwood
I think your personal play even in a loss has great affect on pips. I had a victory. Gained a pip. Lost 4 in a row but i scored highest for my team in points and most of the other team for that matter. Lost one pip. Next game i won and gained 2 pips. Won the next game and gained 3 more. So i lost more than i won. But gained more pips. Anyone else have this?
I think your personal play even in a loss has great affect on pips. I had a victory. Gained a pip. Lost 4 in a row but i scored highest for my team in points and most of the other team for that matter. Lost one pip. Next game i won and gained 2 pips. Won the next game and gained 3 more. So i lost more than i won. But gained more pips. Anyone else have this?
how many pips you gain/lose depends solely on the difference in mmr and/or divisions/tiers between you and your opponent.